Fallout: New Vegas -- Chance? His name should be Stupid

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] it makes no difference what men think of war war was always here before man was war waited for him the ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner in 2271 the new California Republic expanded East into the Mojave Desert where they found a miracle a city seemingly Untouched by the nukes that destroyed civilization governed by the enigmatic Mr House never seen in the flesh the Hoover Dam was another miracle an ancient power plant a wonder of the old world but if you carry war of a madman's making into a foreign land you'll wake more than the dogs and across the Colorado the Republic met its first true adversary a nation of slavers ruled by a man who calls himself Caesar the new Californian Republic is to be his Carthage New Vegas his Rome this will be the campaign worthy of history books time to cash out would you get it over with maybe cons kill people without looking them in the face we take on the role of a courier hired by the Mojave Express to deliver a package to the city of New Vegas sorry you got twisted up in this scene from where you're kneeling must seem like an 18 carat run of bad luck truth is rigged from the start I was afraid I was going to die and then I was afraid I wasn't welcome to episode 47 in which we'll be playing a classic American video game Fallout New Vegas and quoting a classic American novel Blood Meridian or the evening redness in the west by Cormac McCarthy all progressions from Ohio to a lower order are marked by ruins and mystery and the residue of a nameless rage [Music] and this is when we wake up you're awake how about that whoa easy there easy you've been out cold a couple of days now why don't you just relax a second get your Barons making a decent looking character in this engine is hard and in our case unnecessary tunnel snakes roll let's see if we can get you on your feet good I need to sit down I think I'm having a stroke the New Vegas version of the special system comes with a few nuances first of all the luck attribute determines your success at gambling Blackjack roulette slots we are gonna need the Caps there are some very important money sinks in this game like combat implants the amount of implants you can install is governed by the endurance stat just like in the influential RPG Colony ship intelligence determines the amount of skill points you get per level like it always does so you'll probably want some points in that what do you say you take a seat in my couch and we go through a couple of questions see if your dogs are still barking see if the Hogs are still winking Mitchell is not actually a qualified psychologist he's just using us for practice still one of the better doctors in this franchise all other trades are contained in that of war in like I expect to find you got a family history of getting shot in the head you'd be surprised traits are like perks but they come with a downside except for the wild Wasteland trait that adds a bunch of jokes and fourth wall breaking references but doesn't hurt you mechanically just aesthetically I pick the skilled trait that gives a bonus to every skill but slows down our rate of level gain as a child I've been traumatized by the Elder Scrolls Morrowind a game where you become too powerful too fast which can ruin the story alright I guess that about does it come with me I'll see you out the Fallout 3 techs struggled with believable Interiors but this is fine doc doesn't mind if we borrow a bunch of items from his house there is a laser pistol here the game wants you to get an energy weapon early do we want to enable hardcore mode well it makes the easy baby game a little more difficult so yes we must stay hydrated eat periodically and have a regular sleep cycle try not to get killed anymore no promises we were found shot in the head near goodsprings has reportedly reservous you can count on welcome to goodsprings Nevada a town of farmers and Bighorn ranchers one of the better tutorial locations in this franchise this place has everything we like crpg choices and consequences reactivity rolly play but the adventure is short and nothing here overstays its welcome howdy partner might I say you're looking fit as a fiddle a Goofy robot named Victor was the one who dug our lifeless body from the grave and brought it to Doc Mitchell they are both equally responsible for saving our life can't say that I'm familiar with the Rascals some of the fine folks in town might be able to help you out with that Victor actually has a shack here in town she's a patriot a Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle cap we'll learn what these are very soon the abandoned Schoolhouse is infested with giant mantis returning from the classic games welcome back skill magazines are a new addition these are single use items that provide a sizable but a temporary bonus to a skill useful for lock picking and computer hacking [Music] the good spring Cemetery we've been here before this is a terrible place to die in where is a good one the locals helped us we should repay them before moving on Cheyenne stay sunny and Cheyenne initiate the game's optional tutorial Quest we get to hunt geckos together I love geckos originally introduced in Fallout 2 they were some of the better new Sprites added in that game geckos skipped tactics and Fallout 3 but now they too are back finally we gain the level the confirmed Bachelor perk makes you deal more damage to men and unlocks gay dialogue options lady killer is the same for women it's possible to take both if you've seen the meme about bisexuals dealing extra damage to everyone this is what it's referencing my girl is trapped by geckos on the Ridge and I can't get to her please she's going to die sure I'll help you I'm a good samaritan there is a lifeless body and treasure at the top of the trail if we were playing with a wild Wasteland trade the dead body of a generic prospector would have been replaced with Johnny a reference to the character Johnny Five Aces from zyborne clock a failed video game project about time travel a pencil drawing of the character that became a meme sold on eBay for five thousand dollars in 2019. AI will never be able to imitate this sorry I tricked you but thanks for clearing out the geckos now I can get to that stash up there after I deal with you the voice actor doesn't sound very enthusiastic does he we get ourselves a few basic weapons but I have exotic plans for this playthrough and will be needing a lot more to pull it off this Radio Shack has a skill book that permanently raises our survival skill authored by Moira Brown philosopher hey hey was a prospector until I decided to settle here to get away from the NCR prospector is a modern way of saying scavenger a person who dives into the old ruins to recover useful stuff it's good to see a friendly face I almost took you for a Raider I did name's Malcolm Malcolm Holmes Malcolm is here to introduce us to the Sunset Sarsaparilla Quest some of the bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla described as a root beer type of Beverage were randomly capped with a special luminous blue star it was a promotion you were