New Rider review of the Triumph Scrambler 400x -is it good for first time riders?

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hey everybody father the day we're going to head out on the old uh the old the new trime Scrambler 400x it is my first motorcycle all right the day has arrived after much joy waiting in Saving today is the day bill has brought the good news of Father day's first motorcycle thank you thank you thank you can she speak not yet got the pump going then turns on all Dash does what it does make sure that's down that pump side stand up yeah I wasn't in neutral so I was in yeah it's a safety good to know sounds good and I'll probably do a uh a new Riders guide or advice or review that's it a new Rider review of the trime scramble 400 I sneak preview I absolutely love it but for sure have a great um Memorial Day Weekend pray for the men and women who have passed away to keep our country safe wherever their souls are we can help them they helped us give us the freedom to get on a motorcycle and do some riding in this country that we still have freedom we only have it if we keep defending it from you know from anyone who would try to take it so we pray for them this weekend maybe your ancestors certainly some of [Music] mine one day when is we'll take Le hey everybody so here we are at the manisan reservoir you can probably see there's a good 5 Mile Lake there in the distance stop here in some shade and uh just do like a little I don't know first beginning Riders review of the Triumph Scrambler 400x uh the question that I wondered and pondered over for my first motorcycle and I didn't grow up just let me I guess phrase this right here uh so and I'm just using my phone here I did not grow up riding a bikes I didn't grw up riding motorcycles I got my motorcycle license last year I took the msf course and uh this year got the motorcycle and I like Fred it over Fred is the wrong word I like you know pour it over different internet forums and try and listen to so many internet you know uh people talking about you know good beginning motorcycles whether that was the Duke 390 you know KTM I looked at the Himalayan I looked at all these different ones and is this guy gonna pull his car in here he's not all right you know um I thought about the Honda Rebel 300 the the rebel 500 people tell you when you first start off you don't actually want to get something too powerful and that makes a lot of sense because if you're making small adjustments you know you could be you could be in danger like what does that mean father Dave you know and this is and this is like and for those who don't know I'm a Catholic priest um this is for those who have don't like me didn't have a history of riding motorcycles and this is their very first one so little things um like you you don't tend to think about it but like as you're holding the throttle this is the right side of the bike you know your hands going to get tired because you're trying it doesn't have cruise control nor what I want cruise control as a beginner because you your hand is like in in one position and you know it's it's not often in that position for like you're on a 40-minute ride your hand is in one position for 40 minutes well it's not going to be that way you're going to start to adjust through your fingers to keep like to keep your fingers you know to keep two fingers over your brake sometimes if you're coming into an intersection like in my head is go going through all of the things that they taught us at the msf course and what other people online like umu Jitsu I have his book I do his drills in the parking lot of the church uh other people like um MC Ryder I like his stuff um there's there's a there's a bunch of I'm sure you if you're watching this you probably already know all these people too so um so I'm thinking and I'm think you know you hear story people dropping their bike and can they lift these bikes and so all this this is in my head and this was the one I decided on partly because it was a cheaper bike and I'm a priest I don't make a lot of money if if you want to give me money I'll put it to good use we don't have a lot of money as priests so this was a good beginner entry bike part of why I got a why didn't you get a Harley father Dave those who know me Father Dave you seem like a Harley guy um so my father wrote a Triumph um we were kids and uh I wanted to honor him that way so prayed about it thought about it and when this bike was in consideration for a good in her bike I said all right let me let me go sit on one and I did and the geometry worked really well I'm 6'1 I'm kind of lanky um built like a a wide receiver although now I'm almost 50 years old so I'm a wide receiver with the belly from Doritos and porle and cheese sandwiches so there's that um 400cc bike if you're watching this video you already know all about this bike cuz this is on your list too um only uh just shy of 400 lb so I thought all right it's pretty light if I have to if you know if the bike gets knocked over or whatever I have to lift it up I should be able to lift that up you know cuz I can bench 400 lb not I tried benching 400 lb my shoulder probably couldn't take it but um is this a good beginner bike absolutely it is amazing uh now well how do you know Father Day this is the only bike really you've ridden that is the case and it is not the case so this is uh really you know this is the main bike I've ridden my friend Father Pat and father JC two priests they also ride uh and they have a history of riding so one guy I rode his he has a uh BMW uh GS 800 oh man my friend Father Pat maybe I'll get a video of him it's amazing it's super smooth um I could see why you want to upgrade this is a single cylinder so it produces you know thrust every quarter of a rotation his is a uh I think it's a boxer uh boxer 2 maybe I'm not sure but it's super smooth man and I was like oh this is a nice bike a lot more