New Swedish Fighter Jet SHOCKED The World

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for a country with a population of just over 10 million people it's impressive that sweden can maintain one of the best fighter aircraft programs an aircraft's effectiveness is no longer determined mainly by how fast it can fly now it's about how instant ai can interpret information and present the data for pilots to act upon in battle unlike u.s or russian fighters swedish gripen can't carry the most weapons and has no real stealth to be clear it isn't the longest range the fastest or even the cheapest jet nevertheless sweden has chosen another niche to compete the country's focus is to develop a fighter jet with the most advanced electronics to become a nightmare for its closest adversary russia the tension between the two countries has lasted since the cold war and now it's coming to a high peak the russian behavior in the baltic sea region has changed as the country is willing to use the military to achieve political goals russia's commercial investments in the baltic and arctic regions have been matched by continued defense investments and activities to control natural resources and marine access to prove intentions russia turned northern europe into a playground as su-35 34 and 27 fighters routinely train over northern waters and probe swedish airspace without permission increased russian activity in the baltic sea region has pushed sweden into a hasty program of re-armament sweden will raise military spending by about 40 percent or 3.1 billion dollars in the next five years to strengthen its defense sweden always relies on tactical superiority to achieve combat effectiveness and repel russian attacks with technology historically the country deployed some of the first data links and electronic warfare systems in its fighters starting with the saab 35 draken and more recently the 37 big in that combination of aircraft combat performance pilot tactics cost and availability were all baked into the jas-39 gripen from the beginning the gripen was designed with its electronics in mind the idea was that during a conflict with russia in the 80s unsecured voice radio could be easily intercepted or jammed while digitally transmitted information was more secure the first data sharing between aircraft and ground stations via radio included tactical information such as the speed and altitude of the target or the direction to it given as a point on the radar scope the gripen was built relatively small about six tons empty and at the time it was risky because in 1982 computer technology meeting the requirements of performance and miniaturization did not yet exist this stripped back design also helped firstly to keep costs down as it saved 10 million dollars for additional general electric f-404 engine and secondly to give the basis for electronics innovations december 2020 saw the first of a planned 60 gripen series being handed over to the swedish air force the gripen e has an overall length of 15.2 meters a wingspan of 8.6 meters and a maximum takeoff weight of 16.5 000 kilograms the aircraft's top speed is mach 2 at high altitude and its turnaround time is only 10 minutes in air-to-air configuration the gripen's internal fuel tanks with a combined capacity of 3.4 000 kilograms are approximately 40 percent larger than those of its former version which means extended range for the flight saab also increased the fighter's payload with the two additional hardpoints added new sensors and weapons the gripen e can carry up to seven mbda meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missiles it features the leonardo es-05 raven active electronically scanned array radar and the leonardo skyward g infrared search and track sensor the new electronic warfare system features a 360 degree spherical missile approach warning system it is also a formidable aircraft in more traditional respects agile fast capable of cruising at supersonic speeds without afterburners even when carrying external weaponry and fuel tanks because of its small size it has a smaller radar cross-section you have to get closer or put out more energy in your own radar to detect a gripen that means that the gripen can get closer before launching its own missiles giving it a few more kilometers of effective range although that's not enough to compete with the us or russian fighters in traditional ways sweden prepared one more promising feature [Applause] russia's sukhoi fighters have achieved a kind of legendary status for their ability to outmaneuver u.s fighter jets in dogfights and pull off dangerous and aggressive stunts in the air the su-57 has a feature that was long promised for the f-22 but as of yet has never been delivered its side-facing radars mounted below the cockpit on the aircraft's cheeks at first glance the utility of these radars is clear they provide a far greater sensor field of view and thus enhance situational awareness for the su-57s pilot but beyond these basic advantages radars allow the su-57 pilot to execute a beaming tactic better than nearly any other fighter around beaming is when a fighter turns 90 degrees away perpendicular to an enemy's pulsed doppler radar array creating the blind spot the su-57 also has an advanced 101 ks infrared search and track sensor installed atop the aircraft's nose this sensor can provide targeting information to a fighter's missile in flight even while that jet is beaming above all else the su-57 can operate and persecute targets while staying electromagnetically silent or giving off no radio emissions which is just as big of a deal these days as being hard to detect on radar to defeat russia's fearsome fighters and surface-to-air missiles the us has largely turned to stealth aircraft one of the stealth's key technical goals is to approximate the aircraft's temperature with surrounding atmospheric as closely as possible to remove any detectable difference stealth costs a fortune and must be built into the shape of the plane if russia somehow cracks the code of detecting stealth-shaped fighters the us's f-35 the most expensive weapon system in history is cooked but saab took a different and cheaper approach to combat russia's fighters and missiles one thing that sets the gripen apart from its direct competitors is the degree to which the entire aircraft and systems were designed around the electronic warfare suite focus on electronic attack gives an advantage over stealth because the software can evolve without a ground-up rebuild saab plans to update the software on the gripen e every two years giving it more flexibility to meet the evolving challenge with the technology behind onboard sensor systems poised to change almost as rapidly as the applications in a smartphone saab has attempted to future-proof the gripen by designing the avionics in such a way where the software is more or less hardware independent grip and e allows for that by separating the hardware layer from the software layer and the flight critical applications from the mission critical tactical so you can upgrade your 30 million dollar gripen as easily as your 700 iphone or additionally install customized apps from different countries the threat environment changes quickly and you will need to make changes in a much faster way while competitors are building totally new fighters with ai electronics the pilot can also select automation levels for example to use systems manually semi-automatic or totally automatic it means the pilot can decide that they want to monitor and manage everything select to approve or reject suggestions from the system like weapons or maneuvering the right tactical information is shared and displayed at the right moment enabling quick and precise decision making this allows the gripen e pilot to be in control intuitively and overcome competitors in timing alongside its impressive avionics the gripen e totes some very high end sensors it was the first fighter aircraft to feature an aesa radar mounted on a rotating repositioner or swashplate this enables the electronically scanned antenna which is normally fixed in a forward position on fighter aircraft to be skewed to the left and to the right in order to increase its field of view a pilot can turn away from the target more than 90 degrees and still maintain a lock with the radar that's especially powerful when combined with the meteor air-to-air missile the duo of the meteor missile and the aes-a radar on a swashplate is a powerful combination for the gripen e theoretically the pilot can fire missiles at enemy fighters at extreme ranges and then hide in their radar's doppler notch while still guiding missiles to their intended target the goal for the gripen is to be a true multifunction aircraft in all aspects gripen pilots don't like to show their cards by demonstrating the full power of the jets jamming and training but the one time they did it's completely reversed the course of the world's best fighter technologies so that's all the time we have for 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Channel: Front Cost
Views: 522,628
Rating: 4.5504794 out of 5
Keywords: gripen e, gripen, saab, sweden, russia, nato, fighter jets, fighter jet, best fighter jets, aircraft, war, cold war, f 35, f 22, jas 39 gripen, sukhoi su-57, russian air force, us air force
Id: EW_f6pVgx3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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