THIS is How Much I Paid for a 13 Day Cruise! | Norwegian Getaway, Solo Cruise

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I think traveling is amazing experience for anyone but traveling alone it can be a unique experience and would you do it many people wouldn't do it but I'm here to tell you one you should go on a cruise but two you should go on a cruise alone today is day 11 of my 13-day cruise alone on board the Norwegian Getaway today I'm going to tell you my tips and tricks and I'm going to tell you how I saved money traveling with Norwegian [Music] alone [Music] slightly overcast day today but like I said this cruise is 13 days today is day 11 it's another sea day so far this Cruise We've Been to Spain Portugal France and we have five C days in a row before we get to new New York City it's 10:00 a.m. so it's breakfast time I'm heading to the buffet right now and let me show you what it's like on a Cay cruising [Music] [Music] alone [Music] delicious breakfast as always and being a Solo Traveler it's actually easier to get a seat because of course I'm only looking for one whereas if you're a couple or a family you need a bigger area but nope there's always a seat for me I'm heading downstairs to the atrium right now on Deck six because there's always something going on I feel like the reputation of cruising has changed because it used to just be for older people but now it's definitely not so many families love cruising so many young people love cruising they have cruises just for young people so don't rule out cruising here are two of the main dining rooms here is sa and here it taste and I've been asked many times how does seating work for dining because of course I'm by myself but I'm going to explain later because Norwegian does things differently than all the other Cruise Lines 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 later today I'm going to show you my cabin and I'm going to tell you why Norwegian does it better than most of the other cruise lines and I'm also going to tell you how much I paid for this 13-day cruise from Southampton in England to New York City you'll be surprised Salsbury steak you could get a nice me make some friends there's a movie going on in the theater right now tonight is million dooll quartet it's an amazing show it's about Elvis um Jerry Lee Lewis Johnny Cash and Cole Perkins I watched the same show last night so good that I'm going to watch it again tonight all right you're going to take a seat on one of these chairs and there's going to be questions that come up on the screen [Music] it's currently 2:00 p.m. and I'm going to have lunch most people go to the buffet for lunch but you can actually go to the dining room for lunch so I'm going to go to one of the dining rooms right now or maybe I C looks like the dining rooms are closed for lunch no idea why cuz they're usually open so we're going to the [Music] buffet [Music] slides are still open let's see if the pool's open it wasn't open the whole day [Applause] yesterday pool still closes very windy out there this is of course the gym I came here the first day and it was so so so busy so I never came back I did have a massage here a few days ago it was amazing so good so I'm on Deck 12 forward and here's the kids club but look what I just saw I found a little Captain Duck it was a pirate duck if you don't know like this is like a thing on cruises people will bring ducks and then hide them around the ship for other people to [Music] find this is another place I haven't been the Ice Bar so you need to wear the big coat because it's freezing inside there's always trivas every day but I haven't done any I haven't played any of them I've watched a lot but today is flag so I think I'm going to play cuz I'm good at flag or two this and I won I can't believe I won I got 18 out of 20 and it's annoying because I had the correct answer for one of them but then I changed it I had I had Kenya but then I changed it to Malawi and the correct answer was Kenya and I knew the other answer as well but I didn't know how to spell it so that's why I only got 18 but I won wa that was windy let's do it again wa very windy today so the time is currently 400 p.m. and I'll be honest this is the kind of time where I don't like being by myself because there's not much going on um everyone's pretty much getting ready for dinner there's a few activities still going on but yeah this is the quiet time in between lunch and dinner where there's not much going on so this is where I don't like being by myself I found some shade but talking about being by myself this Cruise has been so much fun even though I've been by myself and I know a lot of people wouldn't have done it a lot of people don't even like going to dinner by themselves or let alone traveling by themselves but it's been really fun of course I'm not the only one that's traveling solo on this Cruise there's actually a lot of people um traveling by themselves so I've had a lot of opportunity to meet other people I've spoken to a lot of people very very very nice people when I found this cruise and I was thinking about should I book it or should I not book it and I just thought to myself going alone is better than not going at all and I'm so glad that I came it was it's been a lot of fun like I said it's been so relaxing and there's been no pressure to do anything that I don't want to do because of course I choose what I do when I when I do it if I don't want to do something then I don't do something there's been a lot of times where in the afternoon I just went back to my cabin and slept for an hour or 2 hours or um like in the port days I went out for a few hours and then came back if you're with a group of people with your family whatever then you need to make a decision and talk about it but I want to do this and this and whatever you know so in that aspect I really enjoy being by myself because I do whatever I want you're going to see it tonight but something Norwegian does it's called freestyle dining which basically means you eat whenever you want and it sounds strange but other Cruise Lines don't do that