NEW Summon Animations on LR Gogeta Blue & Broly Summons: The Movie | Dokkan 9th Anniversary

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Broly Gogeta they're both here and there's new summoning animations let's check it out I've not seen a single thing as you can see if you pay attention to every single thing about this game I'm actually late because I went to sleep now the data download Hit And I did figure that it was probably a placeholder oh I did figure it was probably oh dude that's so cool a placeholder for when they would launch but I didn't think they would launch as early as they did so they've actually been out for like a minute compared to when I'm summoning which won't matter too much to you guys once it's live to you guys but for me I'm late however I went to bed basically not too long after the day to download Hit And of course I was uh hanging out with my kiddos and stuff like that cuz it was a Sunday evening and so I haven't seen anything I haven't even seen their performance I was even so I wasn't tempted to look at literally anything so I don't know how good they are or how bad they are surely they're good we're going to talk about that today as well we're going to talk about a lot of stuff dude part two will be sooner than we can even imagine like there there are so many things to talk about besides the fact of just seeing what all new animations are here besides the fact that today I do not want to matter of fact this video can't end until I have pulled two copies of Broly and two copies of Gogeta now I know that there is a side Banner intelligence Frieza who there's no way I can walk away from this anniversary without getting however somehow I get just crazy shafted trying to pull him I will say I do know that I'm going to be doing probably multiple collabs cuz it's an anniversary time bro we got to we got to get in the uh you know you summon it you use it maybe just some standard dual summons we got to get some collabs in there tons of dokkan content so I will say if you're new to the channel subscribe subscribe and of course 9th anniversary dude this is crazy can we do 20,000 likes on this video I know that is a crazy ass it's a lot of likes but it's Gogeta it's Broly if you've never liked the video before consider going on there hitting it and if you're if you're one of those people that hit like button on every video I appreciate you thank you so much thank you for being there thank you for supporting the channel so dude absolutely insane first part to an anniversary ever I do hope that there's not a the movie in the title uh but also asking to get two copies of the headliners and they not being a the movie in the title maybe is a tall ask but I do presume I will rainbow these before everything's said and done [Music] oh zap oh oh finally oh my gosh dude okay I feel like an actual Gogeta animation is really in the game it's not just a Popin thing that they did to make the Vegeta one look a little different for worldwide it's like an actual Gogeta pull down it's an actual Gogeta pull down surely surely we can do 20K likes for finally Gogeta in the game man we got Gogeta for Gogeta the five years is here there are other things too wow okay okay what's up Broly surely that Broly feeds in that Broly definitely is the same name he feeds in 100% to the other Broly which is that now obviously as you guys know I'm the the well that I am and these units are all these units are pretty old the newest one being cooler and he's still a year and almost a half old I do have them all rainbowed but that's still an absolutely insane multi- summon an absolutely insane multi-summon now while these summons are summoning I do want to remind yall we are sponsored by GFI and you can use code Nano over at to save some money on things like this it's still in stock the evil emperor collector's edition box that comes with this shaker cup it's lenticular it does move look at that their Aura and the new evil emperor flavor which is like a berry medley and crazy enough they also just launched Sage Mode yes the sage mode my personal favorite flavor that they have in their hydration line if you aren't familiar they do make hydration lines that do not have the energy but if you want to flavor up your water and get electrolytes and all that good stuff and also it tastes like Sage Mode Broly my personal favorite flavor that is now live over on and seriously the Dragon Ball flavors are going crazy we now have Kami ha Super Saiyan which look at the art on this one the ginu Force has a flavor shout out G Fuel Man and Sam pride and Gohan Blackberry tea and you guys ask me all the time if I can only get one flavor what should I get I'm going to give you guys an answer for Dragon Ball Z I'd go with this one if you're looking for a Dragon Ball Z flavor this one seriously is my personal favorite and for Naruto or just in general I'm going to go with this one Sage Mode listen I've been back in this one since like day one it's my favorite play for like 2 years sage mode evil imper G thank for sponsoring thank you guys for using Code Nano and saving money when you order your G Link in the description appreciate you guys I'm going to make make me a sage mode right now look at look at the Shaker dude the Shaker is sick by the way there have all kinds of cool shakers over there too that you can use codan to save you money on look how cool this looks when you put sage mode in it look at that oh my gosh oh dude wait wait wait wait what just happened what just happened my game just glitched out I didn't press a single thing it just skipped the entire multi I'm going to reset my app that was really weird I don't want that to happen that would dude if that would have been the Broly pool I'd have been okay I reset let's hope this does not happen again now I can finally hopefully take oh we're fusing it's a different Fusion wait a sec like a different like line god dude that's so cool oh that's so cool look at him he's so cool dude oh my gosh now don't skip my multi do on Battle uh I did look this this shaker cup is not live this shaker cup is not live over there but you know which one is this one I finally got this in dude look at this for all my Gundam fans out there so sick anyways thank you thank you g for making summons like this possible thank you guys for using Code Nano that is a year eight dude can we talk about time for a second does it feel like it's been a full year since I was sitting down here Diddy was here IRL and we were summoning for the 8year lrs that does not feel like a year ago this might actually be the fastest a year ever went for me personally now in my personal life you guys don't pay attention to everything which you know obviously there's lots going on in everyone's lives uh but I do have two kids now and so I think that probably contributes to it like one kid was a lot and I had a lot of people tell me dude there's two kids it's not it's not much more than one lies it's a lot more than one it's it's it's a it's a whole lot more than one now I love them both and I'm beyond happy to have them I'm not saying it in a bad way but to oh I guess I hadn't really thought about the fact that there would be yeah you remember like a year ago when we got the superhero stuff and we had like all unique animations for all those um that actually did mean something back then they changed it it wasn't you know that in normal translation would be Super Saiyan 3 uh but last year when we would get that it go up I think to Piccolo and that would usually mean something then it would go past that and the Super Saiyan God that's on the standard Transformations was uh ultimate Gohan just like standing there so that is what used to be Piccolo which I'm pretty sure did mean when we got like a featured [Music] unit we got him my spill my spill earlier about about maybe not getting him doesn't even matter we got him dude let's look at this I haven't really got to look at all of it dude Frieza from that movie looks so good to me like I I actually really like like the really dark like outlines on his eyes ah dude look at that unit oh my gosh dude let's let's go let's go dude holy um but ooh I wonder if Zeno is still here you know maybe that was a little bit of a verse psychology go again go again oh double screen crack I bet there's new double screen cracks too I bet you anything it's like exactly what they did for superhero just now it's for DBS Broly which by the way part two is superhero theme they could just easily bring those back would love to see them maybe add like something to them they probably wouldn't but I would to see them add something to them featured featured imagine I get the Broly with like the most chill ah there's one of our other discussion topics today that I would like to talk about uh we'll get to that we'll get to that in a second but yeah anyway I have two children now and time moves so fast with the two of them man it it is so crazy uh Beyond blessed to you know be a father to two um and just like actually getting to like be a dad is like the coolest thing uh oh dude that is sick oh dude that's wait that I'm getting something I'm get I mean which we already knew that cuz Hercule on Buu but I am getting something all right man it's so much fun dude I wish I would do this so much more it's so fun to like see what they're doing with the animations and see what's rolling out fake outs are still here could it be him it can't this unit was cool though I need to uh I I need to find a way to release it I did a ranking of the anniversaries on stream the other day I'll find a way to get that out just so uh you guys can tear tear apart my opinions on what I think are the best anniversaries and and not and so forth I do really like the 8-year part ones and I actually liked the eighty year part twos 8ye was uh eighty year was pretty good 8e was pretty good I mean it should be it should always be like a building thing right so you would hope that 8ye would be good since it's eight years of them doing this just like you would hope nine year would be good I I just hope they knock it out of the park they came back to Carnival and do on Fest format I hope that part two is is is super I I really do that's what I that's my most sought after thing for sure uh actually my most sought after thing we're currently we're like I I can't begin to even like tell yes yes dude this is what we love to see I can't even begin to tell you guys like this is basically dream come true this is literal what dreams are made of in terms of what I want out of uh what this game is doing right now right um like in terms of of Dreams specifically related to dokkan this is that Broly is here as a dokkan festival on paper he and Gogeta look like the two best units in the