Ashes of Creation Naval Content (Everything We Know)

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hello hello and howdy everyone my name is moonman and today we're going to be talking about everything we know about Naval content in ashes of creation that's right you'll be able to Traverse the high seas engage in large scale combat PVP and PVE no longer will you be landlocked like most the MMOs we've been playing for the past 20 freaking Years you'll be able to hijack ships engage in raid bosses even Ram other players ships with your own ship all on the water it's something that I'm particularly excited about I think it's great that we are going to be fully immersed in the world and that doesn't just mean the land that's the water too it's the whole world all of Ashes of creation all of Vera is for us to take uh how this actually came about is during the kickstarter all of you contributed enough money for them to say hey we're going to go ahead and open up Naval content as well and that's something that will be developed uh I believe the stretch goal was 1.5 million and uh if I'm not mistaken the kickstarter did blow past that so without further Ado we're going to dive into everything we know about Naval content with ashes of creation from PvP to PVE underwater Dungeons and so on this includes Coastal nodes Naval nodes all the Dynamics around wind tides and everything else so let's go ahead and Dive Right In pun kind of intended Naval Combat oh yes there are a variety of different ships that we'll be able to use there are different sizes of ships and a lot of these are actually going to come into play when it comes into our PVP and PVE Dynamics I think the whole idea is that different ships are going to fulfill certain niches and when it comes to combat on the water you might have the leg up if you are using X ship versus y ship kind of so on and so forth I think from the team's perspective is that they have an idea that these ships are going to alter how you engage in battle both PVE and PvP with these various types of ships they will hold different numbers of players and we are going to dive a little bit deeper into ship types A little bit later but something to keep in mind is that certain ships will have uh really different abilities some might be able to crowd control uh something that I've seen is that there will be harpoons on certain chips and there's really only those two examples being able to Ram other people being able to use harpoons but they haven't really gotten too deep on this so I think the team is still very much working on this before they uh release more information but for from what I can put together Naval PVP and Naval PVE are going to be somewhat similar to what we see on land and it seems like the idea is to really take all that you can do on land and make it available on the water as well let's start with PVP and from what it seems like is that PVP on water will be similar to Sea of Thieves or at least that's the closest proxy I can think of uh as a range player you will be able to fire off shots and abilities at your enemies however it seems like the main goal is really to sink other players ships uh that said there will be the ability to hijack other players ships though there isn't a lot of information on how that mechanic works specifically but what we do know is that if you do hijack someone else's ship you'll be able to hang on to it for a certain period of time but since we all technically have to build our ships uh you won't just be able to hijack someone's ship and now you own it right you'll have a certain time period in which you will be able to control that ship and after that certain time period is over with I guess effectively it'll go back into the enemy's inventory or something of that sort additionally if you sink an enemy ship many times there are going to be multiple players on that ship all those people on that ship will basically be marooned in the middle of the ocean uh once you destroy a ship it becomes a wreckage and all those players really have two choices as far as how they get back to land number one they can die basically they can just drown themselves and they will pop back up on land and resurrect there or number two they can swim back depending on how far out you are it may not be the best choice to swim back you could be spending 20 minutes uh just swimming aimlessly in the ocean I personally really like the design choices that the team is going for with Naval PVP specifically because it makes you really think about the risk and reward of doing battle at Sea you can either waste a lot of time swimming or when you die you end up getting experienced de so once you get back to land you end up wasting time trying to get that extra experience for background whenever you die in ashes of creation you get what is called experience debt which is basically just adding 3 or 4% extra experience to your experience bar to get that next level so you really have to decide hey do I want to waste the time swimming back or is it worth it to just take the resurrection and and waste that time trying to level up and kill more monsters and so on a little more background there is no recall function in ashes of creation so you really are locked into one of these two options I guess the third option is you might have a friend with the ship who can come pick you up uh you know maybe we'll go ahead and start the Uber app for ashes of creation uh no one take that idea I actually think it's a great one we're going to go ahead and do that forget I ever said that are you stranded at Sea did someone sink your