NEW Spider-Man Ride-Through & Avengers Campus Merch!

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hello everybody and welcome back to your friendly neighborhood ordinary adventures today we're excited to be in avengers campus here in disney california adventure and we're gonna experience the spider-man ride for the first time it's called the web slingers a spider-man adventure it's kind of like toy story midway mania but you get the powers of spider-man yes and then after that we're gonna look in his store it's called web suppliers and they have an avengers pod that has all the avengers merchandise why don't you come with us on this event yeah why don't you come with us on this adventure oh my god look they're doing an open house of web today we can experience some of the new breaking tech oh my god i'm so excited yeah what's the chances of one day that we're here i don't know what are look at my mask what are the chances that i'm wearing this mask and we could go in there and wow so the main attraction here at avengers campus is webb slingers this is a spider-man adventure and this is a 3d game attraction kind of like midway mania and it's for all ages in all sizes so it doesn't matter if you're young old big tall you can ride this the outdoor queue has a bunch of different signs showing some of the young scientists that are working here at webb including the little kid from iron man 3. what is he doing here yeah well he was inspired by tony stark to become a scientist i mean he's here at webb working on the future i mean if he could do it i could do it anyone can do it how inspiring so we're here at webb today to attend an open house to see some of their technology at work and here they're showcasing some of the people that is working on the slinger vehicle some of these faces you might recognize like that is moon girl that is squirrel girl that have yet to appear on screen but they're famous in the comics of course there's our main guy from iron man 3 and of course peter parker himself oh we should mention in this world iron man is still a lot this is a multiverse where the snap didn't happen so look how much fun they're having yeah so this is like a vehicle that gives everybody the power of spiderman sizzling webs like spiderman i think i think i'm gonna be good at this if you even look in here you'll see some some bikes of some famous characters like there's the bike of squirrel girl can you tell by the nuts oh my god chippendale would be jealous on that bike there's fans there's some easter eggs over here for some of the stark motors technology that was made in this building before it was wed it's pretty cool it's a prototype workshop again i like the door signs for casper this is fun hi there and come on in welcome to the worldwide engineering brigade thanks to funding from tony stark webb has brought together the world's most brilliant engineers and given them access to cutting-edge resources so that they can create tech that will empower everyday people like you tech like me for example i'm sharing the artificial intelligence that keeps this place organized and running smoothly and now our project lead the brilliant parker hey what's up i'm peter parker and here at web we get access to some pretty awesome tech like vibranium from wakanda or this crazy alien juice stuff we have pin particles and star tech it all helps us develop really cool stuff like um like these spider bots for example check it out they have this really cool self-replicating feature uh because it's awesome buddy you can stop doing that now but anyway you guys are here today to help us test the webster vehicle using all more time you will be able to swing web just like my blind spiderman hey there your presentation is getting away from you yeah i'm aware of that sharon if you could just initiate the safety protocols so anyway if you want to sing a web all you got to do is sing your arm in the direction you want to shoot the web and that's it it's awesome peter your spiderbots are continuing to replicate and they're consuming everything in their path they seem to be stuck in self-replication mode if you could just handle that for me mr please don't call mr story don't call mr stark sorry could you just call someone else ask them to do it oh okay i'm gonna go find spider-man for us because he's around here somewhere noticed the okay bots are locked in that awesome self-replication mode in spite of what you see they were created to be robotic helpers that can break down raw material and create all kinds of useful tech but because they [Music] my calculations predict this will lead to the devastation of the entire avengers campus [Music] hey guys what's up i hear you have [Music] okay everybody open house is canceled wise idea then i could use some help yes from the sling of vehicles already on everyone head to the slingers and we'll team up to stop the spider gloss before they destroy the campus it's easy okay your open house demo has been upgraded to a high stakes mission to save avengers campus [Music] so again in the queue there's a ton of easter eggs a lot of them i don't even get but you know i get that one chill i understand that one look at all these lockers behind you here i think each are representative of different spider-verse heroes how many can you see let us know in the comments below check out these awesome glasses they're very like iron man looking but they're red on the side feel like a spider they're more stylish than the normal fruity glasses i love it yeah what are you talking about come on i like how this is like the remnants of the old stark building and they just like put like a random thing yeah 39 days without a potato gun malfunction betting you peter was responsible for this yeah seems like something he would do so peter here's what you need to know about the ride the basics is you just extend your arm forward to sling webs when you're in the vehicle send the web out now there's some advanced techniques you can sling webs with either arm oh you could pull the webbed objects in different directions so you pull it towards you and the webs can also control buttons and pull levers wow it's pretty complicated it seems like a workout look it's the blueprints to where what this place used to be because right here is the stark motors building there's pin lab oh so i think we're