New-to-me Mill - Schaublin 13

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so after four or five months of looking and two months of not having a mil I finally found one that I liked in the end though I did have to settle for an import machine import from Switzerland so I'll be honest I'm not exactly sure how to pronounce this three teen 13 this is a Shaolin 13 shoe blend blend Shaolin so I didn't know much about this machine for this style of machine other than by reputation I've used almost exclusively Bridgeport and Bridgeport style clones but for lack of a better way to describe it I thought mixing it up a bit might make things a little more interesting almost exciting I was looking for something a little bit smaller than the Bridgeport space is starting to become a premium here in my garage though I don't know how well I did on that front this machine is certainly shorter than the Bridgeport but it needs access almost all the way around it and footprint on the floor is probably about the same though I knew I was looking for this type of what they call gyro mill and in fact I was looking for decals something in the FP 1 FP 2 range and I almost settled on this one here fortunately I dragged my feet on it and this s 13 popped up the deco had a lot more in terms of accessories but the price was higher and it looked like it had been around the block a little bit longer than this one it had a little harder used to it but it was still in decent condition and then almost out of the blue I stopped in with a friend of mine to a machine reseller I had never been to and he had this s13 tucked back in the corner price was spectacular it didn't give me the warm fuzzies when I first saw it I'll inset a picture of what it looked like in the warehouse but I've just been over the moon with how well this thing is cleaned up and the condition that it's in it's sending some mixed signals you know by looking at the machine it looks like it's had some use but the bearings feel great and the ways feel perfect and the craziest part is I got this at a phenomenal price I mean I sold the worn-out Bridgeport at a more than fair market value and really only put five or six hundred dollars on top of what I got for that to get this machine home that's including shipping and a couple of boxes of tooling I'll show those two in a minute I got to tell you I'm just waiting for that karmic payback for this one so I'll give you just a quick tour of the machine here there's not all that much to it I think it's going to be just more of a matter of getting used to where things are and it's specific personality but it all starts right here main power switch then I've got a direction and coolant selector that's four positions so the spindle could go clockwise or counterclockwise with or without coolant and then the machine's got two sets of motor start and east ops one on the right hand side here by the electrical cabinet and the other you saw on the left hand side on the left hand side there is start and stop again a couple of oddball six volt sockets with a switch I'm not exactly sure what those are for immediately above that is the y-axis hand wheel and there's provisions to mount the hand wheel on left right or on the top down below there's a high and a low speed selector and this really nice stepless speed control it adjusts from something like 52 mm or 60 to 2100 rpm that's a really slick feature it's really convenient compared to having to change belts or belt positions rather or go in and out of back gear with a few lever combinations the only strangely located feature on the machine is the feed box I'll take you in for a closer look so the feeds of the machine are set here around the back I'll admit the location is pretty awkward to get to it also has two ranges there's a high and a low and then you can choose from some preset options through that little window there that's millimeters per minute I believe on the front we're about your right knee would be is a four-way joystick that controls the X and the Z feeds of the machine each powered axis also has stops or trips that you can set via little T slots right below it on the floor is a foot control for feed rate override when I bought the machine the feed mechanism wasn't fully working you'll see that a little bit later I think and the feed rate over I just didn't work at all so the machine came with these two boxes of stuff it's a mix of iso 30 mil and face bell holders some stuff I have no idea what it is some er 25 colleton er 25 collet holder with the key also got what looks to be a collet Chuck but I've never seen anything like this before I mean it looks like a collet closer but it's some really small Kaulitz and if you can see somewhat of us like a snap ring or retaining ring down there maybe their proprietary Shaolin Kaulitz but I didn't get anything with this machine did come with a Dro three axes it's a good one but one of the scales are broken the z-axis and I'm getting an error reading on X I'm going to try to clean the scales at see if I can get this up and running again box number 2 is horizontal harbor's shell mill on the vertical Arbor I suppose horizontal arbors with spacers and three or four sizes no idea what this is maybe an arbor that goes in a collet works vertically there's the ER 25 holder I got a nice selection of milling cutters I don't know some nice small radii something that looks like it's been damaged and resharpen but some cut off sauce but I don't think an arbor that carries any of these so that's about it I think that's everything to the show oh I picked up some stuff in preparation for the move this was a face mill I used to have an re shank for I got a new International 30 Arbor for that a Chuck and international 30 paper some Morse taper I think this is a Morse taper 3 and I got the rest of the er 25 Kaulitz they came