New Velma Is F***ING DISGUSTING...

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yo ladies and gentlemen today you're going to be asking yourself am I in Hell the answer to that is yes because we are doing Velma season 2 episode 3 uh the last episode hit a brand new low of making the same joke of how uh Herer the church manipulates people they made that joke 12 times in the last episode let's see if we can beat that with them insulting straight white religious people again uh and we'll see how many times they do it because that's that's comedy ladies and gentlemen ha that's comedy that's comedy all right let's see what we got let's let's go let's just finish this [ __ ] show so that you people could stop asking me to torture myself to watch it please please oh my God previously onel what I did was wrong I'm just so desperate to stop my hallucinations then you leave me no choice but to help you cure them and you should hope I still want to jump your bones once you're damage free I love how this like this this looks like n sounds like he's ready to throw a chair bro I want to throw a chair I want to throw a tantrum I want to throw myself off a building okay I hate this show so much and yet I am forced to watch more of it God damn it 10,000 likes for episode 4 so someone is now killing men associated with Dr Purdue's journals and removing their dongs yeah by the way that's the new serial killer ladies and gentlemen someone that goes around murdering uh white guys and cutting their penises off and Velma had a really good line in the previous episode where she said removing a man's penis that's like removing a woman's brain I'll I'll let you unpack that one on your own but holy [ __ ] this Show's bad have you heard of manifesting as tolerant as I've become I still find that stuff a little silly Vincent I love how they just kill characters off screen every single episode is a different character killed off screen I I can't believe they killed Vincent and Vincent was the only like Vincent was was was scary at least sort of no Vincent was inside able bloodborne oh God the show's awful there are many things I feel strongly about me too uh the fact that Velma was [ __ ] awful the fact that Daphne's awful um Shaggy's awful Fred's pretty awesome our planet no yeah our F our planet that's something she cares about our planet for oil or saying fing as a double onon adult women two things she hates when people use the word fracking as a double on Tandra and the environment destroying itself who wear pigtails you're too fracking old and she get the joke because she just said she hated when people use for acting as double on Tandra but she literally right after that used it herself because because hipocracy is hilarious I hate this show but my whole life nothing has made me angrier than than rich people rich people there I it is literally so easy to predict this don't you dare say pre-at because you know there's no way I would watch this show more than once you know I couldn't survive pre-at this all right I I just know where this show is going because that is literally their only comedy all right we're doing a counter again for this stream chat help me out here uh every time they make fun of rich white straight men all right that's that's it and religion all right those five things we put a cther on it damn it because they have money damn it it's money I hate money money money's cringe everyone should be socialists they think they can get away with anything Museum should be named after robber bar not murderers change this name because annoyingly they can't so there is no amount of money that would make me okay with William Jones dating my mom dude William Jones dating your mom will ruin her life that was two that's two yeah that's rich people yeah thank you dude dude yes yes dude well then how about I date your mom and open bar no way unlike a recorded message from any failed 90s celeb I can't be bought what I I hate the references that make no sense unlike a recorded message from a failed 90 celeb I can't be bought makes no sense at all B sprads dad ruin her life no one never says no to me belma you left your inhaler in my van oh God oh God Dad no I mean yes I can't say no to you because of your money but I'm still upset gu that's that's number three that's number three I can't say no to you because of money all right that's three guys or is that four I don't even know I'm already losing count or a minute into this [Music] episode now I'm sure you're both wondering how William and I became lovers it began with an interview for my Memoir please don't explain to Children why you are [ __ ] someone please and we just connected we connected so hard I hurt my back but the point is D is the one person I found who I can talk to honestly about Victoria you could talk honestly to me about Mom just don't criticize her because I will lash out yeah you oh don't worry you can talk to me normally except you can't the comedy there is that he he he he um he um he contradicted himself in a single sentence also Fred's dad takes it in the butt okay you had your fun now let's never mention it