most Cruise Lines they have a set dining time so for example 6:30 and 8:30 and you choose a time you go so you have to go at 6:30 or 8:30 because that's what time they start serving dinner but here if I want to eat dinner at 9:00 p.m. I can do that if I want to eat dinner at 6:00 p.m. I can do that one of the ad advantages to being alone is I've never ever ever had a problem getting a table and there are specialty restaurants on board and then there's the main dining rooms there's three main dining rooms on board but you need a reservation well I say you need a reservation for all of them but I haven't needed a reservation for any of them because I've been alone it's very easy to find one seat and if you have five people of course you need to wait you need to make sure there's a table big enough and it's you can't get a table immediately for five people it's the same with the shows to be honest like the amount of times that people leave one seat in between someone else because they don't want to sit next to someone else that's my seat you know that's the seat I take so there's always even right down the front I can always get a seat wherever I want when I want to watch the shows because people leave empty seats and that's for me it's definitely great being alone because I feel more free you know if I want to go into a show last minute I know I can get a seat if I want to go to dinner at any time I know I can get a table because I only need to find one seat so how about the negative so like I was just saying this time in between lunch and dinner this is kind of not the boring time but this is the time I wish I was with someone because there's people are literally just sitting around drinking and eating and you can only do that for so long and like I said I've been on board for 11 days but what would I do if I was with someone you know I think I would still do the same thing you know like I said most afternoons I go back to my cabin and relax for a few hours because there's not much going on on the ship that I want to do you know there's plenty of trivas and there's a lot of seminars and um so there's a lot going on but a lot of times I just skip it and just go to my cabin talking of cabins Norwegian also does something that most Cruise Lines don't do they have specialized cabins for solo Travelers like me and should I just show you let's go to my cabin and let me show you actually before we go let me do this one more time here we go let's go so we're going to go down to deck 11 that's where my cabin is and that's where the special cabins are so here on Deck 11 you can find the studios these are all Studio cabins and these are all designed for one person here is my cabin 11535 so welcome to my studio cabin so I'm not going to do a full tour today I'm just going to show you quickly there's a video coming up very soon where I tell you everything about the studio cabins but as you can see it's pretty it's not small I was going to say it's pretty snug but it's not it's definitely enough space for one person let's see storage we have one wardrobe we have storage up here we have another wardrobe here there's more storage here shelves here plenty of storage here suitcase under the bed more storage here full length mirror bathroom and shower that is everything you need for yourself on a cruise ship so I think this cabin is absolutely perfect for one person absolutely perfect there's nothing here that you don't need you have enough space for yourself it's around 100 square ft so it's not massive I can almost touch both sides but it's enough so now let's talk about the price how much did I pay for this 13-day cruise on board the Norwegian Getaway so the Cru started in Southampton England we went to one port in France two in Spain two in Portugal we left the aor island which is part of Portugal a few days ago and then we have five C days in a row before we get to New York City overall 13 days another detail I don't have the drinks package and I don't have the Wi-Fi package these are the two packages that most people buy when they get on board I'm not a drinker so there's no point in me getting the drinks package and the Wi-Fi I don't need it I'm I'm actually very very happy that I didn't get it because it feels so good to not be on social media every day but of course if you're a drinker that's going to put your price up and if you need the Internet that's completely fine you know a lot of people I've seen a lot of people working on their laptops while they've been on board and if you need it that's cool luckily I don't need it so the overall price I paid for this cruise for one person 13 days is $511 $511 for 13 days that works out at about $39 per day you can't get a hotel for that anywhere plus here I'm getting food I'm getting the room I'm getting entertainment of course I'm traveling $39 per day the reason I think these studios are so great is because most rooms are designed for two people right of course they have family rooms but they don't design rooms for one person usually and and if I went on another Cruise Line and I sailed Al loone they would charge me for two people because I'm taking the space of two people but here I'm not because this is a room designed for one person I did read recently that some other cruise lines are starting to do this because a lot of people do travel by themselves and you'll be surprised how many people cruise by themselves so I think it's great that they're starting to cater more for solo Travelers and I did look at other cruise lines and they wanted to charge me twice because of course I'm taking the space of two people but I was traveling alone and if they sold it to two people instead of one of course they would make twice as much money so it just it just doesn't make sense for me to pay for two people when I'm one this only applies for these Studio cabins if I had a balcony cabin or I had a bigger room they would charge me for two people because I'm taking the space of two people but if you have the studio cabin this is a space for one person so they're going to charge you for one it's I'm trying to explain it but it's a