game I think the only people that could come between I think Broly is definitively best unit in the game I think Gogeta by the way a lot of people are sleeping on with him just on paper I think when he's in action and I could be wrong and all you guys would could definitely know by now they've been out for hours especially from data download to private server stuff but me not seeing any of that and just again still in that speculative state which I will be using these so you better be tapped in on the Channel all you guys always asking for dokkan gameplay come back to the Channel watch the dokkan gameplay cuz I will be putting out gameplay for these guys all that all all I'm looking at is still just the on paper stuff but I think the only characters that could even have come close to even Gogeta would be like orange Piccolo who is still a god amongst men at this point still to this day right um maybe Bulma and maybe like future Gohan or something like those are really the you know and maybe like the GT Duo but I I I have to believe that these two units here are in deniably the best units in the game because when we get into anniversary time this is what sets up the presidents for what the rest of the the next 12 months will be until we get to the 10th anniversary right like I still actively use the 8-year lrs which you know on global they're 5 6 months old on JP they are a full year right like as of tomorrow these guys came early um actually no they didn't now that is never mind so as of today these guys are still these are a year old and they still hold up very very well right their mechanics was standby and basically just a a freebie in terms of Reviving and and everything like that with the the GT you know GT Duo and then the ssj3 duo you know basically you go to that standby and you're you're still indestructible at the moment that might change in the future before now you're still basically indestructible you know both of those mechanics are still so usable and still still so crucial to a lot of teams that that I personally run it's it's pretty cool so with that in mind I have to imagine that Broly and Gogeta are here as an anniversary unit to set up what the next 12 months of releases are going to look like and typically the anniversary characters are can still fight neck and neck even with tanabata and even with Worldwide um and that was the case you know besides some random it is still so crazy me fuse let's go yes dude yes it is still so insane to me that Bulma came out you know as the part 2 LR for Golden week and was as dominant as she was like that is probably what's up zamasu I need this by the way I need this my zamasu and my Vega blue who is also not here are only at 79% both of them so I actually do zamasus so even if I don't pull zamasus here which by the way I'm probably going to Rainbow Broly let's just be hon not in this video but before the anniversary sum are done before the buy 31 free is done I will probably have rainbowed Broly I doubt I doubt that I walk away without pulling at least another zamasu so uh but if somehow that manages to happen I will be using coins for him because uh I just I like that unit and he's know he's got one of the better leader skills in the game for extreme units so it's like yeah I'll be for sure using that unit man I think the thing about sageing mod I like so much is that it's just so like refreshing you know like Sage mod is such a refreshing flavor and since I am bringing up the gel sponsor just say # sponsor we are sponsored by gfuel um so you can take that for RO youo but I do genuinely just love this flavor and I love having G here and uh you guys have used our code a lot which I appreciate that so much thank you guys for supporting us thank you g for sponsoring us um and it really does make a lot of these sponsors a lot of these these summons possible so thank you guys so much for real for for I appreciate it more than you could ever possibly know that you guys use codan like that and that a sponsor has stuff that is how much how much more relatable can you get to my channel like Dragon Ball Z I have almost 3,000 videos on this channel that are all just Dragon Ball Z you can't get you can't get the the sponsor to like content creator lineup like it can't get any more like parallel it's too perfect Too Perfect ah anyways back to the the summons and everything in hand so uh let's just talk part two I guess well okay let's talk the banner let's talk the omissions so first thing up it does change stuff that we are back to dokkan Fest and Carnival as all you guys know it changes things substantially you know with how they will format things moving forward throughout the anniversary one of those changes that is very very interesting is that right here on the ston Fest Banner for Broly we don't have ooh speaking of worldwide we actually do not have the L rui or the Super Saiyan blue Evolution Vegeta now you would presume they probably wouldn't both be here they wouldn't both be on this Banner but you would guess that one of them would be here and then one would be on the part two dokkan Fest Banner if they were going to EA here now I still believe they will probably be here I don't I'm not saying it's not 100% anymore I it felt it felt very much so like a 99% lock they would be here that sort of been the pattern I know I feel like there's a lot of people that Overlook these and I don't blame people for this either by the way I don't not everyone lives breathes and eats sto on stuff and analyzes every single thing that they do um but if you go back to 7th anniversary the fouryear the fouryear units EAS a actually the third year and the fouryear units E8 if I'm remembering correctly and then if you go back to eth anniversary the fifth year anniversary unit EAS a right Gogeta and Vega so you would presume keeping up with that that theme which again the theme is not related to the actual theme the theme is just sorry now now I'm sounding confusing but if you look at the pattern it doesn't matter right Gogeta and Vega had nothing to do with the 8year Spirit Bomb units let's go give me my Broly baby give me my first copy of Broly let's go let's go let's go um you know there's literally no relation of go Vegeta and Vegito to oh this could be him this could be him we're faking out no relation there so like it really was just a matter of the fact that they saw them as 3 years old they want to obviously easa high-profile units during high-profile events and so they EAS a anniversary units uh by the way someone asked me the other day cuz people are getting into the game all the time EA is an abbreviation for extreme Z awakened uh if you are a Legends player it is dokkan's version of zinai Awakening units it is bringing old units back in relevancy by updating their kits to allow them to actually be used in modern-day events that they have long aged out of and so the sixth year anniversary units are at that three-year Mark now you know as of today they're 3 years old they are especially Vegeta um and especially Goku Goku does not feel like a modern unit he's only able to even do anything when uh an event actually allows you to dodge and he has a 70% chance to dodge so that makes that's the only thing that even remola makes him relevant otherwise you know and they do have their revivals which I guess come in can come in clutch but they they need updating I actually thought it would be a Chila by the way I thought I thought Chilai would probably be the side better unit to Broly but I guess I just gave us one of her what a year and a half ago so it is what is which is fine the the Frieza is is cool and I haven't looked at him at all but I'm hoping that he is good I I actually don't again uh data download hit hang out with children went to bed woke up uh bers have been live for like a few hours so it's it you know it is what it is oh is the beam updated by the way the beam looks different it's like sending um ah um also the GT duel is not here because there is a part two dokkan Festival Banner that will be likely the super version um not Dragon Ball super but super typing so like a a hero essentially in the dokan pest slot and then a villain in the carnival slot ah we're pull I mean this is a lot of uh super tag fodder though this is like a ton a ton a ton of super tag fodder for my inevitable AGL Broly that is somewhere in here wait didn't I just get them at the beginning of the multi dude no why that's a that's a good multi 12 months ago man that that would be that have me like jumping and screaming out of my chair if that had happen right now is rift in the game right now I wonder if it is or if they took it out I can't remember if we could get Rift during superhero or not I should know I spent like 10,000 Stones during that Superhero H that was a lot that was a lot of stones man that was a ton of stones anyways so the fact that not one of the 60 units are on this Banner it could be pointing that they're not here now the Super Saiyan blue Evolution and Kaioken Goku and and Vegeta are which is why I said that earlier so it is very possible that we see their eza during this which granted since they started it the pre they did a pre anti EA of lrsr UI go UI Omen Goku UI sign like crazy crazy that they do that here um and so since they did that that here and guess what released on JP just a month later on you know Global a little while later but on JP just like a few weeks actually after the stui came out was the Super Saiyan blue Evolution Vegeta and Kaioken Goku so their eza will probably happen during this anniversary now that brings us to what could part two be um I've seen some speculation of super Gogeta and Janemba I don't think it's that at all you know I mean I would take that but super Gogeta and Janemba are three years old now uh for tanot or they will be when the summer hits and tanata happens and I just don't think that's the case because they just introduced super bosses with Broly if you're not familiar with Broly's new leader ability in this new category it is super bosses which we've had super heroes from what was it the introduction of ultimate Gohan was it was it ultimate Gohan in uh Piccolo it was I'm pretty sure and so they introduced this Dragon Ball Super Heroes category and now we have the Dragon Ball super villains category and if you look at it it or Dragon Ball super bosses it very much so needs help and the help for it could be a jiren right like they could definitely go tournament they could totally go Tournament of Power by the way they don't have to go superhero but I think whatever part two is you're looking at something that is between let's go you're looking at something that is between Battle of Gods and superhero so something between and and I'm not