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whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is happening what are we doing what's happening buddy i am testing out this bazooka this nerf bazooka because today we are gonna find out which is the best nerf bazooka of all time now some people call it a rocket launcher i prefer the term bazooka is that how you use it though bazooka okay by the way where are they the bazookas yeah where are they all dude they're definitely not here even though we have a whole bunch of guns this is not a bazooka okay this [Music] whoa whoa whoa this guy is like macgyver look at this is that a bazooka did you hear that listen listen everybody quiet yeah so this has got a rocket launcher is that a bazooka it's got a bazooka attachment if you will so that counts yes whoa okay let me let me put it to you this way yes okay because you seem to be confused a little bit we are going to test every nerf blaster that fires one of these let's just put it that way before we get to this showdown of the bazookas for everybody watching i got a piece of trivia for you which was the first video that this showed up in leave a comment below with the answer the winner gets shot in the face with this and your head blown up okay are we going downstairs man we go guys come on lucas where are you oh oh oh oh oh bazooka i see uh i see uh rockets you see some rockets that's good where does this fire the bazookas from there's no attachment this is not actually an official you you're not officially this is rigged together this is really i don't want some crap but you know what wait we're gonna need these rockets though to take the take off those rocks we're gonna steal these we definitely have to steal those uh dude what these are all damaged look at this how is it supposed to fly without fans eating fins on these are you kidding me dude oh wait wait wait wait wait wait dude right here man look at this this thing is stacked it's stacked dude oh okay whoa whoa that is your big like grenade launcher that's your big boy oh whoa easy there man easy easy easy okay i think we just found three functional yes yes there's gotta be more but okay these are definitely functional because they're newer they haven't been used well this one's uh chipped that is one of the most popular ones out there there's a couple right there that i see back to back oh that could be a thumbnail right there i i just whoa whoa dude dangerous we have this one we have this one again but do we have this upstairs as well so does that kind of it's kind of the same thing this is why is this taped shut are you dumb i don't know can't use this it's garbage garbage do these count like these are freaking grenades man no that doesn't count dude i took god are you done i literally said whatever can fire these can that fire this no it can't no we can't no we can't um oh what's this what's this whoa look at this guy finding these little uh easter eggs out here that works boom oh yeah now you can use that as that as is or you can put this in the front somewhere and this in the stock in the back and like using an actual gun before like a blaster why we have the fortnite we have the let's call it the modulus modulus we have that one thunderblast we have the demolish upstairs that's four plus the og one that's five all right five it is that's enough oh this guy look he's like a spider man he's got all of it at once look at this do you see these guns huh wow dude can you clear the area dude i'm holding the camera i got the car give me a second get out of here it's not a bazooka what are we doing with the cups man talk to me okay so when i think of a bazooka i don't think of accuracy right i don't think of distance i think damage sheer destruction now you need a little bit of accuracy you know you don't want to hit one of your buddies you're trying to hit the intended target but it's not about that today we are gonna make a large target of cops okay a large target okay and just see which one smashes through it the best so we're going for power and destruction yeah like imagine you're you're in a nerf war and there's a tank coming at you and you got one of these which one's gonna blast the biggest hole into that thing well that's what this is about dude uh where are we setting up the cups what are you thinking right here right here and we're gonna shoot from there because again it's not about distance it's not about accuracy it's about damage maximum damage carnage i need a wall i need a wall dude i need a wall dude uh i'm gonna have to be restacking this every time well not we you you're gonna have to do that what that's your job my job is destruction is this good enough i guess boom that top one looks unsightly oh guys we're gonna save the o.g nerf bazooka that started off for dead last why is this in my pile does this look like a bazooka dum-dum that is not a zuka at all dudes this is second last because it looks cool coolness factor it gives it a second last this is third last oh yeah this is fourth last oh yeah this is right now okay but to be fair i'm gonna check this has fins okay it's got all three things we got fins in the rocket all right wait for this so is it a rocket or is it a grenade does that really matter right now it's not a grenade dude grenades don't have fins right so the rocket there you go here we go rocket number one rocket launcher number one how does this work is just uh yes yes yes yes here we go here we go tommy's setting up oh not bad here's one thing about accuracy though i aimed dead center and it hit kind of top right and thus the bottom ones were intact so i guess accuracy is still important because you want to hit center mass right so that's why this bottom two rows are still here because it kind of just drifted up yeah because if you went into center where you aimed it would have you should have destroyed the whole thing right the entire kitchen okay exploded all right what are you waiting for nerd put the target back up hey our viewers are waiting let's go what am i paying you for dude this job sucks by the way did i mention that yeah all jobs suck dude now