in this silly little case they didn't send me the little handcuffs for the snow so lost some points there so anyway I think that's about it rest this video will just be some random footage from when the mill came in the door through cleanup and installation really excited about this new toy and I'm sure you guys will be seeing a lot more of it in the future so this thing came in a couple of days ago she got pushed right into that door there this really the first chance I've had to spend some time with it I do apologize it's a little dark this side of my shop and I'm hand-holding I did some pretty kludgy wiring to see if this thing worked not all the way yet I don't have the right plug for this machine I think it wants a like a five pole three-phase so I've got the three-phase running in one side and then 220 single-phase to the Dro I was expecting to knock this down drain all the fluids clean it up and usually in this situation these things get a paint job but I've been very pleasantly surprised to find that what I thought was a lot of rust it's just like a thick grime that's I mean it takes a little elbow grease but it's cleaning up pretty good if you can see the difference turn the front the back there I really only wiped down this front corner that handle used to look like these two even the table looks like it's cleaning up pretty nice I mean that's really just a some degreaser a razor blade and a ton of rags same thing for half that column there things going to take a lot of elbow grease it's an ISO thirty indle taper international thirty of not much up to snuff on these things I'm coming from an r8 kind of a bummer having to switch out all my tooling I did get a decent number of tool holders and some other stuff I'll show that to you a little bit later but nothing really practical like n mill holders and fly cutters and all that kind of stuff I didn't get any of that I got a lot of horizontal arbors and this I think is an ER 20 collet Chuck but it only have like the weird sized Kaulitz seven nine eleven I managed to get an 8 millimeter and mill in a nine size call it it's really the only com I can get a tool in I'd like to try taking some cuts before I break this thing down have a little bit fun with it before I start getting into the cleaning it's got a really wacko y-axis it's up here that's gonna take some getting used to there's no y travel in the table itself I've got X and Z and then Y is up here it sounds pretty decent so the only real problem I've run into with this machine and I saw this when I bought it is the power feeds I can get X to go left and right and the table will move down I can't get it to move up it doesn't seem to engage like I said it won't actually clear it won't mesh in the up position so I don't know what's going on hopefully you'll be able to see this a little dark in here but the whole contraption is a bit loose I don't know maybe that's just a cover it'll go left and right and down it just won't mesh into that up position to raise the table it also has a feed rate override so stepping on this should put this into a rapid that doesn't seem to be working you have a curious bit is that it came with the z-axis scales not attached it almost looks like the reader head is halfway dissembled under that tape I wonder if that's a coincidence that the it won't raise the table and there's no z-axis scale in there I don't know if someone was maybe trying to do a lot of heavy drilling or something you know by raising the table and I don't know screwed up that gearbox and maybe broke the z-axis scale while they were at it hard to say so this isn't the high speed head so there's no there's no coil I don't know how much trouble that's going to be to find one of those but I do have angular adjustment so it's better than I expected this thing was covered in grime back here when I first saw it I thought it was just a fixed head I mean it's not that much more useful than for what I do but it's good to know I've got at least that on here I worked this pretty fancy looking Rahm Vice into the deal I mean what was I going to do with a milling machine to that advice he did have a few import vices but then my eye fell on this one and I just had to have it it's a ROM 102 one five nine five it's got this crazy four position fixed jaw I know if I need that but I was pretty excited to get this now this table turns out to have some weird size T slots so until I make some tea nuts I'm just gonna make do with best I got I absolutely love this table it just seems huge for size of the machine of course that's not long enough now that's pretty cool I do wonder how repeatable that is so you can bolt it down in one of those Forks I was expecting a pin detent or something but I didn't get the handle with this though we couldn't find it it dug through try ten boxes of handles all the motions feel pretty darn good I mean there there's a little resistance there I'm hoping it's just gummed up ways but I can take each axis to its full extent and amount of force required is almost nil I mean the difference across the end so open that means doesn't have too much wear in it now the crazy thing about this machine is it had this controls almost on all four sides of it I don't think it's going to lend well to backing up against a wall or into a corner anyway let's give this a try that's a three flute eight millimeter cutter again it's the only thing I have that will fit the combination of tooling that I got with this all right that sounded pretty good those hand-fed can try the power feet next I love it don't know how well you can see that but that looks pretty nice in there there's a small step on the back it is not a step it's just a I got witness mark where I switched from this was fed by hand and then power feed all the way out this side was all power feed climb cut looks spectacular this I