NEW SCAM ON OUR CRUISE! (Would you fall for it?)

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a few weeks ago we talked about a scam that was circulating the cruise industry and unfortunately there's another one that you need to know [Applause] about hey everyone what is up this is Jordan from JJ Cruz unfortunately we're talking about another new scam that is going on it is hitting Cruisers left and right and this is actually the first time it's happened to someone that I'm on board a cruise ship with the scam is a Facebook scam and we're going to get into talking about it I'm going to share exactly what happened to the cruiser that we are on this ship with right now but before we get into it I do just want to invite you to subscribe to the Channel all we do here at JJ Cruz is Cruise it's in the title of the channel name if you like cruising as much as Jared and I do we invite you to hit that subscribe button and don't forget to hit that thumbs up I know for many of you you take one Cruise a year or maybe one Cruise every few years and it's a dream vacation the one thing that can ruin your cruise and kind of stop it in the tracks is if you end up getting scammed and unfortunately we talked about this in our Costa Maya video a few weeks back Cruisers in the port of Costa Maya have been getting scammed left and right by a taxi scam that is happening there there was a lot of comments that let us know that it's either happened to you or you knew about this scam or that the scam has been going on for a while well the scam that we're going to talk about today is not necessarily a new scam but I think we've seen it happen a lot more frequently since the restart of cruising and since the pandemic and it's a scam that happens in Facebook groups now if you don't know Facebook groups are a major tool for Cruisers it's a way for people to connect before going on a cruise plan activities Events maybe meetups or a bar crawl maybe a slot poll lots of different things happen in Facebook groups if you don't know what a Facebook group for a cruise is go into Facebook type in the name of your ship and the date that it sails and more than likely there will be a page that will pop up or a group that will pop up that you can join after answering a few questions typically the question are you on this sailing you click uh yes you are on that sailing and then the admins will let you in so for this cruise that we're on it's Independence of the Seas and we left on April 13th there was a Facebook group for this uh sailing that I did join and I always try to join our Facebook group sailings that we're in just to get information and find out who's there on the cruise sometimes I'm surprised and we see friends that we haven't seen a while in that cruise group but I joined the one for the sailing and I've been following it for a couple of weeks prior to getting on board yesterday unfortunately I saw someone put this question up and I'm going to share this screenshot because it's just an unfortunate situation but basically this Cruiser is just asking hey does anyone know or has anyone heard from the person that's selling the shot glasses for this particular sailing I paypaled them money or sent them money and I never heard back from them and they ghosted me as soon as I saw this I knew exactly what had happened to this Cruiser and unfortunately it's not the first time that it has happened it's been happening a lot and I've seen it in other Facebook groups but what is happening is scammers are infiltrating these Facebook groups selling items specifically merch items for your Crews maybe a t-shirt a shot glass maybe a camera case there's I've seen all kinds of stuff that say your ship your sale date and then some type of clip art that is on there so in this particular case it was a shot glass that had a little ship on it that said Independence at the Seas April 13th 2024 and this person is actively selling them claiming that if you send me the money I will bring all of this merch on board I will pass it out I'll give it to whoever's on board and then you know we can all have this amazing cool thing to go home with the problem is that person never makes it on board with the merch that they are selling and the ultimate problem is is because the merch was never actually real there are some scammers that take this a step further and say I'm selling T-shirts or I'm selling mugs or thermoses for my child that is sick or has cancer and the only way that we can afford to go on this cruise is if we sell 100 of these items um and I'm going to bring them to the ship and if you could do this for me it would be great now now unfortunately these are also scams and it's happening in almost every Facebook group and you have to remember the admins of the Facebook groups are just people like you or me they're not people that can always be on top of this 24/7 and be looking out for this especially when you got a thousand plus people in a Facebook group so you have to be your own detective you have to use your Spidey senses to be able to weed out these scammers and know that most like they aren't real why has this become such a big deal and why are people falling for it that's because 5 years ago this was actually common when I started cruising back in 2016 the Facebook groups back then would have people that would be bringing things on board to sell and share with others actually a recent sailing that I just came from did actually have this happen someone made stuff they sold it they brought it on board for everyone and they were completely legit and I think this is what's so tough about this topic is because those people that are genuinely excited about merch and bringing things on board they're the ones that are ultimately really getting screwed because they can't do this anymore it's created a mistrust for people that are genuinely trying to do something good or something fun something completely harmless but because of these terrible scammers out there it's causing this mistrust for everybody so here is what I recommend doing first off never ever ever send money to people online that you do not know that does kind of seem like a basic rule for just internet etiquette I guess or Internet safety however like I said people used to do this all the time so it didn't used to be the deal that it is today maybe if someone is wanting to sell something or bring some merch you say hey this is awesome I would like one of these products but I can only bring you cash when we're on the ship and meet up in person if on the flip side you're someone that does like to do this and make things or provide things for the cruise you should be okay with accepting cash because you're not a scammer and you're someone that's genuinely providing a service to other Cruisers that are going on the same ship and sale date as you a second thing that you can do is help the admins out of these Facebook groups if you see some suspicious activity on a Facebook group or you see something that just doesn't seem legit raise a red flag to the admin let them know what's going on in the group so that they can tackle the issue quickly so that it doesn't impact other Cruisers or people in the Facebook group right away as the old saying goes if you see something say something I'm a huge advocate for Community obviously we've built this community here online of our JJ crew so I think things like merch or swag or different things for your sailing I think it's awesome and I really do think that it is a great way to bring people together if you've got matching shirts or cups on board but I do think that you need to use your discernment and your judgment when you're in these Facebook groups with strangers who you haven't met yet don't let this happen to you because I know for a fact it is happening every single day on Facebook in Facebook groups around the world now I turn this to you let me know what you think in the comments has this ever happened to you have you seen this scam in your Facebook group I know I've seen it in several of mine let me know in the comments exactly what you've seen for sale or or if you've been scammed or what you think of this entire ordeal as always we thank you for watching the video subscribing and hitting the thumbs up there's a lot of Independence at the Seas content coming on the channel later this month so if you're looking for that make sure to hit the Subscribe button and again I am Jordan from JJ Cruz until next time see ya JJ Cru
Channel: JJ Cruise
Views: 91,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cruises, Cruise port, Facebook, Cruise news, Shiplife, Travel Scouts, Caribbean cruise, Emma cruises, Ben and David, La lido loca, Mexico cruises, Travel, Cruise, Excursions, Cruise line, Royal Caribbean blog, Life well cruised, Gary bembridge, Tips for travellers, Worlds largest cruise ship, Worlds biggest cruise ship, Cruise ship, Cruise scams, Facebook scams, Travel to Mexico, Travel warning, Dons family vacations, Caribbean scams, Carnival Cruise, NCL Cruise, Msc cruise
Id: 00tC64F0WiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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