big deal it really is a big deal because if I travel by myself on another Cruise Line I'd have to pay double so like I've already said I'm more than happy to be by myself eat dinner by myself um travel by myself but a lot of people don't like that they like traveling by themselves but they like to meet people so how do you do that there's so many ways to meet people like the game show I just played the trivia I just played you just start talking to the people next to me we're going to talk about dinner later because there's something a little bit different you can do at dinner but like I said you just walk around the ship and you start meeting people because everybody's on vacation everybody's on holiday so it's very informal situation you know and people expect other people to talk to them you know so many times I've sat down to dinner I've just sat around the pool or I've been anywhere really and I've just started to talk to people and that's how you make friends one other great thing that Norwegian does is inside the freestyle daily this is the daily schedule you can see that at 5:00 p.m. solo Travelers Gathering so this is a meet and greet for solo Travelers and I went and there's a lot of people there there's a lot of people traveling by themselves so that's the time for all of the not single people all of the people traveling by themselves to go there and meet other people traveling by themselves another great thing about the studios is let me go show you it's down the [Music] hall [Music] that was a studio lounge and you need to be staying in the studio to go to the lounge which is great because they know that everybody in there is a Solo Traveler so it's another great way to meet people I don't want to make people uncomfortable by talking so I've come back to my cabin but I think it's really cool and I go there every single day because they have tea and coffee uh cookies and there's always people there which is great if you want to have a coffee and chat with people a lot of people go there in the morning have morning tea or um I go there just before I go to bed I have tea before I go to bed and there's always people there talking so the time now is 4:45 and what did I say at 5 it's the solo Travelers Gathering so let's go to the Bliss Lounge [Music] for you already have received a phone call from Guest Services the venue has changed uh the venues are so there you go that was the solo Travelers Gathering and it's every single day it's been in the schedule every day at 5:00 p.m. in the Bliss lounge and that's another great way to meet people I just spoke to so many new people that I never seen before on this cruise and like I said everybody is a Solo Traveler as well I got invited to dinner and they're making plans to do other stuff so like I said even if you come on the ship alone if you want to stay alone that's completely fine but if you don't there's so many ways to meet people I'm back in my cabin now the show starts in 1 hour so I'm going to relax get changed and get ready for tonight day 11 we are ready to go tonight's outfit we got black and white Knik gray tracksuit bottoms and the black chocolate t-shirt let's go decided to go with a casual look tonight but it's 6:45 now we're heading straight to the theater because the million dooll quartet show is going to start at 7:00 it's unbelievable I watched it last night and I just had to watch it again luckily there were still reservations but like I said it's about Elvis Johnny Cash Cole Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis listen to The Wind wind is [Music] howling that show is absolutely unreal like beyond amazing if you ever ever ever on a ship and I have that show go and see it if you don't do anything else go and see that show it's amazing Elvis is my [Music] [Applause] [Music] favorite there's a comedy show going on it's so funny but I got to eat it's 9:00 man this Cruise has been so much fun but that show million dollar C it makes me so happy that's the happiest I've been since I've been on this ship I actually don't know how late I can sit down and eat like I said it's 9:00 now and I don't know if that's too late there are other options but I want to go to the dining room I'm going to head to Tropicana hopefully I can get a table now [Music] than amazing dinner as always the ship is so Rocky tonight so when you have dinner alone you have the choice like they will literally ask you they say do you want to sit by yourself or do you want to sit with other people and then that's up to you you make a choice if you want to sit alone or you want to sit with strangers this is another good thing with Norwegian because it's freestyle I think that if you had a set dining time so 6:30 and 9:30 for example you would have to sit with other people like you would have no choice but here you if you want to sit with people and make friends then you can if you want to sit alone then you [Music] can it's midnight but before I go to bed I can show you the studio Lounge so we have some seating upstairs no one's here right now more seating here two TVs we have cookies and pound cake water lemonade coffee machine tea bags here we have wine over here and there is a bartender here from 5: to 7: so like I said earlier this space is only for people staying in studio so solo Travelers so there you go that was a day as a Solo Traveler on a cruise ship what do you think would you take a cruise by yourself and what do you think about the price $40 per night for this cruise I think it's an amazing price it's been so much fun but it's not over yet I still have a few more days so if you want to see more hit the like hit the Subscribe thanks for watching see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Travel with Ben
Views: 314,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo cruise, cheap cruise, Norwegian cruise line, budget cruise, transatlantic cruise, single cruise, Norwegian getaway, Europe cruise, travel vlog, cruise vlog, british, English, uk travel, New York
Id: JIcdk7cLW94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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