New poll on Biden's approval rating should be 'disturbing' for Dems: Freeman

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welcome back a new Quinnipiac poll revealing only 26 of Hispanic Americans support the president right now this is an important voting block these numbers are down sharply from one year ago look at this this is down from 55 percent a year ago down to 26 percent mean well uh you've got other blocks also uh worried about his handling of the economy the last poll we saw three quarters of of Voters 75 percent said that they felt the U.S was on the wrong track but Nancy Pelosi is insisting that the American people want Democrats to win in November she says she's got every intention of keeping the House Majority despite these plummeting poll numbers James Freeman Lou Bethany is with me this morning James your reaction yeah the Quinnipiac poll tends to be among the most accurate so this has to be particularly disturbing for Democrats in the white house and I think part of what you're seeing is the the impact of not just Biden's performance in office but the Democrats approach this sort of obsession with race and identity politics uh they they look at uh people only by their demographic category uh they think that uh uh more uh illegal immigration is very popular among Hispanics and they think that's the only issue and yet what this poll shows is just like most Americans all Americans big issue is inflation right now another big issue is concerns about what's happening in Ukraine so so I think if there's a lesson here for Democrats if they want to avoid a disaster maybe stop looking at people as members of racial or demographic groups and just look at them as Americans and and James I loved your op-ed earlier in the wig the Biden era is about fear not greed the president keeps trying to blame big corporations for all of his failures on policy all of that spending in the last year stoked inflation but he's blaming everybody else the meat companies the oil companies make the case in terms of your op-ed the Biden era is about fear yeah it's been very bizarre over the last year the president a lot of his allies on Capitol Hill suggesting that suddenly we've had some outbreak of greed greed never existed but when he was inaugurated suddenly all these corporations are greedy and that's why prices are going up and and of course we know what he's done what the FED has done is the reason we have this inflation and that's what drives fear and you see it in polls you see it in the market right now you see it uh and both stock and bond markets it it just uh it's the foundation of society the currency and when you met us with that you you are going to make people fearful yeah well Lou Bethany's yeah you have to wonder whether Nancy Pelosi is just putting on a show here I mean these numbers are not good do you think she really expects to keep the majority in the house no I I mean she can't be realistic and pragmatic and think that I mean I'm just happy misery loves company I'm happy something's falling faster than stock prices and that's their approval ratings and you know James said it the key is look it's not a mystery what the problem is it's inflation inflation inflation um you know the Hispanic voter poll is showing that that's their main concern we see that across the demographics it's inflation you can have great talking points but you got to get good data points that change the conversation for for the United States America for the Americans that work in class that are seeing the pain at the pump yeah and at the grocery store it's a it's a great Point that's why there are these questions for the Biden Administration
Channel: Fox Business
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Keywords: Fox News, Fox Business, fox business news, fox business live, fox business news today, fox business news maria bartiromo, fox business news live today, mornings with maria, maria bartiromo, joe biden, president biden, biden, white house, biden approval rating, biden hispanic approval rating, biden latino approval rating, biden new poll, biden poll, biden disapproval rating, us news, new biden poll, biden approval poll
Id: LVhehyzz2e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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