talking about movies by the way I'm just it it could literally be an anime Arc it can definitely be an anime Arc but something from the anime that is from Battle of Gods to roof to U6 vers U7 um to Future to top like it's going to be one of those or it won't be DBS Broly cuz we just we got that what else is left right right or superhero that's is literally I feel like that's it right there's no way that they just introduced it I say that as they are very wonky with a lot of releases throughout the year but I I definitely don't think there's any way they told us that the theme of the 9th anniversary is Dragon Ball super they give us a Dragon Ball super boss's category and dude this is it just is so good like it just like I'm actually really impressed with the animation of Gogeta coming in and then Gogeta is actually the pullback and everything it is really really really good I'm very impressed I'd be more impressed if I could get my copy of Broly already Dude where's my Broly not kale no one cares about kale probably saying that weird kale I don't know dude I say my uh I say my e and my A's like just strange all right it's like how where I was raised and everything leave me alone give me a break but anywh who so I don't think is going to have anything to do with Gogeta and Janemba I I just don't that's Dragon Ball Z it will won't but first off it won't it's not Dragon Ball super which he said the theme was that which you know masu's told us many things and then they're not true but I think it's mostly because it's gotot a game and he can't reveal too much but wait didn't I get a Goku and I got Goku and Piccolo flying in for for what did I get three I did lame lame not lame not lame not lame let's go come on come on it's go time baby it's go time give me give me my Broly Broly come on you know you want to where's he at where's my Broly at AGL Broly that's not Broly uh that that that was in fact not Broly man okay anyway so I will so I will say I I'll be on the record I do think the highest chance of anything from Dragon Ball super happening is is at the footsteps of superhero I do think it will be superhero I really do I think that you know I mentioned this in my uh Theory video where I I put them on the thumbnail I think that dokkan probably can can fill that chip OPP onent shoulder I think that you know you look at all the games which I I didn't even make jokes like when Breakers when Breakers got Beast I didn't even make jokes about it because like at this point I think that that that joke of like dokkan doesn't is the only one without without a playable Beast Gohan I think it's a little long in the tooth um and I actually think the dokkan dev and producer teams know that and want to fix that like I really do want to believe that and so we know that the dokkan Fest or we don't know this but it is likely that the dokkan Fest will be the Super type so it would be Beast um when people ask what animations are left I mean well first off the the special beam you know or light of death or whatever you want to call it literally was just the 18 or was just the active skill that could still be the 18 key they could still do some sort of cool like combo they could still do an intro where he transforms they can make him transforming um I I would rather him just be beast but they can make him transforming I mean they could there's so much they can do when you look at what they did with this Gogeta blue you look at what they did with Broly there's still a lot they can do I I I don't think that the argument that they've used everything is is valid even a little bit um and then on top of that Xenoverse gave them more material if you guys haven't played through the Xenoverse DLC they gave them actually a substantial amount of more material so uh I don't think I don't I don't think saying he doesn't have anything left is a good argument point at all I think that very much so has a pretty good argument point um and I I hope that it's him I hope that if you're watching this in the future you're watching this in a few weeks you're watching this in a few months you're watching this in a few years I hope that we can look back and part two was superhero and if it wasn't superhero then I hope it's a really sick um I don't think it' be future-based either by the way I think future just having an entire like worldwide celebration themed around future kind of like leaves future out of it too so I I think the only real candidates if it is going to stick to Dragon Ball super and buff the Dragon Ball super bosses category which needs buffing I think the only real two candidates that come to mind at all are Tournament of power or superhero theme I I think like 100% that's pretty much it so when you when you think when you think about those two specifically you know um I definitely think that the first part of jir and V Goku is almost entirely untouched especially in modern era animations and so I definitely we could see we see something like that and I think we might actually see that at some point the share whether that's tanabata or that's golden week or they make an entire tournament power themed worldwide celebration I definitely do think that that is probably possible um and so anyways I don't want to drone on too much because we all of this conversation will be null null and void in about 2 weeks time matter of fact February 9th we will literally see who the part two units are so I will stop talking about that now uh and let's talk about daa I did watch the trailer before I I sat down and because I I am very excited about daa um and I think another thing that's really exciting as someone who covers these games is that you would presume you know that it's already going to have been animated it's a limited release run now I've not got to see what all they asked um the producer so I don't want to comment too much on on stuff because there there might be more info out there uh based on everything I saw though just at a glance there's not a ton out there so on it which is just crazy I I don't know they really are holding punches like even the sparking zero trailer they held back punches by the way the sparking zero trailer was really good but to not give us and show us UI who's who's obvious dude UI is in the game it's sparking zero coming out in 20 probably 25 they're going to have Ultra insin go by the way I'm getting let's talk about this I'm getting absolutely unruly okay like I am actually I'm actually getting absolutely obliterated right now can we can we have that discussion I'm getting obliterated okay not a single copy of the Broly buy three get one free and we are 1,400 stones in by the way box maintenance might be my least favorite thing about this game and I know that's like a well problem but my gosh dude box maintenance sucks that's I got through doing that anyways back to the diamond discussion still no technical date by the way um so sparking zero holding punches wish they would just give us I listen that game I fully I fully believe with every fiber of my being if that game releases in 2024 it was probably a little bit rushed and I know by the way I'm aware it's been in development for for 5 years but they could be saying it's been in development for 5 years and they had like the idea to revisit budai you know 5 years ago and they started working on it then that does not mean that someone um or character model artist or Environmental artists or the programmers for all the characters and everything like that I've been working on for 5 years that is probably just the full timeline of when it got the green light um or the idea was like hey let's revisit this and then now here we are so um besides the fact that it does look really detailed I saw a couple of like Goofs where I guess the uh you know their hair is probably their hair not probably their hair is not attached to the model cuz it's like it's its own entire asset which by the way the hair like effects in that new sparking zero trailer are Beyond impressive like Beyond impressive like when he when they're when Goku goes God and how just like fluffy his hair looks um it is so good man it is so good I I'm like I'm so freaking excited for sparking zero it is probably M minus the few random things that I want to see happen with the Dragon Ball IP like I still really want a MOA right like for the longest time which I know that there is that one that is like more of a jump Style game that's a MOBA bro I'm getting really tired of this all right we are we are actually getting a little deep I did not I won't lie I got went in this video If you guys didn't notice the very beginning I started with 3,000 Stones I figured 3,000 Stones was probably enough especially buy three get one free to walk away with two gogetas and two broes that is not asking for too much that is that is that is only getting those units at 69% that is not asking for too much at all anytime someone gets mad at me that I I'm like well you're just entitled you no dude it is I know it's a gotta game but if you think that it is okay to go that many stones and not basically get anything then they then they've won right they've won I'm not to that point I'm not like I've never been to that point I do really want to see this through I really want to see the rainbowed but if this is how my summons are going to continue to go I'm going to we're not I can't end this video without them but if this is how the summ are going to continue to go maybe I don't rainbow them here at this anniversary and we get them in tanabata with uh with coins that I don't want to do that but if that's if that's what happens that's what happens I guess um anyways but that there was a couple of pictures of like the hair being off the model for Goku um with sparking zero and it's just like besides that you can tell there is a lot of like love and passion put in this game and so that's what was talk so besides getting tin kaii back the only really other things I would personally want to original buai back so the more Tekken style fighting speaking of which I actually really want to oh wait this is double screen crack but not a new one Maybe I'm Wrong there's not new ones there there were new ones for superhero U but maybe they just didn't decided to do them for for Broly is he in here please Broly not Tien no one cares about you Tien it's not Broly um now me personally I do like the buai series more the OG buai series I do personally like it more um I did play like a uh a done of buai tin kaii uh I didn't play much three which is the one everyone loves because three was on the Wii for me I just not play my Wii that much um I I just really I really didn't it was what it I it when I was still younger and so my family just you know bought me stuff and my Wii was my