New World ► Ultimate Lifeskills Guide - All Gathering & Crafting Jobs, Everything To Know (2021)

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Bruh, love the videos. Keep that shit up

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/URLooKINatGLORY 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I Have watched your video and I have Really enjoyed it can you check out my videos And any type of feedback will be appreciated.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lets7Play 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
Hello one and all and welcome, to your ultimate beginner's crafting & gathering guide, for New World. I say beginners because since they started revamping the crafting system in January, there's just so many new things that go into these systems now that it's difficult to cover them all in one go. And on top of that we don't have a lot of public footage to reference off of, but during the special expedition event, I made a special reminder in my head to make sure I went over to each and every refining and crafting station, to get enough footage to also make this video too. Now if you're brand new to the tradeskill systems of New World, here's some of the basics you'll need to know. There are a total of 7 crafting related skills, 5 different refining skills, and 5 different ones for gathering. The gear system of New World is separated by tiers, goes from tier 1, all the way up to tier 5. Every tradeskill including the refining and gathering, all have a hard cap of 200. For the equipment side of things, we'll break that down more in a bit, but this game does feature a gear score system that can influenced by the tiers. The first gathering skill we have is Woodcutting, also known as Logging in-game. This is the skill you'll be using to cut down trees, starts off with the young trees that you can cut down right away, and from these you can get regular wood, and semi-rare items such as Petrified Wood. At level 50 woodcutting you're able to cut down mature trees that now start to provide a different kind of wood, known as Aged Wood. One thing to mention as well is to start gathering, you just have to walk up to a node or resource and press E. You do not have to hold it down... After the mature trees we've got Wyrdwood, this is a magical type of tree normally associated with Azoth. One of the magical resources of the island. When you start cutting this, you're gathering resources of Tier 4 in the woodcutting section. And just like the regular trees, you do have some rare resources you can get from time to time gathering this too. Your chances of getting these rare items can be influenced by different things like gathering gear with perks on it, gathering food, and things like that which we'll talk more about later. After wyrdwood, we have the final resource known as Ironwood. These trees are more sparse but considered to be the max tier tree that you'll be able to cut... Next we have mining which is associated with multiple professions, including stonecutting and not just the smelting. Starting off the bat you're able to mine Iron at level 0, Silver at 10, Oil from Seeping Stones at 20, and then Gold ore at 45 and alchemy stones at 50. With iron being tied to professions like armorcrafting and weaponsmithing, and silver and gold being tied to jewelcrafting and stonecutting, alongside platinum and of course, regular stone rocks that you can also mine. Tier 4 starts at Starmetal, gatherable at 100 mining, Lodestone which is a higher tier form of stone at 105, Platinum of course at 110, and Orichalcum which is tier 5 at 175 mining. You probably noticed that the levels for gathering these resources is different from the levels they're tracked at. The tracked at portion means once you get past that threshold, you're able to see these resources on your compass when you get within a certain range. Some resources can also show up on the map, And all of the gathering professions have something just like this... For fishing, this is something that was added last year during the Reekwater update, you can go to any body of water and press F3 to pull out a fishing rod if you one equipped, and you can use fish bait that can be found or crafted, along with fishing hotspots to increase your chances of further success. There are two different types of water you can fish in, freshwater which would usually be a lake or river. And then saltwater which might be associated with marsh or maybe the ocean. Where you fish and what type of bait you use, along with if you use a fishing spot or just a regular spot on the map, can determine what kind of fish you get. And fish is also something you can use for cooking, now once you cast your line, you just play the fishing minigame by reeling it in with holding down left mouse button, but making sure to let go for a couple seconds so you don't snap the line. Rinse and repeat and you'll have yourself a fish in no time... For harvesting, you'll be able to start gathering farm plants as well as hemp, fungi, and magical creatures right away, magical plants at level 30, Silkweed at 100 which would be tier 4, and