again unless a baby with a bow tie and a monacle pops out in 9ine months good no Velma that does that count as a joke we like each other but you fear not I promise to win you over with a fun weekend at the Jones estate the only yeah with money money will do it thing more impressive than the house is the number of people who died building it aha rich people comedy H oh it's a big rich house and you know you know what's even more impressive the fact that we had slaves die building it I like money good joke good joke Jones a chance the only way I'm ever going back to your house is with a mob of revolting peasants plus the science fair is Monday and you promised to help me with my project this weekend science fair yo velma's mom has to help Fred and they all become a happy family and velma's ostracized has to fend for herself lives in the gutter becomes homeless and gets run over by a car the Edibles are kicking in I'm sorry I'm seeing a brighter future than the one that's going to exist that's Marty grw for smart kids and you're the baby in the king cake how is this the first time hearing of it belma because as rich people say when they're asked to pay taxes I ain't doing it and what how does that make any sense I ain't doing it doesn't even fit in the sentence she said why didn't you tell me about the science fair and her response was I ain't doing it and of course had to insult rich people or something first of all not paying taxes is kind of based I'm just saying listen if you can get get away with it and you do like there is a part of me that is a little bit jealous Frederick I promise to help if you stopped claiming your mother was possessed by an evil ghost I guess I should hire someone to go talk to him ah get it I'm not going to talk to myself but I can hire someone cuz I have money is that number eight good idea I need to have a little chat with Velma as well about what how much my therapy is going to set you back oh my God it's trauma this is awful guess she has to guess he has to eat to cure his his mental illness Lola I'm hallucinating got it dude it's crazy that they could do that that that's humiliating to every single person that actually has a mental mental issues or PTSD or is suffering from a traumatic event do you see this they they want to test what part of his brain is active during hallucinations so they're just like okay hallucinate and then he just starts hallucinating and then okay we got it that you can stop hallucinating now and he just eats a chip and it's cured like that is that is so awful and such an an absolutely abysmal way to treat mental health my grandma's research worked you can see exactly where the hallucination happened in my noodle yeah that doesn't make any sense I'm just saying it doesn't work hey I can use that word not you sorry I just got excited with oh you can't use the word noodle because it's a slur for brains that why do you hate art so much that you make this show real this data I might be able to neutralize my hallucinations and or you could you know see a therapist maybe yeah you're going to use Science Tech Wizardry to cure your hallucinations that that's definitely good we totally win the science fair which is great cuz volleyball is sure not getting me into college anymore Norville I told you you don't need all this science to stop your hallucinations just trust that the marijuana I'm giving you will cure them it has zero side effects like like dude this is the parent really talking to a child Norville is in school by the way like an actual school he's a school student he's like 16 years old and his dad is trying to get him weed to overcome PTSD like [ __ ] if you think about this realistically even for a second it's awful oh why am I in here again I assume you want to test my PE to ensure the weed's working positive oh my God it's is the real shaggy oh remember what they've taken from us guys we'll test again at the science fair on Monday so just keep smoking zero side effect effect oh he he dropped pee everywhere wait norval iate drugs Rogers has been getting high without me WTF what no I just always WTF done what my dad says so it's easier to buy a dirty pee from a friend and pass his test than have a big F fight which reminds me that was my last cup Evelyn I need to re up what you're on trial for a hit and run in Miami but I can't wait two weeks my dad is testing me on Monday oh my God where am I going to get drugged pee I love how someone in my chat just said wait this is Scooby-Doo oh oh sweet summer child oh sweet baby boy oh sweet little cute little baby Sweetie oh sweetie cutie patootie welcome to your worst nightmare the deal is you can only solve Mysteries if you maintain your grades and extracurriculars no Mom the deal is you don't date wealthy slime balls whose Ex-Wives kidnapped you we never made that and I love how wealthy needed to be in that sentence like like that's relevant you'd think the fact that the mother was a that that his ex-wife was a serial killer kidnapper would be important but no also that he's wealthy it's number 10 a deal we shouldn't have to you know I hate the rich I'd be a that's