New Update Weapons Test - Helldivers 2 Max Difficulty

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supp okay just checking audio checking audio for okay that should be good y what's going on Darth how are you doing dude setting up our thumbnail there all right so uh let me get in a party too I'm going to be playing with some randoms I think okay that should be good choose where to join your fellows in righteous Liberation okay let's start off with the terminate Planet I was going to try the stalwart did that or the uh Ark Blitzer join these guys never has your doing good bro at work listening to your stream nice yeah I got done working a little bit ago working nights has its benefits but also I don't know it's weird having I've just been on nights like night shifts for so long jump complete I kind of forget what normal shifts are like Mission coordinates la do air strike real I think I'm going to try stalwart and then maybe do quar or no I need a backpack proba eat or h hi dude really cool to see you live from Swiss damn dude what's going on appreciate you stopping in um I'm going to do Expendables I think that's Expendables right yeah and then let's do try the new arc Blitzer did they change it it's here Nowell to do the Redeemer as well to make up for try this out night shift suck man I used to work nights can't do it anymore I mean I make the thing is I make my own hours like I work mainly from home now um but I just was on like I used to be a server and bartender and uh also a warehouse worker and all three of those jobs were night so I just kind of stuck with it and now when I do my job it's mainly from the computer but I was just so used to night shifts that I kind of just it just stuck I don't know what this dud e 100 me uh I'll just call these in here might as well reinfor what else is making noise tooing close down a support weapon inal stri oh my God scared the crap out of me haveit hocy got turn this flashlight off D I can't see a thing 10 Northeast 200 M I'm dead because this dude the hunter disappeared what reinforcing I cannot see a thing on this planet did I call me in anywhere near my stuff kind of calling in a let me grab my guns I'll go towards the eggs I didn't realize they had already gotten the uh CF done supplies dude what the hell happened with that Hunter it just straight up disappeared B armed clear the area dropping a pin Northwest 200 M reloading I just play this game by myself every time I join groups they kick me from game and tell me how bad I suck that's bound to happen in a group game some people are just insecure they're just talking about themselves tunnel breach I'm out I got 20 seconds on orbital rail Cannon strike and I have no other way to kill this thing oh my God are you guys seeing what I'm seeing how many bugs are right here requesting sry requesting air support how' you like to T them now that's what I call Liberty requesting orbital strike might be dead here that didn't kill it falling down I'm out sending in an eagle okay dropping a me feel like I'm not helping at all just constantly dealing with weird ass things yeah it doesn't bother me like it's more relaxing to play solo I agree it's definitely more chill it's like playing inside a vacuum cleaner kind of yeah I'm going to have to pick a different planet after this cuz I can't see shitu destroy dude how are they doing that Liberty save me s's not horrible it's just weird I'm oh [ __ ] we're dancing let me grab these in case somebody needs them AC have we killed the eggs we haven't even killed the eggs I'm going to be real Ark Blitz seems viable now even with the Buffs to uh even with the Nerfs to um what's it called guard dog Rover still I think we still doable I think can't even feel the increased recoil for the Redeemer see if I can ping these supplies for these guys supplies supplies know somebody said they needed them re also grats on 3K Subs I appreciate that dude I've been uh been grinding pretty hard trying to H the channel a bit uh cool to see so many people joining especially after hell divers re I need to start throwing this on CD cuz it's such a short cool down might as well I'm out down a [Applause] yeah I don't know about this this gun doesn't seem viable it's just not it's not where it's at Great to take up a whole slot just not worth it in my opinion oral stri that's a head shot yeah that was a head shot one shot kill 300 M surprise never die sending in an eagle hit democracy re there's a stalker Nest somewhere around here and I can't find itun okay so they're coming from this direction last God damn it dude reinfor I don't know if I killed him or I don't think I did request appr reinforcements you always impress me with how good of a player you are dude thank you man that means a lot try to be good at whatever game I play bring uh entertaining game play that was the death Cry of a stalker I don't think they killed the hole though yeah they still haven't fixed the bug though where if uh there's a dead body the Blitzer is useless sa where is this Nest man is this should be it now so they did close it either so there must be some left or there's another hole dropping Ain 200 yeah 100% this gun is going to be meta I'm just calling it now the increased fire rate is huge and the unlimited ammo aspect with the increased amount of patrols is going to be nuts Freedom never Freedom triumph over the extraction shut a your reest ouch yeah I don't think they touch the damage on it either so it still does a ton of damage reest approved reinforcements have been launched I need to yeah I should just be using this not even touching the stalwart a support didn't realize extract was right here extraction shutle inbound need ammo not ammo I need stems dude it is so satisfying just popping the head off The Brood commanders my [ __ ] leg is broken Team 1 minute and 30 seconds requesting ADV it's Weaponry calling down a support weapon requesting air support how you like the taste of Freedom UT T minus 1 minute D that is so much faster like that is a gigantic buff I don't know why more people aren't talking about this or maybe they are I'm just late on it but like I was consistently getting 800 plus kill games before the buff to this weapon now if you run the guard dog Rover I don't see how you're not getting like a th000 kills fairly EAS easily ETA tus 20 seconds ETA tus 10 seconds clear Landing Zone pelic One landing sequence initiated