Gear Score Matchmaking Explained | New Patch | Dark and Darker

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hey everybody it's jimo here so for the past few hours I've been trying to figure out how does the um matchmaking works I tried a lot of things I tried purple weapons I tried Legendary Weapons I tried potions of healing I tried bandages I tried different accessories I tried full purple gear sets with um whole bunch of stuff this is what I learned the um game has three pools one pool number one basically when you bring in like a bunch of greens and blues with you like a bunch of pots right well this is what I came up with before the Wiki came out and basically in the wiki it got a lot clearer but before the before we got to the wiki this is what my thoughts were so one if you bring a whole bunch of parts you will end up in the thir pole if you also bring a purple weapon with you the since I used theander well two henders plus lot of parts would put you in the last poll so yeah but um anyway anyway um I don't want to talk much about like you know what that came up with since the real stats are out and we're just going to go over the stats and um you know I'm going to let you know what the stats are and like how they work so pretty much we're going to hop in onto the weekend chart that you can um see for yourself I'm going to link it in right down below both in comments and in description so this is how it work works right now we are in wik and this is the basically the side that you would want to hop in to check the gear score for yourself I'll explain you um what did they come up with so pretty much if you um brought the whole inventory of pots basically you will already end up in the high gear bracket what I thought is there was not just high gear bracket but you know Giga giga gear bracket because I brought the um you know full inventory of pots and double Joy hander and I ended up only with extremely geared players the other time when I just brought the um BS you know I ended up was in the medium gear bracket somehow so I would assume I did something that put me in the medium gear bracket instead of the high gear I'm not sure what but nevertheless so here's the stats so pretty much this is how you could cheese the um gear score so if you have if you play Barbarian and you bring the purple Jo Hender for example um and then you can just throw by of uncommons and rares uh without bringing the purple chest which going to give you a whole too little too much points you know you don't even need the chest you know who who needs it so yeah you just throw that on and then make sure you don't hit the cap right after you hit the cap you're going to be in the medium gear bracket so if you want to cheese the lobus and completely eliminate everybody you want to stay in the low gear bracket if you want to little more challenge sure go ahead and end up in the medium gear bracket I also end up in the high-end uh gear bracket like level three sure let's go it level three um and um I end up in empty lobes and the other time um I went in a couple of times and um what I thought is the same players you know was just also abing this by burning you know purple uh stuff in their inventory so that they will end up in the high bracket but maybe it's just because it's so early on and people are still trying to test things out but yeah anyway so yeah if if you want a cheese here's the dark and darker Wiki and basically uh from what I figured you don't really you know need like way too much so make sure make sure um that you bring the right amount of utilities because each and every utility you have um you know has also different quality and different quality is going to give you a different gear score so if you bring too much of utilities you will end up in the bracket that you don't want to be so yeah make sure by the way one little note that the misk items do not have any gear score like uh coin purses arrows bolts and MK items so yeah and with this the video comes to an end if you enjoy the video leave a like if you don't enjoy it leave a dislike subscribe if you want to see more content it's demo let me know in the comments below whether or not you enjoy the new matchmaking I personally like it a lot by the way I already made um um matchmaking based video in which I played this matchmaking I test number of things and um pretty much I was playing Barbarian at the time and if you're into Barbarian content check out my previous video I'd really appreciate it anyway it's demo and I'll see you in Dungeon
Channel: Dimo - Dark and Darker
Views: 3,399
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Keywords: gear based matchmaking explained dark and darker, gear based matchmaking dark and darker, dark and darker gear based matchmaking, new matchmaking dark and darker, new patch dark and darker, how to cheese new matchmaking dark and darker, new matchmaking is skill based dark and darker, New patch is broken dark and darker, dark and darker, dark and darker new patch, dark and darker patch notes, dark and darker ranked, dark and darker multiclass, dark and darker gameplay
Id: 3Fo3YkWDXfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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