wirefiber at 175. Now this profession is mainly associated with alchemy and tailoring, but the fungi you gather that can include the prismablooms, can give you pigments for crafting colored dye in the cooking station. And then you can apply that to gear. The magical plants and creatures will give you different resources you can use for magic crafting or alchemy in general, and this will consist of resources like dragonglory plants, lifeblooms, salamander snails, and many more. With any of the gathering professions, the tools also have tiers associated with them just like the equipment. And the tier of the tool can effect your gathering speed, alongside your chance of gaining rare resources just like the gathering food, trophies you place in your house, gear with gathering or crafting perks on it, etc... And the higher you get in both these gathering and crafting professions, it increases your chances of getting rare outcomes in the previous tiers. So like if I'm at 100 mining, and I go back and start farming silver ore in the hopes of getting uncut gems for stonecutting, I might have a better chance of getting those lower tier gems from the node. And finally we have tracking and skinning, this'll be related to any profession that uses hides or animal parts to conduct it's business. Starts off with Small Prey like rabbits, turkies, peacocks, things like that. Now it says that the rest of them are at 0, which it is true for the boars, deer, low level wolves and bison too. But as you start hunting higher level animals, especially like bears, the edengrove wildlife, corrupted animals, things like that and you'll notice that the skinning level requirement will raise starting after about level 25-30+ mobs. Just like the other gathering professions, certain crafting recipes will require rare items only obtainable from certain levels or tiers of enemies. So like you might come across a named or regular recipe that requires a material like scarhide. And then if you look at the tooltip, it'll tell you it has a chance to come from skinning creatures around that tier, both regular and rare. For the refining trade skills, basically these are what we use to connect the gap from gathering skills to crafting skills. There's 5 total, starting with smelting that mainly deals with metal ingots used for various professions, but also allows you to smelt bars used for jewelcrafting, and charcoal alongside that. Early on you'll start with charcoal and bars like silver and iron, and eventually work your way up to steel and gold at t3, and starmetal, platinum, and orichalcum at tiers 4 and 5, and eventually asmodeum as the last one. You'll also notice that there is a material recovery section, this'll be common in multiples of the refining professions, and this allows you to break down higher tier materials to convert them into lower ones for crafting use. This'll be very useful to know because if you prefer to rush to endgame before you begin farming gathering and crafting levels which this method does have it's perks, then any higher tier materials that you get from gathering from chests out in the world can be converted back down to give you a headstart. You'll also notice secondary materials in here for when you actually start the refining process. The flux as they call it, refers to the secondary material you can use to refine the ore. And there's other ones for the other refining skills like solvent, sandpaper for wood, and tanin plus crossweave. We also now have what are known as material converters. These were added a while back in one of the patches, and essentially it allows you to convert one of your current secondary ingredients for refining, into another one. For this you need a material converter item that can only be purchased at a faction shop. This is a useful method because it allows you to take the secondary ingredients you have stockpiled, and turn them into something you really need. Second refining profession is gonna be woodworking, starts with regular timber from the young trees, then it moves into lumber that needs aged wood specifically from the mature trees, wyrdwood right after that as we talked about in the woodcutting skill, and lastly both ironwood and glittering ebony for max tier resource. And again, just to point out the rare resources, with the glittering ebony you'll also need to obtain things that only have a chance to drop from the tier 5 trees to be able to refine this. And like I said, you'll see things like this pop up on the crafting side too. Next up we've got Leatherworking, early on we've got coarse leather that takes rawhide usually coming from the lower tier animals, then we've got rugged leather at t3, layered leather at tier 4, and both infused and runic leather at tier 5. And with this one when it comes to skinning, it can be difficult to know right off the bat where you get the different types of leather from. Well the easiest ones to knock out would be, you'll definitely get rawhide from just about any animal below level 20. And for the iron hide, you'll get that around level 50+ animals, since that'll be where tier 5 technically begins. And