New Wooting 60HE+ *MODULE*, Alumaze Cases, & PC Plate!

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in today's video we're talking about woodings new aluminum cases their polycarb plate option fr4 and carbon fiber plates from kbd fans plus we have a major announcement as woing is finally launching their h60 plus module which skips the key caps the switches and the case for those of you looking to transplant directly into a high-end 60% chassis it's probably responsible to point out upfront that none of the things we're going to talk about today are actually going to affect the gaming performance itself of the woing 60 H this is all for looks feel and sound so this is my current and favorite 60 H build so far this is what I personally use every day this latest tofu Redux case sounds worlds better than the OG tofu 60 case I did a video about this already if you want to check that out the issue with the woing 60 H if you even want to call it that is that like most gaming keyboards it uses a steel plate so doubling down on the ability to swap it into any standard 60% Trad Mount case woing has just launched their Alum case this is all aluminum and comes in one of four different colors black blue and gray which I have here and lavender which I don't at first glance these look pricey at $119.99 especially when you compare them to the kbd Redux case which is 59 plus an extra 25 for the internal brass weight which is a must in my opinion but shipping from kbd to the states is a beast at $25 flat so after shipping in taxes it comes to just about 115 and if you're in the states shipping from wooting is free for standard shipping or $9.99 for expedited they're also offering a onetime 15% discount on the case if you are own a woing 60 H or a 25% discount on the case if you buy it at the same time you buy the new module this alam's case really leans into the Corky personality of their brand the interior has a maze pattern that's not printed it's actually molded into the case itself and we've got this gold aluminum accent piece that's removable so there may be different options down the line or if you're feeling adventurous you could probably 3D print one for yourself and it does have a place on the side to hold the woing flight strap like carry handle it's purely aesthetic some people hate this some people love it I love it it's cool here too cuz you can use the original yellow strap that came came with your board or they include a black and white mono strap with the new cases outside of Aesthetics there are two optional standoffs one in the center and one by the space bar and they give us a way to change the board from 4° to 7.5 de just by swapping out these rear silicone feet the alam's case and the Redux case both have a front height of 20 mm and some people find that combined with the 7° typing angle of the Redux to be uncomfortable I for one always use a wrist rest with mine and the Redux doesn't have any option to change the angle so that's something to take into consideration if you like a lower profile the black blue and lavender are all sand blasted anodized coating the concrete gray color is a microarc oxidation or Mao it feels like ceramic and it's like a matte coating it looks and feels great but unfortunately on the first version out they've had an issue where the tape they use to secure the accent piece for shipping has caused some ghosting or some discoloration on the gray version you have to hold this in just the right light to see it the good guys at wooting are already out in front of this though if you want to keep the case you have with the discoloration they'll offer you a $20 refund or $40 in store credit or if you want to return or exchange and wait for the next badge you can do that too one thing I noticed about these cases it's minor but I do want to point it out I use the wooting 60% silicone wrist rest it is exactly as wide as the stock plastic case and the tofu Redux case but it's not as wide as the Alam case because of the way that the left side of this case is designed it's minor but as someone who's bothered by Symmetry and Fit I couldn't be the only one the sound on these does have that metallic tone that's common with aluminum boards they do include a piece of foam in here as well it's the same kind used in the stock plastic case with these cases I think you need the foam in there because the base experience without it is metallic and it's a little Hollow and the foam helps to cool some of that off I did pick up a frosted poly version of the Redux case it looks super clean there's no underglow with this PCB but the RGB looks cool from the top and frosted PC is always just a clean look it sounds pretty similar to the aluminum Redux case especially with that brass weight if anything it just sounds a little sharper than the aluminum of the Alam the aluminum Redux and the PC Redux I lean more towards the aluminum Redux for the sound the way that it fits with the wrist rest and the weight fully built the Alam weighs around 950 G and the Redux weighs around 1430 G but if you like the strap the aesthetic and the adjustable angle of the Alum those things may be more important to you so obviously doing like 20 to 30 different configs for a video like this keeps me really busy