new console so they just assumed I would probably want my new console and I did I did play it but yeah uh I the the thing that made me sad as a kid is that I was always excited about that disc Fusion system that ten kaii had and I couldn't do that because my copy of ten kaii was not on my PS2 where my other two copies of the ten kaii games were um yeah I would say Beyond getting either a proper Dragon Ball mobile at some point like Pokemon unite if that game had ever come properly to PC I probably would have so many that's sick let's go you know what that Frieza is the small light at the end of the tunnel for me right now uh as we are not getting any broles at least we're getting friezes uh but Pokemon unite would probably be a game that I'd have like a thous at least 1,000 hours in if it wasn't locked on switch and and just mobile and I have put you know I've played U my fair share of Pokemon unight but when it when it comes to mobile I just want let's go let's go I just want to play a mobile on PC man I have thousands and thousands of hours in League uh if you watched my gameplay you probably wouldn't believe it because I still be I still be playing like the the silver scrub I am uh but I really holding out that was going to be Broly but I do love mobas mobas are like just they're M they're perfect and so just if we could ever get Dragon Ball like that'd be so sick because we uh used to fantasize when we play league about two different other mobes we'd love to see and that is a Dragon Ball one and a Pokémon one so I will be checking out the jump game if I can ever if it ever comes to a point to where I like easily can get access to I'm not trying to jump a bunch of Hoops to play it we just not but if ever gets to the point to where we can play it I'll absolutely making uh you know videos over that besides getting that um and now that we're also getting a proper card game cuz I always wanted like a proper like digital card game which I played some of um I did not record any videos for it I think I think it may I think the open Beta may be done but when it like fully launches I'm sure I will make some content over it I just don't really get a chance to play it that much um but besides things like that I think them revisiting tenai or the original buai really are at the peak of what I could have ever asked for out of games so I will be covering sparking zero on this channel like it is crazy and I talk about I've talked about this many times but when xenovers 2 came out which is sort of the last like Arena fighter right not sort of it was 8 years ago in uh in October by the way which is crazy the Xenoverse 2 will be that old this year it was right when dude dude come on I'm I'm I'm getting I'm getting a little annoyed I'm getting a little annoyed I I've I've rainbowed the ssj3 duo and not pulled a single copy of boo it's a boo saw boo flying in there I'm hoping boo was flying in there then that makes no sense but or Al just said bu Duo anyway and not a single copy of Broly this is uh sucks the movie is definitely the title of this video and that sucks I'm going to keep it 100% with y'all anyways uh when Xenoverse 2 launched you know that was in an era when we were getting a dragon ball game yearly you know sometimes multiple times a year and so I just thought and that was one of my channel was was really having its blowup moment and I was finally catching like some real traction with my dokkan videos and so I made some Xenoverse videos and I went back to xen I pretty much have covered uh almost every main drop of Xenoverse since not like super crazy in depth right but like I've at least made a video over the majority of xenover versus dlc's and and I've made I made videos like I know that my bread and butter my more daily content is more Centric around dokkan of Legends but I quite literally have made sure on this channel to cover basically every single thing Dragon Ball related that I possibly can the anime is coming back this the movies are coming back any of that I've covered I've covered superhero I've covered Broly I've covered daa um I used to cover the anime when I could here and there uh I've covered all the releases we made videos over um let's see since I've wow I'm going to I so I started this video by just thinking I may not even get a freeza and I've almost rainbowed Frieza and pulled zero copies of Broly that's sick I love that I don't I don't love that I am happy for the new animations very happy for the new animations I wish it would throw I wish the game would throw me just like a little bone here just you know just a smidge of a bone but any who my my channel was starting to blow up and I just didn't want to dilute too much to Universe when dokkan was working so well and so I told myself I'll cover the next thing well the next the next big game didn't come out for a year and a half which I should have known was a sign but I got I got asked to fly out and play Fighters that was the next game Fighters was the next game after Xenoverse 2 and I got to play Fighters early and that was probably one of the coolest moments I I met Ryman afro for the first time ever got to go out to B9 Amco play Fighters early um it was on like on the build uh D talks about apparently remembering his videos probably better than I do but it was like on the original build uh before the the beta went live and all of that it was such a cool moment for me right you know growing up as this just massive Dragon Ball fan and being so new to the space I think I just hit 100,000 Subs when I went out to band Namco and played Fighters um but then Fighters comes out and it's the next game and I was like damn I'm not like I'm not really built to play fighting games like that you know I've it's been 6 years and I still tell myself all the time I'm going to go live and just stream Fighters for like a month until I'm like good at it you know like I'm going to go live and play Fighters like a few hours every day stream it and I'm going to get better at it and I still would like to do that but then I think uh I think the fighters Community got a pretty pretty bad announcement today um I saw Lotus put out I haven't got to I haven't got to watch it yeah but I saw Lotus put out a video that said basically the end of Dragon Ball Fighters and I I do know that I think they ended the world tour which might be the I I don't keep up with Fighters like that I will say that's the maybe one area that I'm super I keep I would keep up with Fighters if it was still ongoing and putting out DLC and I covered most of that DLC 2 but I don't keep up with it so much to understand what happened I do think the world tour this world turn might be the last one maybe and the I just rainbowed Frieza no way no way I rainbowed Frieza and didn't get a single Broly no no no oh brother dude it's bad it's really [Music] bad it's thirsty man wow oh dude I do not want to have to stop to buy Stones just finish this video I need my luck to kick in man I need I need something to kick in here what is what is happening this is bad damn anyways and so it's like a fighting game dude and so I'm like like I suck at fighting games so I tried to cover it as best I could but I was like okay I'll play the next the next actual Arena fighter then he fast forward and the next game unless I'm like you know this this middle of the night and I'm summoning him getting absolutely shafted but unless I'm mistaken the next main release was super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission which is the first time that that game ever went Global right anytime you played if you ever played one of those games you were playing like a Japan import it was that that was the first time they actually made a global Heroes game which was really cool and another one where Bandai act I actually made some of the tutorial videos they they weren't like in game but they were for like Benco like on their I think they would link link to the videos that were on YouTube on their site and like that they were supposed to be like helpful videos I played a lot of that game and then we went out waed to stream for it all of that that was super cool then got nerfed because I guess we played early it broke the online which switch online sucks anyway but it broke the online and all the progress and all the time I put in unlocking all these cards was for not because I couldn't play online and uh Ryme had the same problem Ryme and I couldn't couldn't fight each other it sucked I was like no no way but no not the not the Super Dragon Dragon Ball Heroes was a I would say a fairly large release but it wasn't like another Arena fighter I was like I'll get the next Arena Fighter for real I'll be there I'll be there I'll be there the next game is krot in January 2020 and since krot you know how many games have released one it was Breakers one we've been in the longest drought it's crazy The Last Dragon Ball Arena fighter was 8 years ago if I went back to me 8 years ago and I told told him that he wouldn't believe it because I grew up in the era where we got once we started please dude this has got to be the one please this has got to be the one this has got to be the one but if I went back to Nano all those years ago and said hey man so like I know that you've grown up in an era where basically gotten a dragon ball game every single year but that stops right now after Xenoverse 2 we won't get another Arena fighter until the basically the fourth entry in the budda T kichi Series I would have I would have laughed I would have genuinely laughed so the fact that sparking zero was likely not the earliest sping zero is releasing in my opinion is October November of this year that's the earliest by the way please please dude back to back please this has got to be Broly man it has got to be Broly please come on okay sorry pen no dude wow you guys are witnessing a uh this is crazy this is nuts [Music] wow anyway I I wouldn't I would just I would just wouldn't have believed that I I mean I feel like most people wouldn't wouldn't believe that right like Xenoverse 2 is the last Rand of fighter so all this is a very longin way of saying I'm going to cover sparking zero as much as I physically and possibly can I am so excited to be back here it looks so good um you know I it's a little unfortunate that it does not look like there was going to be any local multiplayer and I know people are you know but like that doesn't bother me that much I don't know I I don't really play local multiplayer with anyone anymore besides my my kiddo that's sick pick up I can use that my kiddo and I are the only like I'm like damn are y'all y'all still y'all still get together like that like y'all y'all still like even with my like local like local friends we just play