NextJS vs CRA - In 30 seconds

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next js is as simple as create react app you have a pages folder for pages you can store assets in the public folder and import them with relative urls it has seo in mind static site generation is done with two lines of code and it behaves like create write up if you do nothing version 10 as api routes and web vitals tracking it's used by the biggest projects you can deploy to versailles at zero to minimal cost it's being optimized every day it's the easiest way to build production-ready websites there is no downside and a ton of benefits it has stellar documentation tons of examples and you can get started with my videos for more
Channel: Alex the Entreprenerd
Views: 2,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strapi, stapijs, strapi.js,, strapi notes, strapi course, strapi tutorial
Id: M4ut0pl4Y5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 34sec (34 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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