ship while you were minding your own business do not fret do not worry for the ashes water woer will give you a little back to land we charge a flat rate so don't think we're too expensive for you don't waste all your time swimming back to shore when you can skip the headache and get a comfy ride back home we'll provide blankets food water and even a fire to warm you up after your embarrassing scuffle ended so poorly that's right I don't know why we have a fire on our ship but we do give us a call and we'll save you today Ash's water woober is a moonman business any similar business is not endorsed by by moonman and is likely a worst service Ash's water woer is your only choice for a high-end ride to take you away from your sunk ship I forgot to mention that ships will be able to do damage to both players and structures so I do wonder if there is going to be uh quite a few destructible things while you're on the water overall we don't actually have a ton of information when it comes to Naval PVP or Naval content as a whole that said I do want to dive into PVE one thing we do know is that the team wants all of the things you do at Sea to be very adventurous just like you were on land they want you to be able to do a lot of the same things in a very unique way because obviously you're on the ocean you're on a ship you're doing all these different things that are similar at the same time very different because it's on the water let's go ahead and jump into Naval PVE there will be Naval bosses Naval NPCs Naval raids and even underwater Dungeons and if you watch my video on Dungeons and raids from a few weeks ago you'll be very in tune with how these will work so I'm not going to rehash too much of it go and give those a watch if you want a little bit more information as far as that goes obviously there are going to be some key differences between Naval raids and Naval bosses versus land raids and land bosses Naval raids are going to be heavily focused on utilizing your ship and the type of ship that you use is going to alter and change how you're going to engage in that interaction the team has said that they do want Naval content specifically Naval raids and bosses to feel quote epic so they want you to feel like your ship is an important part of what you're doing in that encounter since we know most of the content and Ashes of creation will be open world it creates a really cool and unique Dynamic when it comes to interacting at C I can imagine uh when you're trying to do a raid boss multiple raids all trying to secure the loot tag maybe one of those raids is trying to grief the other raids and get everyone to wipe so they can restart the boss and try and get it for themselves uh also something that I'm particularly excited about is when one of those ships sinks will those players try and go over to another ship and start attacking the boss from there will that even be a possibility there's so much that can happen just with Naval raids and Naval bosses especially with everything being open world and I could not be more excited about it along that same line of thinking which will dive a little bit deeper I swear in just a couple minutes when it comes to ship types is that it seems like the team wants you to have your entire raid on a singular ship but there will be ships that cater to 1 to three players ships for groups of eight as well as ships for raids at 40 players but I do Wonder Hey can a raid bring five groups that are all on the eight player ships to a raid boss is that something that's going to be advantageous back to one of those ships sinking can they then hop on another ship maybe a group of eight brings a raid ship with that allows for 40 people and they then go hop on that ship after their ship has been destroyed we're not totally sure yet as I said before there's not a ton of information on Naval content and that stems with Naval PVP and PVE but I am looking forward to the team unveiling a little bit more information about this before the Alpha 2 comes out uh Naval content is supposed to be available in Alpha 2 from my understanding though it seems a little odd that the team has really said nothing about this the only thing we've seen are raft Caravans that's where you are transporting goods from one node to another node and you need to cross some water that you can convert your Caravan into a raft to then Traverse water and then get back to land to cross the river so on and so forth outside of that we haven't seen much of anything when it comes to Naval content I'm not even really sure raft Caravans play into Naval content at all I mean it is on the water but they only apply to Rivers those raft Caravans cannot go into the Open Seas so I really want the team to give us more information on this because it's one of those elements of the game that to me really differentiates it from everything else of course there are a lot of other elements that differentiate ashes from really any other MMO but this is one of those ones that to me opens up literally the entire world for us to play so I want to see more I want to hear more Stephen if you're watching this give us more tell us about Naval content I want to know where we're at I want to know what we're going to have in Alpha 2 on that note we do know that there are going to be some things that are available in Alpha 2 as far as Naval content and some things that aren't one of those things being that there is supposed to be Naval content eventually in the under realm but at first that is not something that will be in Alpha 2 most MMOs seem to just stop at the water you might be able to