and for a long time I was guilty of just focusing purely on the work and letting a lot of other areas in my life slide in the summer of 2022 I weighed nearly 275 lbs it was not a good look I was in the worst shape of my life I went home to visit my dad who just turned 70 years old he's always been in incredible shape he looked phenomenal that was a big motivated for me to finally do something so over the course of the next year I lost nearly 35 lbs and I recomed a lot of my body mass and a big part of that success and continues to be a big part of that success is huel and I'm so stoked I get to part with them today I use the Black Edition because it has a really solid nutritional profile for me it's got 40 g of protein that's 33% more than the standard hu powder and it only has 17 net carbs that's 50% less than the standard heu powder it's filling too which is a huge plus it's got 27 vitamins and minerals it's 100% vegan it's naturally gluten-free there's zero artificial sweeteners and it's less than 5% sugar my favorite flavor is cinamon roll it is fire it is just the right amount of sweet I start literally every day with hule because I always have a ton of stuff going on in the morning I like to have something in me before I go to the gym and there is no way I have time to wake up and cook breakfast it's healthy it's convenient it works really well for busy lifestyles on days when I'm stuck in the studio or I'm too busy to break for lunch it's way better for me and way more affordable than ordering whatever from a delivery app and I count calories and macros so all the information I need is right there from my tracker and you basically never get that with takeout on your first order you also get this t-shirt and a guide to get you started to check out hu black for yourself just click the link down below and huge thanks to fuel for sponsoring today in spite of all the mods I've ever done to this board there's still this sound that's very specific to the wooting 60 H I've never known if it was the steel plate or the switches or some combination of both but we're going to find out today so they've also launched a first-party polycarb plate option this is 20 bucks it includes the PC plate and white with all the proper standoffs plus a silicone dampener and a foam dampener that's the same from the OG version I guess the most important headline I found after building this board probably 20 or 30 times for this video is that there's not a big difference in field between the steel the polycarb or the two aftermarket options from kbd fense because Hall switches don't use contact pins you need standoffs to hold the plate assembly to the PCB and because hall effect performance is granular down to .1 mm it becomes really important that you not have any height variance between that plate and that PCB that means that by Design Flex is no good for a hall effect board with the wooting PC plate you have every standoff molded on and you can't skip them there's eight in total when it's fully assembled using the internal foam or not there's barely any Flex with the kbd fans plates you can choose which ones to attach and which ones to ignore so as an experiment let's only attach the outer two on each side we still don't get a lot of flex but what we do get if you skip standoff locations is variable distance between the plate in the PCB in some locations and we don't want that what this means is that no matter which plate you choose it's still going to be a firm typing experience the difference between all the plates in this board when we're talking about Flex is very minor it's only subtleties to the bottom out feeli that change so once you pull that out of the equation we're really only talking about sound and again not a huge amount of difference between all these options steel plate is the loudest and the firmest PC is probably the softest in both sound and feel fr4 sounds pretty similar to polycar but feels stiffer and carbon fiber probably has the lowest sound of the bunch but feels close closer to Steel I should say too that if you're into RGB the white plate options from wooting help accentuate that a lot more and the plate options from kbd being darker dull that out a little bit it's not the steel plate that gives wooting that weird like scrunchy sound that's tough to vocalize it's the switch and how you build the board around those switches is either going to highlight or mute that weird spring sound a really important note here is that the sound tests in this video have a tendency to really accentuate that sound to make it a bigger deal than it really is because that very sensitive mic is positioned right over the top of that keyboard firing right down into it and everyday use when you're just sitting and using the keyboard it's a lot less pronounced the kbd fans plates also include switch film that usually results in a marble sound in most builds but it doesn't really do much here not much difference so maybe it's because my switches are the very first batch l6s they are hand lube so let's check out the newer batch of the l45 lighter weight switches these are Factory Loop a little Improvement but again not a huge difference so wooting also includes two different dampeners a silicone and a foam with