New Patch Most Broken Class Before LvL 15 | Dark and Darker

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hey everybody it's Timo here in today's video we are going to play one of the strongest current meta classes in my opinion now the reason why this class is so strong is actually very simple and very straightforward and that's due to the fact that the amount of utilities this class possess is valid oh yeah that that definitely did damage yes a lot of damage this class could fight off warlocks or wither he can beat up on some barbarians he could be Invincible for a whole Solid 4 seconds as well it can um disengage and uh heal himself in the process now I don't really have much experience playing cleric but um by the end of the video I will make sure that I have one of the best cleric kids so that You' see that even a person was uh little under five brand brain cells like myself could actually dominate lobes playing this class or never played this class before like I never played cleric before I'm going to prove you that this class is one of the most broken classes in dark so in my previous video I made a warlock um Slayer build in today's video we're going to make cleric Slayer build I'm trying to decide which perk I'm going to use for the video but um I don't see really any decent perk that could help me in level one other than the one that I already have which is the blond Mastery which will increase my physical physical damage by a tiny little bit but before um I make a final Choice I'm going to go and equip some good armor from this chire yeah anyway the gear set is going to be a very simple and straightforward that basically the armor set that will provide me as much PDR as possible and we're going to hop into the game a sub by the way only 5% of people who are watching my channel has subscribed and the rest didn't if you can Contin to press subscribe button I'd really really appreciate it but anyway if you don't like my content don't do it hell no if you sub and you don't like my content and you're not going to watch my videos in future I mean that would be the best way to [ __ ] my channel up you know what I mean well yeah anyway so yes let's go and try to smack some UPS I mean we have such a beautiful spawn step bro I'm stuck all right guys GG we lost it's [ __ ] over I regret now bring [ __ ] meds [ __ ] stupid how does fireb can play this garbage class holy [ __ ] uh no it's definitely not garbage I'm I'm kidding by the way there's one cool thing that right now we are at 18% physical damage reduction but if you use this perk we are going to be at 68 for a whole [ __ ] second 4 seconds can you imagine and the thing is if you increase your buff duration this number will go even even s so technically you will become invincible for a fairly decent chunk of time so yeah uh but before we get broken before we get there we just need to level up we will have to struggle since I'm a [ __ ] but that is okay we we're not going to stress it out too much it's a part of process getting shed on by mobs is also part of the process not sure whether or not I want to mess with those mobs but I feel like there going to be a decent chunk of XP oh by the way this is what I can do look at this absolute do [ __ ] let them [ __ ] end get me [ __ ] out of here I don't like this game no no I love this game I absolutely love this game I'm kidding even if I would have to play this game as a cleric doesn't change the fact that I absolutely love the game don't worry we're just warming up you know what I mean yeah next time I'm bringing my [ __ ] skills I'm not doing the same stupid [ __ ] mistake [ __ ] idiot all right will I be able to kill the sen AIT and if so how [ __ ] hard that's going to be all right stupid you stay there don't go don't go anywhere what are you [ __ ] doing yo that's going to save me right phys no that doesn't do jack [ __ ] absolutely nothing oh by the way do you guys know that if you hold your uh left click you will continuously attack well I didn't know that I played this game for five vipes and uh I didn't know that you could actually hold your left [Music] wi that was a little close n it wasn't even close I'm kidding [ __ ] you know what I how I can do it I can do it better way can just [ __ ] do some jumping JS you know what I mean p Pika Vista your piece of [ __ ] easy easiest centipede in my [ __ ] life oh beautiful good start Good Start we don't have much health but you know who needs Health hopefully there's no traps here there there's a high chance that you get a campfire by breaking boxs so that's what we're going to do I need a better weapon this one suck I need more dexterity I need more knowledge I need [ __ ] so much but that's okay oh okay okay okay I asked for some knowledge and we got some you know it's like just got to ask a little you piece of [ __ ] is that's where I die is that's where I die not no easy it's not that big of a deal absolutely not a big of a deal we're not dying to mobs today maybe come here you piece of [ __ ] after I killed everything you're walking away from me oh you stupid give me that eimas let's get out I'm level two I got 100 XP not bad not bad good start Good Start good beginning you know let's sell everything really quick and let's do some changes with our build cuz my start wasn't as good as I'd like it to be you know what I mean yeah and uh yeah let's go in and let's go slap some cheeks you know what I mean piece of [ __ ] bro this is broken this is straight up broken I'm telling me three dexterity oh my God that is insane [Music] if you tell me that this glass is not broken shut the holy [ __ ] this guy has a lot of stuff a little too much all right guys GG and with this the wi comes to no no no I'm kidding no that's [ __ ] two games isn't enough bro oh no [Music] man [ __ ] what have I done to this guy bro what have I [ __ ] done to him Jesus Christ man new favorite class this is insane this guy's stuff is also insane level level level two by the way guys level two [Music] all right guys level three cleric all right end with this the video comes in no no no I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding so basically um this is what my w gear set looks like oh my God man listen this video was intended to be a lot longer than that a lot longer okay listen listen man oh man I was wondering how the fireb doing so good playing this class you know here's the reason like this class is just broken oh my God so basically today right now I have Morning Star round Shield Hound School bare pendant bunch of cool stuff some additional damage R to gloves L throwers with extra move speed Adventure boost