watch where you're standing reinforcing request approved reinforcements have been launched countdown initiated stand by for takeoff extraction complete pelic one beginning ascent yeah definitely not running stwart I don't like the like I don't like guns that have the slow retical movement as you're moving it I don't like that I still really like backpack as well or um jump pack for bugs yeah we missed the soccer's Nest it felt like it too cuz we were getting hit by those pretty hard feels like every patch they keep making stalkers more dangerous all right let's get out of here I don't want to do those other two missions one of them's like 3 minutes long playing live Ain't Easy got to talk while playing and reading chat it depends on the faction but yeah playing against bots I mean if you're playing with randoms it's a little easier because you're splitting up the uh amount of killing you got to do like yesterday when I was playing solo bugs I was having trouble keeping up with everything but I also killed like I think I got like almost 1,000 kills so I was constant fighting lapse time on Surface they've been down there for 40 minutes let's get off this planet all Destroyer coordinates on the planet for four minutes let's do this initiating ft I saw your last video it's amazing I once saw the drop ship located at bases can be destroyed from afar with autoc Cannon don't you use this I saw drop ships located at bases can be destroyed with auto Cannon I don't know if drop ships can be killed with autoc Cannon or not I've never tried it we're going to do air strike again because napom still hasn't been fixed we'll do rail Cannon I'm going to do jump pack here and let's go let's try the quazar one more time I want to see the cool down mess with a little bit Arc Blitzer yeah we'll stick with the arc Blitzer I'm going to do the grenade pistol though these guys are rocking explosive resist armor on terminats what's your least favorite planet mine is that one with the fire tornadoes can't remember the name there's a few different ones fire tornadoes my least favorite planet is the newest one that we've had to deal with uh when we were trying to unlock the anti-tank mines Court Bay it's got like the uh it's the yellowish Planet the acid I don't know it's just horrible this is it the solemn for which you were Bor the best democracy at any cost where are the rest of these eggs no I didn't where the hell is the egg oh my God they have a shrier nest too and a stalker's [Music] lair calling in reinforcements dude where the hell is this last egg okay this guy got it thank goodness destroy requesting weapon hire oh the uh fire tornado Planet yeah that could be it yeah I don't like the the acid planet mainly because the terrain like you had to deal with water mud sand and then you had decreased visibility constantly calling in reinforcement I don't know if that was a good call in or not it looked like they're near their stuff there supplies calling down a support weapon I can't see that thing at all did it Disappear Completely dude I'm in a fight against invisible things right now ending in an eagle calling in reinforcements [ __ ] calling in worth it struct destroyed none of my other teammates seem to be helping so what was your favorite planet um thank requ ADV I don't know that's tough I like I'm not going to lie I like planets that are kind of just pretty to be on like Turing is really pretty um Omicron is also a really nice Planet if you can hit the right time of day trying to think of planets fairly recently I mean I enjoyed mevel and Creek as well I thought that was a really nice Planet although no you know what to be completely honest my favorite planet that we've had is the automaton planet that looked like the moon like almost Pure White kind of it was just it it was so nice and also when you're using the jump pack you can climb up on those mountains and it's so awesome it just feels so sick being up there and kind of just using the quazar to take out every tur on the map stuff like that where's my stuff so far from here yeah the the moon looking one was definitely my favorite now that I think about it it was super fun and it's kind of open but also has uh cover it it's just it's fun 100 one with the meteor storms yep exactly we haven't had one like that for a while with the automatons either but it's just like the colors are so vivid on that map and I don't know it's just fun as hell and jump packs make it even better this map has some pretty foliage though I can actually see as well which is a big bonus supp AC yeah I wish we'd get that plantet again or at least one like it the fen rear the one we just had with bugs was very similar to it but with bugs it's always a little different support okay so that dude is going for the small Outpost over there I'm guessing requesting air support uning demy hope that doesn't kill that dude it looks too far away to kill him that was that is so many enemies get some get some reinforcing requesting air support buole noreast 50 m oh my God man why is this guy throwing that he saw me running towards the hole Yeah Vivid meaning yeah exactly colors stand out more I don't mean like it's it's actually got color all the colors kind of just look better on it I don't think I wanted this weapon is this a scorcher no no no it is I saw a trick somebody was using with this weapon hang on bu out I don't think it's that viable called Maya or something yeah I think that's that sounds right dude I felt like I've done absolutely nothing except kill that stalker's Nest maybe I do need to play solo to at least try try things out something over there there is there's a bug Nest yeah maybe I'll run a solo game with the ark Blitzer after this test it out this build I think would be pretty good probably without the jump pack though all destroy Dyer has left the Squadron reloading oh my god dude I almost took out those uh just about took out those three biot Titans with a charger tagw some good teamwork y'all prefer BG bugs or Bots dude what what is that I prefer Bots I'm being honest not as big a fan of bugs on the right Planet though bugs can be really fun I just really don't like bios spewers or whatever they're called the nursing spewers I don't know what the hell they're actually called I think that's right Destroyer joining sadron deploying this guy didn't go kill that he didn't even kill it map Southwest far requesting