New SS Tier Oculus Tal'Rasha Dominates T100 with Ease - Diablo 4 Sorcerer S1

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foreign [Music] hi everyone it's Aya James after hours of theory crafting testing and Perfection I'm super excited to share this new and amazingly good SST Oculus terrestrial build I find the build extremely fun to play while at the same time extremely efficient to play it takes down a lead's 59 levels higher in 4 seconds nuke bosses in tier 109 Mega dungeons in 18 seconds and face tank everything including tier 100 through infinite barrier I call this build the tarasha because all three Elementals shine in this hybrid build it unleashes lightly in power through the chain lightning and the ball lightening it debuffs enemies through the frost Nova and the Frozen orb and it burns enemies to the ground through the Hydra this build pushes the power limit of the new unique the Oculus you can use this build right after acquiring the Oculus I will walk through everything including the skill tree the gears and the Paragon board plus combat tips to further enjoy the build I will also cover what to use before acquiring the Oculus so that you will have a smooth transition and let's begin let's look at the skill tree first no basic skill is used so put two points in whatever basic skill you like then put one point to the Frozen orb and choose the vulnerable passive the greater Frozen warp this is one of the vulnerable sources in the build we use the Frozen orb only in the enchantment slot as all skills in this build are non-basic skills that casting any of them will have a 30 chance to launch a frozen orb triggering large AOE damage and vulnerable state we then put only one point to the chain lightening with the plus 4 chain lightning ranks from the gloves the DPS from the chain lighting is decent instead we will put points into fire and frost to shine all three elements in the build then use the destructive chain lightening to get infinite Mana I've talked about why choosing the destructive enlightening over the greater chain lightning in one of my previous videos check the pin comment for the details if you are interested next let's put one skill point to the teleport and the shimmering teleport to get 30 damage reduction after teleporting this is very important in this build that I will cover the details in the gear section next and let's move on for now then let's get the froze Nova and get the vulnerable passage for the first Nova the mystical Frost Nova 1.2 the elemental achievement is enough to get a free teleport or Frost Nova every 10 seconds then let's put 4 skill points into the Hydra and select the summon Hydra passive for the burning Synergy right now the burning Hydra has insanely high damage scaled With the Enemy level check the pin comment for a deep dive on the burning Hydra damage if you are interested in the details and we need the Lightning Spear and the invoked Lightning Spear the stone enemies all over the place next we will take a big Global damage amplifier the contribution Mastery for 30 Global damage boost as we have on average five concurrent contributions when the ultimate is active then three points in the Mana Shield gives us another 21 damage reduction and next the backbone skill in the build the protection it gives 30 maximum life as barrier for 3 seconds after casting a cooldown skill and don't forget the random lightning Spears casted from the ultimate tube it is a backbone because it synergizes greatly with the Oculus that I will cover the details in a bit next let's put three points into the devouring place which improves crit damage to burning enemies as we have the burning Synergy from the Hydra following that three points to the ball lightling as it is the main ledps of the build we also only use it in the enchantment slot as the build has consists of 80 ingredients a single teleport can trigger up to 4 static ball lightenings on the ground for insane AOE damage it also generates correctly energies for infinite Mana from the passive the Wizards for lightning and only one point to the static discharge as we have enough correctly energy from the destructive chain lightning and with a Spore leveling and three points to the invigorating conduit to enable absorbing each correctly energy to recover 12 Mana which is our main source for infinite Mana one thing is that there is a need to move around to collect them so don't forget to do this finger muscle workout while crushing enemies next we put three points into the whole first for an 18 damage boost to Frozen enemies since we run the frost Nova and nine percent damage boost to Shield enemy since we run the Frozen orb finally we add points to the ultimate the unstable currents and one point to the crossing currents to increase our clear chance in the most efficient way three points to the electrocution for another 15 damage reduction and the overflowing energy to enable all of our crackling energy to reduce shock skill cooldowns that leads to zero cooldowns for the ultimate and Ladies and Gentlemen let's welcome our product list for the show today the Oculus what it does is to update our evade to teleport but you will be teleporting to a random location also with this stat attacks reduce erase cooldown we will have around one UV teleport every second that basically we have Infinite Ebay teleport and now the show starts first as one teleport triggers up to four static ball light links on the ground infinite teleport means a full screen of static ball light links on the ground unleashing tons of lightning AOE damage next we have the shimmering teleport passive which gives 30 damage reduction for 3 seconds so infinite teleport means a permanent 30 damage reduction and since we have the protection passive from the skill tree it means infinite 30 maximum life barrier we will never need the ice armor anymore getting excited there's more we run the reinforced cliff in this build which gives another 15 damage reduction when there is an active barrier so we will have another permanent 15 damage reduction We Run The tactician glyph in this build and since the teleport is a defensive skill we will have a permanent 10 multiplicative damage boost We Run The considered aspect in this build so that's another permanent 25 multiplicative damage buff we run the storm's wheel aspect which synergizes with the barriers too so this is another high uptime 30 multiplicative damage boost since we have the first Nova and the Frozen warp to apply vulnerable States looking already overpowered right it is not over yet we use the Asus heirloom in dispute it increases Christians based on our movement speed bonus with the movement speed stat on the emulate I get a permanent 12 percent Christian screen quiz this looks great but after using evade we get another 75 movement speed bonus and this means it is a 33 crit chance increase for one second remember we have infinite UV teleport right yes this means things we have a permanent 33 percent increase chance increase as long as we use the UV teleport every second which makes the build reaching constant 80 creatures this