online like from of our houses like I don't know like if I get together with my friends like I'm not like we're not playing uh we're not playing games I don't know but we all we all have kids now and stuff so like maybe that's why I I I just that just ain't that just ain't something that's like happening so like for me like local multiplayer is not it's got it's got to be him man it's got to be him please [Music] please now I don't know like I don't know how many of these I had prior to going into this probably some of those were sitting there but I knew know I've pulled him enough to Rainbow him there's no shot I spent 3,000 stones and don't get a s coffee Broly right trunks was being a [Music] gentleman [Music] I mean I hope bro I hope hold on this mean two or more doesn't doesn't mean that [Music] wow I mean I haven't even got the summon on Gogeta [Music] yet now I'm going to hope that when I dive into a duel it looks nothing like this right I mean this this would be disgusting on a duel I have I have rainbowed and then gotten an additional Frieza that I do not [Music] need without pulling a single BR this is crazy this is absolutely crazy I don't want to hear I don't dude I don't want to hear I don't nothing I don't want to hear nothing bro I don't want to hear nothing nothing if I if I have some good luck like when we get to Gogeta or I get to the DUS or anything bro yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no shot no shot do I spend 3,000 stones and get zero broes no way no way no way absolutely right no way maybe dude but anywh who very excited for sparking zero very excited to hopefully get to play it at some point um would love if they would invite us out so we could get like some early Hands-On and like have like some early impression videos Drop and like get to show off like some actual in-depth gameplay I really want to see the UI like I know that they presumably showed the character select screen in the trailer but like was it actually the character select screen like I'm I'm you know I imagine that that we are still very far out they I know they revealed it a year ago almost it actually hasn't been a full year yet because break uh battle that's a breaking hour um I'm about to break it's about to be the breaking hour here I'm going to have a breakdown it's freaking Broly but anyways uh the battle hour was actually what in March last year year so it's not been a full year since we even got the teaser trailer and let's be real guys that was a teaser trailer that showed about 3 seconds of actual gameplay so like I have to I have to imagine that what I said earlier with the the 5 years thing it has not been like fully in depth in development for like 5 years no shot no shot dude the the Goku model's probably not even 2 years old or something like like we you know what and the thing is I would much rather let I I want them to like sit on it and cook man I I really don't want to get another Arena fighter that we throw to the Wayside and just like move on from like in a couple days because it's like garbage or something speaking of which which I I hope you know I wish I wish this wasn't the case I I'm going to try out the jjk game because I just recently watched jjk I started it I went back and I looked I didn't realize this crunchy roll has a full history so crunch roll has a full history and so you can like really really dive deep into like when all you've watched stuff and I don't watch a ton of things anyway I just am not a big like TV Watcher I don't know most of the content I consume is right here on YouTube or or you know like I I tune in streams and stuff like that but anyways uh please let this view let this View and let this this is this is the one this has got to be the one man this has got to be the one it's got it's got to be man I'm almost 3,000 stones in this has got to be the one this feels like the one to me it's not no way are you guys about to witness me spend 3,000 Souls on an anniversary banner and not pull a single copy of the character I think you are this is crazy about have to do more box maintenance that also sucks anyways I'm not cut up on the manga I tweeted out about it so many people were like what about the manga dude D I just watched the anime no I definitely I feel like you guys over on YouTube probably know me a little better than people over on Twitter so thank you guys but like I have not read the Manga I've only recently become a manga reader to begin with so I definitely haven't I didn't like I didn't read the Manga and go watch the just not that just didn't happen but now that I've caught up on the anime and I am caught up I'm completely done with season 2 I recorded my reactions by the way I want to do something with them not trying to INF frge on copyright holder so I don't know how I'm going to do it but I do have a reaction to almost the entirety of the shabuya arc um on Deck so I do want to figure out something to do with that I just don't know yet it'll probably be related to key moments which is a podcast I I have with uh dadao where we talk about anime and stuff like that but uh I did record reaction to those those do exist and that show was very good that's probably one of the best seasons of a show I've ever seen um they like that that season was was so good but I was looking back on my history um cuz I was talking to my my kiddo D he was just asking me about it and St like that and I started that show in like 2021 per like recommendation from my stream and I watched like three episodes then broke for like 6 months watched like three episodes broke for like 6 months watch three episodes and now that would put us like somewhere in 2022 then didn't touch the series again until fall of 2023 right so I didn't I didn't finish season 1 until December of last year and then I watched all of season 2 this month which just like was a very disjointed experience for sure so I definitely probably missed some understandings of things because of just how this jointed that experience was so I might I'm actually going back and reading the manga now so please please dude please please please please please please please I like I'm literally begging to not go to the 3K Mark without a Broly because that just feels absurd like that actually feels absurd I'm real I mean I'm at 3K even if he's here I'm at the 3K now Co please it's the 3,000 Stone Mar man like what what do I H what do I have to do 3,000 that was the [Music] same okay you guys just witnessed me spend 3,000 stones on an anniversary Banner and get zero I I've got nothing got [Music] absolutely what was [Music] that what was [Music] that what was that Broly oh my God don't God you're lucky you came in clutch with a crazy summing animation oh my gosh what was that animation wo it took 3,000 Stones you guys better have liked that video 20,000 times you better have subscribed we're not even done yet that was so sick I didn't know they were I didn't know they were cooking like that what was an animation holy this feels dude this feels scripted bro I I have zero Stones I pulled him on the final multi that I could pull him on until I went and bought more Stones all right let me go buy more stones that was Co crazy wait I'm just not realizing too I I I'm sure now that I pointed it out I'm probably going to pull themit on and not get more broes but that's actually crazy I haven't I don't think I've gotten a single copy of them now uh you would think that I would just swap over and immediately go to gogeta's Banner but I do I'm not kidding I really do want another Broly because for my presumed gameplay video I really would like to have a dupe in Broly and then also have Gogeta and a dup and Gogeta and I would just rather put out one massive long video than make like a bunch of different summoning videos so hope you guys are tapped in are here for these summons are here for a massive anniversary video I hope you guys are enjoying this so uh I just got through clearing up my box again box maintenance literally one of the worst things in this game uh and I know that is obviously just well problems but still uh dude I'm telling you what man uh I'll get back to my jjk talk in just a second but you know it's crazy when I literally went to bed at 700 p.m. to wake up to then record dokkan like that's how excited I was for this and that's how how serious I take this stuff man is the fact that I actually did that like that's just so that's so o like who does that the truth D anyways uh back to the jjk talk so I'm finally caught up uh my goal is to read the Manga I've actually I've just been like trying to immerse myself more in that stuff and less in social media if I'm going to actually be 100% with you guys I kind of don't open Instagram that much anymore I want to post on there more just because I some of my friends were talking the other day just about having Instagram and posting on Instagram frequently allowed them to sort of like go back and look on their profile and just see these like cool moments and just kind of like a good Overlook at just your year and I was like that that if anything is something I would want to start posting more on IG before so I think I am going to start posting more on there so funny as I'm saying this uh but I I think the thing for me like I'm so bad about just mindlessly scrolling Twitter right when I could be doing almost anything else and so what I've been doing is when I noticed myself mindlessly scrolling Twitter I will just go okay I'm going to read I'm going to read aanga I'm going to like read a chapter of something and so um that is what helped me read a ton of Naruto um which I'm still like in the process of getting through Naruto that's what helped me read um Dragon Ball super I'm actually reading the Dragon Ball super manga now dto and I actually just did a manga related episode of our podcast which is really cool so we actually talked about the most recent uh Carmine and Android or Android and Soldier 15 uh chapter of the manga and so we're going to start doing a monthly podcast about that you know as the as the monthly chapter drops for Dragon Ball super will be doing podcasts to coincide with that uh now I'm not 100% caught up I have not read through I'm in the middle of the mar Arc right now I obviously have not read through the granola Arc at all and of course I had some people that are like well then how are you doing the super stuff well as long as you know about black Frieza which I think most people that interact with content on YouTube are familiar with with Frieza having that form and if you're not my bad uh but anyways I feel most people are aware of that so as long as you know about that really you that's really the only thing you needed to know about to read this most recent