Advanced Weaponry Pelican one returning to extraction point please ensure you're inside Theus I have a lot of samples I'm wondering if I should go build this or not calling down a support weapon requesting tag what is thate this getting hectic reinforcing ending in an eagle 30 seconds can't see these guyses air support democracy on it way 10 seconds clear Landing Z stun him in the fire over there you can drop the samples yeah I don't think there's any point right now though I was thinking about dropping him so I could go get the uh the hole but I ended up staying so reloading to the send countdown initiated standby for takeoff extraction complete pelic one beginning asend might do some Squad Bot games just to try different builds real quick quick and then I might switch over to solo play I do want to try the arc Blitzer with the guard dog Rover I think they they nerfed the Rover but didn't they buff the like the the machine gun backpack dude miss the spewer and CF I don't know what the hell is going on how uh how long you reckon till they bring the illuminate um I thought they'd already I thought they would have already brought him out to be honest like it's been a while I don't know I don't know the timeline for the first game how long they waited to bring in the new faction but like it was weird cuz we we completely eliminated the automatons once and then they brought them back almost immediately we've been doing really well with the major orders as well so I don't it's hard to say like I'm wondering if they're intentionally delaying it it feels like they might have wanted to bring them but they're intentionally delaying so they can fix more of the bugs before they bring them in cuz it's probably going to bring in a whole new batch of uh bugs I mean just being real every patch so far you've had new bugs show up so I wouldn't be surprised if a whole new faction brings a bunch of new bugs I would think they'd want to cut down on the current laundry list they have before they do new stuff I've seen leaks want spoilers um you mean like spoilers as in how long we're going to wait or spoilers like actual details about the about the enemy the hour of our next Victory rapidly approaches let us cleanse the Galaxy of alien scum yeah this is that planet I don't like Court Bay I'd like to do a squad game so I can try different builds out Allied Destroyer coordinates received spend some medals you're maxed out yeah I've bought everything I can't buy anything else spoilers for when they may be coming yeah sure I'd be down to know when they're coming so this guy's got ways to kill the larger stuff okay nice so I'm going to do this you know what no I'm going to do the rail gun let's try it out again where is the rail gun here we go do rail gun this is Geological Survey Mission so I'm going to do smoke and let's do none of these weapons really I don't know how people use other weapons other than the scorcher against automatons do the senator grenades good to go the CF is planning to blow up um Mia with an experimental Dark Matter bomb and that's going to lead to the illuminate starting to pop up they've gone extra dimensional damn this is it didn't they Nerf the crossbow though Duty you were Bor defend democracy at any c this guy I can't believe that just happened that's horrible timing what is this guy doing democracy has landed where's my weapon reloading we don't have effing air strikes man somebody tell me if rail gun kills these uh turrets I don't know if they do or not drop what am what is hitting me man this teammate is useless man this is one of the worst landing locations I've ever seen I don't know if he landed here or what but he's literally in between a Jammer and an eagle and anti-air get me out holy crap get me out out spotted [Music] they do it just takes more [ __ ] than it's worth okay he got some Buffs and Nerfs yeah the crossbow I I'm going to have to give it a shot I haven't given it a fair shot recently really they needed to make it one hand and able to destroy Fabs so you can run with ballistic shield and have utility it would have been interesting to have like a maybe like shorter range but a one-handed crossbow Ain said they can but it's better to n them got to get going have a good rest of the stream bye guys I'll catch you later Darth I appreciate you stopping in dude rail gun structural damage is terrible I believe it last reload I'm on it automaton facility destroyed engaging terminal Mission map updated I'm just doing this because I need to not have to go over there I don't know if I'm going to be able to kill it though sending an is there two Fabricators over there there is there's no point in doing that sending in an eag did we get the objective over here we did it I can kill both of these I don't know if I want to though package acquired dropping package that should take care of both of those Fabricators democra on I guess I'll just go for the Geological Survey thing over here that didn't kill it I need ammo [ __ ] not good package acquired dropping package where is the dude there that bug needs to be fixed I can't move either I'm permanently slowed when the [ __ ] hulks are doing that karate chop thing you can't stun them reload oh my God this guy took the I got to see if there's any supplies over here ammo that's it I'm going to chill here and just wait a few seconds so I can call and res wi what's going on CD how are you dude throwing Supply Beacon reloading I honestly don't think the devs needed to buff Devastators did they buff them [Music] reloading reloading what did they do to buff him objective critical strateg available going down objective equipment well that's just about as bad as could be that's super bad an that's way too early that's just a horrible air strike dude what I shot this dude twice in the eye re you saw it like both of those were on the eye resting air support what the [ __ ] ready to liberate this guy has has the most useless [ __ ] like I have useless [ __ ] too it's like how are you supposed to I I thought I could get away with the rail gun cuz this guy had 500s but like how are you supposed to get everything done if you don't use the autoc cannon it's like why can no other weapon shoot into the vents of Fabricators and kill the kill the stuff dude I swear they said it was only Striders I think they reduced the explosive damage for all uh all enemies democracy requesting air support AC a there's