War Mo I have 300 for move speed hopefully hopefully I wish I'd have a better boots so be able to move faster because 304 Mo speed isn't that a lot but hear me out hear me out I found this so I don't really need this anymore and with this going to provide us extra wheel which is pretty nice you know what I mean we're not going to complain about it next game we go oh by the way don't forget to get the little book cuz we do need the little book um all right so what do we want we want to get a little [Music] book all right hell yeah hoay let's go till level 15 you know what I mean we're now planning to die anytime soon we're going to play carefully you know we're going to [ __ ] be smart about the way we play and we're just going to go and smack cheeks all right everybody so basically then I found the Slayer fighter he's level 15 he has 60% PDR and uh basically it was a dumb [ __ ] mistake trying to fight him in the first place and it took me a while to realize that I almost [ __ ] died in process if I be a bit more smarter I could have tried and used the lightning strike uh in order to finish him off but um I decid to play it safe and use the um heal to get everything back this guy went up and uh basically straight up disappeared from existence I have no [ __ ] idea where he go he just got vanished take but if you want it you got it you're going to kill me aren't you oh you 50 50 oh you going to kill me won't you I mean [ __ ] weird question brother question is why would I not kill you you know what I mean so the portal could could spawn here PD protection baby we're not dying tonight hell no get me out don't get hit [ __ ] I knew I knew the portal would be above I [ __ ] knew it I had a feeling in my gut are you cleric we're going to have a cleric versus cleric fight for my first time slay the fire he's your [Applause] friend turns back around but he's slow as [ __ ] the cleric I hit him with myor I miss miss horribly I miss by a l okay H my T back up hit him again hit his ass again look at that oh turn around kiding miss that [ __ ] all right got to turn around dumb [ __ ] bro [ __ ] sorry it got a little too exciting you know your mom last night you think I'm funny bro you think I'm funny do you think I F [ __ ] you sometimes [ __ ] you sounds so hilarious this is this centipeder still here no the CTI is still there yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah take that [ __ ] D you a [ __ ] like that you [ __ ] this guy Up N he just betrayed me we can use our yeah beat his ass bro good [ __ ] oh you did it you tried you tried your best man that's all that matters almost on you got it I missed oh my God yeah that kind of suck yeah that that little that suck yeah I agree that kind of that was not good yeah oh my God got to check what this barar head come and fight me oh [ __ ] you no no go into the portal dumb ass dumb ass what do you mean wait was that low crazy or what was that crazy that was czy that that was 10 out of 10 yeah yeah man you're you're nuts yeah hell yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] I like yeah I'll just my God you lucky ass boy [ __ ] is that oh oh yeah all yeah go go smack me smack me smack me smack me [Music] o oh you killed that guy holy [ __ ] let's see what this guy has yeah I mean he is definitely not very geared so don't think he has really anything good a victim of a cleric come down [Music] brother brother [Music] [Music] h okay I'll help you I'll help you let's go oh good [ __ ] good [ __ ] yo y oh D CH chill chill bro listen listen I mean no harm I'm a nice friendly guy and you know I'm not trying to be mean you know what I mean and I just [ __ ] messed up my potion of protection I'm so stupid listen with all the honesty I don't want even want to waste my spells on you you know what I mean like we can just be chill you know what I mean no I'm kidding do you want a honest answer you like do zero damage to me you know but uh maybe you know if you hit me like five more times maybe that will do something you could of course try to melee me like you know that's would be a great option you could of course try that oh yeah that that definitely did damage yes a lot of damage that that did so much damage that um and you bro I was not even moving you missed every single shot seriously listen we can play this game all day long just uh you know keep going keep going yeah it sounds about right you you're doing it brother you're doing it almost there almost there very nice wait one one sec let me use this potion really quick okay oh no what am I supposed to do this is not dried wow yeah well if you don't want to fight I don't want to fight either you know I'm cool Jesus bro listen we got to loot this guy you know one one way another we got to loot [Music] him bro you did no [Music] damage h all right everybody for anyone who is curious this is what my whole gear set looks like right now um yeah I may have a little bit too much good stuff a little too much you know what I mean I pretty much have the whole gear set was all the right stats that I would ever ask for at this point um yes I switched to the dark side now I'm a [ __ ] dirty cleric player and I [ __ ] enjoy it most importantly this class feels broken to me in my opinion it is broken uh I'm not even I'm still level seven I'm just level seven but um I know man I don't know like for some reason when I play fighter or when I play other class like uh Rogue or Barbarian I don't get in position to be able to just [ __ ] go and blast few abilities kill couple players boom GG over go next you know people just melt from the pressure of my cleric bows they just die a little too quick and um yeah and now we have a spell book and this spell book going to [ __ ] slap all right guys I think the challenge is complete we've build it a really good gear set we also have a [ __ ] ton of gear requireed a lot of stuff and with this the video comes to an end if you like the video leave a like if you don't like it leave a dislike subscribe if you want to see more content it's demo and I hope you have a wonderful day let me down in the comments below whether or not you'll enjoy this type of content I'd really really appreciate it it would um help me in a way to see whether or not you enjoy this kind of narrative and if you enjoy this kind of type of um structured videos where I do step by step game by game Vis the progression anyway I'll see you in the dungeon
Channel: Dimo - Dark and Darker
Views: 6,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darkanddarker
Id: Lq-DsUBwe2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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