think is like a 1040 C 40 in Europe I just can't believe how this thing is cleaning up I wish I knew more about this thing who had it where it came from what they did with it but I bet it was in some pretty darn good shape until this machine reseller got ahold of it and threw in his garage those are the over arms back there and if they still move you slide forward and convert this into essentially a horizontal mill though I don't have the horizontal mill steady I don't know what you call it the thing that goes on the other end of these and grab some steel wool I'm not going to make you watch me clean this whole machine I'm just curious see if this is rust or that same sludge that's dried up all over the machine that is rust though that might clean up right and I captain's log stardate today I'm slowly moving my way down the machine I got the head off and the over arms again everything is cleaning up surprisingly well I also got the table off you're looking at just the apron here tables back down on the ground right here and both the table and the head weigh ten times more than they look like they should weigh the handles and the dials have cleaned up nice you can see what that looks like there now I really didn't want to take the x-axis off of this machine in to be honest pretty good at it doesn't look too dirty back there but I'm running into some problems with the power feed it's sort of that mechanism back in there losing some motion in the vertical pen that comes up from the handle and meets that roll pin there I mean it still works it just slips it either extends so I think I'm gonna have to break this table apart and take a look at that gear train on the inside I mean what am I afraid of is taking that table off and this whole thing exploding like a cartoon clock Springs and gears everywhere and but it's the only way I'm gonna get to the bottom of this well I'm almost there I worked my way down from the top just trying to straighten her out and deal with as much as I could it's time to put the head back on I'll show you it's cleaned up spectacularly the paint has chipped and I guess where you'd expected to chip where you might store tools or prop your feet up I sorted out the power feed it just turned out to be some some loose cam and the cam and gear mechanism that's in there and consequently it also filled full of chips the feed rate override the rapids there the foot pedal on the bottom I expected I don't know why I expected it to be something bad and then almost just sort of resigned to using the Machine without it but I propped it up about three or four inches which was no easy feat and it turned out to be the wiring from the micro switch from the switch it's not very micro was crushed and broken so it looks like maybe either somebody put this down on a high spot or maybe did some damage when they picked it up with a forklift so I managed to move this thing I think somebody put the head on I did a couple odds and ends and decided to start getting it into its final spot in the shop it took probably an hour for me to move it all of 12 or 15 feet I took it really slow I'm sure I could have just shoved it across this space but something this heavy it just always makes me nervous I used floor jack and couple of homemade skates I made quite some time ago I only have two skates wish I would have made four but it may have worked out for the best these these skates tend to all go their own way and two of them I could keep under control and steer the machine just sort of tapping them around with a hammer but with four of them at least made this way it may have been like trying to herd cats so I haven't moved it up against the wall yet I still need to clean the coolant pump and tank and I've got to do something probably about these welding bottles oxy-acetylene ah they've just always been here probably not the smartest thing in the world to keep them near my machine tools but they've sort of been standing in that position and bolted to the wall pretty much since I started this hobby it's a union seniority kind of thing but I'd see what I can do the last big puzzle piece like I mentioned is cleaning that toilet over there once that's on and I test to see if it's actually working I can bolt it to the back of the machine and tuck it back into its space against the wall best I can all right so I have the coolant pump and tank installed pretty gross back there but and the machine is pretty much where it's going to end up start to do something with those bottles but I have access to the feed selector there we get this thing on a tripod before I make somebody sick so I've got a little more space between the mill and the lathe which is good for you now I have run into space issues when I've run long work through the spindle bore the mill however doesn't take up that much more space effectively than the bridgeport did the footprint on the ground is pretty much the same surprisingly it looks like I have a little more access around the machine just because of the way the controls are I couldn't push it as far back as the bridgeport though I do have a ton more let's call it head space so once I move those bottles I think I've got some more wall space for no tooling and parallels and whatever else needs to be hung up around the machine so when all said and done I have to admit I'm pretty happy with how things turned out looks like I got a great machine and headache start to finish was I don't know about a week ten days time figured it could have gone worse so now I don't think there's much left to do then get in the screw around and get to know each other
Channel: This Old Tony
Views: 1,073,639
Rating: 4.9381614 out of 5
Keywords: Schaublin 13, Schaublin, S13, milling machine
Id: R38LmgrXzFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2016
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