no way man there's no way that doesn't kill it sending in an eagle unleashing democracy sending in an eagle pretty sure he already called this one in injury what injury that second one didn't miss though right requ I got the terminal new mag Mission progress logged requesting air support attack underway to be fair you do play more aggressively than minia player I guess that's true that could be that could be one of the reasons I can't see a thing AC it does aren head shots I don't know what is my life for super Earth requesting advaned Weaponry apparently you just have to aim a little higher I don't know it's weird maybe I was aiming a little low dude how many of these Walkers are we going to have to deal with reloading I can't see anything this doesn't tell me what it is oh God oh God I'm dead that's about as bad as it could have been I wasted that dude's mini nuke liy return load that is so [ __ ] dumb reloading reinforcing ending in an eagle request approved reinforcements have been Lo you m reloading should only be one more dude there's another one reting a support what the hell requesting say hello to democracy administering freed that could potentially kill that yeah I got it I can't I can't go I'm going to die I'm going to die because I'm stuck on nothing I'm stuck on invisibility dude what the [ __ ] man why am I stuck there there's nothing [ __ ] there reinforcing to the Mission at 20 minutes I don't [ __ ] know man like sending in an eagle give my rail gun back same [ __ ] with biot Titan and charger yeah it's [ __ ] I don't even know if I can get my gun back okay there's another Walker over there dude how many walkers have we killed this game should I take the anti material rifle I think I'm going to AAR over rail gun yeah even with the messed up scope feels like that isn't this the extract I'm not fighting yeah I'm not fighting extract right now oh my God what is that I needing air support all right let's see if we can get this done calling in reinforcement I prefer diligence now scope isn't bugged and one shots Devastators so room for eater quazar that's not a bad yeah it's not a bad call I haven't really messed with too many of the Marksman cuz every time I do it just feels so underwhelming maybe I need to give him a second shot I also am always thinking of guns in terms of playing solo so some guns just can't you just can't handle it engaging terminal I got the terminal which way am I going ending in an eagle drop ship engaging SLE AC call supp I've had no heals for days feel good I don't have a way to kill this is the AMR what the hell I can't move at all man Jesus climb on top I thought you died if you touched them while they're alive I don't know how to kill this I don't think I can kill this it would have to be a max range Eagle is either going to kill both of them or neither requesting OB equipment attack I'm guessing it's going to kill neither one yeah I was like border both of them that sucks [Music] see if I can go over here and help this dude or that yeah it was like so close to both of them he killed such like I don't know if he was the one that killed those two I'm guessing he was but it was like awkward the ones he killed cuz you can hit all three on the backside with one air strike so he literally only got the two right next to each other kind of weird so dumb I really wish you could kill I mean AMR would make sense to me you been able to heal Fabricators with it just a random bullet bouncing around around in the middle of middle of it makes sense tagging location Southeast throwing Supply Beacon need to kill this real quick not really I just need to get it far far enough away so it doesn't kill my supplies super Earth's finest back in Action heavy nor close ouch requesting a support of democracy sending in an eagle here comes the Cavalry it's smoke Freedom March is on thanks to you proceeds to extraction air support Mission at 10 minutes remaining got remember to shoot top left reticle yeah I was just kind of I thought I was close enough to where it wouldn't matter but apparently it did I'm going to go finish these uh outposts real quick I don't know what this dude is doing looks like he's just going extract or no it looks like he's going for samples think the whole armor me mechanic needs a rework what excuse me I just got ganked in the middle of a [ __ ] rock reinforce how does this guy have so many people on him en okay well dude all [Music] Destroyer see if they're still over here hopefully not looks like they are though dude I don't know what the [ __ ] I have to hit reinforcing ADV am I getting shot from behind or through the wall both calling down a support weapon call reinforcements I give up I give up reinfor I'm not using anything but the autoc cannon ever again these guns are useless it's just my play style I think you're right my play style is more aggressive the aut Canon is the only thing that lets me play the way I want to play if I want to go in and fight 20 enemies behind a rock I can do it with the autoc cannon these other guns are [ __ ] useless calling down a support weapon it's like why would you want want to waste multiple strategems on taking out an outpost when you can just [ __ ] shoot it oh my God man extraction is available can't do anything refor I can't move anywhere without there being a ton of it's like here's my question if you start a game off as a solo player is the increased Patrol spawn rate still active as the amount of players increases minutes we can't this low longer cuz they said it's only a fourth of the patrols of four person Squad but does it increase like at a I'm I don't know how to word the question even like I I don't know how to I don't even know how to word it but it feels like as more players have been joining the patrols is higher than it should be for a three-person squad even for a two-person Squad look at this squad like look how many patrols there are right here yeah okay God forbid you just you know see me throwing a stun grenade and walking behind the Hulk so you just throw a [ __ ] air strike I'm sorry are you though joining the FR how much [ __ ] do I have I just want to go kill these Outpost I don't know where the hell these people are running to there's another Patrol oral strike requesting air support there's another Patrol like what there's another Patrol that's two patrols right next to each other there's another Patrol there's a patrol