CohhCarnage Plays Have A Nice Death (Sponsored By Gearbox) - Episode 1

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how you guys doing this evening good to see you welcome to you uh we are checking out a game tonight called have a nice death I would like to give a big shout out and thank you to the devs for sponsoring the stream this is a game that we checked out a while back I had a good time with it it is a pretty unique take on roguelites and the game is now fully out so if you want more information you can check out the h-a-n-d command or the link in my profile it'll be repeating throughout the entire stream and uh yeah let's get going [Music] we're gonna start from the beginning I think I have a safe game from what I played before but okay let's start from the beginning [Music] uh Angelos I don't know let me see if I can do that Angela said can you put it on your Nexus store let me see [Music] foreign [Music] no unfortunately [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] yes that is such a fun intro [Music] Hell Fire perfect name hey thanks for the 53 months code love the minds chat and all the wonderful Good Vibes stay awesome from Hellfire with the 53. thank you can't just make it up as you go along you know we'll have we have well-established procedures what you have to do is oh why it's the CEO himself excellent timing sir all hell is broken loose Francis decided to let all the souls in without proper inspection all of our departments are overwhelmed as am I try to argue with your Associate's Sorrows please welcome back Mr CEO and have a nice death Patrick receptionist Patrick thuggins was the victim of a terrible prank at the company he worked at while he was alive blind is a bat someone stole his glasses for a laugh and borrowed Patrick unwittingly overcooked his favorite dish at the company restaurant remember to pierce the lid with a fork but actually heated it in the nuclear reactor instead of the microwave so why is there a knife through his head um okay why not me hey boss ready to get the death Inc house in order just don't go spraining anything right at the start eh sorry for the warm-up I just want to hear those bones creaking chop crack and chop chop [Music] it's a to jump on the ledge excellent boss RT for Todd okay [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] gross soldery get up into your currency don't forget you love money I do love money oh it's Dimitri I think he's like 17 now he's pretty old break the steel and get your weapon we'll soon get that cloak of yours warmed up that shape-shifting cloak it's almost as Supple as I am don't forget to use it with why [Music] boom foreign [Music] that sucks you're injured Boss look part of your HP has turned gray no need to worry take this anime okay [Music] assume an animal to heal your injuries injuries of the grayed out part of your HP make a note of that because it's important what's more you can only carry up to three at a time if your storage is full and you get a new one there's no need to worry it will merge into a golden anima and that's even better at healing a gold anime heels or injuries and restores are missing HP quite effectively okay there's a lot so far you've only trained with my friends have gone easy on you since they owe me a coffee so now it's a real thing keep your words about you got that next time next time we're going to skip the tutorial thank you give it your all boss foreign good to know [Music] thank you what if I can look them [Music] thank you [Music] God that's my frenzy I think they're secrets [Music] there are secrets how do I access them do I like hit the wall why am I green don't forget boss each weapon or spell has a different frenzy LT and X or Y or B and Bam outcomes a big guns stop repeating everything Harriet it's really getting on my nerves I was there for the tutorial remember it says yes you say that you don't always listen I mean he's not wrong he's not wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] a large amount of silver as long as you don't suffer any damage before you reach the elevator higher Arrow oh God [Music] that was it well that was a waste [Music] oh it's cool oh sir you finally decided to step out of your office work at death ink goes on with or without you I'll spray you my own thoughts in the matter your absence hasn't stopped the Sorrows from going above and beyond we've got our work cut out curses for example if you can remember assaulting an employee costs a company money minions too when it comes to it curses can help with that look foreign [Music] [Music] okay okay [Music] I really need to heal wow that was a lot [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you well that works anyway do that that's all it does hey there it is [Music] foreign thank you for the two months buddy appreciate you man prestigious anima deposit okay like healing poppy heals you damn I overheal myself every day me too I got my own copy brand that should be in Peak peek elephant oh man ah there it is I'm gonna find a secret Hey Soul Crow hi from YouTube land normally don't want you on there but uh have fun playing oh but you're playing have a nice death so I came to watch buying something off our new store thank you soulcrow welcome to you buddy welcome to you uh something here oh hell yeah