interact with the water a little bit here and there there might a singular Zone where the water is incorporated but for the most part you're kind of just landlocked and I love that ashes of creation is bringing people into the water and immersing us across the entire world it's something that again I could not be more excited about that said I do have some concerns about water content when it comes to Performance many of you may not know but water is pretty intensive when it comes to Performance specifically you have things like reflections you have all of literally the water movement the water interacting with objects players and so on as a singular player that may not be a huge deal but when you start to have a 100 200 300 or more players all in the same Zone and all this information needs to be passed from player a to player Z to player F so on and so forth that's a lot of things that you have to pass between and really it's a hump to get over when it comes to being being able to play in the water from what we've seen with a lot of the water that's been showcased is that it does interact with objects and players there's Reflections there's really everything that you want to see out of water to make it feel real but I have a feeling that the team may need to dial it down just a little bit on the Open Seas because I don't have a ton of faith that we're going to be able to pass that much information from me to 300 400 500 or a thousand other players all in the same Zone we'll find out and maybe by the time the game actually comes out we'll be on the 60 series of graphics cards and it'll be no problem at all but I really want people with lesser computers I'll say to be able to play the game as well so I am interested to see what the team has to say about how they're combating potential performance issues with Naval content when there's large scale battles taking place uh like I was just saying we need more information and this is one of those things that I really want to hear the team talk about they've talked about performance and optimization uh they did quite a bit actually in the last update with node Wars and it's something that's at the Forefront of their mind so I know this is probably something they've thought about and they're probably trying to figure out hey how can we do this without degrading the look and feel of everything but making sure that we're able to cater to these large groups large scale battles and all these different events that are going to happen when you're on the Open Seas I know I've alluded to this multiple times in this video and it's finally the time to talk about the different ship types and more specifically the different ship classes similar to everything else with Naval content there's not as much information as I'd like to know but what we do know is that there are three different ship classes you have one personal vessels that accommodate one to three players you have frigs that accommodate eight players or a normal group and then you have gallions that then accommodate a raid of people people so 40 people Al together the thing that we don't know is how many different subtypes go into these three different classes right how many different personal vessels will will there be how many different frigs will there be and how many different gallions will there be and how will all these different vessels have different abilities different use cases and ultimately come into different encounters and play out differently that's really what I want to see is to have a very indepth ship system where you could have 10 different gallions that are going to change how you're going to interact with a raid encounter 10 different frigs that are going to change hey maybe we're going to do a raid with two of these frig types two of these one of that so on and so forth but we do know is that certain classes of ship will require different numbers of crew members to operate the ship so obviously for a personal vessel you will only need yourself for a frig you might need a few players or maybe you'll need the whole eight player group to be there to actually run the ship and for a gallion again it might be a portion of the raid or might be the whole raid I personally hope it's just a portion of the raid uh obviously when you're in a raid encounter it might be a little bit weird to lose a few people and then be just completely stuck that said another thing to note is that you can only summon your ship when you're at a harbor so you cannot sink and be in the water and summon your ship right there on the water you have to be at land and specifically at a harbor to bring your ship out in Alpha 2 we know that only these three ship classes will be available there won't be other differing types of ship classes in Alpha 2 um that said there is no information as to whether or not there are going to include multiple types of these ship classes like I was talking about before I really hope that's the case I don't want to just get on the water and be like hey there's one gallion there's one frig and there is one personal vessel that kind of takes me out of the game a little bit then again it is Alpha 2 right it is so early on in the development that they really have a lot of time to craft all of these different things and make this a super in-depth system there are actually two Last Ship types that I haven't talked about number one there are Merchant ships and these operate similar to Raft Caravans where this is for transporting resources from one node to another node specifically going from a coastal node to another Coastal node you cannot