NEW: Multiple Audiences for Power BI Apps (2022)

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hello everyone and welcome back to the artist consulting youtube channel my name is jared farber today i'm going to walk you through a new preview feature in power bi called multiple audiences per app now before we get into an actual demo of this let me discuss how this is going to change our typical strategy so previously for example let's just say we had three different groups of people we had a finance department an r d department and an hr department and they all had different groups of reports and data sets and dashboards that were specific to their group and you didn't want them to cross over necessarily this would be a great strategy to take with multiple workspaces so we would have finance having their own workspace r d having their own workspace and hr having their own workspace and eventually each of those would be published to their own apps that only finance people could see their finance reports only r d people could see the r d reports and only hr people could see the hr reports now with this new feature you can include this all in one app with something called multiple audiences so when you go into the app it all it's going to ask you to upgrade and i'll show you that in just a second but this is the the splash screen which it allows you to do that in and our new strategy is essentially saying let's include these all in one workspace but let's create audiences so that these are split permissions by your business unit so within the app itself we can split these out by finance by r d and by hr this reduces the need to have multiple workspaces and makes it quite a bit easier to manage you don't necessarily even need to you know publish specific data sets in the same spot or anything like that anymore so now let's get into a quick demo and i'll show you how this works all right so in our workspace itself we've got an app that's already published let's hit update app and you can see the tabs here in the top are slightly different but a little bit a little bit similar to the previous ones our setup tab is still the same as it previously was our content tab is now asking us if we wanted to create content or move things around that kind of thing let's add content and let's add uh servers let's import this new this uh this new report down here in the bottom so hit add and then we'll go to the audience tab and this is where the new feature comes into play artist dev is just your main audience so um just your main splash screen that pops up let's create a new audience and let's make this specific to my current current user which is partner 1209 and we'll rename this audience to hr now if we hit update app and sorry before that we actually need to update the visibility of our reports itself so let's just say let's make these other ones invisible we don't want them to see you know hr to see in these other reports we just want them to see the serverless import tab right there so now let's go ahead and hit update app update and let's go to the app itself so you can see here on the top we've got all of our different audiences set up we've got all we've got artist dev which is just everything and then under hr we've just got the one report called serverless import so if i am someone that's part of hr i can see only what's existing within that audience itself so a great new feature to you know make your permissions quite a bit easier to use um this is an example of just a change management strategy that we would use in the future we've got a few other videos existing in the artist consulting youtube channel regarding change management for the most up-to-date version of some of these reports and some of our strategies i suggest referring to our deployment pipelines video which will give you a great demo of how those are used so thank you everyone for listening
Channel: Artis Consulting
Views: 3,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power BI, Power BI Multiple Audiences, Power BI Multiple Audiences Example, Reporting & Analytics, Dashboards
Id: oplymt0vOGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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