NEW Rogue Whisperknife Build with Max Stats & 100k Item Level - Versatile Setups! - Neverwinter M28

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hey and welcome to never one to withon so here I want to cover my module 28 Rogue whisper knife build there will be time stamps on the play bar below to each different section but I also have a full document linked below that has everything listed out of what I'm using but I will cover it in depth in this video also covering some reasons why here and there with demonstrations so first of all the purpose of this build well it's of course to get you as most damage as possible as you are a damage dealer a DPS now we could build around groups and bonuses that other players could provide us but for now we are maxing out all of our damage stats without needing any of that however you will want to optimize when going into those group contents when going into endgame and getting some more damage bonuses while switching out some gear pieces for example if we're going into the new dungeon and Wild space you'll want these boots you'll also want say this ring and so you will want to switch some things and that will be in the later section of this video group optimization again the setup I show you right now gets you everything you need to maximize your damage by yourself so now we're going to jump to our power setups and there'll be different ones you want to use in single Target we have this right here you may want to change a few things depending on the content but this is generally what I go go with and if we go to multi-target you'll want an entirely different setup which I'll show after this so in single Target the important things to knowe is to make sure you have disheartening strike active on your boss you will cast this you will see that they will get a debuff right there just make sure your enemy always has this again this is single Target where you will generally only be attacking one enemy like a boss other than that you just use cloud of Steel during the downtime when you cannot be casting your encounter powers for your encounter Powers you want to use Shadow strike lashing blade and impact shot I have messed around with Alternatives but they never came up as good as just this set we'll cover the rotation in just a second but we go to daily powers and you'll generally want to use hateful knives for the class features you want your tenacious concealment and your dagger threat in some situations you may want to have advant V agous position instead of dagger threat if you can't get combat advantage against your target make sure to use this one for the feat setup you generally just want to go with this however if you want to go super burst you could go with last moments but overall you will lose a lot of fluidity by giving up Shady preparations you generally get off more encounters then and it allows you to more quickly set up for the burst window rather than having longer cooldowns with this from there we go to the rotation and it's very important you get this correct so you start things off we're going to have an artifact call and you really need to make use of these you can do them by yourself as well but ideally your party members in group content will join you as well and that's where you're going to have an artifact that you're going to cast at the beginning and it's going to increase the damage the target takes there's many of these different type of artifacts that do that so have one and you will start things off by making sure your boss has disheartening strike then you go artifact stealth Shadow strike flashing blade impact shot our Bell item our mount power stealth hateful knives Shadow strike lashing blade and impact shot and that is your artifact called rotation done now if you want that in text format that is right up here this exact order and it's very important that you have tacticians Precision to be able to do that combo without this you'll only be able to get your encounters off once be aware there are different rotations you can use in different setups and this is the different ones I have tested but you can see the one I just showed you in the power setup is the top performing one I have found but from here we jump to multi-target you will want to have a separate l load out for multi-target as you'll want to different feet shadowy opportunity this is the full setup that you would use your atws do not matter much in multi-target but if there's a tanky enemy be sure to put dising strike on them and then just some chilling clouds to finish off some dudes but most importantly is your encounter Powers you will use blade flurry but only from stealth most of the time your path of the blades and your smoke bomb for your daily Powers I generally go with lurkers or salt but in some situations you can use warwind of blades for the class features tenacious concealment and advantageous position the Feats are then just these ones here with shadowy opportunity very important so as a quick demonstration you'll go up to your enemies you go into stealth blade flurry smoke bomb path of the blades everything in your smoke bomb cannot attack you and that's huge uge survival benefit on Rogue and you can just output a ton of damage then through the smoke bomb combined with shadowy opportunity on each Hit And Then followed up with path of the blades also getting shadowy opportunity on every hit and it's just kind of crazy again you go to your enemies you go stealth blade flurry smoke bomb path of the blades you can do some at Wills soon as you get stealth again do blade flurry from stealth don't cast your blade flurry twice don't put it on cool down because you will get your stealth back every 6 seconds even quicker when you're one with the Shadows triggers as it will do most of the times at the beginning of the fight so put that smoke down bomb down path the blades blade flurry