drive your merchant ship in a river from my understanding uh though that might be kind of interesting to see and the other ship is specifically fishing boats so these are going to be used for deep water fishing specifically apparently it's only going to be for uh obviously specific fish but you're going to have to have expensive lures and really just get certain equipment and and prerequisites done to enable you to partake in deep water fishing I've alluded to harbors and Coastal notes quite a bit in this video and I want to take a moment to explain exactly what those are and how they actually feed into each other a little bit of background a note is effectively a player driven town or city and player actions feed into developing that node one big difference with Coastal nodes is the fact that anything that happens at water or on the sea is not actually going to feed into that node it's only going to take into account what's happening on the land bit unfortunate but makes some sense when it comes to harbors and here's why they are connected to Coastal nodes is that a coastal node can choose to effectively take on a harbor initially it will be a quote dilapidated uh Harbor itself or dilapidated point of interest and that Coastal node can effectively take it over and pull it into their ala system for lack of better words one thing that I forgot about Coastal nodes is that there will be nodes on Island as well and these will be Coastal nodes there will be island chains in ashes of Creation with these nodes with these towns Harbors are important for a number of different reasons they will have a a significant amount of influence on the water but they also serve another purpose as I've said before you will need to be at a harbor to summon your boat and harbors will enable you to upgrade your boat build your boat so on and so forth this is also where you're going to get your quests out in the water or for the water I should say these Harbors are also going to come into play when it comes to node Wars node sieges and so on from my understanding Coastal nodes will not necessarily be part of the objective for a node Siege but the harbor itself will be included in some way shape or form and the last thing that I want to cover in this video uh potentially an important thing to all of you is the Dynamics of water we touched a little bit on reflection and things of that nature but more specifically how it affects you as a player and that comes in the shape of winds and tides and so on since again we don't have a ton of information but we do know that there will be winds and these will affect how you move in the water this means that if you're going against the wind you're not going to move as fast it might affect your movement uh and your ability to turn and so on that said when we were watching the raft Caravan preview something that I noticed was it didn't feel like the winds or Tides really played a heavy role in the movement of the raft specifically so I hope to see on water and out in the sea that it's a little bit more of a degradating feel I'll say um what I mean by that is if you played valheim at all if you were against the win it was very very hard to move and I don't think we should go that far but I do think you should be able to feel yourself going slower having a hard time moving having a hard time navigating while you're going against the grain uh because what we saw was you could basically turn any which way and your movement kind of seemed unchanged so the team said that they do have wins but I think they're going to need to really hone this system in to make it feel impactful otherwise it won't feel like it's there at all oh and to all of you that have made it this far into the video I want to say that I will be streaming on Twitch in the next couple weeks and I will be doing it consistently at least a couple times a week and we will be talking about a lot of Ashes of creation stuff so go ahead and check the link in the description below where you'll find my twitch give me a follow that way you'll get notified when I go live I will be locking into a schedule at some point in the near future but I have to figure out my whole schedule before I lock myself in personally go ahead and give that a follow I appreciate it and you'll be able to see me when I go live engage in discussions and we'll talk about everything that has to do with ashes of creation that said thank you all for watching I I appreciate you sticking around this long go ahead and give me a subscribe and a like if you like the video there's a lot more content coming uh I will say I haven't been able to make a video for a couple weeks because I was busy moving freaking everything uh I won't go too deep into that and that's why I have a different background now and I have set up my whole setup in a completely different area so thanks again for watching I appreciate it moonman out here [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Moonmanofc
Views: 853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ashes of creation, asmongold, narc, vlhadusgaming, xillin, vlhadus, nycegaming, kaos and lace, ritchie SH, ashes of creation oddity, ashes of relation, AMA, midnight magic, midnight magic update, ryve genesis, blue squadron, kvasir, cat snievens, azrial, tgftavern, isth3reno1else, reydan, redbeardflynn, ashes of creation community ama, ashes of creation naval content, everything we know ashes of creation, ashes of creation update, ashes of creation node wars
Id: _mfQaDITAoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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