New Rule: Climate Shame | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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[Applause] and finally new rule if insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and expecting a different result we have to stop being insane in our approach to fixing the environment and try something new I I don't know what will work but I know what didn't work asking people to be good trying to convince our citizens and other countries to use less and pollute less sacrifice more um when you tell humans if you do these environmentally friendly things we can all continue to live their response is what's in it for me so just to be clear I do still believe very much that climate change is an emergency but I don't think we're going to win it by grocery shopping with a laundry bag or Banning the gas stoves or imagining a human can really drink this through a paper straw foreign on your phone can use more energy in a day than the refrigerator but no one is going to give that up we'd have to go back to having sex with people we know [Applause] and we all must be aware by now that what buying everything from Amazon does to the environment but that we stopped no the verdict is in humans are not good people [Applause] it's just not in us including me and I'm tired of living a well not a lie but it's also something I never mentioned but it's a new year and I'd like to come clean my name is Bill [Laughter] and I fly private foreign and so does every other person who calls themselves an environmentalist who can now enjoy this fun photo collage of some of your favorite Stars [Laughter] politicians who speak about the need to reduce our carbon footprint but who are always on private planes that's right all of them if you don't see a celebrity's picture here it's because we weren't allowed to use it [Laughter] series got canceled all the environmentalists of Hollywood and Washington do it their position on climate change is we must do more to stop pouring carbon into the air except for me when I want to go somewhere and then I take a private jet it turns out there is one thing in this world that is completely impossible to resist and this is it it's like heroin if you if you do it once you'll never stop there are two kinds of people in the world those who fly private and those who would if they could [Applause] a third category those who could but do not does not exist except for Ed Begley and Greta tunberg [Laughter] [Applause] and that's why you never see a picture of her smiling Ed and Greta that's who walks the walk everyone else is full of and I'm done being full of I can take being a bad environmentalist because almost all of us are but I can't take being a hypocrite now I always Justified renting a plane because I only used it for work and literally could not get to most of my stand-up gigs on time any other way how do you think I did it all those years I said good night here at 8 pm I was on stage in Vegas at 10. but I don't need to do stand-up like tomorrow night in Albuquerque [Applause] and outside of heads of state almost everyone else could fly commercial why don't they ask anyone who tried to get home for Christmas last year and don't tell me the younger generation is better they're not they're just poorer they're actually worse this is who they look up to the family where everyone has their own private jet and kids love Bitcoin which to determine the value of takes an amount of computer processes processing that uses more electricity than some whole countries kids could have rejected that but they didn't they love it why because they want to be rich why so they can fly private foreign can resist it John Kerry is our climate Czar and he uses a private jet it's like if the Secretary of Homeland Security smuggled drugs in his butt people take Jets to environmental conferences if you could run TED talks on hypocrisy you wouldn't need coal but sorry not sorry I tried to do my part for the environment I never had kids the one thing worse for the planet than private jet it's true because then they have kids I had the first generation Prius in 2001 it looked like a Tylenol gel cap I was always handing my keys to valets who were driving a better car than me the first Tesla in 2010 and honestly both these cars sucked the Tesla came up to about here on me if I if I had a hard on I couldn't fit in this thing but both times I said to myself okay I'll take one for the team because I have a platform so I'll do the right thing and then everybody will follow every people will nobody followed in 2021 80 percent of new vehicles weren't electric or an even hybrid they weren't even cars they were SUVs and trucks that's what people want in 1973 the share of global electricity generated by coal was 38 percent you know what it was 46 years later in 2019 after all the talk and all the trying 37 percent you know what percentage of plastic gets recycled five percent those blue bims that are everywhere they're not full of bottles they're full of can can you blame us for being a little cynical when you find out that all that plastic that we've been painstakingly separating out for the last 20 years all goes to the same place anyway so yes it's fun to laugh at powerful people that that's how I can afford to fly private [Applause] but we need to get serious really more nuclear moving way more money into research and development I don't know but something serious because the real technological problem is the way people are wired I know it's easier just to blame Taylor Swift's plane but honestly do you want to be stuck on Southwest with a Pissed Off Taylor Swift
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 1,354,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 63KXfwC9BdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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