gonna be going in through these tunnels wow is that what we're going to be doing yeah i think that's what they're using bumper you ready i was born ready [Music] wow [Music] they make everyone look cool activating motion tracking assigning individuals please sit back and enjoy your ride am i glad to see you guys [Music] we're heading into the tunnels [Music] [Music] good sound three [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we did it i can't believe the chain reaction they worked you guys were amazing hey thanks for attending our open house presentation and creating the destruction of the world as we know it please collect your wits and any personal belongings that was so much fun i'm like out of breath it's a workout i like that even in this room they have the remnants of the old factory oh yeah there's like the the line that's where the cars would come off oh yeah you're right [Music] you see the exit sign too there's a hidden spider oh that is cool i like it as you make your way out they tell you who got the best score this hour who got the best score this day we didn't make it we didn't make it on there because we were too busy filming yes but next time next i'm gonna be on that leaderboard what's interesting looking at the top scores it shows you if they're using the the built on accessories and a lot of the top people had those extra accessories cheaper get a lot more points that way just saying bye i like that there's a spider bot waving to you on the way out so as you exit you don't exit through the gift shop but you exit right across from the gift shop one thing i wanted to point out this used to be the loading dock apparently and again peter's been having some fun pizza delivery only okay now i know this won't come off well on video but it really looks like the web is shooting from your arms like i was worried it was going to be like kind of janky kind of like you know those connect things that you do and it was going to be not as responsive but it really feels like you're doing it yeah it's really smooth and the only thing i will say it's kind of hard to keep track of like which web is yours like if you had a car full of people yeah but i agree with what you say that was so much fun my only complaint though is wearing those cool goggles with the mask they kept getting fogged up yeah so hopefully you know in the near future we won't have to wear the mask on that ride but that's my minor complaint i think this is a better ride than toy story midway mania wow i mean it's more themed it's more of a story it's more immersive like you actually feel like you're moving and sometimes you're going from level to level and stuff like that it's really cool but i'm kind of curious if people are going to be satisfied with this as an opening day attraction it kind of feels like smugglers run when galaxy's edge opened up like it it feels like uh a sea ticket not knee ticket you know what i mean i really enjoyed that you got to go to all the different places in adventures campus like you got to go to pems pims test kitchen you got to go to the guardians of the galaxy mission breakout the the collector's fortress oh yeah there's a ton of easter eggs in there but i will say it felt a little bit short to me like i feel like i needed like one more scene or something or maybe two more scenes but i get it you know they were working with limited space in there the other thing i got to say is i feel like it took until the end of the ride for me to really get the hang of it i felt like i wasn't good until like the last room i wish they had like a demo room that's that's why you gotta you gotta get your spider fingers out oh yeah i don't think that helps and the other thing is i don't know i'm not sure if it's this pandemic or it's just like a lot of like chopping but like i'm tired i'm like worn out for that yeah me too well we did go on it twice in a row so okay that'll do it to you now that we're done with the ride and we've contained these spider bots we're gonna go in web suppliers yeah let's see what kind of spider stuff they got in there [Music] now of course they have the spider bots we featured these on the channel before and the cool thing is you can actually now buy the backpack so it can carry your spiderbot it's kind of like the droid backpack where the droid is out but the web oh yeah you just hook them back up there with a little web how cool is that that's great but you know what i noticed there's a teeny tiny spider bot oh can you control them or are they just like ah it probably like makes noises and stuff but i think it probably just walks oh my god butt check i love that and then they have a bunch of hats so if you want a worldwide engineering brigade hat they got that and they also got a spiderman hat listening to his headphones so not only do they have the normal spider bot but they have ones inspired by your different favorite avengers heroes so right here we have an iron man one right here we have is that black panther oh yeah that's black panther for sure oh i kind of like that one i wasn't sure at first because i know there's another black one and that one's black widow and then of course you got ant-man and wasp i think wasp might be the coolest one because it has the wings i wonder if that does anything special but the spider bots are really cool and you get to like battle them outside of a battle arena it's like what they should have done for the droids no i wasn't initially sold on them but like he said we filmed a whole video back in december where we actually got to buy one and battle it out and they're a lot of fun and they have some theming all around the store showing some like white boards and this is the web shooter tech that i think we've talked about so what it is is you need one of these items down here and that will let you shoot multiple webs at once so it'll let you shoot three webs at one time that's how people are getting those high scores yeah so with the web power band you can project symbols on the wall so you can project spider-man you can project spider symbol they show right here so you can you turn the knob and it's different projections that's fun and then these things do different things like i i'm not sure if this is on right now but oh it's not on but this shoots out so it's almost like a rope web that shoots out and then