number 11 communist if I didn't want to kill my lazy teammates on every group project F what the [ __ ] this this is literally the worst brain DED thing I've ever heard in my life you know I hate the rich fine then let me propose a deal we can both agree on if you win the science fair I'll stop seeing William how does that make any sense the science fair is a waste of time I'm trying to find another serial killer not a more efficient way to process ammonia and increase Global crop yield did didn't she just start this entire episode by talking about about how she cares about the environment and now she's talking about how the science fair doesn't matter she doesn't want to worry about her crop yield wait see you love science you genius and it's I hate being so smart and successful I a I hate it oh I'm so successful a you're an unlikable [ __ ] nothing to fall back on if mystery solving doesn't work out fine if I win the science fair you dump William and promise no more dating Rich guys unless the I love how the the rich guy is the problem it's not the fact that the ex kidnapped her and was a serial killer number 12 actor Steven Yan is Rich have you ever needed to push up your glasses scratch your nose or SWAT a fly but you're in the middle of a complex chemistry experiment can't say I have well the future is now hando pushup glasses I feel like they literally just ripped this joke off something right have you they literally stole this from Bojack Horsemen Mr Peanut Butter has this ever happened to you you and then it'll say like some random convoluted thing that obviously wouldn't happen to you but those are funny this isn't even remotely humorous damn it now how am I going to win the science fair ooh how about can curly fries be made straight again I know it's science guys not your intent but that sounds homophobic I hate every piece of dialogue in this show can curly fries be made straight again that sounds homophobic like [ __ ] kill me maybe I can help help a lot of cool inventions come from moms who see a need for something like you know those social media videos of dogs who talk with buttons I only follow Gloria steum and no I'm Chomsky so yes it's all they post well Gigi's mom Susan invented one for babies called a baby Babble box nap hungry election stolen wit hunt oh oh that baby's talking about at the election oh she's a genius yeah cuz she pushed there we go hilarious see my dad already dating don't don't let Velma breed don't let her don't let her jeans into the Jean Pool a nightmare if I don't make a prize-winning project by tomorrow I'm going to end up with someone even worse in my life you're welcome to join the project I'm doing with Amber Amber what does Amber know about science they think bird flu was caused by an eclipse I know but my moms are making us be partners they want us to use our science project to help solve the Mr s and Cogburn cases how what the cops want their children to create a magic science device to to to solve a serial killer God yes I am so in by manifesting some clues why is it manifesting not manifesting huh the way we manifested our creaky Friday win our project is manifesting you want to win a science fair by manifesting [ __ ] someone please just just kill all these characters please please just tell me and then there's a Fallout a nucle Fallout happens they all end up in Vault 13 and have to [ __ ] H Hunger Games each other oh hm well that sounds great I don't know if manifesting is sciency enough to win that's why you're wrong since Mr s died there's a new science fair judge who is way less sciency wa how does this make any sense wait who Norville how could you not tell me your dad is judging the science fair oh my God and his famous quote is who am I to judge all right that's what I wanted to tell you earlier I'm even getting paid which is good because the pot I've been buying you is not cheap wait Dad you're judging the science fair for money are we okay you're not borrowing money from the mafia again are you Norville the only thing you need to worry about is curing your hallucinations with pot the way your loving father tells you to this is the worst show in the world I feel like everything is just bad the sooner the better get it because the mafia's with your dad the judge you're sure to win Well normally yes but if I can't find some dirty pee he'll know I'm defying him and freak out I once got detention for telling him BF Skinner wasn't my favorite psychologist damn but wait not to damn again I don't I totally don't care about the things you said damn that was the least empathetic damn I've ever heard in my life sound like an East German swim coach but if I why did the dad get demoted to just drug addict because he's a straight white guy you idiot no straight white guy can actually be a useful character in this show you fool they took a perfect L you know competent psychologist in the season 1 and they reduced him to drug addict homeless Mafia lending borderline homeless loser uh yeah yeah straight white guy that doesn't doesn't make any sense you don't get it you don't get it I'll I'll explain the joke later when you're