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[Music] [Music] alone we'll come back to creative pecky being in today's video I'm going to show you how Daniel set up this brand new shrimp tank now he has two shrimp tanks and all of the things you see here were provided from flip aquatics comm wrap sent over a magical shrimp package so let's get started with setting up the tank now he sent over a new type of substrate that I've never tried before this is the real Ascar from Brightwell aquatics and it is made from natural volcanic ash so here he kind of dumped the whole thing he didn't really know how much to put and then realize that for this four gallon aqua top where I am this is a little much so he started to kind of remove everything and that's usually what happens when you are a beginner you just kind of have to figure things out try things out there really is no perfect way to do things and that is totally okay the best way to improve is through trial and error and practicing so here he set up some rocks as well as some plants that I pulled from my other aquarium so these are some of the things you might be familiar with such as the corkscrew Alison area as well as I'm adding some alder cones as well as some Indian almond leaves that I was using to make tannins for my betta fish as these botanicals will slowly break down in the aquarium they will provide a great food source for microorganisms and all sorts of little critters that the shrimp can feed on a shrimp you like to continuously graze now these tanks are available on the flip of aquatics websites so if you actually wants to get a rimless tank like this for yourself you definitely can I think four gallons will work for either a few shrimp or maybe it can be a great kind of show tank for your favorite betta now the reason that we're filling up the water like this is we don't want to stir up this gravel too much because it will make a mess if you take a look at everything we did kind of make the water cloudy but later on and this does clear up also the driftwood was kind of floating up so Daniel weighted down by putting a rock on top now we are also adding a filter cover that has been sitting in another tank for quite a long time so it has a lot of the beneficial bacteria from another tank and we're actually gonna use that to seat the tank and we're adding in and the little tiny filter we've never tried the aqua top filter but it's very cute and I shouldn't like it because it is adjustable so you can control the flow and we use the fritz card as the water conditioner after that we just let the tank sit kind of clear up and get established for about a week I got a package from flip aquatic side it's gonna probably be shrimp so let's open up he's served I'm always very curious on how companies package their live animals so we've got some cool stuff we got so we have the black water clear with humic substances which by the way I have to make a video about this because this is really great for bettas and no one really talks about this in the hobby we got some heavy tegu baby shrimp food I want to start feeding my babies so I can breed more so hopefully this will be great and they will love it I also got a K H and G H test kit coz I have never tested my cage cage in gh before I've tested everything else but not this so it's about time we figure out the exact measurements I think so Mike hey I did not order that part but they include this swedish fish i think that's adorable i will eat it also the shrimp lollies i always wanted I've seen these at Rob's booth all the time and I've never tried these before for my shrimp but I really want to I think they're kind of cool and definitely want to try them out so I'll put them right here we have the shrimp snacks that I definitely want to try as well these are sticks and this is in a lots of German it's for ornamental shrimp and crayfish it's fruit [Music] yeah alfalfa parsley plantain peas carrots Apple metal thinking that old dandelion seed this is a cool like supplemental food that I want to try just to give my shrimp some variety we also have the dried banana leaves which are really cool I want to actually implement these for my betta breeding projects and then we've got the shrimp ease right here so this is what is in here oh there's more wait I think there's more what is that oh oh oh there's my mouse ball I got a moss ball he's he's doing great he survived the journey they even wrapped the moss ball pretty well Moss balls tend to not need a lot though yeah he is oh he's so cute I want to name him I don't know why this whole time she's just watching me do this and just judging me but it's not food it's it's a mus ball you can't eat it I'm sorry are you disappointed I'm sorry I disappointed you but last but not least let's check on the shrimp oh my gosh I hope they made it okay [Music] what handed unwrapping I'm trying to be gentle and not maybe the shrimp go on a roller coaster so they're in oh gosh oh gosh I see movement they're in a breather breather bag so this allows them to breathe get oxygen so we have that's a molt I think looks like yeah that's a molt so we've got some blue dreams I've always wanted some beautiful blue dreams and they all seem to be doing okay the water is not that bad so right now we're going to put them in a container so I can start to ECLA mate these guys so off-camera I poured the water from the bag into here that I removed some of it this is my water change bucket with some dirty water change water down there and I set up a drip acclimation process right now so we can get them adjusted to my water parameters as well as the temperature the water is coming from their new home up here so it's going all the way down and I don't know what water Rob I flip aquatics has so just to be on the safe side I removed some of the old water and now we're dripping the water in I don't necessarily know this is a particularly good drip rate so please don't use this video as a tutorial on how to drip acclimate your shrimp because I'm still very new to hat keeping shrimp so I'm still kind of figuring this out learning as I go so I would definitely recommend looking up tutorials for more experienced keepers and if you have any feedback and think that I can improve on anything please do let me know because I am definitely open to learning more but that's kind of what I have set up I think the drip rate is a little fad ass but I do think it might be okay I tried slowing it down a little bit but this is not super effective well I'm sorry I startled you guys so here is an update on the shrimp they have been trip acclimating for half an hour already they're kind of moving around doing their shrimp things I think I'm gonna do another maybe 10 or 20 minutes and then I'm gonna move them in because their water is already almost half it's time to release the shrimp into the shrimp tank they've been acclimating for quite a while there's still some old water in here so I'm gonna actually catch them with a net and then release them in to their new tank so hopefully I can do this with one hand without startling them too much Junia crab so going there good job fish be free hey come on be free little shrimp he's not sure there you go so pretty this little guy right here I have to be very gentle let them kind of walk on here because I don't want to breathing the appendages there you go always be gentle with your critters anymore hey this one's on the outside of my net hey you can you come out I hope so be free come on boy go thank you and away I'm talking to them positive reinforcement is a shrimp transfer giggle that's a week oh man making rolling Hey [Music] go we were difficult in the shipping okay that was cooperating that would exist never really went in limit where he's like never said cutting a little boy and we did it I am in the danger zone right now because he is playing with my feet and there's a chance he'll take a chunk out of my foot danger zone with the cat but let's take a look at how the shrimp are doing well they're starting to eat that guys just hanging out right there kind of yeah they're all kind of eating this tank has been growing a lot of stuff because I got to set this up earlier so as you can see all the fuzzies on the driftwood that is shrimp food right there free shrimp food this guy is deciding to not move anywhere at all so he's just gonna live right there forever but that's okay but yeah there's yours they're kind of all over the place now kind of hanging out I'm gonna let them do their little shrimp activities and we'll check back on them in a little bit to see how they're [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Creative Pet Keeping
Views: 446,945
Rating: 4.7921419 out of 5
Keywords: shrimp keeping, NEW TANK SETUP, NEW SHRIMP, blue dream shrimp, shrimp tank setup, shrimp tank for beginners, shrimp tank filter, shrimp tank setup for beginners, aquatop 4 gallon, blue shrimp, flip aquatics, freshwater aquarium, freshwater shrimp
Id: hTPdmN7zh6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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