New Super Bowser World FINAL Episode?! - Play as Bowser!

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hey everyone it's derby from blue television games back with perhaps the final episode of new super bowser world let's start it up all right we're on world 8 1. if you knew the series i recommend going back to the beginning hey we got a dark goomba oh we got goofin what an embarrassing way to start the episode uh as i was saying if you're new to the series and you don't mind spoilers i'll explain what's going on basically for some weird reason mario luigi kidnapped bowser jr that's what we thought at least turned out it was actually dark star and mario luigi didn't kidnap bowser jr at all so now dark stars taken over bowser world and my castle and we still haven't rescued bowser junior crazy and that's where we're at this is a flash game believe it or not it's not a rom hack uh it's really really really awesome though if you've been watching the series since episode one let me know in the comments say hey dude i've watched them all or something like that and i'll know you're an ultimate btg fan or an ultimate new super bowser world fan either way i know you watched all the episodes and it'll be really cool to know dang dang cool of you oh that's cool nope okay that wasn't worth it we could have died um are those dark blues is that what you call those whoa our first bowser coin boop there we go gotta be quick this definitely seems harder than uh all the other worlds we've played so far this boot will not follow me unless he's on the screen i need you out of my way boo nope oh dark star flag into a bowser flag for our first checkpoint we got one bowser coin we need stamp we need two more bowser coins all right i'm gonna slow down because these piranha plants are coming up quick and i don't want to die i don't want to die okay we got meowtza which we'll probably need for something any uh ferrari any plants no cool i gotta take this guy out otherwise he's gonna ruin my day boom how do you like that perennial plant yeah dang jerk oh yes we got meowza so we can go jump jump jump you also can't climb walls but it allows you to kind of wall jump wall hop skidoo i guess you would call it double meows now we're talking almost got my meows uh taken away squash the old red eye goomba this is definitely getting more challenging oh that's a coin don't mind if i oh oh if the lava touches you at all you die instantly dang it okay so i know that touching lava kills you i meant the shootie shoot lava was not expecting that to kill me we gotta let it go up come back down oh my gosh that's a hard one all right we just have to be super super quick here go over and back really quick oh that worked oh my gosh that was the hardest dang meows of bowser coin i've gotten so far i'm still calling it meows the coin for some reason i don't care i see to finish this level oh that would have been instant death i didn't even notice it for some reason where's the stamp at my friend did i miss the stamp don't tell me oh i see it i see the stamp yes we got everything eight one is definitely the hardest level we've encountered so far all we have to do is make it to the end now and it's victory victory victory oh that's not cool without lava touches me i die and it's probably going to be a pain in my butt seems to be the case please don't kill me i got too much to live for i just want to finish the level game come on this level's hard i don't even know if it could hit me there end the level please all right all bowser coins meows the bowels of coins the stamp end of the level dark stagger flare dark stair flark now it's a koopa flag awesome all right ole 82 they call this one because it's the second level in world 8 pretty cool how i figured that out huh all right we got double meows kaboom this will one up because that would be nice star even better and we got a nice flower which might come in handy for something that we probably needed to get to a bowels of coin and we blew up yep cool so we are now doomed for all eternity if we want to get that piles of coin we have to go back for it that sucks star lasts forever okay if i return to the map i can return the map oh you can return the map on levels you haven't even beaten yet okay then forget the star forget the ice flower you know what we're going to do we're going to grab this dang bo bomb now looks like a legit bob on we don't have our nice little pink ones anymore oh geez that's not what i wanted oh my gosh okay thanks all right let's try that again all right bob um this time if you could maybe just like sit like right there that'd be great cool now we can throw this shell like that then we can go back use our meowza bowser bell and we're gonna grab that was awesome it wasn't pretty but it got the job done now we got a star what do you think of that game maybe if we went back for the star though we'd stop our power up whoa we got a bunch of one ups from the chain chomp that was amazing that's exactly what we needed in world eight now we got 25 bounces it's a miracle okay and now four more coinages beautifully done meows we stop meows or anymore dang it all right everything's so evil with the red eyes although the goombas almost look like they have heart eyes just makes them