chapter um I did read back a few chapters prior as well just so I was versed in what happened in the manga with superhero if there was like any real differences there wasn't uh I mean there were some but not like not what you would need to know going into that new chapter uh that was long kha would love to not get L veto blue uh would love to have gotten a Broly there anywh who so yeah so I I am now reading the morrow Arc I'm in the middle of the moro Arc not like super deep but I am in the middle of it uh and so the goal is just to get fully caught up on the Dragon Ball super manga I kept I was one of those people that I kept holding out the hope that super would come back and obviously if you're going to ask me would I rather experience dragon ball through manga or dragon ball through the anime I'm going to choose the anime like 10 10 times out of 10 you know what I mean like it's just always going to be that but now that you know the anime has been off air for 6 years in March right so the if you can believe this the finale of Dragon Ball super was 6 years ago in March I mean Broly DB DBS Broly is over 5 years old like it's just it's nuts man we are we're in such like CRA ooh we're in such like a crazy timeline dude uh but anyways I didn't I did not think we'd be here 6 years later still without an ongoing anime and so with that in mind I just am finally admitting defeat and I'm just going to read it cuz I I want to know and I you know the other thing too is just because super comes back doesn't even mean they'll even cover the mar Arc and the Granola Arc like dude come on I did mention that earlier I mean he he is rainbowed and then some now so yeah we ended up pulling him surprise surprise we pulled more of him so oh dude I would love to get my my second copy of Broly here and just get over to the Gogeta banner and just wrap up the video on the Gogeta banner and just like move on just just done boom good good to go all right we are getting a dokkan Fest maybe an LR that's it either means doen Fest LR for sure I opened my mouth and inserted f but because there they are brought attention to them I definitely pulled the entire Banner now which I mean I would hope we we are almost 3500 stones in on the banner so I would I would hope that I would pull a copy of everything with 3500 Stones 3500 that's also buy three get one free so it's even it is even more multis than what you would normally buy with that many stones uh anyway so yeah so I'm like kind of practicing a little less on social media and a little more on just trying to like cuz I feel like I can especially having this anime podcast and also being lowkey summoning videos are basically just like long form uh solo podcast where we just talk about a bunch of stuff I wanted to be able to talk about more things than like funny tweets I saw you know uh and I I I it always it always do I always feel bad when people like tap into a stream and they're like no no have you seen this have you read this you know about this and I and I I'm like no I haven't done that and don't get me wrong I absolutely know that they're there was time in my day that I could have like readjusted and I probably could have watched that episode of anime or I probably could have read that chapter of that manga so I'm trying to like be a lot better about that um and I have been which is why I finally finished jjk which is why I mentioned I started jjk in like 2021 and barely watched 10 episodes over the course of a year and now I watched the remaining like 40 and I'm completely caught up with the anime right so um anyway so I am reading jjk I think I'm on chapter like four or five right now which is again is all mostly just recap for me but I just want to read through that I also think reading it you comprehend some of the more complex thing without re-watching episodes you comprehend yourself a little bit easier when you're like reading it and you can take a moment to like think things through and like look at the different panels and all of that um not that JK is like that complicated but there are some like interesting things with like some of the techniques uh and they you know they definitely it's not I wouldn't say JK is also like super like super basic either there's definitely some complex um you know different things that are built into that that universe and how they handle certain things and all that but anyways uh I'm reading it so I can comprehend a little bit better and I I'm going to go all the way through I'm just going to go Ahad and read it I think the biggest thing for me is that I would rather go into the anime like going into this next uh Arc which I think is called like the coing arc or something like that uh purely blind but at the same time uh jjk and I mentioned this on the podcast for whatever reason that fan base just does not care about spoilers uh on a level that I don't I've ever seen any other fan like the leaks come out and people act like you should just be on top of the leaks and they just start like without any spoiler anything they'll just they just tweet it all out it's crazy so um I know some pivotal moments now just simply because if you're on Tik Tok or you're on pretty much anything you've probably seen someone talk about it or spoil it through showing off a random manga panel and something that was completely unrelated or clip or whatever uh so I just I just want to catch up I just want to experience it now actually been just like enjoying reading manga lately it's kind of it's a new thing for me like I it's not something I really ever did in the past so i' I've actually been enjoying a lot uh and I got I've got my iPad and uh it's a pretty pretty good little experience so um yeah anyways Beyond though Beyond reading super finally and then also starting to read o starting to read um jjk I also started chainsaw man today all I guess yesterday now um for the first time I watched the first I watched the first episode and then I got through halfway through the second and I had I had to stop because um like get car stop let's go dude oh my gosh yes yes yes we're done we're done with the Broly Banner until collabs or future solo vids we are are done yes dude almost 4,000 stones to get two copies of Broly uh I will leave that I'll leave that there um I'll leave that exactly where it's at we are moving to Mr number one himself look at him dude I'm I'm so excited dude we got to do we got to do I might come back and finish out that rotation maybe we'll see how these Gogeta summons go I've not even done a single summon on the Gogeta Banner you are you got to be at least an hour into this video at this point we're hour into a video and I haven't even summoned for Gogeta yet cuz I've been doing that many summons on Broly just to only get two coffees which is just so crazy anyways I started chainsaw man it's very interesting do had told me there's like some I don't know if you'd call it fan service but it's definitely you know they they do be they do be doing stuff over there uh and I'm already picking up on that but uh it's very interesting it's also very like I'm not deep into it obviously I'm just an episode and a half but I'm already like drawing parallels between it and jjk just a little bit but uh that was a crazy pilot episode of a series the pilot episode was really really good we also have talked about that a lot uh on the podcast just how like you know he and I a lot of the core of what the podcast that we do over there promis isn't just trying to be an ad for I'm an hour into a solo summing video I just want to talking about the stuff I guess that's like preoccupying a lot of uh my time these days and I we we put a lot of time and effort into the podcast for real real for real and one of the things we talked about because we are doing a rewatch of Dragon Ball Z um I don't know 100% about him but for me I a missed episodes of Z I've never actually seen the entirety of Dragon Ball Z because I've never taken the time to rewatch from start to finish since I was a kid and when you were a kid growing up in the states um especially if you were a kid that were any amount of extracurricular activities you would miss some episodes because you just weren't home when they were airing on tunami um and so anyways wait they're not featur are they oh I'm freaking on a different Banner did I just say LR LR twice no way did I just come up and say the do the LR thing twice I forgot to switch banners 100% totally forgot I switched banners I was like why why did I get that for that that was crazy um anywh who so uh which I talked about on the podcast that you know I just in like inevitably the way I experienced Z I did miss some episodes I mean obviously over the course of covering this you know now on this channel for eight years and I've seen I know the the main beats you know I I I know Dragon Ball Z I'm not like I'm not on some fraud watch or anything uh there's just like random little Filler episodes that I've absolutely missed and as a child who had friends that would actually tape episodes for me if I missed them which was like the coolest thing right that's that's how old I am man like you just there was no on demand at the time there was no on demand and like DVD you if you if you wanted to reack rewatch something back you like recorded it on like VHS at the time like that's how that's how crazy stuff was back then anyways would love for this to mean if this is Gogeta we are so deep would love an early Gogeta oh I rainbowed him though I I did somehow manage to Rainbow the uh the carnival trunks didn't the dfes but I rainbowed both the carnivals I had way better luck with the carnival stuff anyways but I even then even with the randomist episodes and even with all of that can we get the infamous Vegeta Chi outu Fusion we can man even with all that I've not watched most of even the important episodes in 20 years right so I thought a rewat I approached him a little over a year ago and was like Hey what if we did a an nma podcast but like at the backbone upset podcast we rewatched Dragon Ball Z and we talked about it and then we posted our reactions like that would be pretty cool and that's what we've been doing so it's not like the it's not the entire like the entire podcast is not just the rewatch but it is sort of like the backbone of the podcast if there isn't something going on like a new manga panel or if we want to talk about da or when Da is airing we will inevitably be covering that on a weekly basis where we dive into it and we react to the episodes and then we do an entire probably like hourong podcast about the episodes and and something that'll be even cooler about daa is that it won't H or shouldn't I'm hoping they don't go into that through the manga um I actually