New Shop Tour! - Weekend Restoration

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going on everybody we're back here it's a new shop it's not a new shop but it is better than working outside here this is actually a company owned building here and they are letting us use this as long as we clean it up and take care of things around here a lot of other buildings here too just been trying to clean up some brush and some trees and stuff but this is where we brought the white we got this loader here we're gonna get this in here and get the white spun around so we can have a little bit more light we find out we do have lights in here this place doesn't need a little work and there's idiots that broke all the glass and stuff we were messing around there wasn't we didn't think that we had power in here but we looked outside and there was a meter socket and so sort of flipping breakers here and found out that we do have power it is just your 120 240 so now we have lights we can do a lot more down here glass all over the place there's some studs on the floor from where they had post lifts or whatever so we gotta burn these studs off we're gonna pull this thing out of here get it flipped around and we'll give you guys a proper shop tour so I'll see you in a minute [Applause] [Applause] so we've got the white back in here we'll go over a few things here with the garage one being this plywood that's just about her out of the way this was thinking it was a massive garage door but they built it in to make it a smaller door this door opens but not the greatest it pops if you could see that up there but it pops out the rollers every time we try to open it but looking about getting that replaced as well a pretty decent sized area probably get four of these guys in here at least wiring not very pretty we're gonna look into replacing all of that I am a certified electrician so I am able to do this on my own with the help of Brian of course we got lights all over not enough we're thinking about putting lights on every beam or every other beam LEDs fan seized up probably get a couple more of them there is a chain fall trolley over here what this was up before they put the garage door in so we're gonna have to move that to different beam because it's not able to be used at the moment we do have the roof leaking and a few spots mainly in the back here that's why we keep the white upfront as far as we can you could tell on the floor got a resonator up here Reznor my bad I didn't mean to say resonator like I said before a bunch of broken windows we're thinking in the back here we're gonna take some of these windows out and put a big exhaust fan in here and then replace all the other windows with like a plexiglass type so it's a little more durable whenever people decide to throw stone as you can see through the window we got a lot of vines outside here and there is a fence right on the outside so we're gonna get all this cleaned up and get all these vines out of here so we don't have bugs and stuff climbing all through the garage here we do have a man door over here well there's one that goes to the Outback and this one goes to another storage area pretty decent size should be able to fit at least six cars in here maybe a couple more it's pretty pretty long it's just a tin roof this seems to be pretty dry but there is some holes in the sides and a couple of the seams up top you can see the light through so we're gonna get that all sealed up there's a company down here replacing all the roofs on all these buildings so it should be taken care of at some point so we're gonna start a GoFundMe for our new garage bill just to get this up and going as quick as possible [Music] $5 zero and that'll help us with a lot more content coming out as well so there is a lot of work to be done here but I think it is manageable this building does have a lot of potential and there are other buildings down here on the property that also have a lot of potential so we'll walk down through here and show you guys some of these other buildings all right this is another one the buildings on the property we're talking about it is kind of rough shape we were thinking since it's not really a big fancy building this might be a good place to do some of our own sandblasting it's got a cement floor don't really think the roof leaks too much in here could probably fix these walls some of these walls have blown down but they probably could be put back up and nailed into place but if you're sandblasting need a lot air flowing through so we got that covered right now this here is the other half of the building we were standing over there but this building is pretty massive and like we said most of the walls are blown down but that could be fixed easily or not fixed at all just cleaned up a little bit cleaning up the floor and stuff and like Brian said use it as a sandblasting booth and quite possibly some extra parts storage just stuff that's not real valuable but we'd like to have it around and there is this little garage type area in here another storage area and we'll walk down here and show you the next building all right this is the other section another building that we're looking at to on the same property as you can see that big stumps this and the existing maple tree here this property has just been let go for so many years everything's growing up this had trees and brush all over the front of this building you can see over there where the man door was there were trees how long it's been since that man doors been you know we're trying to get all the brush and stuff cleaned up around this fence line and I'm gonna have some issues with this building here the siding some of it but nothing that's not repairable so if you see inside here we're we got twice as much storage room in here if we can get something worked out this this has got to be 80 by 150 I'm guessing not bigger and it just it was there's a few holes in this roof too but nothing like the other one there was just a couple of drips so here the sides fixed where so nobody can get in it we can have projects all over the place keep keep something for everybody coming back to the GoFundMe if you like to see some more project to make sure you hit it up also we've been doing a lot of truck projects but for you car guys out there we are going to have a pretty awesome video coming up with a pretty sweet ride so make sure you guys stay tuned for that like we said we are going to start a GoFundMe page for those of you that do want to donate to the new shop build and some of the upcoming projects we do have a lot in mind there is a lot coming up and like we said there's a pretty sweet video coming up later this week for some of you car guys out there so make sure you like subscribe thank you guys for watching and we'll see you the next one
Channel: Weekend Restoration
Views: 17,706
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Id: 3jYvGRx5ans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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