older I get you some pee to pass a drug test you're guaranteed to win right oh I mean without a doubt but are you serious without a doubt because I can obviously uh my dad is has nepotism in his veins seriously going to get high for me every year you complain that TW distracts from Jessica Lang's birthday I can't the one time I got high I was convinced a dog was talking to me but if get get the reference guys because there's this actual good show with Velma called Scooby-Doo I figure it out can I join your science pro project uh there's a multipole BF Skinner literally wrote a book that inspired the judge Rottenberg Center which tortures autistic children okay I don't know why you know that but I feel like that added so much relevance to the Obscure quotes in this show or neuron have two or more dendrites you bet your ass it does huh oh God no what where was I don't have time to spend the weekend at your boyfriends I need oh my god dude no I don't have time to spend the fake sale abolish estate tax will accept crypto sure does that count as making fun of rich white people I think it does I mean they look like rich white people to me that's what number 13 number 14 I don't know I'm not even keeping track anymore at your boyfriends I need to figure out how to uh win the science fair driver take me to the nearest Music Festival wait these waters are free right yes and we're not going to a music festival but I knew you'd get excited about science again soon you'll be like I can't think of a famous woman scientist I feel like that's that's a you problem [ __ ] God damn it I know a famous woman scientist uh the Mother of God what's the name of the Vice President I'm such an idiot camea Harris's mom was a woman scientist how's that Mary cury Helen Keller like you why why would this be an insult are are you make what are you making fun of what is this Zinger and now I'm just picturing Einstein with boobs but I still expect you to try try and enjoy this weekend enjoy a rich man using his wealth to distract us from the atrocities of his family that's number 15 pass me that caviar it'll just go to waste otherwise guys getting pierced was I [ __ ] hate this show like you realize that you're the insufferable [ __ ] guy works hard for wealth is Rich that's a that's a good story all right that's based you just stealing [ __ ] from random rich people because you feel like you could get away with it that makes you awful was such a good science fair idea was such a good science fair idea was such such a good science good science fair idea uhoh oh oh look where we are it's Daphne's new friend store they must have put a spell on us what I going to put a spell on you going to going to put a spell on you we're the Hex Girls dude they nerfed the Hex Girls so badly friend who do I know that can balance popularity and a job Dey uh hey Amber oh this is your mom's place I knew grand opening and going out of business sale hilarious you two were opening an a cult bookstore but this is not nuttier than cheap trail mix nutty get is cheap TR wiah is just like any other religion except less hating gays and more nude frolicking in the Moonlight it's like every religion except less hating gays does that count as a a religion jab cuz we're we're up to number 16 now on on the the big five straight white male Rich religion that that's the five the big five that they just that's their only jokes all right that does count all right 16 let's go only Frolic nude in the sunlight this is weird come on daff oh my friends don't understand me maybe cuz you shaved half your head and the the wrong half you know what I'll catch up with you girls later we have to work on our totally normal science fair project Amber DNE come quick the frogs are spawning manifest abundance before the what did they do to the Hex Girls bro I can't believe they did this to the he girls flies this show is awful Velma welcome Hey Velma you're a cck you know that I took the liberty of having the staff prepare pink lemonade seriously pink lemonade is my favorite and it costs 13 cents more than regular lemonade but just FYI I still think all rich people are evil all right that's number 17 you get the comedy I don't I don't even think that was a joke I think that was just straight up Mindy calling looking at the camera and just saying what she feels which is why I've taken a note from the numerous musicals depicting dude the fact that this guy is not just getting all but hurt and kicking her out of the house right now is is just proving that he is a better man than you are Velma a Plucky but downwardly mobile young woman visiting a rich man's home and had the staff prepare a musical number to make you feel welcome you are so you will like this Jo your little like me let us treat you like our Prince it says what the hell is going on it's like a big top of act musical number you can why why is this even here please God a of treasure here's a robot that think you're clever not interested whatsoever look tell us the walking God just this is the worst thing in the universe but what with the [Music] 99% even Carl Mark couldn't resist a waffle oh my god