supposed to collect 50 of these in order to redeem a prize at the company's HQ in Vegas after the war this became a wasteland Legend explorers still collect special bottle caps more than 200 years after the promotional event was announced what was the Sarsaparilla treasure well nobody knows there's people out there so mad with the idea of treasure that they'll attack strangers just on the suspicion mission that they have some of those caps Malcolm does have a few star caps in his possession and we can take them but I choose to let him go we'll never see Malcolm again hey do me a favor Sonny said we should meet Trudy the town mom as she described her in the prospector's saloon I'm done being nice if you don't hand Ringo over soon the man in blue is a powder ganger which is a faction of escaped convicts that terrorize the Wasteland under military supervision the inmates were tasked with maintaining a railroad connecting New Vegas with a boneyard in order to do that they were provided large amounts of explosives never gets old and blows up the bandits hit a caravan near good Springs one Trader named Ringo escaped came here said he needs to lay low they're looking for him looks like our little town got itself dragged in the middle of something we don't want anything to do with Ringo is holed up in an abandoned gas station on the edge of town [Music] Fedora here NCR Correctional Facility is now under prisoner control following a successful Riot locals should avoid anyone who looks like they've done time that's close enough who are you and what do you want with me it's possible to side with the bandits against Ringo this results in them effectively Exterminating the town including doc Mitchell Sunny Cheyenne and easy peat we got off to a bad start let's say we start over with a friendly game of Caravan men are born for games nothing else I know Caravan is confusing to many people but it's actually a very easy and fun game you have to build three Caravans using numbered cards the value of a caravan needs to be between 21 and 26 points a king doubles the value of a numbered card it's attached to a jack removes a card of your choosing from the board these can be used defensively or offensively on your opponent's cards queens and Jokers have complex functions I never figured out which didn't prevent me from winning basically every game Ringo isn't impressed with the bandits he doesn't look very tough though I hear he's afraid I'll shoot him down from one of the windows when I see him and he's right the destroyed Caravan is physically present in the game any law man that comes after me won't have it easy if you have a neutral rap with them powder gangers are not hostile but they do behave unpredictably and are known to randomly open fire makes sense I guess they are Bandits we'll avoid antagonizing them for now even if it means Ringo has to hide in the gas station for a while longer notice hitchhikers may be escaped prisoners the powder Fortress they should have fortified the walls or at least made it so you couldn't see through them of course Dynamite works pretty good against Caravan guards too so that's what we do Rob and blow things up blessed existence most Bandits wear the uniforms of the prison stuff this place is functionally a small settlement they have Services a merchant I was always the guy who could get things if you know what I mean not sure if this is predetermined or not but the trader sells very powerful turbo drugs for next to nothing will be putting them to good use very soon I've been a farm hand a bouncer a bandit and an NCR Trooper he is the prison doctor now looks like these guys are not big fans of President Kimball it was all Cook's idea he and his boys managed to swipe some dynamite and hide it away in their cells the rest of us just tagged along cook to kiss people somewhere North Eddie here is in charge of those who stayed behind he starts her short but entertaining Quest chain this is powderganger territory my territory most of the guys around here understand that one Chavez doesn't the bandits can be very dangerous when engaged at medium range where they attack you with Throne explosives but at close range not so much large quantities of dynamite are found on the gangner's bodies I'm happy you cleared that up for me but we've got another situation to worry about there is a merchant hanging around near the prison this is weird most Merchants should know to stay away by now [ __ ] I'm really Bounty Hunter trying to catch some powder gangers but they probably saw through me just like you did I installed a bunch of hitman's weapon animation mods and they are excellent Eddie asks an important question how come the NCR a potent military power allows the gangers to terrorize the area with impunity there is an NCR Garrison in the nearby town of Prim we should go and see what's up hey where the hell do you think you're going Prim is off limits the problems of Prim don't concern us that's for later but I do disarm and collect a bunch of Minds I have a feeling you will need them when I got this assignment I was hoping there'd be more gambling The Courier is familiar with the ancr and their way of doing things but for the player this is a first Contact kind of situation so what are your pigs up to military operations are classified information the brass is familiar with the situation at the ncrcf if you are not a great orator it's possible to Simply pickpocket the military orders from the officer I do this in every playthrough and I've never been caught turns out the NCR are planning an attack on the prison sounds like they're already here there's no way I'm letting them Take Me Alive we don't have to stay and fight but we will the game doesn't have enough power to gain your content and I want to showcase all of it conflict just ain't in my nature the soldiers will Bridge the prison in two places this is when all the dynamite we collected comes in handy after clearing the courtyard the NCR will assault the admin building where Eddie resides the mines we picked in Prim whatever huh the doc is not at his post might as well help ourselves there are about a dozen soldiers for us to kill and after that is done the prison is safe the ancr trooper armor is decent at this stage of the game and it provides a disguise a new mechanic not half bad in a fight are you I like this faction but I have a feeling most people don't it's ridiculously underdeveloped after saving their lives we don't even get enough of a reputation boost to push us past the neutral status this oversight somehow managed to persist through years of official patches and fan made fixes we have seven finished business in good Springs despite my powder ganger sympathies I'm not gonna let them kill the people who saved our life we need to gather a posse travel with rustlers huh Count Me In partner he won't actually show up he has a good reason though I was planning on sitting this one out but for some reason I can't help but like you Trudy is convinced via an easy speech check say no more I'm in Sunny is a pound of the realist easy peat I know you have Dynamite give it to me too dangerous don't kill all yourselves if I let you touch it I am familiar with the care and handling