then in between that, you'll see thick hide normally associated with animals before 50 but above around 30-35. And then for the fur, because that'll be used to craft specific armor sets, you'll normally find that in about the 20-25+ range... For the weaving, this ones pretty simplistic, starts off with linen that's made with fibers that you'll gather from hemp. Sateen at tier 3 and then silk at tier 4, and the silk threads come from the silkweed plant, and finally both infused silk and phoenixweave for tier 5. And the wirefiber for the infused silk, will come from the wirefiber plants. And then finally we've got ourselves the stonecutting. Which is also more of a crafting profession now instead of just a refining. Stonecutting will deal with refining stone and loadstones into blocks, but also cutting gemstones for allowing you to socket them into equipment, to get different benefits based on the one you put. And each of these gems have multiple different effects that can apply. It's all based around if you put the gem inside of a weapon, or you put it inside of a piece of armor. For example, take a look at this ruby gem. If you put this gem inside of a weapon, you can convert 20% of the damage to fire. The damage will scale off based off the weapon damage or the character's intelligence, whichever's higher. Now there is a system all on it's own behind this, and there's a handful of other elemental gems that do the same thing but for different elements, like aquamarine for ice damage, ametyhst for void damage, but we also have ones like amber that instead stack off focus. So this effect basically gives you the opportunity to come up with battlemage and paladin builds, you can put these gems into melee weapons that don't scale primarily or secondarily off focus or intelligence and still be able to increase their damage output. On the flip side of that, if you put these gems into armor, it would normally give damage absorption for that specific element. There are other types of gems that give completely different kinds of effects, like the malachite that gives extra damage during crowd control, the emerald that would give you increased damage against targets with lower health, things like that. On the other side of stonecutting, we now have the expedition tuning orbs, and arena orbs. Both of these were added not too long ago to the stonecutting profession to increase it's popularity. The expedition orbs are the keys we use to now enter the different 5 player instanced dungeons such as Amrine Excavation, Dynasty Shipyard, Garden of Genesis, and a few more. In these recipes you'll notice a variety of different materials required to make them, and this is a recurring theme in all of the crafting professions when we get to the higher tiers... But the secret is always reading the tooltips on the different materials, they added this a while ago to where it now shows us exactly where to find or make these items instead of you having to guess. And certain materials like material converters, or runes of holding for bags or storage chests, or even these material chisels, can only be purchased from the faction vendor. So even as a crafter, make sure to keep that in mind... And Alongside the Expedition, Arena Orbs now function the same way, where we need at least 1 person in our parties to have one for the group to be able to enter. Crafting some of these items may seem extremely tedious in nature at the moment but that's why it's important to keep giving feedback on these systems, and also when we're initially leveling up, we should get individual questlines to do these pieces of content, and those questlines should give us one of the expedition or the arena orbs for free. Now before we move on to the full crafting section, there's some tips and tricks I wanted to make sure I went over to set you up for success. The first thing is that as a crafter, as we talked about before, all of the tradeskills now have a hard cap of 200. used to be different but over the years there's been some major changes to the crafting system, and you know how the gear system goes by tiers? Well as you progress through the different tiers, like level your crafting up, you start becoming more efficient at crafting items from the previous thresholds. Like if you get to t4, you're gonna start crafting max quality items more often from tier 3. And the quality system works, is that it starts from grey gear, known as common, then we move to green gear known as uncommon, blue gear known as rare, purple gear as epic, and finally orange gear as legendary. Each of these respective quality levels is largely determined by multiple factors such as the amount of perks the item has. A while back it was also made possible for gear to have attributes tied to it, so after you reach level 60 and spend the 190 total attribute points you've accumulated, the rest of your attribute gains are gonna come mostly from gear. And gear is also capable of having gem slots along with these perks while crafting, and this is what you can socket those cut gemstones into that we went over earlier in stonecrafting. If you use Azoth which is