dude H listen to them father's a traitor and this is a house of Li mother to guide have you no remorse I can't Cate with a COR what the [ __ ] son I can't copulate with a Corps was a bar in this line what is even going on dude his wife just dies he's instantly having sex with somebody else I feel like this in the in the last five minutes was one big I hate rich people joke now you're trying to buy them of loveed but how much money are we sing of you [ __ ] shall we P this all and prank call this to don't overwhel who am I [Music] kidding this is awful that entire scene was a musical travesty honestly dude the entire episode is just I hate rich people saying rich people suck when the rich people are actually based I love how she got a taste of wealth for 5 seconds and she just got completely bought it's like velma's actual character if you actually want to boil down what her character is in this show she is a steaming hypocritical piece of trash that hates on everything that has things that she doesn't have and the moment she gets them she instantly 180 flips to the other side of the force do you realize the fact that the whole season one she was complaining about not being popular and then she became popular and she just instantly became the the narcissistic egotistical popular [ __ ] like all the people she was hating on in season 1 then she keeps hating on rich people she tastes wealth for a fraction of a second and she's instantly loves being rich dude this is this is insane Hassan [ __ ] wouldn't be as hypocritical as Velma bro notice of the rich oh my God I'm only noticing this right now every single one of the employees is a different ethnicity there's no actual white men in empy employment dude what is going on this show is awful Velma is lowering my standard singlehandedly take me to that money bath like that's a good thing what is what is the moral of this story what there is no moral to this story H wait a second maybe Rich spoiling shiz is not actually good for my child well you notice Fred can I command nuck my dog died today and now you're making me watch Velma holy [ __ ] I feel terrible oh well don't feel that terrible and it's just me your dad I mean I'm sorry your dog died but like you don't have to be I'm so sorry girlfriend nothing weird oh I know and I'm not mad about you dating my dad monogamy is for the middle class oh my god dude I love how they say that to make again that's another [ __ ] you rich people line by the way we're we're removing the counter for this one because this entire episode was one big I hate rich people joke but I love how Fred will say a line that's obviously supposed to make you hate him but it's just actually good it's like actually just [Laughter] funny like they they did such a bad job with Fred it it completely turned 180 and made Fred a great character I'm mad because my monogamy is for the middle class father's punishing me for thinking my mom's innocent well sometimes parents have to be tough on kids because they care about them you just brought your child into a rich man's house to literally be bought woman what are you talking about men don't want to be embarrassed publicly by their dumb choices you want to hear about caring every year Mother helped me with my science fair project she loved hiring the scientists to do all the work and then stiffing them if I didn't win rich people joke miss her so much Fred I'm sorry his mom died like this is a real thing that he's dealing with but as a way to get to know each other maybe I could help you with your project and what do I have to do in return teach you how to fit into polite Society nothing just pick a project what this is crazy cuz rich people never actually do anything for no reason this is I've never seen it before normally I'm used to rich people just wanted to abuse me or our relationship or something actually mother never even let me do that and I have always wondered where toast comes from my hypothesis is the kitchen welln that sounds like a good start [ __ ] just sold herself to spoil her daughter and wants to already act like a stepmom Lola I did it you figured out the right amount of Chinese food to order for two people no the scientific Community has given up on that I calculated exactly how much electricity I need to shock the neurons causing my hallucinations if it like can I I dare you to find me one example of media one example of any media anyone you want that shits on Mental Health less than this that doesn't completely bastardize the concept of protecting your mental health it works my dad will assume it was a pot and I won't have to pass any more drug tests okay but to be safe before shocking your brain maybe try it on something else first I'm confident in my equations but if you insist I'm confident in my equ maybe try it on something else first I'm confident in my equation literal nothing is written anywhere tal 5 z^2 + 110 Omega is question mark like these are like actual nothings but if you [Music] insist and it turned into come Velma if we want to win I'm going to need that tainted pee I'm on it because even though I've come to appreciate vast