NEW Sonkun - CRT Shaders for RetroArch - Retro TV Filter

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welcome to Retro crisis sunen a friend of the channel is back with some new CRT Shader presets so firstly go to his homepage which I've Linked In the description go down until you get to this download link let's open this in a new tab and then click on the big blue download button and then go back to his homepage and you'll see this bold text here where it says you'll also need guest star's latest Shader updates so click on the you can grab it here link and you'll see this lovely picture of an old man go to the download link let's open that a new tab and then click the big green download button on the left hand side I've got the two zip files I just downloaded so sunen Shader presets and the latest version of guest Advanced and on the right hand side I've got my retro Arch location so firstly let's unzip both of these zip files now we can delete the two zip files now what we need to do is open up the sunen folder and here where it says sunen if we just cut this cut and in your retroarch folder go to shaders shaders slang and then what you need to do is paste it into the Shader slang folder and then it should appear right here let's quickly go into it and within the sunen folder you'll see three other folders aperture Grill Shadow mask and Slot mask if you see all that you've done very well everything's great and now you'll be left with the CRT guest Advance folder so open that up and within there you'll see shaders and five other Shader presets now in your Shader slang folder on this side open up the CRT folder and you'll see like 100 files here what we want to do is cut the guest Advanced files and just paste them here in the CRT folder and it should say something like the destination has 55 files with the same name yep replace them so that's the uh installation done now open retro Arch once you're in retro Arch open up a game of your choice and then press f one to go to the quick menu before I continue you might notice that my kind of text size in my menus is a bit smaller all the icons are a little bit smaller personally I prefer doing this just so I can see all the options on screen at once if you want to learn how to do this I'll leave a link to a very short video guide in the description below but for now go down to shaders go to load go to Shader slang and go all the way down until you see sonen and then once here you can choose between three different masks we have aperture Grill Shadow mask and Slot mask and then within each one of them you have a curved and flat Shader preset variant and then within each one of those you can choose between 1080P 1440 or 4K and then within each one of those you have around I think it's like 50 something Shader presets yep 54 Shader presets there is so much Variety in San's packs I don't know how uh how he has time to maintain all of these but somehow he does okay so I will quickly break down the name and Convention of the Shader presets so let's go down to a random one let's try this one here so the first number is just the order number of each preset so this one says 10 as it's the 10th preset in this folder secondly it says 4K this refers to the resolution of the display that you should be using this Shader preset on secondly where it says CRT guest Advanced ntsc that's in reference to to guests CRT guest Advanced ntsc Shader next it says slot mask that's in reference to the CRT mask that's being used so the that kind of strange pattern that you see on the screen which gives the screen it's kind of a texture so to speak next is U and I believe this is a region code so this might be in reference to North America you can also choose between Japan and pal and after that we have warm and this is in reference to the color temperature of the screen Alternatives include normal and cool and then next it says composite Mega Drive rainbows so composite being the cable type so the old composite cables you could use and Mega Drive rainbows being the uh the Mega Drive rainbowing effect that you would see on some old CRT screens you also have a choice between RF s video RGB also anyway feel free to use whichever presets you want on whichever games you want I recommend experimenting with all of them and hopefully you'll find find something that you can Vibe with Okay so let's take a look at some of Sun's presets in [Music] action [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Retro Crisis
Views: 9,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro crisis, retro gaming
Id: rEcUOEK8j3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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