look like they're in love oh i needed a thing to throw in here oh that's evil so evil i have to go back through the whole level because i wasn't ready i didn't have a shell that's fine that's fine game we've went back through levels before you can do it again dry bones man make me miss the mommy toads tanuki toad better still be in here whoa that was close there's one right there now we can't get to how do i get in there my friends making all these dang bowels of coins all tricky now okay maybe we find a bob-omb or something maybe all right we got dry bowser again got to be like a something or rather that we can use right here's the checkpoint what was i supposed to maybe ice flower i don't have okay so we gotta go back to this level and be very smart with our choices that was cool we got to be drive out here for about two seconds all right dark goomba squash squash at least there's lots of power-ups in eight too a2 is definitely easier than eight one so far but you know that could change at any moment all right then we gotta get up there dang it hard to get up to these things oh we got it [Music] let's go like scooby-doo easy-peasy bowser schneezy anytime today all right cool with all that out of the way we know where everything is now just gotta finish the level go back through snag the ones we missed and sixes i really need last second we got it that was awesome i was just throwing ice like a madman hoping for a miracle okay so we just need something little we can throw in there like this goomba oh come on you're with the koopa shell koopa shell why didn't i think of that before okay i got it okay this was a tricky one but i get it they're really making you work for this now boom okay all bowser coins stamparoo and we got a dry bowser in our backup now so we can use it whenever we want all right so eight two definitely an easier level but the bowser coins were some of the trickiest we've seen so far pretty cool and we got a dry bowser in our backup item how cool is that all right good old eight three let's do it seems like whatever power up they give you is usually the one you need can i jump up and grab oh we could have had double bowels or dries dry bowsers all right go on the dang pipe drive the owls of meowza are you using the ice flower though oh geez throwing bones into dry bones i don't really know what to say about that that's pretty cool though it works basically how do i uh yeah we almost jumped into lava and died that would have been embarrassing cool nice work dropouts i'm gonna switch over to ice flower i really want to hold on to that dry bowser for a change even if i'm not using it at least i know i have it oh i'm an idiot no i took it away all right now we have ice flour oh oh come on leaping fish bones this day and age that's fine you know what that's just perfect that was close oh geez these are scary lava waves go home man oh no we got a bomb on we need to use somewhere right y'all boom okay all right we just gotta go drop on a down [Music] all the waves were like out of sync last time and they were coming too constantly that was like a hundred times easier that time cool switch over to ice i knew it now we got double ice flowers or ice belt i don't think that can actually touch us okay this is kind of scary they're all like kind of like way too close together again oh that didn't that didn't kill us all the lava waves don't kill us in one hit nice that makes those way less intimidating there's something up there what is up here what's up here you know there's going to be a thing up here every time there's clouds up here if you stay up top you end up getting something cool yep the tradition continues my friends but now that lava wave thing's there just to freak us out yes the drive owls are back we're gonna save it for now how about drawing edge there's always fire when i least expect it the smartest bull bullet bullet bullet bills smartest bullet bills why can't i say that smartest bullet bills go away you're in my face dude get out of my face oh did we miss the stamp we might have i was really like constant although it's right there all we have to do is risk our lives to get it easy enough you know i'm gonna die right here right i didn't die kind of cool i knew it it's just it's meant to bonk your head you're meant to die there all we got to do is make this tricky jump and we win yeah just like you're like it wasn't that hard i just over thought it as usual okay nice that wasn't too bad either overall we played harder levels than that whoa dry bowser looks awesome on the world map i didn't notice that eight four an airship maybe airship dry bowser airship i like their ship from mario 3 a little bit but slow or like one of the slower ships from mario 3 i guess cool i like this little airship action i don't like these spinny things but oh they work a little a little nicer in this game actually i wonder if we need to use it probably not but i'm going to keep jumping on it what if this gives us a bowser coin or something give us something really cool maybe a star nope but we got double dry valves oh it did give us the beowulf meowls of dry bowels of coin now we're up high nothing can mess with us oh dark swamp i miss my tanookitudes where's the tanooki tube when you need one man the