New Pasture Fence Installation has begun. Welding Pipe Fence Brace & Setting Posts.

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So today we're going to start putting in fence braces for this front 12 acre field that we're going to turn into pasture and I think there's four steps to to make that happen so the first one is we need to go around and we need to Mark out where all of our fencing's going to go and then we need to call 811 so or Julie so they can come and mark the utilities that go across the front of the property and then we need to build um fence braces we're going to w those together out of old oil filled pipe and then we can go out there and we can drill our holes and we can set those braces in concrete and I think this is probably going to take several days to get done I don't think we're going to get all the braces in but I think we're going to get a pretty good start so to Mark the location of our fence I ended up buying a package I think of 50 White flags and they're on little metal staks and we're going to put these in the ground every so many feet and then I also bought I think I got three cans of white marking tape and we're going to spray the ground and mark the ground as well and then I also got some of these temporary fence posts now this is just for me this run right here I think is at least 12200 ft long so I'm going to use this so that I can see where the fence goes from far away I'm going to use this to to basically Mark like the corners and a rough outline of where the fence is going to go and then I'm going to use that as a guide to go through and put in the flags and the white paint and then I'm going to pull these out afterwards so along the front of the property here I know that there is an old telephone line that goes through here and then there's also a water line the rural water line goes through here on this side I think it may go on that side um so we're going to probably put our fence about 7 ft off of these poles the old fence was right against the telephone poles I'm going to leave room for a mower to fit through here and this is where we're going to mark it it change depending on where that water line ends up being 7t right there should be able to fit even the small tractor through there on this side of the pole it's a drop off down in the ditch so I mean they're be no way to mow it if I put the fence up right against it so those white temporary posts are actually very hard to see I'm having to use my phone zoomed in 30 times and now I know that they're perfectly straight with each other so I know that my other post is going to end up being right where I'm standing I mean I know I got a perfect straight line here all right I got my temporary posts in this one is perfectly straight in line with the posts going in that direction and then in the other direction I've got it lined up with the pasture fence down there so now I can go ahead and start marking the ground and putting in Flags all right just finished up I don't know if you can tell but we've got white flags going all the way down so back here next to our house we've got this old fence line that we just cleared out next to the driveway our new fence is about 15 ft off of that old fence and you it goes straight down that way and it is seven foot off of this tree so we can fit a lawn mower through and then there's another tree way down there it's 7 ft off of that one so we do have plenty of room to be able to get lawn mower in between the fence and these trees and keep everything mowed up so now that I've got everything marked out I'm going to go ahead and call 811 in the state of Illinois we call it a Julie like a Julie dig and I'm not sure if they say that in other states or not but I'm going to go ahead and get that call in and I think it takes 48 hours for them to come and Mark all the utilities So today we're going to be building fence braces out of old oil fil pipe I had started to make this one in a previous video where I was basically just learning I've never done this before so I was trying to learn how to notch the pipe properly so that they fit together and then learning how to stick weld it together as well and I'm not very experienced stick welding so I made a lot of mistakes and I learned a lot too so I'm hoping to improve quite a bit so the first thing I need to do is I need to fix the notch on this end of the pipe I had cut this out in a previous video and I had used a piece of angle iron that was just laying on top of the pipe and I used it to Mark a straight line and I thought that would give me a perfectly parallel Notch with the other side it ain't even close so I've got a little test piece here with the level on it and I get that to fit up in that Notch and I am 8° off so this post would have been kind of pointing up like this I it's I mean it's not even close and um so what I got to do is I've got to grind this Notch out and get it to where it's actually level and then I need to grind it and get it to where it actually mates up to this test piece and fits in there perfectly without hardly any gaps and then we can go ahead we can lay the post in here and we can get it all welded up but I think what I learned in the last video is that I need to spend a lot more time on the notch in making sure that everything fits perfectly and it's going to save me a lot of time and a lot of headache when it comes to stick welding it that fit up that looks good within a half a degree that's a lot better I think we'll use this as a post [Music] all right I've got the post the right length I've got the rust cleaned off it's ready to weld we square and we're level [Music] [Music] [Music] so this second brace instead of being horizontal it's actually going to angle down toward the ground and this is going to be a shorter post and the trick is going to be cutting the right angle and notching it