the iron man one lets you float a globe in there so they do things outside of the ride but if you do buy them then you do get the power up to use in the ride and that's fun some people think it's cheating some people think it's disney being greedy i think it's fun yeah i've turned around on it i think it's fun now too i love that they actually sell the web slinger vehicle the spider-man right on top and then if you look closely there's me and you inside there yeah doing our spider-man pose and i think you can turn it on and it'll like go around and stuff like that yeah probably like makes noises and stuff what says web on the other side yeah oh yeah that's cool [Music] i don't know you get the you get the point okay one of the things we're trying to do here is encourage kids to get into science so they have a bunch of like science kits and stuff like that do your own your own spider-man based science experiments i gotta know though is this slime oh my god why do i want this this is amazing this is so cool i love this they even have some web labs drinkware they have this really cool coffee cup that looks like a measuring cup it even has like the little measuring marks on the inside you know for all your coffee related science experiments what is this one super power equals plate super brain power equals super power sorry i mean it's true oh wow this is heavy oh look at the top here oh that's interesting this is really heavy i feel like i'm going to break it so i'm going to go ahead and put it right back but this is actually what caught my eye right here yeah that's what brought me over here too they have these mini glass beaker drink wear oh look that first one's where you hold your vibranium oh yeah okay you're right what's the second one oh does that have thor's hammer yeah oh my god amazing i like that they are doing like shot glasses as like science experiments yeah kind of things well all these uh science experiments are very vital [Laughter] and they do have some like notebooks so if you want to write down your science experiments they got these awesome science is awesome craft paper journals one of the most fun souvenirs are these spiderman goggles and it has 17 digital expressions press the button on it let's see a different expression you just push the button on the side and it changes oh is it working yes those are awesome and you can see through them yeah you can actually see through them am i angry am i happy i can't tell you're kind of angry i like those a lot me too i wish that i could see like what was actually happening though i mean when you actually put them on you can't oh you can't i mean you can see through i don't think you actually see what's happening the joy looks like a spider or not you do okay so they do have a bunch of adult wear here so they have a web t-shirt and the cool thing about this is it's actually like it's hard to describe it feels like rubber you can feel like the the hexagons are those hexagons it feels like a spider feels like a spike that's what ketchup says so i'll go with that i like this one i wish i could wear white because i love that design so much they also have a hoodie of course that says webb slingers crew oh you could be part of the web slinger crew and down here they have that same kind of hexagon kind of spider web down here and it is hot like rubbery like the other one then of course they got stark industries i like that a lot oh you're a science and technology in charge interns get their own sweatshirts should i get one that and like the like lab like slime kit and the goggles so what you're saying is you're a six-year-old yeah well i already bought the hat let's get honest people are gonna be excited about this they have two park exclusive avengers campus funko calls this one has spider-man i'm not sure if you can see it but he has his own little spider bob there with him and then this is iron man what is iron man being iron man we thought it would be fun to do a giveaway with some of these exclusive avengers campus funko pops and all you have to do to enter the contest is tell us in the comments who would win in a battle between iron man or spider-man and why yeah why is the important question yeah look at this they have your slime lab here on display i didn't even see this yeah it's amazing in case you want the more like fancy web shooters they have this set of two web shooters with lights sounds and a display base these ones don't work on the ride though they don't but this is a heavy box so these are like legit we just noticed up here is the potato gun that harley uses in iron man 3 and actually has some potatoes there so that's a device he created and you can find it right here in web suppliers can you buy it no and right up here squirrel girl and then this nut dispenser there's all sorts of things you can find funny in this place there's like spider bots up there that just keep on going off every like a couple seconds [Music] for for like a minute they'll be chilling and then they'll like start walking it looks like a hoverboard but it's using something that looks like the stark arc reactors as the hoverjack yeah why don't they sell that i would buy that i love this varsity jacket but it looks like unfortunately it's just for children but how fun is this i wonder if there's anything on the back ah team web vent and empower this is so cool oh my god do you see that it says 20 20. oh oh wow wow this isn't was supposed to come out yeah avengers campus was supposed to open i think in like july of 2020 yeah so wow good eye and look they have an interactive spider-man and interactive spider bots how does he interact with the spider nice web swinging oh that is some nice web slinging just your friendly neighborhood spiderman you know i was thinking about getting one of those mini spider bots for the droid shell but these are even smaller and might fit on the dread shop the better is it stupid to buy a whole spider-man figure set just for a little spider bot uh no because this comes with two we could have two of them on the shelf just in case you don't want to go full goggle they got you covered there's these mini keychains that also i believe do lighting effects in the eyes and they have a bunch of like little stuff so if you just want a little gift they got patches they got pins they got you covered genius so they have