right underneath me what the [ __ ] is going on here dude Arrowhead fix your game this is not an acceptable amount of patrols for any number of people in the squad drop there's a drop ship coming great hello anag there's more there's more coming taste a democracy that's what I wanted please tell me you put something heavy in here static field that's not heavy that tank disappeared dude calling in reinforcements I'm getting shot through the walls bro support weapon oh my my God man it's like hey they won't have an angle here there's a rock nope send anag oh now you want to [ __ ] go for the outposts makes sense every single Patrol is on me look how calm they are look how peaceful this planet is when the main objective is completed I thought the patrols increase but this is way too much no they do the reason we're seeing so many is if you have when when you kill the outposts basically patrols Spawn from outposts when you kill the Outpost they Spawn from random locations on the edge of the map sweet Liberty my as you kill more the spawn rate increases as you complete objectives the spawn rate increases if you have an extract on the border of a map they can't spawn there they have to spawn at a different location so sometimes on extract you'll see a ton of enemies sometimes you'll see less because they're having to walk further to get to you but if you have one like this in the middle of the map every Patrol is walking that direction and so you'll see a [ __ ] ton of enemies reinfor yeah put me in the game coach I'm 100% going to carry this these weapons suck ready to liberate I don't know what we're doing here dude are we getting like am I going for this guy's samples maybe are those my samples if you reach a certain distance from your fellows more Patrol spawn you're all split so times three Patrol I didn't know that that doesn't make sense cuz we're all in the same Lobby you're telling me if you're like split enough on the map it starts acting as if you're a solo player which doesn't make any [ __ ] sense at all that's [ __ ] stupidus 30 seconds ETA tus 20 seconds ETA team is 10 seconds clear Landing Zone got a sample dropping item marking location pelic one approaching pickup Pelican One landing sequence initiated watch where you're standing initi I don't have time [ __ ] me thought I had time but I don't countdown complete we have to leave now extraction complete beginning as that was so dumb I clicked x on it it didn't pick him up I almost missed the extract just cuz of that I don't know what the hell this dude was doing like he easily could have made it that was one of the worst spawn locations I've ever seen for a game though he spawned Us in between two Walkers a Jammer an eagle or an anti-air so I didn't have access to Eagles like what the [ __ ] you went One Direction no strategems at all the other direction no Eagles and then both sides had Walkers that was [ __ ] horrible to be fair to him he might have spawned near extract and extract had a base on top of it too so who knows let's play solo might as well with the amount of patrols for getting let's just [ __ ] play solo fact you won anyway and extracted is amazing I mean I got called in near nobody that wasn't that wasn't that bad plus I think I was drawing most of the enemies on the main objective like the final main objective so I threw smoke on him and and Drew most of the enemies on my side so he was able to easily get it done let's do a uh Geological Survey ourselves though or an ICBM maybe what is this but a single Triumph more and the operation is complete sabotage air yeah we'll try this I think this is the this is the video I put out um earlier today I did this Mission they get samples anyway yeah they get samples if I extract with them everybody gets Sy um let's see can work clockwise here or counterclockwise if we wanted to land a little bit side outside of extract to see if uh I don't know about senator dude like I I just don't know I don't think it's more useful than grenade pistol and I say that just because I've been in a few situations where there's literally no other weapon that could have gotten me out of it if it wasn't a grenade pistol I'm going to be real guys if you're playing solo right now and you have only three modifiers I would never take anything other than these three I'm just being completely honest if you're on solo hell dive against bots this is the only load out I will ever take like if you're actually trying to win with the increased amount of patrols I would never take anything else this is like this whole set up right here this is how you win games like if you're actually trying to increase your skill level and make it through games so you can practice this is what you would use Sarge would like to disagree I've seen Sarge gameplay he plays a little bit more stealthily than I do if you're trying to play aggressive and you want to like actually get into gunfights and win this is the type of [ __ ] you want to run if you want to play stealthily that's a completely different ball game but if you're going to try to play like even slightly aggressive and take fights you got to rock the autoc cannon man I don't play on PC either like if I if I was on PC AMR might be more of a thing cuz it's easier to aim and you can like have a program to add a reticle when you're uh no when you're in third person but and fear the shadow of neither death nor tyranny for take care of the mortars 100 we have mortars right here it's a small base though so we should be able to take it out fairly easily I think we're going to go main objective after we do the uh the mortars and then we'll work our way around the map there's a detector Tower over there warning you are in range of enemy artillery not good not good at all I was stuck on the wall so I couldn't dive I was stuck between that dude and the wall just really unfortunate en all right I got it I was just trying to get an air strike off there like kill all of them and get my stuff back right there I couldn't control my drop at all I literally had no control over this at all I hate it when it does that [ __ ] War are enemy all right we're going to go kill the detector Tower first and then we're going to go m mortar shouldn't be able to reach us once we start getting further over here apparently they know about the bug where when you throw your strategy near uh when you throw the hell bomb near detector Tower base it