there is [Music] whoa let's get all this stuff [Music] the backgrounds are phenomenal this is oh [Music] thank you [Music] hey Warp 2.0 hell yeah buddy get it sit sword jump and dive at lightning speed [Music] uh remove the storage oh we can store it interesting oh God I am the worst [Music] [Music] dirt up Dimitri would you like to remove yourself from my keyboard thank you so much okay what did I just do I have no idea [Music] coffee [Music] Dimitri says hi by the way by the way big shout out and thank you to the devs for sponsoring the stream this evening this is have a nice death you can get more information in the h-a-n-d command or if you click the profile button in my wait for it profile big thanks to the dentist for letting us check this out really do appreciate it and uh yeah a very slick roguelike a very unique theme [Music] okay they're not getting hit I think I did [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh hold on something is something is banging in my hallway two seconds I I am so sorry about that so I was like that's an interesting sound I haven't heard before I wonder what that is and it basically was the sound of like I go upstairs and my one and a half year old Asher had a little plastic hammer and he was hitting the cat door at the top of my basement stairs does that sound sorry about that [Applause] Ashley's gonna be a little Builder a little Asher basher let's do this do that oh my God this is gonna be amazing [Music] hey Elena hey good night buddy I love you did you hear that before that Asher was definitely the top of the stairs like banging on the cat door you have a good night okay buddy I love you there he is see you guys later love you my kid's going to bed now I want a tattoo of the little Grim guy dude it's a great the art in this game is phenomenal oh uh uh um [Music] oh it's truly is a pleasure to see you again boss I've made an awful mess up there haven't or they've made an awful mess up there haven't they take some guts to get involved I'll say that much anyway perhaps you like to browse my Wares is a little distraction Mark food truck driver company snack manager when he was alive Mark used to work on a cool TV show bringing science to the masses that's where he developed his particularly friendly way of talking to his customers he drove the truck that served as a backdrop to the shows a funny guy who was always ready with a wink and a joke or two [Music] coffee contains one curse regen 50 Mana upon consuming an anima what is this there's like ranching ass how does this [Music] oh I don't have a dad okay [Music] hey good day to you too clog yeah listen please accept my helpless apologies I didn't know the tutorial procedure had changed it was degrading for you yeah yes but I'm not sure if a leotard is the best solution here it's very good of you to take it in such good humor though when he was alive Claude isko worked as a credit analyst for a small company that made stage costumes its biggest client was a drag queen production company after 30 years of loyal Accounting Service far removed from the glitz and glamor but ended up passing away during his very own retirement party Amir balhain over the Dance Floor came loose and landed smack bang in the middle of his skull nowadays his grave is a constant wash of hundreds of colors and his Epitaph a perfect reflection of who he was may you find your way to paradisco but isko yes that's me [Music] boss before you uh interview with Brad you have to hear me out it's very important clearly notice that when you eliminated certain minions you collected this Panama you don't take it the wrong way please we're just covering our bases as we were saying enemies do your injuries and injuries are the grayed out parts of HP I got it I can handle it from here okay [Music] what the hell's Happening Here Brad where did all these Souls come from who are you anyway with your mummified Puma face foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm gonna kill him back to your post filter the arrivals hurry up gutted RT if you're pissed your boss is back put that cell phone away [Music] hey Tristan oh this bonus is associated with a penalty survive a fatal attack with one HP it's my penalty each Rush consumes 30 Mana control room price increased by 15 for next purchase was control room after equipment here oh okay rude [Music] world [Music] [Music] oh hey Mr CEO sir be careful when taking your lunch break I'm gonna shamelessly raiding the fridge saying that sometimes your lunch disappears yes I can't believe it do they think the fridge stocks up automatically when they take something out well it sure doesn't when the fridge is empty that's it no more poor sap is going to keep stocking it up nobody thinks you're sat Patrick come on oh [Music]
Channel: CohhCarnage
Views: 23,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Have a Nice Death, Have a Nice Death gameplay, Have a Nice Death playthrough, Have a Nice Death lets play, Have a Nice Death lp, Have a Nice Death footage, lets play part, lets play episode, lp, lp episode, 1080p, 60 fps, cohh, cohhcarnage, youtube, Action game, Platform game, Indie game, Adventure game, Fighting game, Shooter game
Id: nWacoKtO3Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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