a bunch more pains and patches and the one i like the most is the pam snack specialist oh my god that's me i am the snack specialist should i get this to wear just so like if like i meet thor or something like he knows that i'm the snack do you think he would be impressed by that if he's fat sore than me there's also this custom rubik's cube that is like a legit rubik's cube except it has all the elements on there so you learn something yeah you learn brain power you suck at rubik's cubes and can never get the colors on one side what are you trying to say i mean i'm just talking about me yeah for one dollar you can get this reusable shopping bag it's pretty cool a pretty good souvenir for one dollar and just in case you want to be reminded how good or bad you did on the ride they also have the scores right in here see this that's all from the special like added on accessories i need to buy one of those web suppliers is the main store here but they also have this little cart they call it the paw because it looks like it has been dropped from the sky using iron man tech and it's actually crashed down on earth and uh made some cracks in iron man or one of the avengers film tony stark was drinking out of this futuristic water bottle they've kind of reproduced it for avengers campus avengers campus on that side has the avengers campus logo and i don't think it's dishwater washer safe because you press the button and it lights up but you can't really can't really see it light up here they also have this avengers campus coffee cup wow it's a tongue twister it has that classic avengers campus a logo this is like specifically for the land right i think so then on the back it actually says the quinjet division in california the most surprising thing about this is so light yeah it's like a metal cup but it's really really light check out this awesome hoodie it says disney california adventure on the sleeve yeah i love this it's very like plain but it looks comfortable it has that red stripe on the inside of those time travel outfits i feel like this has that vibe and it does say on the sleeve avengers campus looks like it's a woman's fit yeah this one is a little more like slim cut yeah and this one also says disney california adventure on the side we showed you some of the spiderman hats i like this avengers hat because it's like matte black on matte black you know what i mean yeah you have to kind of look for the avengers a very stylish they even have a vendor's campus magnets and they have a light up key chains they even got patches so if you want to be part of the crew flight crew of the quinjet you can now be part of the crew i want to be part of the crew do you think if i get this hat and i wear this jacket and i get this keychain can i get this patch that they'll let me join i think you could just walk right on and they won't stop will you put in a good word with four for me i don't i don't know the word no i like this avengers campus backpack first of all as these red straps has a place where you can oh it's a i thought it was gonna be a laptop sleeve but it's an easy easy way to get into the back of the backpack you've got lots of room in there you could put all the funkos all the all the magnets you want things in there yeah you can fill up full magnets i could buy this t-shirt right here put that in there i could put the avengers campus water bottle in there put one of the mugs in there it would all fit what about this t-shirt would this t-shirt fit it would oh nice here's another one of those cool hoodies but this one is actually the best of them all because on the back it actually says quinjet flight crew i don't think they have that in your size though they don't you're right they don't this is for children so i guess you can't be part of the fight crew guess not but you can get your own miniature quinjet right there and then they also have some other ships like the black panther chef and they got the avengers deployment vehicle as you've seen in disney california adventure all around they also have this avengers campus throw blanket says colors may vary yet they're all like black and gray this is an avengers campus glow badge it's like one of those things that you could stick on your shirt like it has a magnet on the inside and then you could just wear it and walk around and it lights up you'll be the coolest kid in avengers campuses you can get this plus those spider-man goggles i mean would there be anyone cooler if i have one criticism of the avengers campus merchandise it basically comes in two flavors comes in spider-man or comes in avengers camp bissell logo so if you want anything other than that if you want iron man merchandise if you want captain america merchandise they don't really have it here i guess that's where you go to the collector's warehouse and he has more things from around the cinematic universe but it's my only complaint of course they have your exclusive avengers campus collectible disney pins like this huge avengers campus a it's like a heavy metal pin they have some mystery packs ooh yeah what do you get in the mystery pack oh those are actually kind of cool look at all the different ones you could get i like those and then what else do we got ones that just straight up city avengers campus and of course queen jeff flake this one specifically is a limited edition one out of a thousand fifty five dollars wow but i mean well you pay for limited edition that's true and it's big but it's huge we're gonna have a ton more avengers campus content we have some of that right in the playlist right over there so check it out right now we want to say thank you to some of our patreons that includes heather price b jordan agent cooper and dwayne washington thank you guys so much thanks for watching guys we'll see you on the next adventure
Channel: Ordinary Adventures
Views: 372,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ordinary adventures, Marvel, Avenegers, Avengers Campus, WEB SLINGERS, Spider-Man, Spider-Man Ride Disneyland, Disneyland, Disney, DCA, Avengers Campus Spider-Man, WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure, NEW RIDE Spiderman, NEW Avengers Campus, Avengers Campus Merchandise, WEB Suppliers, Spider-Bot
Id: vvY56z8huyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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