at an angle so this is definitely going to be the most challenging so what I've decided to do is cut a 22 1/2 Dee angle off on each end that'll give me a starting point and then I can manually grind it and create a notch to fit up to the post on each each side man this is like a two-man lift right here I'm not sure what you can see hopefully you can kind of get the idea what this is supposed to look like it'll be in the ground about to hear and the upper part will be what you end up seeing but I still got to weld the [Music] [Music] backside so I'm going to estimate a total of 12 hours to weld together this first brace and that's because it's it was all a learning experience I was learning how to weld learning how to cut the pipe Notch the pipe fit it up properly learn work through all my mistakes a lot of trial and error so it's just a whole learning process so I think this definitely probably took maybe three times longer than it should have just because I'm trying to figure this all out so now that we got our first brace built I think we'll go ahead and set this in place we'll we'll go get concrete and then we'll drill some holes and get it set where it's supposed to go and then I think we'll go ahead and and we'll set a bunch of the other posts in the ground also and we'll try to weld the next one in place in the field because I think that's going to end up being the quicker way to do it so we're back up here at the front of the property the utilities have been marked so our water Line's actually running like right here and then the telephone line is running over here along the road in the ditch and you can see where our original fence line was marked I thought we were moving away from the water line but apparently we were moving closer to the water line so we're going to we're moving the fence just a little bit to the north we've got our first two holes drilled we got the one for this post in this corner and we got the one all the way down there for the other corner post drilled and we'll go ahead and we'll get this one set first so I brought the sprayer to be my water tank so I can add water to the hole and put in the concrete I'm just going to mix it in the hole I guess all right we're on the far side of the field and you can see the water line right here ended up being within like a foot of where we W marked our fence so we were too close to the water line but on the other hand the telephone wire comes down the ditch and comes up to a telephone box right here and then it angled this way so we tried to split the difference tried to go about halfway in between the water line and the telephone line so this is the real reason why we ended up moving to the north was right here level it's looking good so now that we got both of our corner post set in place we can see exactly where the fence is actually going to go so we can go ahead and drill out for the rest of our fence post for each brace and then in the middle of the field there's a midpoint brace we need to drill post for as well [Music] [Music] [Music] forgot to support that with a couple more pipe stands should have saw that one coming okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I just finished up we've got our brace posts all set for the north side of our pasture here and you can see we've got two tall ones hopefully you can see that that we've got two tall posts and we're going to weld in a horizontal and then we've got a short post here at the end and this is where we're going to angle um our angled brace down I'm not sure there's probably a name for it I'm going to call it a kicker where we're going to weld that kicker down toward the ground and we're going to do that you know on both sides we're going to do that here same here horizontal angle down kicker to the ground right there and that's going to make a nice strong brace for us to stretch our fence off of and halfway between both Corners we've got three posts set and this should be right in the middle of them this is going to be a midline brace we're going to build another brace here this total length across the part of this field is 1,200 ft so we're taking this long run we're breaking it into two fence pulls if this was like high tensil like a f strand fence we could have pulled the whole thing just fine but since we're doing a fix knot field fence it's going to be a very heavy fence so 6 ft is probably more appropriate for for the weight of the fence we're actually going to have hanging on it so that's why we ended up putting this midline brace in here we still have to weld this all together just like the rest of the braces and we got the same layout over here on the northwest corner we've got the five posts with the short one on the end for the kicker so today I was going to set this pre-made brace and it was going to be up here next to the road it was going to shoot down to the Corral Fence that we were building right in line with it and as I've got it set in here trying to figure out where to drill our holes this post right here is right next to the waterline and you can see we're probably 4 in from where they marked it so this brace is not going to work here so what I need to do is when we build this brace we'll probably build it because this is about a 8T um horizontal brace in here we probably build it with a 10-ft brace that way the post is over here and away from the water line so this isn't going to work in this spot we're have to go find a different spot to put this one in it's close trying to eyeball this so we decided to put this brace on the opposite end of where we just had it down here next to our Corral Fence there's going to be a 14t gate right in this section we've tried to measure everything out as best we can we think it's straight As and exactly where it's supposed to go so we marked out our holes we're going to go ahead and start drilling um them