bounces so that isn't intentional I thought I had my scorcher out I don't though my sight just got messed up I'm going to kick this dude in a second too I feel bad cuz I forgot to turn on dude whatever I'll let him play get in the game I can't move man I'm permanently slowed by literally everything half reinforcement budget remaining request approved deploying reinforcements joining the threat dude reloading reloading oh my God man sending in an eag this guy is using a quazar man holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this game would have been been so much easier if nobody else spawned in he dragged some other patrols overest deoy reinforcements the enemy calling in a hell bomb requesting air support new delivering payload I got the terminal hellbomb arm clear the area you m going be hit or miss it might go off it might not facility destroyed democracy's on it way yeah [ __ ] right that hits requesting air support administering freed just give me cover I don't care where that's not what I meant oh my God man reinforcement budget running low request approved re they have to [ __ ] fix the spores on the ground this is unacceptable the amount of ragd dolling like there's no way that the spores on the ground have the force to throw you as far as they are look at this [ __ ] reinforcement budget depleted Allied Destroyer has left the Squadron [ __ ] sit up here and try hard for a few minutes injury coming in hot deploying support weapon allly Destroyer joining no I'm over it playing solo main your position the hell is shooting at me additional reinforcement funding approv I can get up right here possible because the [ __ ] game just chooses to bounce [ __ ] around minutes remaining objetive critical Strat objective critical Strat longer available mean I should have I'm probably going to just run uh what am I going to do here sorry I'm not looking at chat as often I'm having to [ __ ] try hard right now get anything done in this game I could have gotten up right there I was just I went too far over this direction facility destroyed go kill this random turret another turret over here found something going to pop a stem here cuz there should be some right here okay I've always hated the amount of slowing down you can never move yeah on these planets with the uh the spores they have to fix it 100% there's no reason for a Spore to be able to throw you halfway across the map and slow you 90% 100% I don't know how I don't know how much it actually slows you but it feels like 100% literally feels like a stun let's do a heavy Outpost we have our Eagles back so we full reset this place sucks so long as the turret didn't see me we're still in business here that might be okay that might not we'll have to see my life for super Earth if it kills this one over here we know we're good will desty yep we got all three so we only have one left all right we got to focus the turret and then get the fabricator that should have killed all three of them so if I kill this one we should have it yep Oh don't die here okay let's go clockwise and then we'll when we're going on extract we'll get these two feel like you just spent 10 minutes dying because that random joined I think so too I don't want to say that it was completely their fault it was a really bad landing location I don't know how much I could have done solo I think I probably could have destroyed the detector Tower fairly quickly if I was solo cuz I killed that initial Walker right away I think the only reason more people showed up is because somebody else joined but I mean just take it and stride do what we can and I really wish there was a way you could get this solo kind of unfortunate like they keep nerfing solo play at least let us get what's in here that's how you know they didn't intend for solo play adding the bunkers like that here comes the Cav only killed one where's the other one I would have lined this up much better if I knew that was bomb request approved deploying now Ma that one was confusing I don't know like I slowed down right there those inputs were weird as [ __ ] one step closer to Mission grab this uh medium Outpost over here I think it's a medium Pikachu face when they saw deathless solo runs yeah basically no more of that they should have disabled single player they could have easily forced you to have two plus all the time um maybe I don't know if they had to disable it but it seems like that's what they're pushing for they don't like that people are able to do it so Max okay I'm going to I'm going to do that they called in patrols so I'm just going to give them smoke to lose cover and uh hopefully that kills it get this other heavy Outpost done get a full reload here before we go in we have one left and then we get the main objective done anyway okay I know the layout for this Outpost the turret saw me which is really unfortunate super unfortunate coming inot I can't okay this is really bad so I'm not going to I'm going to go a different direction come back in I just need to completely lose line of sight see if we can find some super credits over here found something nope all right see if we can get back in here and kill these turrets we're jammed our get full stamina back and then we'll head over and kill the other turrets and uh stuff all right let's get this fabricator then go Jammer it's insane how much more comfortable I feel when I'm playing solo I don't know if it's because I know like everything's on me or if I can like play at my own pace or whatever but what is hitting me did I not kill that dude that's fine like honestly that's probably best I just need to kill this and get out of here if I can make it out of here break line of sight this is huge cuz now they won't be able to call be called in when I do the Jammer found something I want these stems that's not how I don't think that's how that works dude that a tank I can't stand up I'll just wait till it gets closer is there stuff behind it too I knew that was going to happen soon as I hit that bar wire I'm like this isn't going to work I'm jammed I can't get supplies I'm going to wait out the fire yep way more control over the situation exactly damn this is one of the uh it's one of the only layouts where you don't have a fabricator attached to it so I'm going to actually have to go in and kill it do it the oldfashioned way I usually don't stealth here but sometimes there can be a heavy Devastator