of explosives Dynamite included welcome back I had hope you wouldn't need to come see me yes doc I get it you hate violence you made your point he won't be actively fighting but he'll give us a bunch of meds for free all right I'm ready I hope time to look alive the powder gangers are here to fight this is an extremely choices and consequences kind of situation the people we've convinced to help us have gathered near the saloon and here are the bandits at this stage there is little reason to preserve your reputation with powder gangers but it's possible to minimize the reputation hit by simply not attacking them the townies don't actually need your help assuming you recruited enough don't forget to pick up a stealth Boy of the body of Mr Cobb I owe you a huge favor for this here these are technically Crimson Caravan funds but turns out ringero still had some of that Caravan money so that's why the gangers were terrorizing goodsprings ladies and gentlemen Welcome to our program this is Mr New Vegas and each and every one of you is wonderful in your own special way good spring suspended off a mob of Escape convicts after organizing an impromptu militia this according to an old man armed to the teeth with dynamite Mr New Vegas is an AI construct created by Mr house before the war to be a radio DJ 200 years later he still performs that role we will never meet him in game radio DJs providing feedback for the Player's actions is a brilliant Innovation brought to the series by Bethesda in Fallout 3. tunnel snakes rule I believe older gtas also had a similar feature typical city boy he had a bunch of great Cons with him we need to get to Vegas the quest Arrow wants us to take a long way around the mountains but Vegas is like right there and the quickest way from A to B is a straight line this is Sloan a mining camp located along interstate 15. reading a medical journal gives us enough of a temporary skill boost to successfully heal Snuffles the mole rat wounded leg let me ask you a question what's the tasty tasty thing you've ever eaten hmm let me think um oh I know a modocian death claw egg omelette my great aunt Rose ran a bed and breakfast back in California in a town called Modoc I'm sorry for your loss this is a reference to something that happens in Fallout 2 and come to think of it Modoc also had an animal you could heal for XP she did until some stranger came along and killed the deathclaw shot it right in the eye that's not how it went whatever hold up their deathclaws all over the damn place north of here there is no work here anymore and as the Quarry Junction got occupied by a pack of deathclaws the creatures blocked the road to Vegas but if you have basic knowledge of the game's mechanics this shouldn't be a problem just sneak past the deathclaws using a stealth Boy this is what I did when I played the game for the first time many years ago blind following the interstate is the quickest route to Vegas but if you hate sneaking for some reason there is one more option you can try we'll have to backtrack back to goodsprings to Showcase it not wanting to waste a stealth Boy I reload my game and this happens you like that take her for a spin deathclaw alpha male will not be bound by the limitations of game mechanics or the laws of physics I wonder if reloading will fix this be careful what you wish for I guess so I reload again and activate the stealth Boy I was supposed to be preserving the deathclaw devours the town of Sloan like it did Modoc all those years ago it's like poetry thank you this road north of good Springs also leads to Vegas unfortunately the path is infested with mutant insects known as cazadors you probably won't be able to sneak past there are simply too many of them furthermore casadors have a very high base perception the creatures are the reason I was stockpiling all these performance enhancing substances cazadors are fast lethal and have an erratic movement pattern but also somewhat low HP crippling your wing slows them down and temporarily disables their ability to fly this is the grave of chance one of the characters of the graphic novel all roads written by Chris Avalon that serves as a prologue for the game it's not very long so we'll read the entire thing [Music] that's Benny AKA The Man in the checkered suit AKA Fancy Pants he has a beautiful silver lighter New Vegas the view from the tops Casino Benny is clearly a very important person that's the great Khan chance B 's be high as [ __ ] it's probably not possible to be this big while abusing recreational drugs mentally traumatized by the massacre at Bitter Springs chance no longer has an ability to speak Swank Benny's second in command thinks his boss is about to do something careless cigarettes on the floor leave a trail you can smell a mile away a trail how tribal of you you want to go back to the old ways there is the door go on see the world outside Vegas in all its Glory we don't need the old ways to win at this game back in the Red Rock Canyon the great khans are preparing for a job the Colorado River is here everything East belongs to Caesar everything West now that's new California Republic land or what they can hold on to so who is paying the caps for the job some big shot from Vegas armed with a knife chance approaches the group he carves a hole on the map near where Vegas is supposed to be I'm no critic but that's not the Vegas I know the cons Turn Around The Voice belongs to Benny you're late fashionably so but Lady Luck she's always on time the man talk details they're hunting The Courier well not specifically The Courier but rather the package they're carrying it's valuable but only to Benny I'd rather our involvement not be known living the victim alive makes that difficult Benny lights up a cigarette chance sees something else in the fire he was at Bitter Springs when NCR hit can't let go he loses it he is your responsibility warns Benny see that lighter of his could use a lighter like that try and Vegas will come at us with both barrels it's already swallowed three tribes and spit them out as families tribes you're telling me he's a tribal this body better not be your career no dice bodies burned limbs intact looks like he crawled this far before he died someone set him on fire and watched fiance very little is known about their history and culture fiance are violent murderers and junkies and this is their territory reminded of bitter Springs chance attacks the fiance by himself Benny tells the cons to not interfere but they don't listen the group commits to battle including Benny himself who fires his unique nine millimeter called Maria they Massacre vast amounts of fiends some of the khans are wounded chance is hurt more than others feel better now chance his name should be stupid the khans want to put more cams into him to keep the man alive put him down says Benny no fine no need to say it you deal with him he is your friend how you're feeling oh I forgot you don't talk I've heard about bitter Springs crying shame happened a long time ago though don't get me wrong I understand how that stuff can eat you up let me tell you a story so I ran this casino the tops you can see all Vegas from the windows we had acts coming from all over the