wealth and no longer want to break up my mom and William I'm still to appreciate vast wealth this [ __ ] hypocritical [ __ ] it's insane watching her just I love how Mindy calling is making this like some sort of self-insert character for her and she's basically just admitting the fact that even though she publicly has to go out there and say how she hates rich people and [ __ ] inside she loves that lifestyle a good and honorable person eat this and then pee in a cup for me pull yeah you got nothing 200% cashmere and it's just a yellow sweat what makes toast why are they is this supposed to be a science experiment banana no cow no manifest oh my god it works and lobster [ __ ] fighting whoa It's toast that's the craziest thing I've ever I don't even like what commentary do you want to hear cuz rich people love ruining children's lives is a question mark dude we're not keeping the counter you can stop counting in chat you can stop dropping numbers dog the numbers are irrelevant now get on my level where's Velma Arville test time one second really you wanted to pee in a cup in front of his all of his friends to make sure he's high in a high school the [ __ ] my dad is going to test me if Elma doesn't show up with a dirty pee the science of twerking with a flat ass yeah I'll just have to try the shock treatment at least the last potato almost didn't explode norvel you can't risk it just smoke weed already TBH this jar is half bong water hey Norville Velma my number one buddy and by number one I mean urine velma's here yes by number one I mean urine good joke right guys I refer to myself in the third person now oh do you have the pee or not yes oh I'm saved uh why does this have a price tag and why why is it $9.99 oh wait this is too funny you know what this is this is a Juice shot my fabulous Wellness doctor has put me on oh okay but where's the dirty pee papa needs that Liquid Gold sorry one of the cleaning people must have thrown it out but don't worry it's okay if you fail the test and we lose I want my mom to date William it's not okay my dude do you even see what's going on this is crazy she so this is what happens she tastes weal for 3 seconds her entire life philosophy of hating rich people completely crumbles she gets completely bought she completely decides to become the absolute worst version of what a rich person is not caring about friends not valuing commitment not caring that he is going to be completely humiliated now like this just I love how the lesson here is that Velma is an inherently horrible human being not any actual commentary on rich people or on Society at all dad will freak out and I didn't plan on having our inevitable I'm not you dad fight until I got my crawl Young poster back from the framers Norville listen dude the references are so bad like Family Guy my guy stelma as someone who now lives a life of zero consequences believe me when I say because I was rich for a day because my maybe future stepdad might be rich say this too much stress is terrible for your skin but still I'll make this right what and so in conclusion while we can now say with confidence where toast comes from where it came from before the Advent of the toaster remains one of science's greatest Mysteries great job FR why is she playing along with this like dude funny Family Guy compilation episode 47 is better than this she plays along with the toaster to actually be a science project is she's actually actively trying to humiliate him you even managed to say fot inoffensively wow you even though you're a rich white guy you still weren't racist when you pronounced an Italian word damn wait why do I feel all warm and safe because that's what hugs feel like no mother said hugs drain children of their resilience that's why she selflessly refused to ever give me one it turns out your mother's a [ __ ] cuz she's rich and white okay well since you're so good at science now do you want to test out that hypothesis I guess I mean I'm always happy to prove mother right little Freddy feel cozy no bro I love how they again they're trying so hard to turn Fred into a monster by being that white loser the straight white rich loser and he's just unironically the best character with like the tragic childhood and the traumatic experience in growing up like how can you fumble this badly these feelings are wrong stop Fred I'm sorry I hate this stop hugging me I'm trying hey you need to come to the science fair to William what really you need an SOS right after he sends dick pics already here have a surprise for VMA our science fair project was testing the power of positive reinforcement so we spoke different words to rats and then measured their maze speed the really that none of this feels like science at all rat called smart did way better than the one called sexy but the best was mine hot [ __ ] oh wonderful that feels like a total nothing burger at all like there there is zero science in any of these science fair projects like I feel like that would have been the easiest thing in the universe to not [ __ ] up oh my god dude okay so what's this project you hot [ __ ] it's about Focus uh