New NVIDIA App with AI Dynamic Vibrance Filter | MSFS 2020

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hey everybody welcome back welcome to the new Nvidia app I'm going to tell you the one reason why you want to get this for Microsoft flight simulator now the new Nvidia app as you may or may not know is eventually going to replace Nvidia control panel and GeForce experience um this is in beta right now there are some advantages to it in its current state over those two programs uh I was skeptical of it for a while particularly because I use GeForce experience all the time to record videos and I really need it to work so I didn't want to get into a beta program that that didn't function well or that I had to kind of relearn and neither of those two things have been the case I've actually been really impressed with it it's very simple to navigate it it successfully imported all of my settings over from both Nvidia control panel and GeForce experience which is fantastic um there's some exciting things that I think are in the pipeline for this one of which is a built-in dlss version swapper we all know that we use the dlss swapper program fantastic program that we constantly have to use that every time the the Sim is updated to make sure that our that we have the latest version of the dlss file um there is uh quote unquote additional dlss control controls coming in to this program in the beta stage at some point so I'm assuming that that's probably what that's going to be um first great thing about this is you don't have to log in to download a driver which is great uh you can log in if you want to but you don't have to now uh I'll go through the the basics of the download and install process so I've got the latest version of the game ready driver which is 55176 came out about about 4 hours ago now when you download this program and install it it is automatically going to remove GeForce experience so you don't have to manually remove GeForce experience so when you install the when you install this program you're going to want to select game ready drivers as your preferred driver type if you some for some reason forget to do that when you get here into the main program you just click here on drivers come over here and make sure game ready drivers selected that's what you want um and it's also going to ask you when the install is taking place which I couldn't record because I didn't have GeForce experience because it removed it um it's going to ask you during the install process if you want to optimize your your games now the answer to that question is no but the optimizer has gotten way way better and I'll show you that very shortly um and then the last thing it's going to ask you if you want to to do an a an Express install or a custom install and you want to do a custom install and you want to make sure you deselect the HD audio driver you do not want to install that if you've got the HD audio driver installed already and it's working for you that's great for a lot of people that cause problems and if you don't have it installed don't install it because you may then create some problems so uh in terms of install and setup um it Imports all of your like I said your your uh Nvidia control panel and your GeForce experience settings the ones that are not every setting from both of those programs are in this yet um but the ones that are in the program were imported correctly in my case in this particular case you can see uh when you go to Graphics global settings uh DSR factors this is fantastic now you can just select your DSR your dld DSR scaling right here 1.78 2.25 is what I want the smoothness scale is down here at the bottom um and it's got the other some of the other settings that I had in in uh Invidia control panel uh one of them being Shader cache size being unlimited um so that's fantastic um now when you the another great thing when you go into your programs now instead of having to go to drop down and and and search through 900 programs to find Microsoft light simulator it's just going to have the the programs here on the side that actually use the driver um so in my case it's two of them and it makes it much much easier to navigate now you can see here it says game is not optimized because the optimizer in GeForce experience was terrible the optimizer in this program is much much better um you can see here the current values that's what I had set prior to installing this program when I was still running GeForce experience and I had all my settings in there and and in uh in the Sim itself as a matter of fact these are all my sim settings um so these are my current values and these are the recommended values now if we go through here anistropic filtering is one difference I have it off in the Sim because I have it on in Nvidia control panel but that's a purpose ful decision on my part but if you look at the rest of the values that they recommend and compare to what I have which is very good um you'll notice that the recommendations are pretty much spot on to what I've come up with myself so um you know ultra high 192 High direct X12 full screen um all this stuff is uh is pretty much the same that we'll get to one point where it's it's different um ultra high 155 versus 150 for o um again all this stuff is the same now interestingly enough so I've got DSR dld DSR factors enabled and this the Nvidia app is suggesting that I upscale to 3840 time 2160 which is 4K well more than 4K as a matter of fact so it's actually suggesting that I use the dld DSR upscaling which is pretty interesting um because it suggests I use the upscaling I think that is why it tells me I should be using dlss performance because we're upscaling so much or the recommendation is to upscale so much that it would then recommend me using performance mode um but that's actually very interesting to me that it would recommend the upscale um which tells me that that it Knows by some manner of evaluating my Hardware that I have the ability to upscale and still get decent performance which I know um again most of this stuff is uh the same the train level detail I I have it higher than than it is recommending but all of the rest of this stuff if you look out of it all of this stuff uh is the same as to what I'm actually running so I would say what 95% of the settings are all the same in terms of what it is recommending and what I'm actually using um this stuff will get into here a little bit in a in in a moment um low latency mode is off of course Max frame rate that is my uh my monitor refresh rate um now if we go then uh so that's that's a really big Improvement I can tell you already um now if you go into settings uh I've got the Nvidia overlay set up um but if you go into settings and you come down here to the bottom you can open envidia control panel from the app itself one thing to make sure that you do open Nvidia control panel come down here to video adjust video color settings here under number two check this this uh box here so to speak with with the Nvidia settings come over to advance and make sure your dynamic range is on Full this is one of those things that constantly gets