Mojave to perform their entertainment Class Acts but there was this one singer he used to run with us back when our gang rode the Mojave like you cons the boys loved him he'd sing around the campfire songs about us in the old days before we met the man who runs Vegas who showed us a new way to live no need to play Tribal anymore but the singer didn't see Vegas the way I did he kept singing the old songs kept talking about how we should hit the road again so he did in his own way Nostalgia is a drug chance you want to be back with the cons at Bitter Springs and this time make it right but me I'm not like that singer I am done thinking about how things used to be the Courier is the key I get the package I won't walk the Mojave again I'll hold Vegas in my hand your tough chance I hope you keep it together but I need you to change your tune or if you can't not saying it's an easy road if you need to lose yourself for a while go on and take it in the morning the khans discover their friend dead they want to bury the body Benny is annoyed catch up when you're done if you want to get paid hope you saved your strength won't be the last grave you dig today how much further to good Springs you are standing in it watch the road shouldn't be long now we dig up Chance's grave and get his unique combat knife the blade is still stained by the blood of the fiends he killed this is an outstanding melee weapon that deals crazy DPS helpful since by that point I ran out of ammo for all the guns I was carrying best to avoid remote settlements no good people live here at the edge of civilization I irresponsibly get into a fight with a fire Gecko and win at the cost of most of my HP all roads lead to Vegas the most common threat in this part of the world are fiens but the Raiders of the melee variety are simply not that threatening if you have Chance's knife since we are here might as well stop by the Allied Technologies building kill a bunch of ants and recover the tales of junktown vendor a skill book that gives a permanent three points to barter whoever worked here was a Sunset Sarsaparilla fan we've almost reached the city to the right of us is Camp McCarran formerly an international airport now the headquarters of the new California Republic army in the Mojave the NCR patrols would often engage in firefights with the fiance the outcome depends on how many energy weapons the Raiders are packing I think we'll spend the night at the El Rey Motel shown in the game's intro I've got you now my room now tomorrow is a very busy day and the Raiders known as the fiends those who can afford passports are saying the added security is well worth the price of admission if you side with the powder gangers during the assault on the prison you usually get a massive reputation penalty with the Republic for some reason this time it didn't happen I guess we got lucky and again the McCarran Airport Building is where the opening scene of the New Vegas biggest mod project Fallout the frontier takes place my head Cannon is that the frontier is in Universe fiction like Tom Clancy or Call of Duty or Fallout being an International Airport this place is massive it's so big that the NCR were unable to make full use of the space many areas are basically uninhabited say for an occasional patrolling Soldier the machines don't work of course but they do seem to be in a decent condition considering their hundreds of years old the trolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter as soon as the soldier lady goes away we are stealing everything from the medical tent I'm Lieutenant gorobetz first Recon first Recon is a distinguished and Sierra sharp shooter Battalion who played a vital part in the first battle of the Hoover Dam in 2277. it's our window into the NCR military culture a Bitterroot versus Recon you got a reason to talk to me Sergeant Bitterroot that's a curious name it's a con name you know the great cons that's what my parents were the Great khans were once a major Raider entity in California and the historical predator of the NCR the scum lazy trumped-up Raiders over the decades and the centuries the cons were pushed further and further east until they got to the Mojave and eventually settled at Bitter Springs the conrades were a problem for the ancr expedition that arrived here in 2274 and a few years later after the battle for the dam was won it was time to take care of them the bitter Springs Massacre the ancr were acting on incomplete information when they realized they are attacking a settlement not a military staging ground it was too late bitters Springs was the best thing that ever happened to me he isn't exactly upset the khans have this ritual if a youth endures the beat down without crying for Mercy they get to choose their own name to wear for the rest of their lives bittersprings was my beat down afterward I gave myself a name an interesting man Caesar's boys figured I wasn't going anywhere after what they'd done to me so they didn't bother tying me up Sterling is an ex-ranger who got captured by the legendaries and tortured he can't serve in the Rangers anymore but Lieutenant gorobats figured he'll be useful in Sharpshooters the lieutenant tells us the story of Corporal Betsy and ten of Spades a sniper Duo who got ambushed by cook Cook's group of fiends in one of their first assignments but I don't feel bad about shooting Legion boys feigns on the other hand sometimes I get pangs of conscience the psychological trauma made Betsy more promiscuous some cute little junkie [ __ ] so [ __ ] up she doesn't even know that she's the bad guy and I've got a head shot her makes me think she made passes at every woman that wandered by this increasingly inappropriate behavior reflects badly on first Recon damn never had you pay for the drill instructor type but she got my attention you can tell the lieutenant that I finally caved I'll get help since the fians are such a big problem in this part of Vegas the NCR contract's independent bounty hunters to help thin the bad guy's numbers because I killed a couple of marks for him that's why you ever hear Jackson or night terror night terror is a character from Wasteland Jackson is a YouTuber little Buster is quitting the bounty hunting trade I'm all for risking my life but I'm a little sensitive about my [ __ ] same he's really good at Caravan maybe he could make a career out of that in any case it appears there is a vacancy for us to fill cook rapist pyromaniac damn good Chef if you believe the fiends we've captured there is a clever way of taking him out by assassinating his pet Brahman this causes the man to go berserk and attack his fellow fiends but I don't like killing an innocent cow and the common fiends aren't that dangerous anyway cook wears a full suit of metal armor our guns lack the stopping power but I have a plan I call it doing an easy peat here he comes no not you chances knife saves our skin once again the NCR will wound his head as proof [Music] Violet the mother of hounds lives at the edge of the fee in territory the dogs are easily taken out with long distance sneak attacks the woman is deadly with a rifle took me a few reloads but as you can see these quests are completely doable even with a fresh