that magical resource we went over, during the process of crafting, you'll have a higher chance of gaining a gem slot, attributes, and perks on the item. By default there will always be a chance for this, but it can be further influenced not only by azoth, but also the crafting gear that's similar to the gathering gear we talked about earlier. And this is just equipment you can get your hands on that has perks for increasing the gear score of the items you make. This along with house trophies, gathering and crafting food, leveling up the tradeskill in general, and even territory buffs that get set through settlement management and executed through town projects, even the secondary resources you use during the crafting process, it all adds up. And as a crafter you need to be aware and fully utilizing all of this if you want to create some of the best gear possible. Another thing to point out is that during the January update of this year, a lot of changes were made to the crafting system. One of the things they did is added Unique Named Weapons that were capable of being crafted or found in New World. Crafting schematics for these are also a thing, which means all the recipes you see in these crafting menus are not the entire roster of things you can create. There's what's known as artifact recipes and regular ones. The artifact ones are one time uses that are normally associated with the higher grade type of equipment, and the regular schematics allow you to unlock the recipes forever. These are normally exclusive to the equipment crafting professions but furnishing also has something like this, where you can't create every single furniture item right from the get go... Secondary materials was another mechanic that was expanded upon during the January Update - now you can choose from a variety of different new materials to use while crafting. Including being able to use higher tier or lower tier resources in the secondary slots to effect the gear score outcome. This is extremely useful because let's say your crafted item requires starmetal, but for the secondary resources, you're all out of t4 hide or maybe cloth, if you have a surplus from other tiers, you can use it in these brackets... And of course the gear score of the items will effect how useful they end up being when you craft them. Another couple things to keep in mind, is that firstly we have to remember that what you can craft, is still limited by the level of the actual crafting station. When the game first begins, during beta and launch, more than likely the majority of these benches will be at tier 2 or 3. That means that you'll have to work with the community through town projects to upgrade these benches before you're able to make use of them as a crafter. That's where the social aspect and community aspect comes in, they did a really good job when it comes to crafting part specifically. You can also salvage equipment that you make or just find out in the world through the tooltip, this game does have a durability system on gear, and when your gear is broken, it'll start operating at half capacity. You need to use repair parts from salvaging and gold to fix it. Another thing is that gear now has what I call gear labels that effect what type of attributes you'll see on it. You'll notice over time that you'll see gear pieces say things like "Blank Breastplate of the Nomad, or the Berserker, the Zealot, things like that". What this does is tell you and it'll usually show, which attributes you're going to get gains for by equipping the item. This is always crucial to keep track of in case you're looking for a specific set for your build, and there are special resources that you can find from mob drops, looting chests, and other means like that out in the world, that you can then use during the crafting process to have a higher chance of getting specific attribute bonuses or perks. Which is yet another really good thing to keep in mind as a crafter, so that when you make the highest tier gear, you can make viable pieces of it. And speaking of rare resources, the last thing is that like we talked about before, when we start crafting the higher tier gear, rare resources are going to be needed to make these items. You'll notice on most of the named items after the green grade, will stop letting you add special resources to them for having a higher chance of getting specific perks. And the ones that have unrecognizable resources are the ones you really need to look at the tooltip for. Some of these items will have a rare chance to drop while doing regular gathering on nodes around this tier, or drop from regular humanoid mobs, or even boss monsters. For the gathering side, you need to make sure you equip gear with gathering perks on it, and gathering food +, something else that can help is taking a look at which attributes will increase your yield, or gathering speed so you can do it more efficiently. Like after you get over 250 points of dexterity, you get a 10% yield on the skinning side of things. There's also other mechanics that help influence this stuff like the perks you have on the gathering tools themselves, and