right down here which can be just horrible to deal with yeah the drop ships got called to my last location which is really nice here all right should be good here bomb request approved deploying now should be fine mapeast 200 M that looks like it could be a bonus objective I'm just going to look that direction when I head out of here see if there's anything hell bomb armed clear the area aaton facility destroyed oh God I don't see anything found something oh it's a bunker you've got people watching W how are you though I'm doing pretty good I'm uh got most of my work done for the day just kind of relaxing for a bit injy what injury after I get off stream I'll probably take my dog for a walk just relax let's do some resupplies this wasn't a bonus objective so I really think I only have so hang on one one two three so I'm missing two bonus objectives after I get this done that looks like it could be something 3 me uh try to destroy drop ships on bases by autoc Cannon don't use Eagles so am I aiming for something in particular when I'm doing it or is it just hit hit with the autoc cannon what type of dog do you have I have a uh she's a mut but she's a cattle dog mixed with a maybe like a little bit of Border colly and uh like she isn't a pitbull but she kind of has a pit bullish face not like really wide but kind of sharp um yeah she's uh she's brindle color she's beautiful dog she's got white on the tip of her tail and her paws are white speckled gorgeous dog you're right dude whoever said that really [ __ ] smart thank you I had no idea what that was a thing you have served democracy well good [ __ ] call outs there's a CF over here let's do that I got to do the Jammer first this one's super easy anyway this layout there's a fabricator attached to it so I'll be able to easily kill it if flying drop ships for that easy yeah I know I wish you could kill the uhy I really wish you could kill the drop ships by shooting the propellers or the jet thrusters but even then they're not like weak points I'm just going to do a eagle no I'll save it I'm not going to do a smoke yet I was thinking about it autoc Canon user stay winning yeah exactly every time I play with this and you guys give me an amazing Cal it's like there's just no other reason to to use a different weapon so we have this and then wait what the hell dude did they create a [ __ ] statue of themselves what hellbomb request approved deploying now eat Liberty that's crazy artsy yeah what the hell this isn't a CF either this is just a science research center bomb arms clear the are so I still have to find the final side objective Oh wrong weapon extraction is available got 9 minutes what do I have left nothing that's going to require Eagles I'm going to use the eagle on this so I can just keep running this is at a bad angle for me to have to run around around okay I thought that was going to I thought that was going to hit the wall and bounce off that would have sucked yeah so I only have one two three I only have three bonus objectives right now out of five is this a CF no it's a metal shop how long on Eagles a minute maybe it was a memorial maybe I'm worried for its future after last patch it's uh last patch was a little questionable solo play is definitely still possible though like anyone worried about not being able to solo games anymore it's I'm going to be real it's heavily dependent on the planet War are of oh I forgot there were mortars okay so that's four side objectives completely forgot about mortars hell enemy Tactical set within threat range yeah some planets are going to absolutely suck to play on and some planets are going to be easier like this planet with all the rocks and stuff in the way it's a little bit easier to deal with I think dude where is this final objective hopefully it's one of these final two red dots I don't know where else it could have been in got my air strikes back and I have some time left on extract it always rolls man it's super annoying I don't know why it always rolls near rocks it's super annoying trying to get a platform so I can climb up on top of those rocks for extract here comes the [Music] C maybe it was a memorial that's possible yeah Memorial might make more sense it's just weird that they built it no way this is Max difficulty yeah it's Max difficulty if you the key to Max difficulty especially now I've gotten a lot better at it recently is if you get them to call in patrols like that and then you do the objective and immediately run then you don't have to deal with patrols or like Drop ships now the drop ships are all going to the wrong location so I'm already gone and literally like 15 20 enemies I just don't even deal with if they start shooting at you you pop smoke and dip these guys are coming for me though these guys will chase you to the ends of the Earth that's a tank I'll kill these guys real quick and then I'll uh try to get out of here before the tank gets here I guess they stop chasing you guys see anything on this map that could be something that I might have missed I'm not seeing it you haven't shot a bullet for 2 minutes I have been shooting I've been shooting objectives since though maybe that mwest 300 did I already look over there I feel like I already looked over here right we went back there yeah we went back there after I did the main objective dude where the hell is the final bonus objective that's the scrap shop I think is there only four 1 2 3 four the [ __ ] I don't see it maybe there's only four let me look right here only thing I could think of that kind of looks like something no not even here I can't see anything dude this fence is [ __ ] me it can shoot through it but I can't shoot through it request appr deploy reinforcements reporting to the front super credits worth I don't know where the hell this final bonus objective is like I'm not going to sit here and run around the map for a few minutes go over to extract see if I can call in any uh see if I can find a spot to call in supplies where I might be able to hide I see five you didn't count the research facility I did one two so wait this is one 2 3 oh I wasn't I wasn't counting this one that's I wasn't counting that counting that shot at him Jammer that's my bad yep you're right you are correct sending support this something I could potentially hide on think maybe it doesn't look like it see if I can hide over here a lot of enemies here comes minute