character looks like the guard is finally out patrolling the Mojave my thanks to the NCR taxpayers for the investment the final Bounty is for driver Nephi which sounds like someone's MMO handle Nephi is a special case the first Recon Sharpshooters volunteered to help us gorod bats formulates a plan the snipers will set up in the old rock quarry our job is to agitate the fiends leading them in range of first Recon guns I'm always fixing to be the center of attention beautiful the shooters do their job well but where is Nephi best not to risk taking him hat on interesting fact Nephi moves 25 percent faster than a normal character in glorious he doesn't seem to possess a head anymore that might cause a problem back at the Bounty office [Music] this was a great introduction to the cultural practices of the NCR military since the fiends are effectively decapitated first Recon will be moved further east to Camp forlorn hope to battle the legion we'll meet again impossibly related news local chem dealers report an overall decrease in their standard of living what do they eat that's the question YouTubers would throw at Fallout 3 to criticize Todd's World building practices the sharecropper Farms were enabled by something called the thalar ACT private Farmers would come to the Mojave to farm the land for the new Californian Republic a portion of the crops is supposed to go to Camp McCarran and other military installations don't forget to steal the Chinese training manual from the farmer's barracks [Music] The Gun Runners are weapon merchants and manufacturers from La welcome sir or Madam the robot does the transactions the building behind him is the factory where all this stuff is actually made vendertron sells all kinds of weapons both melee and ranged including the ones added by The Gun Runners Arsenal DLC I have a feeling you will be spending a lot of money here but that's something that will happen much later the biggest early gay money sink is this place the clinic run by the Followers of the Apocalypse mental trauma can be just as difficult abilified in such treatment I didn't forget about Betsy the clinic is where we upgrade ourselves with implants the normal start enhancing ones are 4 000 caps per operation and then there are two additional extra expensive combat implants if I implant the probability calculator in your frontal lobe you'll be able to calculate odds a little better it's not quite the same as making you lucky semantics the sewers are actually a residential area one of the exits leads us to West Side a fortified neighborhood of Vegas with a Raider problem the people here grow their own crops I admit we had a lot of trouble at first but eventually we got some help from Tom Anderson with the followers this location is somewhat important for the hardcore mode because they sell huge amounts of food if you can believe it things are even worse back home the whole city is still run by crime families it used to be the merdinos and rights now it's the rights and Van graffs Clayton attenet is a Reno immigrant you can never truly get rid of a Reno mobster or the Cockroach of the Wasteland free side is the biggest District of New Vegas controlled by a gang known as the Kings when most people think of Vegas they think of the strip a walled area where all the casinos and the hotels and the rich people are access to this trip is restricted robot let me pass they don't actually take your money they just need to make sure you have enough we don't an alternative way of getting to the strip is via the monorail at Camp McCarran but we don't have access to that either and you know what I don't care [ __ ] this trip free side is the real Vegas this is its true face there is gambling drug addiction and alcoholism poverty and Street crime very good I prefer a realistic looking clothing in these games the more on Fort is the regional HQ of the Followers of the Apocalypse and the oldest building in the area the followers are a humanitarian organization originally from La Julie Farkas is the administrator they focus on providing education and medical services to those in need as well as furthering research in a non-military areas they are not part of the NCR Eastside counties are constantly picking fights with NCR civilians Thugs and thieves are always looking for a victim and the local families are just sitting back making caps on the mess the character is designed to resemble Nicole who was the head of the followers back in 2161 during the events of the first game the atomic Wrangler the casino of freeside it's also a hostel a brothel a bar and a drugstore the place is run by the Garrett Twins and it's a hangout for the Kings the van graff's caravanners and Traders in order to play the casino games we need to buy chips there are three currencies in this game caps and CR bucks and Legion coins all of them can be exchanged for chips one to one despite Caesar's poor relations with other factions Legion currency is still accepted as payment since it's made out of rare precious metals so what other games here is roulette I have no idea how it works slots [Music] playing slots is the quickest way to get rich for characters with high luck we are talking 9 or 10 points if you are below that your best option is Blackjack Notions of chance and fate the preoccupation of men engaged in rush undertakings so make sure to rig the game before it even begins we already got the probability calculator go to the nearby Mick and Ralphs and purchase a unique set of clothing they have that grants plus one luck to the wearer they also have an impressive weapon selection why do you work for one of the casinos oh no like I always say a polite Society is an armed Society the side quests in this part of Vegas are doable even with a low level character especially if you put points into the speech skill most of them are intertwined negotiate with the Garrett twins on behalf of the followers poach follower guards for the Garrett twins recruit exotic sex workers collect debt okay here that's everything I've got except the clothes on my back I'll be taking those as well anything take it just don't kill me man one of the side quests has us reprogramming a sex bot please assume the position ah damn I've been looking for one of those for years for my customers I mean I'm not into that kind of [ __ ] we are an asset to the community thanks for not killing me The Thorn is an underground combat Arena no Fallout game is authentic without one here's where the strong make a name for themselves and the weak are fed to the jaws of Hell rad Lucy thinks she's in the Elder Scrolls 4. we can fight for caps but this is one of the less interesting combat Arenas in the franchise because all our opponents are animals who don't really have a personality or a story behind them thankfully rad Lucy has real work for us the thorn needs newborn specimens that will one day grow to honor us with their blood the first assignment is to bring her some Mantis eggs we'll have to venture out into the desert again you've done a good turn for the NCR and now we'd like to do one for you [Music] this encounter is a reward for reaching positive reputation with the NCR the man gives us a radio that can be used to