again from stealth some mat Wheels you just want to use your C of Steel there once your stealth is back up blade flurry and smoke bomb and every time you're entering that stealth as well you are cutting your cooldowns and that is it you just are really good within multitargets it's insane if you have your mount power make sure to cast that after you've gone in stealth so that it gets all that combat Advantage damage and uh everything just melts on Rogue you should easily be anybody in multitarget with this setup no problem at all now as I showed earlier you will be able to maximize all your your offensive stats those green sweet 90% you will have to continually attack in combat in order to do so though so let's show what you need to get this on your build now when we're out of combat your stats will settle down to this at least when you're buffed up as per the consumable section you do want to prioritize if you're building up your own character your power then combat Advantage then crit severity then crit strike and then accuracy we you also get 100,000 item level on this build which is massive and you will want to focus on that mainly to unlock content but once you get to endgame and doing Master content it becomes pretty important as well in combination with your stats but always Focus your stats first you will also want to look at certain damage bonuses like these boots they're particularly valuable but we will use them when we're inser content so this would be only in Wild space And depending on what group bonuses we can get for now we want all the green 90s so we have these so now we jump to our race and ability scores well for this one I'm just using wood off I prefer how it looks and it gives me the 5% crit chance which is nice and easy to build around and fits the best here in this build for the ability scores you want to focus on strength and Charisma now we jump to our gear you can see everything I'm using here and in my document you can also see where all of that comes from just there if you have any questions feel free to let me know but it's not exactly the easiest to obtain and it'll be something you want to work towards getting but the important part on this gear is the bonuses so for example this headpiece gives me 10% accuracy this armor piece will give me 7.5% crit strike and 7.5% crit sever 30 while I'm attacking in combat at maximum ultimately this is what I found works the best in order to get all of those stats maxed out at that 90% from here we touch on the modifications and you can see we've just got accuracy accuracy power power and then combat Advantage awareness combat advantage and combat Advantage you could just have another combat Advantage here just have the awareness so it isn't going red and we aren't just wasting it now now we jump to our enchantments this is the setup we use with also these artifacts so you just want to have three citrines and the garnet you will also want to have a Cobalt when we check out group optimization otherwise I would recommend having just a mix of different enchantments in your defense it just doesn't matter that much if you do want a mid Max sure you would go with defense there ideally we have a devil's Precision a rage of flames and a lightning flash with a recharge speed don't be afraid to use movement speed here instead upgrade that to Celestial when you're in say the new dungeon second boss last boss it's very useful for the artifacts we want to have a bunch of debuff ones to be able to support the team but we also have these for the stats to maximize everything again in the document you can see where each of those are coming from you should be able to get them yourself but don't worry so much if you have Alternatives it's not the end of the world from here we jump to our Companions and this is the setup I use again this is for solo damage maximizing your stats and getting all of these damage Buffs this is in single Target would say the b if you're in multi-target I would switch the bateria out to when it does get fixed the spine devil but it's currently broken to just not work the devs did say it's getting fixed so you will be able to use that just wait until it actually does get fixed I'll be sure to let you know in a patch notes video but for single Target absolutely the btii is King there you can see in my document again where the companion gear comes from and then also which companions I'm actually using cuz some of them have a bit different names there now as your Striker companion there are many you can use and I recommend checking out my companion document but I like to particularly use the pseudo Dragon for single Target at the moment if I'm not going to run a support companion like I could run spine devil instead black theft scorpion all the different ones there and then yeah provide those team Buffs but for multi-target I do highly recommend the minur mercenary but it's not such a big deal I would make it more last priority a multi-target companion that's for sure you should have no problem just slaughtering everything as a rogue from here we jump to our mounts so in the current tab we just have big B's hand there are alternatives you can use like the giant toad Golden Touch tunel Vision they all work don't really use the slabber vector anymore that's been nerfed and it also is broken to not work with bter and Minsk properly big B's hand is strength based you have to test that and it just deals then the most combined damage because our physical damage is higher than our magical then we just have Mystic Ora here this is just to give us the ratings and the perk is when we're in a group we'll also give those ratings to our teammates but if you're receiving this from somebody then yeah as per the group optimization section you'll switch to say ferocity instead for the stable this is what we have so we have a bunch of aggression scale and brutality and some