hammer suit is stronger than the dry bowser suit oh my gosh that was evil nowhere to go but get burnt okay that's fine probably power up right here and we'll be uh we'll be good to go yep i knew it how do i get over to this i get like here yep that's exactly how i do it cool we're on a roll here lots of fire barge a little split second where i thought this was auto scrolling for some reason oh my gosh we got double power ups there's the stamp though got to get the stamp ooh the checkpoint gotta get the checkpoint gotta get the stamp now the damage boost for no apparent reason all right cool everything's fine being super generous with the power-ups now those swamps came down i thought for sure those swamps were going to try to crush me [Music] this was really cool liking this airship oh he's our dry bowels a backup [Music] oh we know we're going to need this for something hurry up yep right here okay how would i get that without dying oh wait what's this beautiful we got everything nice back up power up all the stamps everything's good to go are we gonna have a mini boss here yeah i think so this can't be the last level right okay almost there who's it gonna be dark star dark bowser that's fine we got dry bowser dark bowser can i kill yes i can kill dark bowser with the dry bones bowser i'm gonna try to kill him with the bones just seems we did it i knew it that was awesome that was a cool mini boss dark bowser now we're to bowser's castle which is now dark star's castle we gotta get our castle back let's do this hey that's uh that's a me a bowser i mean dots on me about double dry bowsers let's go left i guess left's never right so we should go left oh geez that was dumb something good will be over here though right no cool [Music] lots of dry bones in my castle bowser's castle's looking pretty cool right now all right we're just gonna damage boost i know that's gonna give us something good [Music] probably what why'd it reset oh i don't know but we got it we got the bowser corn we wasted all the power up so we got the balls of corn all right it's going to be a maze level feeling pretty amazing so far um i really don't like not having a power up these swamps are going to try to smash my noggin [Music] do it wompity doos how about a power-up game is that too hard too much to ask for these blue lava bubbles are freaking me right out uh chain chomp how did i know that chain shop was going to be a certified jerk this time chain chomparoo not this time fireballs for my goombas that have betrayed me like a couple of jerks checkpoint damn tremendous there's got to be something down here right that's boily boily boily looking stuff i think that's going to kill me where's that coin okay there's a door in the middle there's a coin down here we got gotta go for the coin we got the checkpoint what's the worst that could happen we could die dying would not be fun but oh a borrowing camera let it raise back up bubbly bubbly bubblies please don't kill me bubbles cool [Music] okay so that block here whoa dark star blowing up stuff oh geez dark star what the heck dude what the heck my friends you're not my friend but you know what the heck go next we're still missing the battles of coin oh yeah i'll take that star go away dark star go away kind of like a lack of two basically are you just a lack of two in disguise dark star that'd be so funny i need him to shoot right here will he ever shoot right here though that's the question maybe eventually yeah it's going to take a few days but he'll eventually open this up for me anytime today dark star kinda nice how i can edit this down so you don't have to watch this take four years oh that's so close i might even be able to fit in there actually it's fine with me dark star i don't care yeah thank you we got everything but the stamparoo we'll find that stamp maybe there it is right there how do i get it without dying like that cool all the stamps all the collectibles the final boss no checkpoint before the final boss that can't be right give me a checkpoint game yes thank you game [Music] oops what's on that oh extra power up before the boss fight cool [Music] and then right here too yes another power up okay cool we got everything we need pretty much why don't we grab the ice flower okay so we gotta freeze something throw ice blocks up or something there's a spring cabaret bowser jr finally you will meet do you think you can win the power of darkness i really don't know to be honest i hope i can how do i even hurt you you got spikes coming out of you oh jeez stop it okay so oh so that's working i can just keep shooting oh geez okay that's fine that's fine you wanna play you can play yeah we don't wanna lose our power up because it's really helping us right now oh he can jump on his head i would have thought that would be not good if he jumps on his spiky dark star's head but you know but it's working come get some dark star you star that's dark i wonder if we can jump on their heads and then throw them nope all right i'm just gonna try jumping on his head again yep that works fine this is pretty easy for a final boss although we only have one more hit we can take die nice he goes crazy when you jump on his head though gotta get kind of get lucky all these laser beam guys