summon an NCR Ranger to Aid Us in combat these are the Vipers originally one of the tribes of old 15 Exiles now a generic Raider entity I win Robin I do the blue-skinned super mutants are the knightkin they are Masters spec ops that went crazy due to stealth Boy overuse crazy with low prices on wind Brahman you buy one how much they are very good win Brahman all caps deal haha stupid human he takes all our money which is almost nothing because I spent all the savings on the lock implant so we got the wind Brahmin practically for free leave doggies alone freshen up with Sunset Sarsaparilla the picture is suggestive our destination is hidden in the mountains west of the city Vault 22 the green vault a traveler that passed through here not long ago told everyone he met that there's some kind of plant Paradise to the west where food is abundant all the people foolish enough to listen to him and head out that way never came back Before the War The Vault scientists were working on the problem of global hunger creating Advanced fertilizers to improve crop production and increase these crops resistance to insects and disease that sort of thing this will blow your mind but the Vault experiment failed it's four crawlers they hide in vegetation the creatures don't show on radar and are not targetable with bats until the player comes close enough to wake them up deeper in the vault we find a flamethrower in a decent condition the weapon happens to be amazing against the plant people even if your character is not proficient with energy weapons speaking of which here is a unique prototype laser rifle shoots green beans instead of red the thing we're firing at is a Spore plant they were first introduced in Fallout 2 skipped Fallout 3 reappeared in Vegas welcome back there are many quests that lead the player to Vault 22. the NCR military the legion the Brotherhood there is even a companion Quest that has us exploring this place and of course the OSI I'm Dr Thomas hildern director of operations OSI East stands for office of Science and Industry formerly a part of the Followers of the Apocalypse the organization is now integrated into the Republic they have a lab at Camp McCarran red Lucy was right there are plenty of mantisags to be found here and on the bottom level there is a still operational computer terminal which we use to download research data so that the scientists efforts are not in vain strictly speaking we're done but I want to learn what happened to the Explorer sent here by the OSI these plants have gone completely out of control I've got a plan to deal with them but I'll need your help Keeley is ancient a first generation ghoul born before the Great War a freelance scientist we need to ignite the gas to destroy the spores there is a trick to it the trick is Running Away really fast it's strange the system says that the files are accessed recently and copied to an external Source whatever in creation exists without my knowledge and exists without my consent I received a pleasant call from Dr Keely it seems we have you to thank for keeping her alive very charitable of you but that's not the reason we went into the Vault The Thorn will nurture these eggs until their hatchlings are ready to bleed for us this character feels modded in but she isn't one of the changes this game brings to the Fallout 3 mechanics is the addition of the damage threshold this is why we take the shotgun surgeon perk that makes our shotgun attacks ignore an additional 10 points of the target's DT thanks to all our hard work we can finally afford an IQ implant have a seat in the auto dock this will take a few hours God damn this made me remember something Ringo the trader owes us money all the latest news coming your way right now interns are brewing and freestyle between the ruling gang known as the Kings and the large number of NCR squatters seeking Refuge there the leader of the Kings who would only identify himself as the king voiced his displeasure calling NCR citizens quote The Devil in Disguise he added he didn't want to see the NCR in the ghetto and call for a mass quote Return to Sender hey there here's the rest of the payment I promised you back in good Springs Ringo is working for the Crimson Caravan company one of the largest and oldest trading companies in New California the organization was first introduced in Fallout 1. their services were expensive but they'll do the job no matter the risk you could also have sexual intercourse with one of their staff members which was rare in the first game as the series didn't became horny until Fallout 2. and getting ready to run a caravan up towards Utah there's a town called New Canaan which is supposed to be pretty prosperous Utah is explored in a DLC curious that the Mormons of New Canaan are also described as a tribe so in Fallout speak this term is also applicable to City dwellers the Crimson Caravan company has been in business for over 130 years Alice mclafferty would be managing main operations in the hub but since the New Vegas Branch had been underperforming lately she had to relocate here I'm afraid we have no current openings for caravanners or guards but I am in need of a runner the first task she gives us is an uneventful Courier job the game wants to make sure that we know about the oyasi at Camp McCarran and the vault 22 Quest but after that is done the rest of her tasks involve corporate Espionage and intimidation Alice was supposed to be in the canceled Van Buren where she was even more aggressive mclafferty's been riding asses again characters in New Vegas have schedules sneak to the Crim and Caravan Barracks after dark pickpocket the safe key of mclafferty while she sleeps clothed open the corporate safe for an unimpressive Hall I love the stoic expression on his face the man is in full control of his emotions Henry was the manager of the Mojave Branch before Alice had to take over do you want me to quit the Crimson Caravan fine I quit he got the position due to nepotism I'm a bit curious what exactly you said to him we threatened to rat him out to the emertas the Italian mafia stereotypes who live in this trip the criminal families from Fallout 2 play no role in this game but there is one mafia-like entity we can work for miss van Graf my associates and I have decided that we wish to renegotiate the terms of our deal might I ask for what reason the shipment was delivered the guns were tested before leaving this facility regardless we feel that the quality of the weapons is below expectation and hope to adjust the price accordingly ah I think I understand what the issue here is do it never break Faith with the van graffs Mr Soren in the early version of this scene the man they incinerated was supposed to be Gloria's lover have you ever said that you loved someone but it wasn't quite true the silver Rush used to be a casino now it's an energy weapon store but it's mostly famous for its toilet the NCR is huge now we're talking on a scale that's difficult to imagine time was we could fight them and hold our own not so anymore the Von grafs are one of the largest Merchant houses and crime families in New California curiously they are not a Reno family van graffs are from reading and they are matriarchal