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welcome to the channel where you can cook with confidence now if you've been following the channel for a while then you know that i absolutely love chili oil and the chili oil that was filmed in my previous episode is amazing in its own right but that is really just a starting point so today we're going to take that to the next level now don't be intimidated by the amount of spices you might need the process is actually really really simple first off you'll need a glass that you know is heat proof and this is about three cups we're gonna be using two cups of oil and the rest will be for the spices now alternatively if you're not sure or not confident that your glass is heat proof you can also add the spices into the pot of oil and let that cool and then add it into your jar afterwards frying pan two star needs quarter teaspoon cloves one teaspoon sichuan peppercorn one stick cinnamon four cardamom pods two bay leaves one teaspoon black peppercorns medium heat toast the spices for a couple of minutes [Music] [Music] set aside add half a cup of gochugaru or korean pepper powder into your glass jar one tablespoon white sesame seeds these are toasted white sesame seeds now if you can't find ones that are already toasted of course you can toast them in the pan with the other spices 2 teaspoons himalayan pink salt [Music] toasted spices [Music] man that is not only beautiful with all the amazing colors and layers but the aroma is already amazing we haven't even heated up the oil yet oh amazing four pieces of garlic roughly chopped [Music] small piece of ginger roughly chopped three sticks of green onion roughly chopped [Music] right so in terms of oil we're going to use a avocado oil today and it is a neutral tasting oil which will be ideal for this chili oil now i have received questions on if you can use olive oil and if you've been following my channel you know i absolutely love olive oil maybe a little bit too much and you definitely can use olive oil it might just have a very strong olive flavor but that doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing if that's what you'd like then definitely is okay small sauce pan 2 cups avocado oil [Music] onions garlic and ginger medium heat [Music] when it starts to bubble turn it down to medium low and simmer for 15 minutes [Music] carefully strain the hot oil through sieve [Music] add a splash of black rice vinegar to the jar [Music] carefully pour in the oil [Music] give it a stir and let it infuse for at least half a day you can store it in the fridge for up to a few months but i like to keep mine in the pantry since i use it quite often you can now make this beautiful red oil with absolute confidence man that smells really amazing it's just so aromatic you can really smell the spices that went into that and it smells really smoky from that korean pepper powder the gochu karu and i mean it just looks beautiful it's that beautiful beautiful ruby red color unmistakable and it really has infinite amount of applications you can add this to whatever you want just to give it that smoky a little bit of a spicy kick absolutely love it i mean that is so easy to put together and i remember when i was a kid i would love the chili oil you would get at the restaurants and i mean who knew it would be so easy just to put together at home absolutely incredible by the way if you're new to the channel welcome i'm glad you're here be sure to pick up your free ebook that i've put together just for you that has five super easy unintimidating plant-based recipes to help you get started with cooking today i'll leave a link in the description box below where you can check that out plus watch the entire first class of the new plant-based sushi making masterclass you can check that out in that same link and as always remember to subscribe hit that notification bell so you won't miss a single episode [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Yeung Man Cooking
Views: 344,078
Rating: 4.9495578 out of 5
Keywords: how to make chinese chili oil recipe, chinese chili oil recipe, intense chili oil recipe, chilli oil recipe, homemade chili oil recipe, how to make spicy chilli oil at home, spicy chinese chili oil recipe, chinese red spicy oil recipe, 辣椒油, spicy ramen oil recipe, red pepper oil recipe, chili oil tutorial, chinese chili oil how to, chiu chow chili oil recipe, gochugaru korean pepper powder, how to make chiu chow oil recipe, yeung man cooking, wil yeung
Id: oYz9GNg-8tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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