is absolutely an insane Global damage Boost Plus it further increases the number of the static ball light Lanes from the enchantment on the screen triggering even more damage am I down with all the synergies sorry we actually have even more in this build we use the Oculus plus the remain of the infinite with the remand of the infinite all teleports are able to pull and stone enemies we can pull and stun all enemies before they can attack us and we Crush monsters even before getting hurt plus the permanent barrier and the Damage reduction Buffs the build just face tanks tier 100 and screen wipes tier 100 I have to say that it was challenging to run tier 100 before I made this build but now I can speed from tier 100 with this what a difference it is great using the Oculus but what can we do before we get it I recommend to use one of these two builds before acquiring the Oculus you can find the videos for these tubules in the pin comment the first one is the chain lightning core build that focuses on chain lightling synergies the build is easy to start with high damage output I recommend to use it from level 50 to level 80 and if you haven't got the Oculus after reaching level 80 I recommend to use this chain lightning contribution build that has even higher damage with a little bit more complicated combat style when you do get the Oculus switch to this Oculus terrestrial build to Nuke everything I'll go through the keys for all other gears and will have a full gear walkthrough in the next section first I made two versions the all-rounder version and the 4dps version the all-arounder version is a balanced version between damage and tankiness for a consistent experience leveling up the full DPS version focuses more on the damage but you might experience more lines while progressing check the pin comment for the links and pick one that suits your style best second it is important to use the bubble heart in this build it is still the biggest damage amplifier that doubles the farming speed and don't wait on a perfect emulator ring before committing your Barber heart given blizzard has largely buffed the restful invoker to operate use it on decent one to double your farming speed first and you may find another bubble heart before you find a better emulator ring and I recommend 4 seconds as the best barber heart check the pin comment for the detail reasonings another key aspect is the accelerating aspect it gives us a permanent 25 attack speed bonus since we run the core skill chain lightening it is important because we need High attack speed to be able to cast the chain lightning and the Hydra between the randomly available every second to do tons of damage while maintaining the infinite barrier and the 80 quick chance also I am not running the recharging aspect in this build because I use the static search from the Paragon board to help achieving infant Mana as we have infinite agreement teleport that fully recovers our Mana broadcast if you are before level 75 that haven't unlocked the static search yet or haven't got the agreement or still find some money issues replace the storm's will aspect with the recharging aspect to have infinite Mana first and I'm not running the aspect no Frozen orbit in this build because the Frozen orb only contributes to a tiny portion of the damage in this build using the storm's wheel aspect boosts our damage much more I did some tests and using the storm swirl aspect takes down monsters much faster than using the aspect of Frozen orbit so I don't recommend to use it in this build I will then walk through each gear based on the all-rounder build in this section quickly I put the stat priority on the left of the screen for each gear and the Gear replacement with the aspect and the stat if you haven't got the corresponding unique yet foreign foreign [Music] optimized Paragon boards one for level 70 one for level 85 and one for level 100 refer to one of them according to your levels if you are coming from the previous builds where I unlocked the enchantment Master first I updated the all-rounder board to not take this legendary node to get a few maximum HP nodes to further improve my survivability in tier 10 nightmare dungeons if you prefer damage there is no need to respect and update to this new Paragon board layout in the full DPS board the enchantment Master legendary note is still used also in the level 70 and the level 85 board I use the elementary sleeve for the second board to get a 15 damage boost it is later replaced by the reinforced Cliff for further tankiness that there is no need to upgrade the elementary cliff and the forklift upgrading order is destruction exploit control tactician Territorial and reinforced upgrading them one by one to level 15 first and then upgrade them to level 21 following the same order this build is pretty flexible in terms of combat style where you can find enemies both media and ranged on top of that I have three tips that may help you further enjoy the build one always cuts the teleport whenever you see any enemy and use the UV teleport once per second to maintain infinite barrier and get maximum three chance buff from the Asus heirloom and two use the teleport to engage monsters if you want to do more damage and use the evade teleport to disengage when you feel you are in danger and three you can continuously cast the UV telephone to neutralize the damage over time enjoy the invulnerability here after running a good number of nightmare dungeons I find two affixes really annoying to deal with in this build and I recommend to salvage all Nightmare residuals with these two fix this the first one is the lightning storm ethics it really slows down everything in the dungeon I'm actually not sure why it exists and I'm forced to stop casting the random UV teleport when the bubble is up which can get extremely dangerous and the second one is the storm being Ras ethics I just can't continuously use the random evaded Port as I may teleport to where the stone beam pulses and die a lot in the dungeon this is by far the most fun and efficient combined social rebuild I've ever played it has infinite barrier infinite crowd control even mana and insane damage I hope you get excited in trying it and I hope you make your own versions out of it too leave a comment if you have any questions if you like the video please consider sharing and subscribing for more me Max and found Source rebuilt thank you for watching and see you next time
Channel: aYaJames
Views: 50,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diablo 4, Lightning, Sorcerer Build, Leveling, Chain Lightning, World Tier 4, Fun Build, Infinite Mana, Speed Farm, Nightmare Dungeon Build, Minmax Build, Season 1, Progression Build, Conjuration, Summoner, Ball Lightning, Ice Blades, Lightning Spear, Sorcerer Nerf, Sorcerer Buff, Lv1-50, Oneshot Elites, Build Full Guide, Endgame, 0 CD Ultimate, Barber Heart, Tal Rasha Heart, 1.1.1 Buff, Hydra Burning, Facetank T100, Infinite Barrier, No Elixir, Sorceress, Mage
Id: GhiIMbxoMyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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