are being a pain what actually the reason you kidnapped your son is that you've taken out the dna some of these are kind of translated wrong copied it like you did and resurrected it back into jack browser oh no did bowser jr give me that or did that just come out of the sky thanks again [Music] dad i will help you too all right again the battle i cannot go what oh you can't jump on dark bowser's head how am i supposed to [Music] how am i supposed to how am i sup how much oh wait i can blow fire i guess that'll work [Music] saddle oh that's not good oh when you get all right he throws out more power-ups here and there nope dark bowser's crazy oh shell yeah how do you like that boom right in your face it didn't do any damage okay that shell is not open at all okay because it's a dark shell dark shells don't work against dark bowser what was i thinking this is so cool no don't do it i have too much to live for oh i gotta save bowels of june's old b dunes has been in that cage for too long my friend i'm getting a lot of hits oh oh i need that oh man if i can get that power up oh huh i got him thanks dad [Music] have you seen it well my son this is my true strength foolish it is not over yet uh-oh is he gonna get oh no he's getting big oh he's getting really big this will be necessary dad transformed into a giant powder oh sweet i get to be gigantic too gigabalza versus giga dark bowser judge tough guy is this kingdom yours shut up all of this kingdom is mine you just disappear right now there's like new buttons maybe i don't know what buttons are which those i have these mapped to a controller i'm just gonna throw fireballs over and over again defense this is like a fighting game this is awesome punch i'ma punch him up oh this is awesome get punch dark bowser boom is there any reason not to throw fireballs over and over is dummy i'll take that oh this is going to be easy dark bowser go home my friend i'll get in quarter and just punch the crap out of my bet punch oh i got out of it punch punch seems to do a lot of damage this is so cool it's like a fighting game oh my gosh i love it that's so cool to add a whole new kind of thing here what are the mushrooms oh i can heal whenever i want let's heal select oh we got full health sorry dark bowser you're going down my friend punch punch punch in the face punch in the face punch in the face this is so easy it's just fun i love it going down dark bowser oh i can heal up again it's gonna be like a flawless victory well not quite i love it this is so cool i don't know what to say this is amazing what do you think of this fight i love it boom that's right dark bowser you picked the wrong fat man you later bro yeah i collect a mushroom and healed up again all right now what final course claire did we beat the game is it all over it was really great dad i'd someday become a famous woman like you mwahaha let's have a birthday party bowser you're great thank you for taking down the dark star again peach likes bowser i hope it does not happen next time be careful okay you got it yeah i see be careful character my son's birthday party again what yay amazing [Music] tanooki toad yoshi's egg you need to find out the names of all the enemies this is so cool red bob on we got the angry sun down there piranha plant fire piranha plant of course inky piranha plant i guess some of the names right dude there's a dolphin bloop skadooper big boom mario i literally called something there's the stork which i got completely wrong fallen shane the old king bill dark goombas i had that right cool potaboes or lava bubbles i like to calm dark chain chop was scary what was your favorite enemy in this game what was your favorite boss in the game let me know in a comment princess peach was pretty cool lauren luigi were great dark star was a pretty easy dark bowser was easy too but very fun to fight thank you for playing that was awesome so cool what's the pipe do [Music] whoa whoa whoa there's another world all right if you all want to see a bonus episode of new super bowser world let me know in the comments hit the thumbs up button i'm so excited to play a bonus world this is awesome if you all enjoy this series let me know i thought this was so fun if you're new to the channel and you like what you see be sure to hit the subscribe button and the notification bell so you know when i release new videos including maybe a bonus episode a new supervisor world follow me on instagram twitter join the btg discord check out my merch store on the description down below thank you so much for watching and until next time i'll see you around
Channel: Blue Television Games
Views: 289,588
Rating: 4.9324999 out of 5
Keywords: blue television games, btg, blue tv games, play as bowser, new super bowser world, plays as bowser new super bowser world, plays as bowser in, super Mario bros but, super Mario flash games, Mario flash games, new super bowser world download, new super bowser world flash game, Play as Bowser! - New Super Bowser World, Super Bowser World, Bowser World, new super bowser world episode 7, you are bowser, Mario but, super Mario but, new super bowser world final episode
Id: 8aGRmZTn97A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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