dominance too you can again see in the document here exactly which ones those are be aware of the different mounts I'm using there's no need to copy and paste exactly which ones I have the important part is the bonus here and many mounts will give different bonuses I have a mount document linked below so check that one out for the four slot mounts as for the mount colors well the important ones are going to be your encounter power damage and your critical severity other than that you can go like move movement speed stamina gain and rough astral diamonds from there we jump to our Boon you'll want to do your campaigns get these points fill all of the Power ones in your crit strike crit severity combat Advantage accuracy movement speed you want to get 4te recharge speed and action point gain then your blood lust life lessons blessed Advantage also blessed resilience good for survivability and then also make sure to pick up all the hit point ones critical avoidance defense awareness and then you can go also make sure to get damage and damage resistance against enemy types if you're running that content a lot so like if you're running the demon web pits make sure to have demonic Mastery for the guild stronghold we just want accuracy here defense and revive sickness and if you're just running around questing make sure to mount speed if you're running like deathless content or you don't die run movement speed so last thing then would be consumables on this build we are using our flask of potencies squash soup rat Tuli and Wild Storm Elixir and that just gives us those long duration Buffs there so the last thing to note then if you are going into group content and wild space particularly you can slot in some damage bonuses so this is what I'd use for say the new dungeon well I personally run with groups with the tamed Velociraptor and it fit hits the best with regards to being able to make up for the loss of power when we make these changes so what I would do here is switch the boots over to the damage ones and you should be able to get like the Paladin's crit Aura to make up for that little bit of a loss from the boots otherwise you will be just shy maybe 2% crit strike and that's not the end of the world it's definitely better to have 7% damage if you're in Wild space the right ring I would switch over to the Stellar Halo ring of zerxis giving you also damage in Wild space but you would do this if you are running Raptors because you are losing all the power from this other ring you would also want to switch this shirt over to combat advantage and you'd want to switch these pants over to just High item level so you aren't overcapping say your combat Advantage you will also want to switch then the citrine over to a Cobalt so that you aren't wasting all the stats there and you will also want to switch a dominance Insignia over to scale and also a dominance Insignia over to aggression this will get you the important stats capped out and then overall you should be maxed out when in a group with these different Buffs that's excluding PTO Bell you'll probably won't run him in a dungeon you'll want like tutor and dreads and Pell most people people will max out their power anyway and then the combat Advantage you can probably work around and you can see all of the steps here so if you wanted to make use of pack tactics you would have to do a bit of finicky switching of say companion gear or Jewels or insignias most cases I just leave it Mystic Ora no problem just switch over to ferocity yourself tutor you can switch off the stal ORF and golden cat and go the tamed Velociraptor or another Power one if say you are running without Raptors and then if you are running with Raptors make sure to switch the power ring over to the damage ring switch your shirt like I said as well over to combat advantage and switch your pants over to just High item level with a little bit of recharge speed with the Paladin crit Aura you can easily fit in the ultraviolet wild space damage boots and uh fixing your ratings we're just doing some Insignia switches and if you are running port toell in the group you can of course go back and switch this sh over to high item level and damage like this one with 3.5% and then on a last note you can switch to other weapons you don't have to use solarum all the time they're good in Wild space content very good in fact it's just in some cases you might want to use the Mirage weapons I found Mirage weapons can be good particularly on a less skillful player just because there are a lot of automatic damage but in most cases I wouldn't use them because your burst damage is where all your damage comes from at least if you're timing it correctly and then you're feeding all of that into Shadow demise and you deal a ton of damage in burst if you are to use Mirage weapons you reduce your burst by quite a lot and so you take even more of a hit on top of that Mirage weapons will be getting changed pretty soon and so I wouldn't rely on them but they are good in the new dungeon particularly if you're not as practiced or experienced running Rogue other than that of course you can run with your storm Forge weapons in pretty much anywhere hopefully this wraps it all up and uh answers all your questions and you can find out what to use at least have some reasons as to why again with the base build you get all your stats maxed out and from there you can switch some things around like I do to get some damage bonuses here and there once again a massive thank than you to all of these channel members for your added support thank you for watching and we'll see you guys around goodbye for now
Channel: Aragon
Views: 7,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aragon, neverwinter, build, new, guide, gameplay, endgame, Viperion
Id: ht4L6YaeA6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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