don't want them to do that in the manga because at least not PRI prior because I want to go into da not knowing what's next right cuz with Dragon Ball super when it was airing we didn't have like the manga hadn't covered the Dragon Ball super stuff the anime was ahead of the manga and so when we were going week to week we didn't know what the next thing would be I think it was way better like that in my personal opinion so with that in mind when we get to daa we'll get to just speculate it'll be like full we'll talk about we'll review the episode we'll talk about what happened in the episode and then we'll get to speculate what might happen next which I think is is very exciting it's kind of also kind of what we're doing with the manga as well and so you know with that in mind um as we get to di the rewatch will probably take uh you know backseat for a little bit but building up to it we'll probably still be doing the rewatch and I think it's just it's just been a ton of fun and we're building out a library where you could if you do your own Dragon Ball Z rewatch or you just want you're in the middle of just doing your first ever watch of Dragon Ball Z or all you know whatever it might be like we've got now got this podcast library that we're building up and as you watch the episodes of Dragon Ball Z you can go back and you can hear what do on cuz we rate the episodes we talk about the episodes uh we do our episode reactions you can watch the episodes alongside us like it's just a really cool thing it's probably one of my favorite things that I have made so far as a Creator like I I am so proud of it I love that is this library of videos that are Timeless right like they are truly Timeless I mean we do talk about some stuff that that dates them I guess a little bit but for the most part at any point in the rest of your life presuming that YouTube still exists and you're still able to access these videos if you want to come back back and hear what Nano jenx and D doya had had to say or you're someone who maybe doesn't have a ton of friends that are into all this stuff and you just want to hear some other people talk about it you can hear that and we're doing a deep dive on all the epis I think it's so cool I now realize this is just turning into mostly an ad for my pod which is not really what it's meant to be I'm just it's just something I'm very passionate about and that's what we talk about here on this channel um anyways and and so I I've been enjoying it because we've been I've been seeing episodes that I absolutely either a just don't remember or B have never seen and so like I'm so like I'm so excited about doing this um and yes we do record react now the reactions are behind being a member um of our podcast which you call Key members and the name of the podcast is key moments I'm going to have linked it now down below in the description if you want to check out for yourselves um but anyways it is it is something that we we release weekly we might do you know we might have a couple like bonus little episodes coming up sooner than later where we maybe release more than one episode per week just if we like have some extra stuff we want to talk about for the most part though it's a weekly podcast tune in once a week listen us talk Shenanigans and stuff like that and we also talk some other stuff sometimes that's not that but so much discussion over the the podcast is that I want to be a little more cultured um on the anime side of things because we did a thing where we list off all of our anime that we could think of at the time I'm sure we both missed some anime that we had seen before but we listed off like all of our anime and my list was pretty shallow right like I I have not just watched that much stuff and like even if you take it away from anime I just haven't watched like that much TV when you when I compare to some of my friends I've watched like a ton of TV I'm definitely I've seen some of the the bigger like higher highs of things right like I you know I've experienced breaking bad stuff like that but like I just don't watch a ton of TV and of course that's all anime is and so I'm trying to I'm trying to fix that a little bit so that's why I've watched an episode and a half chainsaw man if I can ever pull Gogeta and I can get my work done for the day I might go finish that episode of Chainsaw man and watch a few more because I was actually pretty interested in what was going on with chainsaw man uh but I I kind of I think season 2 is coming up soon and so I wanted to be like caught up on season 1 uh and dude I want to say I've seen panels from chainsaw man and that that manga actually is very pretty uh another one I'm interested in like checking out is um what's it called uh K is it Kaiju number eight or something like that that one looks pretty interesting too uh M fact I went when I got on crunch I like made a I just made like this massive just like watch list of things that I'm going to try to uh catch up on now got e that's actually a pretty good pull I don't need it but that's a that's a pretty good PLL for sure if you have any anime suggestions I will absolutely take them down below in the comments of this video now this is now really deep into the video to ask that but if you do have any we absolutely take them I'm trying to consume a lot more right now um I'm actually I'm like very much so in this mood right now to like watch something that that involves like vampires so um if you have any like top tier I've not not really ever watch anything with that I don't know what it is I'm just like I'm in this mood to watch something related to vampires please be Gogeta it's not it's Broly that's uh I don't know I don't know what I don't know what it is but like I am also I wish they would finally make that was it vampire the masade the like RPG vampire cell game I wish that crap would like finally just come out cuz I I really want to play it I don't know I'm just like in a I'm in a vampire mood man like I remember watching uh jesz what was it probably like 10 years ago now the Dracula unold movie which I think was supposed to be the start to like Universal's uh massive what was it called like dark universe or something like that that like flopped but man that Dracula Untold movie with the dude from Fast and Furious was actually so good it's such a good like action movie so I'm like I'm was like can can anime fulfill that uh that vampire itch that I've got right now so I'm going to try to throw that into my rotation but I'm I just I think the other thing too is I just want to like sit down and like start actually like getting through stuff like chainsaw man is only like 12 episodes like let's let's knock this out like I don't want to let chainsaw man be a jjk thing and I'm I now have some of you guys come to my stream and ask me like hey man what you think of Chainsaw man and it's like 3 months around I'm like still not gotten through it like I I like no I can't I can't have that in fact I would like to finish chainsaw man before this week is over kind of thing and then uh and then move on from there I think I think for me right now I kind of I kind of this is crazy I kind of want to rewatch jjk because uh I experienced most of SE or pretty much all of season 2 of The shabuya Arc right here at this computer nothing wrong with that but I would rather like chill out on a couch watch on my TV you know surround sound stuff like that as opposed to sitting over here so I kind of want to rewatch jjk but like now that I've seen it it can be one of those things I can kind of just have on and I can be playing dokan or playing Legends uh and grinding out things on those games and then also have the anime on so like I'm kind of hoping that I'm able to to get to do a little bit of that cuz like if I'm watching something that like for example those two episodes chance on that I don't have like I'm not someone that is trying to multitask right like if if I'm committing to watching a movie or I'm committing to watching a TV show like if it is not something I've not if it's something I've never seen before like I'm like that's my attention like I'm not playing dokkan I'm not playing Legends like I'm not looking at my phone I'm not looking at social media like I very much so if I've set down to play this game or watch this show like that is what is is getting my 100% full attention like I'm not I'm not going to you know divert and do multiple things now YouTube videos that's a different story right YouTube videos I will throw on but if it's like a true anime TV show movie um that I've never seen there's like I'm not multitasking so anytime I was like watching jjk like that's what's got my full attention now that I've seen it once what's up cooler now I've seen it once I can I can probably sit there and like there will be episodes where I'll probably be a little more tapped in but I can like actually just let it sort of play um but yeah I between reading it and then probably going to rewatch it I want to make sure I fully understand it because I want to do a pod with doto talking about jjk uh because I I am just I'm very locked in that that Series right now has me by the freaking throat dude I just I just want to consume all the content that is available to consume so I will be playing Cur Clash like I will be checking that game out I do wish it looked a little more promising uh I am pretty sad that it looks to be just another anime Arena fighter that minus the name will be unfortunately forgotten like within a week or something please let this be a fusion fusion fusion fusion fusion okay I I'm going to need Gogeta to show up soon I am this is a very long video I've talked a lot and my voice is trying to Le me and I'm trying to uh I'm trying to like you know no dude no Gohan oh god dude this is actually a good multi I need I need I was saying need go you did show up though this that would make that would make this such a much better multi summon dang dude I'm really going to spend 5K stones on on one video oh dude trunks being G minut it's going to this is this is it dude I've not gotten a Zeno I've not gotten a rift I've gotten that one crazy bro animation then we got Broly with nothing else come on Gogeta come on Gogeta trunks was being nice Gogeta it's not Gogeta game original but not Gogeta sorry we don't we don't say game original over here right that's the Legends thing my bad I did wake up and was farming uh equipments on Legends while I was buying my stones on tokon oh man I got a I got a Godly on the new co-op equip I was not having good luck hey he should easa this the celebration as well almost indefinitely the fact that he's featured on the banner and also they just they need an easa I would have to imagine we'll get