expensive than this one and again if your hand is making for New Riders if your hand is simply adjusting in fact I got to adjust the phone cuz I'm getting tired holding this out here right if you're on the throttle where's the bike there it is right if you're on the throttle and you know and maybe you're riding like this for a while your hands going to get tired and you're going to want to adjust or if you're riding like this which is fine um at least I think it's fine correct me if I'm wrong your hand gets tired because cuz it's you know it's not like a car it's like you know you're only on one axis there you know on your foot and so you go to adjust and I was on like a long ride long ride for me I was doing I was a 45-minute ride down to Island Beach State Park and I went to adjust my hand and inadvertently I revved the engine well luckily with a single cylinder only 400 CC's the bike didn't like take off with me setting on my butt behind it I was like oh okay um where I could see I would get into trouble with a bigger bike especially if I started on a bigger one early and they tell you don't start on bigger ones early well I think that's part of the reason why uh it's a lot more Nimble than a heavier bike um some of our parishioners have some great BMWs I um I'm trying to remember what they were one is a GS 1200 uh and BMW and the other is like a it's like a racing bike it's like a 1000 SS I think also BMW I'm not exactly sure super fun man I sat on those and God bless them they have more discipline than I cuz I I would want to tear that up and uh father Dave you're almost a 50-year-old guy yeah but when you sit on a racing bike like if you get in the cockpit of a jet fighter you want to be doing some turns and Maneuvers and loops and engaging in like you don't want to kill anybody but you want to have like high intensity flying at least I would think so um got the Scrambler I absolutely love it it is a great little bike uh I have almost uh 300 miles on there so um I and it's 600 Mi to your first service so I'll let you know what that's like did I do any modifications father Dave you do any mods to it yeah this is what I was talking about for those who heard my homy last week uh I took off the regular grab handles and I put on the cargo uh in the back because I strapped I wanted to strap a beach chair on here and ride to Island Beach State Park and do some praying and bring a cup of coffee and a sandwich and so uh I did that uh a Budd of mine up the road Paul we're going to put on some crash bars here I don't know maybe next week or something like that and I will probably get it to around it coated um just to preserve it and protect it from weather since we're near the shore and I don't know if you're like this I'm like this you know years later I I kind of missed my first car you know my first car wasn't anything my first car wasn't anything to be proud of but it was proud for me everybody loves their first car at least I think you should and I had a um Ford Escort exp that it looked like a Mustang body but it was an escort uh Ford Escort under the hood and you know later in life I started to look up hey could that car could I find that car anywhere does anybody sell that car and not anymore uh some of you out there may have driven the same vehicle so I'm thinking in my first motorcycle I think in the future I'll probably get a different one that could let me do some longdistance trips cuz I'd love to go to Nova Scotia I'm watching some YouTube videos of people like itchy boots uh people that do motorcycle trips out to Alaska uh Nick Adams I love that guy's stuff up in Canada I listened to all of his Audi books on his old motores and it's just it's really cool so I can see myself enjoying a long trip in the future maybe maybe years from now when kagley has gone you know to heaven to be with St Francis um we do some motorcycle camping later this year anyway is this a great beginner bike yes it is cuz you're not going to be too dangerous it's light it's a cheap and it's cheaper as an entry bike the they say the fit and finish is nice it's really nice I find I've not driven on the highway so I don't have to worry about that um and I highly recommend it so hope this helps you out there God bless coming back in just for a little bit more if you have any questions like if you probably watched all the videos about this um bike already but if you have any questions for a brand new Rider on his first motorcycle ask and I'll try my best to answer them I am pretty busy as a priest but I try to you know I try pray for my people when they put prayer petitions in there and try to answer them um I guess a challenge that I had when I was watching these videos is everybody's giving their evaluation of these motorcycles as experienced Riders um and some of them are really good like motor man I like that guy's videos I I bought his you know stuff I do his Maneuvers I really like the motojitsu ones I do those in the parking lot of the church at night time kle goes in the crate I take out my cones and Bumblebee and uh and I do those drills but um a challenge sometimes is watching experienced Riders talk about brand new bikes for beginners cuz they have an idea but they also forgot how unnatural it is for us in the beginning and every time you get on it your muscle memory has remembered more from the previous time so like you get out there you practice it's challenging then you sleep on it and then you wake up and your muscles have remembered it and then you do it again and you you get a little more skill a little more skill and a little more bravery and it's pretty cool so anyway highly recommend it God bless you guys let me I I think about you [Music] stron everything I've ever
Channel: Father Dave
Views: 11,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7mXZf2T-szE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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