the tiers of them which will increase the gathering speed. But keep all if not most of this stuff in mind, and you'll do just fine in the end. Now moving to the brief description of each and every crafting profession, let's go ahead and start with weaponsmithing. So this profession takes place primarily at the forge workbench, here is where you're able to craft things like Swords, Greataxes, Rapiers, and Warhammers. With both spears and hatchets also being craftable inside the forge but those are directly linked to the engineering skill. Metal armor is also made inside this bench but instead it goes off the Armor crafting skill. Weaponsmiths are also able to craft repair kits for equipment, and honing stones for increasing your weapon's damage temporarily. Consumables will be very crucial in the recipe for success so keep things like this in mind... Next up we have the Armorsmithing skill, also known as Armoring. Takes place primarily at the outfitting station, this is where you'll craft light cloth armor, medium leather armor, fur armor, all-purpose bags that increase your carry capacity, jewelry that increases your attributes but also goes off the Jewelcrafting skill, repair kits for your equipment, and absorption balms... Then we've got Engineering which takes place primarily at the Workshop Bench. Here is where we've got our muskets, bows, ammunition & arrows, tools like pickaxes for mining, fishing poles for fishing, logging axe for woodcutting, skinning knife for skinning, and sickles for harvesting. This bench also has furnishing items for your house and this goes off of the furnishing trade skill. Don't forget that you'll need to find more furniture items and schematics in the open world for expanding your options. This profession also lets you craft the house trophies for getting various different buffs in combat, gathering and crafting, they'll be very useful in just about anything you do. Key thing to point out too is that you have to craft the baseline version of the trophies now, and then you're only able to upgrade them from there, it's no longer possible to find a trophy in it's max tier form in the open world. Last thing for this profession is you can create repair kits, incense boosters that give you resistance to afflictions, and proficiency boosters for increasing the amount of resources gathered... Next we have the Arcana skill, famously known for Alchemy and it takes place at the arcana repository. This is where you'll craft your fire staffs, life staffs, ice gauntlets, and consumables like healing potions, mana potions, focus potions, and egeneration potions... We also have the ability to craft coatiings here that allow you to gain extra damage against different types of enemies, including beasts, the lost, the ancients, corrupted, and the angry earth... Wards come in next like the beast wards, corrupted wards, ancient wards, things like that which give you resistance to those mob types, on top of also having elemental wards, like fire absorption, lightning, void, arcana, nature, etc... And the last thing for arcana is using this bench is the only way you can upgrade the elemental essence items, like the death essence, water essence, fire essence, you can now use the lower tier magical items to upgrade into higher tier via the arcana bench. And for the very last profession, we've got ourselves the cooking tradeskill. Takes place in the kitchen, and just like the name suggests, this is where you create different types of food items, including mana recovery foood, health recovery, fish baits for fishing, and even both gathering & crafting food + attribute bonus food. And this station is also where you craft dyes too, but I would say that the gathering and crafting foods are some of the most important things you'll get out of this. When it comes to being a successful crafter in New World, you need to make sure that you're always using every resource and help available to you, to the best of your ability. Now since things are always dynamically changing in New World, this time next year these systems might be drastically different, but it should give you the overall gist of things and help you get started and understand some of these systems. In the meantime though, thank you very much for joining me for this crafter & gatherer beginner's guide, hope you have a wonderful night or day, and farewell...
Channel: Ser Medieval
Views: 272,100
Rating: 4.9400635 out of 5
Keywords: New World, Amazon, Microsoft Windows, MMO, MMORPG, Sandbox, Survival, Medieval, Ser Medieval, Indie, Opening, Cinematic, Cutscene, Character Creation, Massively Multiplayer, Action, Simulation, Wildlife, Vast World, Communities, Logging, Adventure, Combat, RPG, Thousands of Players, new world, leaked footage, amazon new world, gameplay, Online Multi-player, Cash Shop, Mass PVP, PVP, Darkfall, Mortal Online, Ultima, English, PC, Steam, new world mmo, Early Access, beta, mega news, interview, leak, details
Id: kpNqjLk0G6k
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Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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