the we'll get that easa dude the Frieza pull is kind of good though because I need that for Super Attack feed I'm actually a little low on kais right now I need uh I definitely need all the help I can get in terms of of super Super Attack feed in dude come on Gogeta goeta go Broly go go go Broly goat goat goat [Music] G yeah am I going to use all these Stones 5,000 stones and walk away with just two copies of Broly and I guess I got the No No Z go all the way go all the way the duo [Music] okay come on no that's not why we're here you know why I'm here no you don't maybe maybe you maybe you actually [Music] don't nothing absolutely nothing I had someone comment on my Super 17 reaction bro got more excited for bulla and the the tag assist GT Vegeta than he did for all of nany and I'm like bro did you watch the same videos I I actually am pretty excited about Super 17 though I I know like he's not maybe the most exciting to the general fandom but my track record stands if you go and look at every time I've reacted to a Super 17 Unit I I really just like Super 17 I I know that in general a lot of a lot of the Phantom doesn't like he's the low tier of GT villains for most people and I actually I actually like all three of the GT villains like growing up like the GT villains were uh were definitely up there for me like if you asked probably like 13 14year old Tyler tier list the GT villains like 17 might have been my favorite one I think now as an adult I could probably tell you probably he probably is the lowest of the three oh no way am I capped out ah see this is why this sucks dude why is this a thing in this game all right box has been cleaned I bought some more Stones this would put us at 6,000 Stones if it takes all of these I'm hoping that it doesn't please dokkan please do not let it take all of these uh I really do want to make a gameplay video using these guys I would like to have it up on the channel sooner than later so I a copy I do not I just don't want to run on at 55% I be 100% with you guys I want to have bottom right paths on both so I am hoping that Gogeta is here Gogeta with a fake out please please nope yeah this is um dude no shot did that no that definitely had to be a glitch there's no way I didn't just pull him back to back no [Music] way what is that [Music] dude [Music] I I man ah man oh man he look it looks good I'm happy for the new summoning animations I'm not happy for what is what is happening in this video this is uh sucked [Music] oh yeah I mean all the lrs are on this one so or all the yellow coin and then the future caral [Music] list oh my gosh dude I want to see that Broly animation again that was crazy I cannot believe we got that [Music] man that was [Music] nuts that was nuts I thought that was the Bulma for a second dang dude I don't remember what I was talking about before Oh I didn't want to go back to the DI discussion I I don't think that's going to probably have ssa4 like I've seen some people hope that it's going to have D and I had a whole discussion about this about how probably is going to just like super saiying is like the peak of that series which would be fine but I think like I think if super ever did come back or presumably when super does come back and we get not di for a Dragon Ball series I do hope it's seasonal like I don't need like a week to week that lasts for three straight years I would much rather have like seasonal like one time a year where we know we're going in 24 episodes that are going to be beautiful that are going to utilize all the moments like I would much much rather have a 24 or you know it could be longer than that like if the ark requires 40 like I don't care Dragon Ball can do its own thing but if like if it wants to go in I mean I prefer probably 24 cuz I I imagine few arcs probably need like 40 episodes really like you could probably there's probably stuff you can cut out okay I got thing oh cool personally personally I know probably not everyone would agree with this but personally I would I would much much rather go for 6 months 24 straight episodes that were worked on for you know a year prior or whatever and they all look great and the flow is fantastic it doesn't waste time like I would I would choose that and a heartbeat over week like weekly that is got scuffed episodes and there's some good portions but there's bad like I would just so much rather have that but I don't who who knows like who knows if it will even ever I mean I have to imagine it will come back but like when you know we've been saying this now for six years when when is that the case who knows man so I'm just I am very excited to see what they do with da I do I do also think they're not that I don't not say this I don't think they're so disconnected and I'm like not trying to uh speak for everyone here but as a meathead Dragon Ball fan I do I do be liking my Transformations and stuff so I I do hope they have something up their sleeve with da I definitely I Di's going to be pretty like based on based on that minute long trailer and based on the trailer we saw before diamond is going to be a very beautiful series it's just I do hope they have some some crazy like ass PS if you will that are going to happen in that series that we couldn't have even expected I would love a canonization of ssj4 right but I don't think that's here um and based on when this is probably taking place if Super Saiyan 4 was in it it I don't know like we're we're in such a weird space where you know Super Saiyan 4 and the timeline is is post super so like trying to compare like you know like Gogeta sj4 Gogeta is still technically in terms of timeline wise especially for probably game sake is the strongest character still technically in in Universe right um you know super it depends on how you how you power scill how much you care about all that stuff but you know super did skew that a little bit but based on timeline things theoretic ically sj4 is is sj4 goeta is like the peak of power in the Dragon Ball Universe right now and so it's like to canonize that and Diamond would be really interesting is uh the best way to probably put that and I I don't and I don't think it'll be there but I do hope Super Saiyan at least does show up for sure I will definitely say that uh and I hope that what we've seen it's like it's that pretty all the way through like I hope it's a very very very pretty anime I also hope this is Gogeta it's not I fully believe it will be right um I think it's just like I hope that the Phantom is able to get behind it cuz I'm very personally excited about it a lot more excited about it than this tapon a minosha pool I really want to rewatch Wrath of the Dragon but I've been I've been refraining from rewatching too much stuff because the whole point of the Dragon Ball Z rewatch is we do the movies too and so like there are things that I I really have been craving to watch but I'm trying to hold off because I want like to not watch them until we get to that point in our rewatch since we're doing it so methodically like it would be I just I don't want to I don't want to skip ahead you know although Wrath of the Dragon is probably something that is so far away in our in our rewatch that is is is taking quite a long time that is probably would be fine to watch it now but it is what it is dude I I want to believe there's no way I go 6K stones and the only thing I have to show for it are two broes I want to believe that but uh My Hope and Faith for that is definitely I mean this could have been two separate the movies on the channel at this point which is crazy it's like actually actually insane surely this is going to be him didn't do anything may not be I wonder if that wonder if that Broly animation is exclusive to the Broly Banner if I could get it over [Music] here what did I get go Dam oh it's paragus feed that's lame ah man my hand was slightly covering up the top was like the way I was like looking so even if Zen would have popped we say leer I think I would have noticed that but even if they would have popped I probably would not have even seen it right there which would be like such a crazy thing they didn't pop so we don't have to worry about that but but I would not have noticed it I think the thing that's frustrating me right now probably more than anything I mean obviously like this is also a lot of money spent so I really hope you guys have liked the video but I think beyond that it's just a simple fact that I'm ready to just like use them like I I went to sleep so so that I could wake up and not just summon but actually play them play with them and like use them and make videos over them and instead I've been summoning um I don't know how long the video is but I have been actively doing summons on this game for 2 and 1/2 hours so instead of getting to go do the events and awaken my characters and all of that I'm just summoning that part sucks I I want I want I want to hold yall I want to I want to pull him and I want to get him but [Music] like but I want to use him oh my gosh dude I was getting scared I mean you guys I you guys could probably tell I was getting a little defeated dude he that is so sick look at him dude I was uh I was quite worried I was quite worried oh my gosh we got him now I just need one more copy one more copy he's he's 69% and we can use him in the video it's going to be great it's going to be absolutely great please just let him pop up not too far from now if I were crazy enough to do it I could probably Farm up another Broly Chila limo with how many copies of him I'm sitting on and fuse and sa 15 that unit when EA is presumably [Music] anniversary what [Music] what we got it twice in one video hang on is this Gogeta there's an all end right [Music] here let's go it's I've been summoning for so long we got that twice in one [Music] video let's go dude I've been sitting here so long oh why have you not liked the video yet this is the craziest the movie I've ever put out and we just pulled back to back single in a save dude I asked for 20,000 likes at the beginning of this video I hope we able to do that this was correct crazy look at that multi and look at this video right here I'm ending it I don't care I'm ending it listen this is a long video hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to use code Nano over Gill and check out to save some money Gill thank you for sponsoring us and don't forget there's a video right here that you can click on and I'll see you over there bye
Channel: Nanogenix
Views: 243,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dokkan
Id: wYXR0v5QZv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 39sec (5559 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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