what hot [ __ ] really you're going to well it's a rich white it's it's a it's a stray white guy that said it so it's okay that makes sense my moms need clues in their Mr s and Sheriff Cogburn murder investigation so we wrote find the killer on a piece of paper sealed it in this envelope and spent 10 minutes each day visualizing his discovery that is the dumbest project here and I just ate Fred's project I'm so sorry your moms made you work with Amber wait they made you work with me the crows in my dream were right I knew better than to doubt them the crows no olives wrong I wanted to work with you but I was too embarrassed to admit it to my friends which is crazy because you're does that make it any better that literally does not make it any better you're right my moms didn't tell me I needed to work with you instead I wanted to I just lied to everyone else about it because I didn't want them to think that it was wor you literally that's literally worse so so interesting I love it is manifesting real they have a picture of an eyeball and then they just tied some crystals and chakras to this chart an hypothesis yes you don't even know what what is a hypothesis hypothesis yes that's not what hypothesis means think our project's amazing I agree every day I Envision I'm such a perfect father that Norville will never feel the need to think for himself and push me away uhhuh Mr Rogers come quick Norville cured his hallucinations as Daddy knew he would see that's the area that caused the hallucinations it used to be all lit up but now there's nothing dude you could show them that on Photoshop Norville you did it now there's nothing cuz he [ __ ] fried his brain please don't tell me this is how he becomes the Goof Shaggy let see the pot works I'm so happy there's literally nothing I wouldn't do for you right now I'd love to win the science fair okay so about that no Fred's dead base rich people base rich people don't want to invest in nuclear fion in a can oh my God May cafeteria nuggets what are they actually made of she's looking at Investments here cuz she's rich now oh hello hello science new bacteria rich people can inject into their faces oh perfect cuz she's rich now fa participants so many amazing projects almost all of them went right over my head dude so many amazing projects she's High he's high what's going on here this is a high school almost all of them went right over my head regardless the winner of this year's Blue Ribbon is Elma Dinkley what what how I didn't enter though Rich me does still feel pretty deserving of it because I'm rich and I deserve everything Elma in conjunction with her part Neil degrass Tyson and yeah what a combo dude if I was Neil degrass Tyson I would sue Velma for including me genous funding from the Fred D and William T Jones Foundation proved aliens are more likely to exist than to not exist let's go dude let's go you're welcome VMA what you bought the science fair for me but I didn't want to win and now everyone hates me Velma being hated is a huge part of being rich I hate this show so much every every single sentence makes me upset it's right up there with calling waiters go home and hiring lookalikes to confuse crowds wow it's perfect remember you get paid by the bru there they are get them well I'm not rich so she just took off an identical sweat people are going to hate me I want to earn it what lesson is learned here literally none it's not like she's facing consequences of her actions by acting like a complete loser it's the app this is mindboggling first of all don't worry we hate you based on your own qualities not because of Any Rich qualities but I love how she learned absolutely nothing through any of this like Scrooge or a bad boy of tennis I get that it's just such a shame you'll never get rich solving Mysteries yeah but only because my mom will probably force me to do something boring with my life like cure heart disease uh what couldn't huh actually VMA if solving Mysteries is what you want to do then go all in parents don't always know what's best for down with capitalism for their kids right William speak for yourself I handle Fred perfectly well this is the first weekend in ages I haven't heard any nonsense about ghosts or Victoria what this means so much to turns out he's a terrible dad because well guess what guys he's Rich he doesn't have time to Dad and parent his child cuz he's Rich he's too rich to care about his son ha let's not forget Velma downplaying cancer 3 seconds ago uh wow hilarious look at that to me and and my partner V drunkie oh and look at look at that look at that it's it's Neil degrass Tyson the real Neil degrass Tyson who is so happy that he won the science fair for children everyone I understand you're upset but I will not accept this as I did not work on this project project worse I bailed on the team I love how this is supposed to be like a lesson I was supposed to work with because I didn't know money would make me forget about my friends wow rich people bad they did it again she literally won 82 times in the span of one show this is the worst character ever conceived even though I was