one day Mama took me aside and said boy you're never going to go very far but you're going to make a whole lot of people come up short it just so happens a position opened up recently we are gonna be a door guard Simon will provide us with a uniform and a weapon what's your preference laser or plasma laser I guess but can't say I care about this Hocus Pocus I'm slow to embrace new ideas our job is to profile potential customers undesirables are to be sent away everyone is to be searched for weapons the free side quests give you a broad overview of the Vegas factions and social classes this sort of content works best when you engage with it early in the adventure hey looking for something to replace my old revolver mind if I head in this guy has a bomb on him if allowed in he will detonate it killing everyone inside and destroying the equipment a revenge for something Von Grouse did to his family keep your head straight Brookie things are about to get interesting this is Pacer the right hand of the king the king's rule free side and are at odds with the fun graphs make the new higher tiller he'll try to provoke us but if we keep our cool Pacer goes away you performed as instructed Simon was impressed and so am I Gloria says we did fine but they found someone else to guard the door our next task is to run a package to a client in a discreet location in the Wasteland makes sense for us to take this job we are a courier after all argue the van Graf cemissary this was my first ever contact with Caesar's Legion huh then our business is concluded tell your superiors that we will contact them shortly clean professional he talks weird like he was trained how to speak the mysterious man is either one of the speculatories a scout or a frumentarius a spy I can implant the hypertrophy accelerator for 4 000 caps it will boost your adrenal glands and quickly increase your muscle mass that's right the doctor said it hypertrophy is the most functional form of strength sorry if this offends repeater cells but enough distractions it's time for us to find out who the king is you want your hair done too no no no the kings are many and their hair must be perfect the Elvis impersonators are the only gang in the franchise that are actually kind of nice where every man is free to follow his own path where every man is a king in his own right look Rexy someone news come to see us poor boy he hasn't been feeling well lately Rex is his robot dog another Fallout 2 idea returning after a long absence welcome back did you notice the bodyguards for hire near the gates When you entered freeside well yeah recently my man tell me that one of those bodyguards a fellow named Horus is making a little too much money the king suspects Foul Play we hire auris as our bodyguard he gives us a little tour of free side so where is the scam hey slow down I don't like the look of some of those men ahead here it is Orris runs ahead to battle street thugs he is so good he fires three shots leaving four bodies uh notice that did you I keenly aimed one of the shots through some soft tissue of one of them to hit the man behind him that's super cool I think this one is still alive let me help well you're not subtle but you get the job done that's good enough for me king's quest chain is about the ethnic conflict of Vegas a conflict between the locals and the the NCR citizens the miracle City Untouched by bombs became a destination for tourism and migration it's possible that before the recent troubles the ancrians arrived in the Vegas area by the railroad the locals resent the immigrants who in turn resent the locals sometimes this leads to violence these two got attacked by the NCR people and the King wants us to figure out what exactly happened now that I think of it he said lose something something with a t tenant that's what he called him Lieutenant he probably said Lieutenant Wayne the boy means well but he's dumb as a mutant sometimes actually that's an ignorant stereotype here's what's going on it's all about the NCR relief mission in free side they Supply food and water to the NCR citizens in need the major said they sent an Envoy to the king who was brutally beaten and barely survived but the king says he never heard about any of this so someone is working behind his back and who might that be perhaps it was the only other named King's character there's a shootout going down here the mystery solves itself moments later when we learned that Pacer provoked a shootout with the undercover troops we have half a dozen Kings Dead with no NCR casualties the gunfire is just for atmosphere we are not actually in any danger I charge in to deal with my problems head on the situation is easily resolved via dialogue there aren't even any skill checks I wonder if the soldiers trust us because we are from the NCR is there like a subtle NCR look or a dialect the game doesn't communicate I've never seen the major so angry before she may look calm right now but don't let her fool you very elaborate scripting in this side quest Pacer returning back to the HQ with the tail between his legs maybe it's time for a little more talking a little less frightened it is my belief that the game's story works just as well or better if you be lying straight for Vegas ignoring the quest Compass we met interesting people made friends and defused the tensions here in freeside welcome to Freestyle try not to get killed possibilities with the NCR and RnB reporter was on hand to speak with the King I feel so bad I think it's time we reconsider baby that's the news this is Mr New Vegas filling in for Mr New Vegas fire geckos are among the wasteland's most dangerous creatures red Lucy wants us to obtain fire gecko eggs while looking for the animals in the mountains we discover the entrance to Vault 19. remember what Eddie told us after the prison riot a group of powder gangers led by Samuel L cook not to be mistaken for cook cook the fiend went North this is where they ended up a unique feature of this vault is that it had two overseers one for the red sector and one for the blue sector just keep on walking the main purpose of the experiment was to induce paranoia through non-chemical and non-violent means when the powder gangers discovered this place it was abandoned now they too experience a Schism who the hell are you I know you weren't one of the inmates cook wants the gang to join up with the great khans whose new settlement is located nearby his opponent Philip Lam wants the gangers to go back and surrender to the NCR Frontier living not for him I guess there is a sulfur mine underneath a vault it's full of fire geckos and once they are cleared the sulfur can be used to manufacture explosives foreign I want you to head to Red Rock Canyon north of here we need to go neat whoever is in charge of the cons and negotiate on Samuel's behalf this is the map drawn by chance shown in the graphic novel its location implies Benny had to go through fee and controlled territory to meet up with the mercenaries that's their totems up there on the ridge these are con lands but not exclusively so Vault 22 isn't the only green place in the Wasteland oh it's you guys so the great khans last seen in Fallout 2 what happened since then