and then hopefully we can get this set in the ground and [Applause] [Music] concrete go ahead come [Music] [Applause] up well we got into the old telephone cable see if I can get it off of here there it is that's abandoned cable hopefully you can see it you see it sticking out of the hole right there that's the old telephone line that's no longer in use it used to run down here and then go back to the really old house um that we had torn down after we brought the pro bought the property so it doesn't matter that we got into this telephone line in fact we have cut this telephone line probably two or three times doing work around here so no big deal least we this one's not in service and will'll never be in service we're not going to plan on having a landline anytime in our lifetime we got all three holes drilled hopefully they're spaced correctly Rebecca did all of the drilling she drove the tractor today did a good job now we'll see if we can get this fence brace in the hole so I have been trying to save the dirt from most of these holes well one I don't want it there while I do the concrete but I have several holes to fill in from where we pulled out trees and bushes and different things so we're putting it to good use probably should have marked these before I put them in the ground but I'm shooting for 5T out of the ground oh I'm close on this one probably just like an inch too deep it's very close [Applause] [Applause] so our holes were a little bit deep we threw some gravel in the bottom that has raised them up they're probably 4 in high we're going to go ahead and push down on these posts and somewhat push them into the ground now until we get level on that horizontal right there all right the horizontal is perfectly level and as we look at the vertical here it's level as well so I'm really this is all welded together already so I'm really just worried about this post in the horizontal the rest of it I'm fine where it sits out it should be fairly close we got the right height so we're going to go ahead and set it in concrete [Applause] uhoh hey that would be a great b-roll shot this bag just starts to disintegrate M it piled up there so we just finished up getting our pre-made fence brace set in the ground in concrete everything is level and Plum and I think it's looking pretty good it's supposed to line up perfectly with the Corral Fence down there and I think that looks fairly straight so setting this pre-made fence brace in place here had its own set of challenges mostly because of how large and bulky and heavy it was it just couldn't really lift it up and like move it around really easily and uh just trying to get it you know straight with the fence and get it centered in the holes and a lot of times it didn't want to be centered in your holes because your holes weren't perfectly drilled so then you're a little close to one side so doesn't it ends up I mean just has its own little set of challenges there's a lot of little there's a lot of room for error trying to get this in the ground and try to get it perfect but it's done it's in the ground and I don't plan on it coming out in my lifetime so I think we've worked at least 6 days um in everything that you've seen in this video trying to lay out the fence finish the fence brace here get all the posts in and at least 6 days to make this video so far and I ended up buying concrete twice total of 4,000 lbs I used so far I've used I think over 3,300 pounds of concrete sitting in these posts so that's quite a bit of concrete um and we still have quite a few more posts to go we're probably only about halfway through setting posts but um overall everything went really well I just want to say that out here all the posts drilled great the clay soil is the like the perfect condition where it's not hard as a rock but yet it's not necessarily mud there's a perfect space for drilling clay and we hit it and everything drilled good we didn't hit any utilities except for this abandoned phone line today so that's not a big deal um and this water sprayer um I think I'm on the second fill up on I've probably gone about 60 gallons of water so far in the water tank that I've used mixing up concrete so this water tank worked out really well as a portable source to be able to mix up concrete and stuff with so I think that worked out well overall everything I probably couldn't ask for it to go much better than what it did uh so it's been a long six days but at least everything went smoothly as smooth that I could have probably asked for it to be but anyway I think that's going to be it for this video we'll come back in another video and we will start welding our fence braces together right we're going to try to weld something that looks like this pre-made one we're going to try to do kind of mimic this exact thing same thing in the field and we will get it where we're where we're cutting grinding welding the pipe in the field and um hopefully it all works out but it'll have its own set of challenges for sure and it'll be a big learning curve but I think that's it for this video guys it is actually starting it's raining I don't know if you can see it on the video it's just starting to pick up um so I think that's it I'm going to get this concrete I need to get it picked up and in the barn so that it doesn't set in the bags so I hope you guys have a great day I'll see you in the next one well at least I didn't poke a hole in the bag that's good [Music]
Channel: Country View Acres
Views: 63,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, farm, farmstead, hobby farm, self sufficient, homesteading, rural life, country life, farm life, pasture fence, pipe fence brace, fence post, farm fence, pipe fence post, installing pipe fence brace, diy
Id: FdCAPhy3Mlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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