Build a FullStack Ecommerce with Nextjs, Strapi, Magic and Stripe
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Channel: Alex the Entreprenerd
Views: 119,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strapi, stapijs, strapi.js,, strapi notes, strapi course, strapi tutorial, Magic, Ecommerce, Stripe, NextJs, NextJS Ecommerce, Static Site Generation, The Ecommerce Site, NextJS Static Site, Strapi Static Ecommerce, Strapi NextJS
Id: 385cpCpGRC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 48sec (9048 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
be aware Magic is paid or with ads :(
I only just checked out Magic for 15 mins and read through some of the docs but I couldn't see how it doesn't just place responsibility for password protection onto your email provider (and thus isn't really that secure).
The docs mention making sure that the device you check the email on and the login request device are the same but that's not secure at all imo, what am I missing?
I was looking to do a headless e-commerce solution for a small business and I donโt see how Magic adds a benefit for the client? Looks expensive.