in 2267 under the leadership of Papa Khan the tribe left California moving into the Mojave Wasteland upon arriving to Vegas they made friends with a local follower group who taught them basic science skills such as chemistry reading and writing the cons used this knowledge to make drugs some of the substances they produce go toward trading with others namely the fiance and West Side addicts in exchange for supplies the tribe needs the khans greatly contributed to the social dysfunction of Vegas in 2274 Mr House established his rule in the city the tribes that declared loyalty to him were reformed Into The Three Families the rock art depicts the khans owning the omertas and the white Globe Society but what actually happened was the exact opposite of this and they were evicted from Vegas to Bitter Springs and then to the Red Rock Canyon very well tell the powder gangers we accept their offer however they would still have to pass the initiation right so a beat down Carl a common name a common outfit sits next to the tribe's leader you must be I am one of the frumentary it is my duty to scout the waste in Caesar's name and make contact with any tribes it might serve a useful purpose now that's a development Caesar is already making alliances west of Vegas anything from Papa con looks like you're gonna need two new names Samuel one in English one in Latin true to Kaiser glorious Caesar has readings in the name of Kaiser in exchange for Great Caesar's promise of huh I guess some of you might need three we get the cowboy perk a new addition to Fallout makes us deal 25 more damage with cowboy weapons that is revolvers lever action Firearms Dynamite knives it's perfect I would like to extend an invitation to join the Followers of the Apocalypse no more teaching Wasteland murderers Advanced chemistry Julie the biggest perk of the followers membership is access to their safe house located in the western mountains it makes for an excellent player housing and the base of operations comes with a bunch of rare items a doctor NPC and a skill book that gives a permanent bonus to Medicine speaking of the reflex booster does exactly what it says speeds up your reaction times agility went from being the single most important stat in the classic games to one of tertiary significance here whatever I'll still enhance that garbage both Alice mclaugherty and Jean-Baptiste cutting glorious brother want us to find someone named Rose of Sharon Cassidy of Cassidy Caravans she was last seen in the Mojave Outpost which is located near the state line of California and Nevada and the quickest way of getting there is via good Springs there is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road there too I'm glad that business is over I like it when good Springs is nice and quiet everything is back to normal hope it stays that way Victor the robot never showed up to help us against the powder gangers I must have dozed off although that's never happened before a science check tells us he was remotely deactivated just before the firefight override command 16 Delta Victor has been in good spring since long before Mr House's securitrons rolled out onto the old Vegas Strip by his own account he has been in town since 2266. the game was rigged from the start time to hit the road again the reason I structured the story the way I did ignoring the quest Arrow going straight for Vegas is to replicate my very first blind playthrough of this game I did back in 2010. I did it to prove a point it is with a heavy heart that I must announce that Fallout fans are at it again I have recently learned of a Neo-Nazi sex offender vatnik ideology that proliferated inside this community the ideology called Vegas egalitarianism denial it's the notion that unlike Fallout 3 the New Vegas world map design is restrictive and it doesn't allow for the same storytelling variety I guess all this time I played the game wrong the fool I wash my bow this sick and embarrassing idea has a dark origin you see Vegas was released right in the middle of the decade of RPG death and back then the popular philosophy in the game design thinkateria was that well video gamers are stupid TV Watchers book readers moviegoers these have the cognitive capacity to handle sophisticated storytelling but not video Gamers RPGs made during that time period were marinated in this philosophy Fallout 3 overdosed on it the kotako columnist Felix adornenko famously described that game as being pre-digested every character talks to you like you're a child many of the genre conventions were ignored and the Vats mode provided 90 damage reduction they toned it down in Vegas they had to but the [ __ ] gamer philosophy became something of a self-fulfilling prophecy raising a generation of fans who were offended and upset that in this new game you had to learn what the items do and how to click on a stealth Boy in order to navigate the world map scandalous terrible Theory continues to be a curse of this franchise this is what happens when you leave your nerds unbullied that's it the end of part one we haven't even made it to this trip I wonder how many hours this series is going to end up being I'm aiming for eight Patron credits and final takes in order to make this video I had to ask for a favor from the kings and queens of freeside including Jim Lawrence Nathan kabiska Ilya Ruben Hank of the Hill marching iron Tony spagoni source is the best engine ever made Noir a two-room apartment in babrusk Belarus 1967 Ford Mustang CD-ROM fossil Danny Kilpatrick Rayners Dima Urban Buck Swope macheva snafu dark bot pumpkin yurisa Lord of nichenkar Jackson Phillips I feed my parrot chicken C6 Azazel and baneful the doggo [ __ ] the graphic novel all roads can be purchased online for three bucks the unique helmet we're wearing was created by the artist puddle Pond AKA aristat 2 check out their Nexus page I'll upload the helmet to our patreon file server with instructions on how to use it the only essential mod the animated intro was created by Alex AKA poon Cormac McCarthy the author of Blood Meridian died in June 2023 at the age of 89. natural causes this was just as I was finishing the script truth to be told I don't think he would have liked Fallout McCarthy once said that he is not fan of magical realism you know it's hard to get people to believe what you're telling them without making it impossible it has to be vaguely plausible magic realism is a style of literary fiction that paints a realistic view of the world while also introducing Magical elements blurring the lines between fantasy and reality kind of like what this franchise is known to do McCarthy also never used semicolons he would have just straight up hated RPGs I think based see you all in July never gets old when something blows up sometimes they escape and I have to round them up again leave doggies alone
Channel: Warlockracy
Views: 165,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, gaming, game design, warlockracy, review, narrative review, fallout new vegas, fallout, new vegas, chance, great khans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 25sec (4225 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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