Sen. Chuck Grassley: Votes cannot be taken for granted

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all right welcome back joining me now it's Senator Chuck Grassley up to reelection again in Iowa Senator Grassi welcome sir um you know bless their little hearts the lefties at the Washington Post and elsewhere they're all talking about your age so I want to go back in time to this sound bite please sir take a listen I will not make age an issue of this campaign I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's Youth and inexperience foreign I mean that was one of the Great Moments of political history that ended that race that was probably over before um so they're trying to make age uh an issue in this election you're ahead in the polls maybe three points you may be up ten points I don't know if I believe polls what has your response been uh with respect to your opponent Mr Mike Franken well following the Reagan thing I'm not going to make anything out of his inexperience but he sure got bad policies you know he says that uh when it comes to inflation that the uh Biden record is in his words fabulous his performances fabulous and then when it comes to uh the lack of security at the border and all the fentanyl that's coming in the wall was a is an idiotic idea so I just have to assume from all those statements uh that he's going to be a rubber stamp for the Biden Administration then he says some very bad things about our governor like he said and all this stuff is on record by the way uh he said our governor Reynolds ought to get on broom and fly away and then he says about Senator Joni Ernst when he was asked if if if he was going to be a junior Senator how about working with Joni Ernst and he says I'm I'm not going to be a junior Center I'm going to be a leading Senator and Joni Ernst will understand that because she was only a lieutenant uh colonel in the National Guard and uh by the way he spoke that way because he's a retired vice admiral but uh it's just a entire difference between what I stand for and what he stands for he even one time said that if he gets elected and he leads the Democrat Party in Iowa that he wants to make Iowa more Progressive than California so you can see there's a big difference between us and I'm making as much out of his policies as I can and you can't take any vote in Iowa for granted so obviously if that three a point is right and I don't think it is right I'm going to win but uh you you can't take any vote in Iowa for granted so I've been working three meetings sometimes four or five on Monday I had six meetings uh a day you just got to travel all over the state and work for it you can't take anybody for granted is this guy first of all I I do I've been reading about this right he spent most of his time outside of Iowa a lot of Voters don't like that because they don't think he really knows Iowa certainly not the way you know Iowa by the way Kim Reynolds may be one of the best maybe the best governor in the whole country and Joni Ernst is an old friend but does he know Iowa nobody knows Iowa the way you know Iowa I've known you all these years and nobody knows Iowa the way you know Iowa I think the way I know Iowa is I travel to each one of the 99 counties every year for for all the years I've been in the United States Senate and I have a q a in every one of those stops and I let my uh constituents set the uh agenda and I take any question personal political or issue and we just have to deal with it and that's what it takes to make representative government work you've got to know what's on your constituents minds and what I don't hear at Town meetings I very thoroughly observe what they're telling us through email postal mail telephone calls things of that nature I I try to make representative government work and that's the way I do it by traveling Iowa and then when we're in session you know I I have 27 years until I had covet that I didn't miss a vote so I cast 8 927 votes without missing a vote and then I had covet missed 10 votes and I haven't missed a vote since then so you know I have the best record since uh Bill proxmeyer had a record of not missing a vote for uh 22 years so I think I worked very hard at it and the people of Iowa expect us to work hard at it and that's just what I hope I can continue to serve them for another six years if anybody wants to help me get reelected go to Senator grassy um does your opponent favor all of the spending bills which have caused the rise of inflation does he favor the shutdown of the oil and gas industry which has caused recession and inflation does he understand the fuel shortages are hurting the country I mean what does he say to all this stuff besides his high-handedness regarding you and Joni Ernst and Kim Reynolds what does he say to these specific issues well I have to believe that he feels that Congress didn't have anything to do with inflation because he spoke to the fact that Congress can't do anything to fight inflation and obviously we can because this this new Congress has spent another three trillion dollars that Larry Summers uh former Secretary of Treasurer said don't spend any more money and you'll feed the fires of inflation and remember inflation was only 1.4 when this person took office now it's 8 to 8.2 so I have to assume that he he agrees with these programs because he says uh Biden's doing a fabulous job and uh and things of that nature and I don't hear anything except making fun about the wall that Trump built and we know that wall works I've been down there and see that wall and it needs to be completed and this President decided not to complete this wall and and that's why we have this fentanyl coming into the country by the way I I had a drug caucus open here a public hearing yesterday at the courthouse in Des Moines Iowa and I listened to three parents that lost uh kids 17 to 23 years old tell about how just a little bit of fentanyl a milligrams of fentanyl can kill and kill their kid and uh and what we're doing about it and when this Administration doesn't enforce the laws of the border and yes people are coming in for the American dream but the fentanyl's coming in with them killing 200 Iowans last year 70 000 Americans last year if the president was concerned about life uh he would he would make sure that that these things can't come across the border and kill Americans but it doesn't seem to bother this President and my opponent thought the wall was idiotic well Senator grassy you sound great um I don't think you've lost the step I've known you all these years and it's lovely again we've had these interviews on this show and you you haven't yelled at me once you haven't yelled at me one time which is so good really terrific stuff anyway sir anyway thank you very much good luck on the campaign Trail Senator Chuck Crossley we appreciate you having Mike
Channel: Fox Business
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Keywords: business news, fbn, fox biz, fox business, fox business channel, fox business kudlow, fox business larry kudlow, fox business network, fox business news, kudlow, kudlow monologue, kudlow monologue tonight, kudlow tonight, larry kudlow, larry kudlow monologue, politics, economy, energy, democrats, republicans, iowa, iowa senate race, 2022 midterm elections, midterm elections, senator chuck grassley, chuck grassley, mike franken, senate
Id: 8qu8Atcwq98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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