we move on to this one thunderblast all right let's check that the fins are not damaged oh dude what is this oh you're setting me up for failure dude we got a mangled rocket let's put this one on which is the same one we use let's keep it fair before you fire do you think what do you think of this as you hold it in your hands is it obviously it's better than the other one that you just used you got a stock right that doesn't move so this one we got a stock but then you have to pull it out and go like this right so i think that is one of the things that screwed up the accuracy because when you're going like this whole thing right you're moving you just know yeah support them where's this one you can kind of hold this tight and then just move this but we'll see let's do that help all right we'll find out right now let's go dudes let's find out man oh okay i just did a long speech about why this would be more accurate and that was pathetic okay so oh my god this is garbage let's lay these out on the ground in order of which one's winning guys i think we're going to make a note of all these blasters that really suck which is probably like 99 of them and just like make a campfire and burn them all dude so that's the best one so far okay and so far this is the worst one oh here we go fortnite what are we in there tight what is this why is this happening i can't work what's happening can't work like why are all the rockets screwed up i'm just gonna fire this one out and see if it's whoa whoa whoa another one finally man like what in the hell is it the blaster do you actually just chew these up is that what's happening okay we got a good okay we got a good one in the living room what the freaking hell happened is happening here man dude these are like these are like one use rockets they're like one use rocket you ready i can't believe that i'm so upset right now here we go okay fortnite you know what's interesting that came out really weak and the accuracy was bad because i was aiming in the middle and it hit the bottom left yes but just because of the magic of physics that was like that was like the perfect part to hit everything's destroyed and everything came down but i would say this is not accurate and it's not all that powerful that was really losing steam by the time it hit that was weak sauce dude that was bad but fair is fair it did the most damage though it is currently winning i can't believe they did the most damage this is ridiculous i can't believe it just happened that was the weirdest thing i've seen but you know what's great what you get to set this all back freak pick up the cops nerd so stupid man hey this is a good rocket just keep it man yeah just keep chucking it around until it breaks like the rest of them we're getting towards the ending here two left ah this this is gonna be interesting rocket is loaded now guys i know this looks all modded with 3d printed parts but the actual rocket launcher bazooka part is unmodified it's totally stuck boom so everybody calm down down all right same angle wait wait wait whoa whoa this thing this stupid-ass thing you put here is it in your way dude this thing is totally my way get it out man get it the hell out you're always trying to ruin my experiments have you noticed that okay here we go oh okay that looks pretty now it looks aerodynamic okay i like it here we go you ready for this i'm ready yeah it was so pathetic guys this is like eight feet this is like eight feet from me to the target nerf come on man i know i said bazooka's rocket launchers aren't about distance but eight feet my goodness he lost steam at about five feet and then just went so in a nerf war what is the use of this is there a point to use this at all there is no housing close would somebody have to beat you that did seem to do a bit more damage than this one i think so too slightly more a couple more cups right this is the current ranking from best to trash we're just comparing garbage to garbage garbage to garbage that's what this is guys oh guys it's exciting now because now we're gonna test out the og one this is not an official nerf product we made it that's actually pretty interesting to see dude what are you even doing over there sorry man go ahead i'm trying to talk sorry dude but it'd be interesting to see if a couple of just regular dudes can create a better blaster a better bazooka blaster than nerf with their team of scientists and engineers and hundreds of billions of dollars they got lots of money you guys ready i don't know if i'm ready but in hope hopefully everybody else is ready i'm not ready i feel like i'm not ready dude it's been so long since i've fired it it has been long we haven't used it in a while man now what one thing that um distinguishes this from the nerf stuff is that the nerf ones you load from the front this one you actually pop it in from the back ooh you slide it in the back that's correct dude see little tidbits you guys never knew man here we go you're always learning stuff you're always learning stuff on our vlog yeah that's why i got to keep watching it you guys ready for this i think so let's go all right one two that uh that shot right to the top okay i i don't even know why i have a fire extinguisher why did i approve this to be done in the house man oh yeah i'm not expecting that oh god all right okay so from worst to best this was literally garbage slightly better slightly better slightly better and this was significantly better as you guys just saw that was much better i think fire is gonna fire men are coming fire's coming let us know what you want to see us compare next click like dudes you still talking do we put the things click the links guys or whatever it's called little boxes right yeah the little boxes click click the box all right bye
Channel: Big Boy Toys
Views: 67,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerf, nerf gun, nerf bazooka, nerf rocket launcher, nerf guns, nerf blaster, gunvsgun, gun vs gun, big boy toys, nerf fortnite, nerf demolisher
Id: avWDD37USOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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