remains Destroyer departure imminent additional reinforcement funding approved stay down oh my God I didn't see this did anybody else not see this dude reest reinfor on the [ __ ] falling apart at the final seconds democracy has landed deploying equipment page just get a brand new one Super Destroyer leaving low Orit emergency extraction shuttle deployed might have thrown it too far ETA T minus 2 minutes 30 seconds whatever they gave their last breath whatever I don't even know dude like the climbing in this game is a [ __ ] travesty to gaming and just like all of history I don't know what the [ __ ] they were thinking when they made climbing in this game SEL lande literally just instantly two tapped in the head they're hell divers not hell climbers I mean to be completely honest I have a few problems with this game some of the bigger ones I have are climbing and also why the [ __ ] are we considered one of the best planets in the galaxy if we don't even send our soldiers in with full ammo we don't send them in with full full ammo or full St s we make them use a [ __ ] booster what kind of like what kind of dumbass military does that it's so [ __ ] stupid like why do I have to have a booster to have ammo and just whoever is training hell divers in swimming and climbing is a [ __ ] traitor to humanity I'm just going to be real they they're just a [ __ ] traitor coordin see if I can do this one solo this one's going to determine whether I go for the full campaign or not oh my God I only have three strategems for this orbit synchronized I do have 380 no let's to man what do I even do here 11 maybe cluster bomb strafing I could do walking barrage maybe do no we'll do laser let's do heavy armor for this time to chese with rock camping we'll have to see some I don't think you can with this to be honest I saw somebody test this armor out and the 50% res resistance to explosive damage literally did nothing so I'm more tempted to run this let's see if we can do it ini just instant resupply when you get to the ground but the point is you have a military force that's supposedly the strongest in the G Galaxy and they won't even give you full supplies to go down to fight like let's just be real real that's some [ __ ] today the light of Li gra of this deploying support weapon that's pretty bad how' you like the taste of Freedom oral laser everything is just ragged on don't want to throw in uh I'm going to do resupply down low have AE of democracy all right let's see if I can get an angle on uh a lot of enemies here doing good air strike hopefully [Music] what is hitting me right now everything say hello to democracy EMP hopefully get these supplies off there's a walker here that's not good that's really bad especially considering I have 11 seconds left on supplies request approved reinforcements have been launched the enemy can't move man I'm bleeding out it feels like you're moving in slow motion with heavy armor launched reporting to the okay let's see if I can get a really good air strike off here we're at 11% I need to be able to get some [ __ ] things done I didn't get it off maybe I did here comes the Cavalry Freedom Forever got one tapped by somethingest reinfor on the waying to the uning democracy they have load a democracy Eagle One give me my stuff man Waring you are leaving the mission area [Music] not today after all that still didn't give me my [ __ ] weapon even though I picked it up three times engaging orbital laser ma empty warning you are leaving the mission area I can't move holy [ __ ] deploying equipment package eag one armed and ready ooh got our air strikes back let's see if we can hit some really good air strikes hell diver you are moving outside the mission area here comes the Cav there a really bad air strike need to be able to see some enemies here I think they're all tailing me now that's what I call Liberty War oh this could be bad warning you are leaving the mission area reinforcement budget depleted request approved reinforcements have been launched joining the see how many that gets uning supp democracy that's a good amount oneing back injury what is I'm dead here cuz the Gatling guns unless I can kill them right here that's bad War you are leaving theion I'm out of ammo I'm hring we can't St this low longer they abandoned our mission at our c not today was our only I'm just constantly being thrown outside like there's nothing I can do there I got [ __ ] at the beginning oh my God there's reinforcements back holy [ __ ] dude I couldn't even heal if I got that laser off I think I win there be my hands were off the controller cuz I thought I [ __ ] died wait was that that was 10 seconds never mind I didn't even see what percentage I was at there's just way too many enemies yeah I'm going to be real I think I would have been better with medium armor there the [ __ ] heavy armor feels like you're walking it just feels like you're walking the entire time I was at 71% I yeah there's just no way to do that with this armor like it was [ __ ] horrible I don't know how people play with this [ __ ] it feels yeah it just feels like you're walking around the map I don't even know if I want to play with other people I think I'm just going to call it there guys that that mission was just that [ __ ] sucked yeah I'm going to get off for now I don't really feel like playing with other people and I don't really want to play solo right now either if you guys want to see a full solo Mission no deaths with extract I have a video that came out earlier today um so if you feel like watching a little bit more of me I do commentary during my video as well um I think I played on I think I played on that planet actually or no sorry wasn't over here it was one of these planets it was this planet yeah it was minant thanks for your service all good dude appreciate you guys hanging out Yama uh take care dude appreciate you zi good to see you in here supi good to see you in here too dude Drexel Adam socks all you guys appreciate you and I'll uh I'll catch you for the next stream have a good day
Channel: Not Harvard
Views: 751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PS5Live, HELLDIVERS™ 2, PlayStation 5, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Id: pI0YnqaprHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 46sec (8686 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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