the new pc plate option silicone is supposed to mute more of the midtones and the foam is supposed to mute more of the high tones the silicone for me seems to accentuate that noise and the foam seems to cool it off so I think foam is the only way to go what about key material a that's pretty interesting right the stock caps that come with the wooting seem to do the best job of mitigating that sound while the gmk and the PBT fans both seem to accentuate that but they're both lower profile so your choice of plate here really isn't going to weigh as heavy as I thought it would in the beginning the PC plate option is definitely an upgrade from the steel less so in flex but more so in terms of the bottom out feel it feels a little softer and it's substantially quieter whether you go with the fr4 or the carbon fiber is down to really specific choices in sound and feel up until now I've been mounting these builds using the burger Mount that's where you take two silicone Rings one on top of the PCB and one underneath with the screw going through this prevents that assembly from making direct contact with the case now with the polycarb plate kit and the new module woing includes little dampeners that achieve the same effect but I have seen people mounting this board with Gummy o-ring and thanks to the homy lamp I did find one at ringer Keys that'll work I will link that down in the description because this is the way this basically compression fits the assembly down into the case this is pretty easy to achieve in the Redux case in the wooting case you need to start from the accent side and the top corner and work your way around so the port is sitting where it needs to it also helps if you flip over the little foam liner to help keep the port level with the cutout this makes for a better sound a better feel and the most consistent space bar I've heard yet if you're running the OG wooting 60 h so this h60 plus module has finally come true we've been talking about this since the very first wooting video a year and a half ago it's finally happening it is going to release priced at $140 but it's going to offer pretty deep discounts on switches caps even cases if you do everything when you order it includes a braided cable Hardware case foam plate foam and a pre-assembled module with the PC plate the silicone dampener the PCB itself and screw in PCB Mount stabilizers first off the stabs are great I wouldn't do anything to these at all they come factory Loop they sound great right out of the box and the space bar is super consistent all the way across one big note here is that the gummy o-ring Mount does not work with the new module because the PCB Mount stabs they block areas in the assembly where that ring would normally be able to recess into the assembly a little bit to make it easier to fit I could not force this thing to fit in either the Redux or the Alam case now the good news is I don't think you need it because with the new module and the new stabs the space bar here is very good I did make sure that both the kbd fans aftermarket plates and the OG steel plate are both compatible with this new module there's no fitment issues there at all unfortunately I can't speak to ISO I only have Anie to go off of as a final comparison I put together a build that I would probably run as a personal build if I were modding the original 60 H this is the aluminum Redux case with the brass weight and the thin foam insert that comes with it key caps are dcx Hyperfuse from drop which you should be able to score pretty cheap this time of year the only note for me on that build is the switches those are still the original first batch L 60s they are hand looped but the newer L 45s they sound cleaner out of the box they have better tolerances less wobble they're Factory lubed and I really don't think you need to lube them at all I think the factory Lube is good to go and I really like the lighter weight on those two for those of you that don't have a 60 H yet I think you'd be perfectly happy with the module and the Alam case it's just a more premium version of the 60 H the shipping from kbd fans costs more than a single plate option from them so I definitely don't recommend buying a single plate I don't think that the fr4 or the carbon fiber offers enough over the first-party polycar played to make that worth it I am working on a video right now comparing the latest from steel series the latest from Razer and the wooting it's just way too much information to tack onto this video but it should be out pretty soon any questions about modding or where to get any of this stuff just hit me in the comments that's it for today thank you so much for watching I will catch you all in the next one stay up
Channel: BadSeed Tech
Views: 196,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wooting 60he, wooting 60he mod, wooting 60he keyboard, best gaming keyboard, wooting 60he review, wooting 60he modding, wooting 60 mod, badseed, alumaze 60, review, alumaze60 sound test, wooting pc plate, wooting pc switch plate, wooting pc switch plate kit, wooting 60he+, wooting module, wooting 60he module, wooting 60he+ module
Id: 4bvLyb2HhrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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