warned by like every movie regardless the Blue Ribbon should go to Norville his project is obviously the best thank you Velma but I don't deserve it either I just copied work my grandmother did in the 70s the only project here plagiarism that looks like it didn't have an adult actually doing all the work is Fred's toast thing give the award to him seriously yeah seriously he literally what I said get off me thank you Norville says a lot when you get more support from the grandson of the woman who ruined your life than your own father damn uh rich people bad laau hey we don't I love how we just totally stopped counting we started off by saying like we're going to count rich people jokes and we just we just absolutely completely stopped I have enough context to fully understand that it's okay it's okay none of the lines in this show made any sense at all okay because I do uh Fred look I I'm I'm sorry I you're ready for an almost touching scene but they end up just insulting each other at the end of it because this show is absolute garbage and could never paint rich white people in a good light refuse to work on your science fair project with you I thought you needed a reality check but maybe what you really need is a father who is willing to listen even if what you're saying is batshit crazy really that was mostly the nicest thing you've ever said to me yes so would you like to use our upper limbs to briefly cling together oh I suppose just this one time a a a hey what what even I don't even know I feel like that I've never seen more sloppy character writing in the history of time ever hot [ __ ] is missing you freaks better not have taken her for some messed up potion I was going to feed her to my snake call them which is much better freak again and I'll feed you to my fist daffne Daffney don't let them get under your skin most people dislike magic that's why all magicians are virgins I feel like that's not the moral here I know yeah I know yeah all right it's just I wanted us to find a clue and prove manifesting Works maybe even win Gigi and Olive over but it did work what else was in the envelope what wow that really that really proves everything W you just you just proved manifestation is real look at that wow wow it works on people too oh my God it's it's literally mind control that's crazy cuz I'm real tired of acting nice to make people like me okay well in that case would you like to learn some real witchcraft re yeah all right Norville is d wow random book that I just had reading a spell book with interest and be warned your answer will dictate how hard I squeeze your arm in frustration H hard to say as I 100% don't give a [ __ ] huh Norville oh my God he went crazy how did you get these journals uh how do you think I I stole them from the police station I dressed up as a ghost and stole them from the police station oh my God by Shocking his brain he is forced to be completely honest about everything at all times what yeah sometimes I do bad things that you don't know about for instance I bought tinted PE to pass your stupid drug tests oh no in neutralizing his hallucinations of course of course the computer figured it out accidentally removed all his empathy oh his empathy is gone it's oh he's now functioning with zero compassion this is why you listen to me science has side effects pot has n good lesson now look me in my painfully dry bloodshot eyes and apologize no because I think for myself now and I think smoking weed makes you a loser nor that's just the science talking take it back what what even is this show I I feel like every there is no lesson or theme or anything that's worth actually learning from here like even basic [ __ ] things like science is cool like it can't be stated straight in the show or what loser okay please stop doing oh my God please stop you get detention and you can all join him for saying ooh to my son Saturday 7: a.m. sharp Welcome to Hell wait what were we just talking about I need weed to forget this show I need weed for the side effect right now please oh my God it literally felt like it was never going to end oh my Lord this entire episode was just one big rich people bad joke my god dude like I this was awful dude it was awful oh my God my my hatred for this show increases every single episode I literally hate myself I feel dirty God I wish I didn't promise to watch this stuff oh my God 10,000 likes for the next episode bye if you made it to the end click one of these two videos which also will definitely get me cancelled see you live on K stay weird f
Channel: Nuxanor
Views: 63,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, nuxanor, meme, reddit, stream fails, vtubers, hololive, vtuber nux, nux taku shorts, nux taku streams, Velma, Velma bad, Velma show, Velma news, Velma review, Velma reaction, Velma Nuxanor, Velma Nux, velma review, velma fred, velma hex girls, velma season 2, velma season 2 episode 1, velma episode 1, velma season 2 reaction, velma norville, velma daphne, velma season 2 episode 3
Id: 42SE6edKCzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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