reset back to limited um and the difference is in the full dynamic range you get more detail in the darker and brighter areas of the uh of the screen so you definitely want your full dynamic range and a lot of times that gets reset to um to being uh limited so go ahead and check that so as you can see this really easy to navigate very very easy to navigate um now let's take a real quick look at the party piece so uh RTX dynamic range so first of all this has this program now comes with two um AI driven features one is RTX HDR and one is RTX Dynamic vibrants now RTX HDR can basically uh sort of simulate HDR in games that do not have native HDR which Microsoft flight simulator does so we don't need it per se in Microsoft FL simulator some people in other games have said that RTX HDR is better than the version of HDR than that when you enable HDR native HDR in the game whatever game you're talking about I can understand how that might be because this RTX HDR is AI right so I I am to the point now where I fully believe that this HDR technology this HDR programming U HDR this AI technology is just growing by leaps and bounds in terms of what it can deliver over like a static implementation of a certain program in a in or a certain feature in a game so doesn't really surprise me that some people are saying that RTX HDR is better than native HDR in certain games I don't know if that's the case in Microsoft flight simulator because I don't have an HDR monitor so you're going to you may want to check uh to see whether the RTX HDR is better than the native Microsoft flight simulator implementation um but the one thing that most definitely will impact us and and brings a lot to the table in Microsoft flight simulator is this RTX Dynamic Vibrance now um what dynamic Vibrance is it makes the colors pop is the way I put it makes them brighter makes them richer it makes them crisper it just gives this it gives the the the scene a dynamic Clarity and a and a depth of color that is just awesome and and what it is um this again is hi and so if you're familiar with the with the settings the the uh filters in uh Microsoft light in uh Nvidia now you've got all these different you know options that you can select right and some of these may be new compared to um what was available in uh GeForce experience before this before this Nvidia app came out um but a lot of these will look familiar to you guys brightness and contrast black and white color depth of I don't know if depth of field but a lot of these are are familiar to you the one that's not is here this Dynamic RTX Dynamic Vibrance and basically to me what the dynamic Vibrance does is it simplifies the whole process you don't have to sit there and mess with all these different things to try to get you know the perfect visual you can just apply this and then AI is going to give you an enhanced image now what does that enhanced image look like so this is nvidia's example right here so this is native uh this is a native image from whatever game native uh scene from whatever game and if you see this as we as we pull this over here this is RTX Dynamic Vibrance and you can see it's just it's it's more colorful it's brighter it's more vibrant um and you know to me it just looks better it just looks much much better so let's go into Microsoft flight simulator and take a look at what we're talking about so this is my so I don't mess with any of those filters because I just don't have the time you get to the point where I feel like you get to the point where you're just kind of experimenting and I just found that I would lose direction like I would I I'd be trying to get one color correct or trying to get one setting correct and I'd wind up screwing something else up and it just it just got to be like I felt like I was chasing my tail and so I just left it set at you know just what Microsoft flight simulator looks like and that's what this is right now okay so now look at this not a huge difference it's a subtle difference but this is with RTX Dynamic Vibrance and to me the colors look more alive um you know the the contrast looks better um and I'll turn it off again see how that just looks a little bit dull especially here like these greens over here these greens here just look a little bit dull um and even the runway color looks dull and the buildings look it just looks a little bit dull and then you turn this on and you can see this it just brightens everything up um and so in my opinion just to be able to just make one change and have you know this impact that it has is fantastic rather than sitting there having to mess with all these different things now you can mess with all these different things if you'd like to um like I said I mean you can add you know brightness and contrast and you can add color and then you can start you know oh it's it's it's too contrasty all right I'm going to turn that down oh the Shadows are off okay it's Overexposed I'm going to turn that down now the colors look dull so I'm going to come here and I want you know a warmer temperature and then you just to me it just gets to the point where you're chasing your own tail and so I'd much rather just get rid of this stuff uh add this RTX Dynamic Vibrance turn it on and I'm done now the stock uh values that it gives you in intensity is 50% and in saturation is 25% you know what it works for me you can play with it if you want to um I kind of in some ways would like it to be a little bit deeper blue in the sky um and and in particular the saturation boost I think is very very subtle uh you can see you know I I think that looks very good actually um but again it's just it's your preference whatever you prefer right and whatever looks good on my screen might not necessarily look good on your screen vice versa so there's no point in in me giving you whatever values I've chosen um you know I would just uh I would turn on the the the dynamic Vibrance and have a look at it and see what you think um so again let me turn that off real quick and then oh that's off and here we go back on just gives it a little bit of uh little bit of pizzazz um so I really like uh I really like the app I really really like this filter I think this filter is worth the app Alone um and I'm definitely going to be keeping it and using this filter in my everyday flying I hope you guys enjoyed this I hope this was useful to you I know there there are other um people that are going to do videos much more in depth about all the different you know choices of filters and whatnot I like to keep things simple and get as much out of something as I can without having to waste a ton of time doing it and I think this Dynamic Vibrance uh Falls very very nicely into that category if you guys have any questions or comments please leave them in the uh in the comment section below and I thank you for watching I hope you guys are having a great day
Channel: IslandSimPilot
Views: 15,717
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Id: 3McrKke6eaU
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Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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