NEW MOON IS BACK! UPDATED 9.1 Night Fae GUIDE for Moonkins!

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[Music] hey guys my name is nagura and today i'm going to do a 9.1 moonkin guide for night face quite a few people don't want to go ventier understandably even though ventier seems to be the better choice for raiding overall we're still not 100 sure about this and we still need to see how it looks like in practice so some people want to stay night fee until they know more and that's totally fine so i'm just going to do this night fade guide because there's quite a few things that actually change for knight phase 2 just to make sure you guys are covered and know exactly what you should be doing as night fame one thing to know before i go into the guide is that this is a video guide so whenever there is any changes or things that we figure out over the course of practicing more in the raid and so on i can't actually update this guide so do make sure that for any sort of updates make sure you're checking out the dream growth channel the moonkin discord and also go over to my stream over at nagura if you have any questions or you want to know if there's anything that changed in this guide now let's get into it first of all i want to talk about the actual changes that happened to moonkin and generally knight fan 9.1 so first of all the moons have been changed they've been buffed slightly the recharge timer went from 25 seconds to 20 seconds and the damage from half moon and new moon has been buffed by 33 full moon did not get buffed and solstice increased shooting stars chance is reduced from three to percent to 250 percent so in the last row we have moons buffed and solstice nerfed for night for this actually means that you will use moons on single target solves this on spread out aoe and fury of elune on stacked aoe so you will actually use all of those talons for different kinds of scenarios now additional changes have been to stellar drift solar drift now has been reworked to no longer increase the duration of starfall but it will increase the damage of starfall by 50 and it will add a 12 second cd to starfall balance of all things has been nerfed it will now have a crit chance per stack for three percent and it will start at eight stacks or twenty four percent and it reduces over eight seconds instead of five seconds so you will not gain as big of a crit chance at the start but it will stay for longer this is quite a big nerf to balance of all things i will actually not play this anymore as knight fay so our best new legendary is going to be primordial organic pulsar i will talk about this later then imperial ordnance trinket from spires now incurs a 40-second trinket cooldown on your second unused trinket this means that you will no longer play two on your strings as a knight fey munkin then there's a new covenant legendary that has been added and recently also has been buffed celestial spirits halves to cooldown of convoke and reduces the channel time to three seconds to a one minute cd and twelve spell cards basically and increases the chance of a full moon now you still get 16 nia stacks so growth invigoration mastery stacks and it uses a deck of card system so it makes convol cast one full moon every two convoke casts and also slightly more than half the star search and wrath cast because of the reduced cast that we're actually getting out with those 12 casts instead of 16. so this legendary even with the buff is unfortunately just not very good for us so we're not actually going to be playing this legendary in any scenario as it stands right now we're just going to be playing pool star as night face in almost every scenario there's some new scenarios where you can run different legendaries in pve pvp is a different kind of story this is going to be a full pve guide but this legendary unfortunately just not very good for us okay so now we're talking about moonkin as knight fave first of all we're going to go into the soul vines nia is our go-to soul bind and this is how the tree monster time will look like i guess the only important thing you want to note here is that we're not going for the third potency conduit we are going for nia's birth most of the time sometimes you do want to go for the third potency but that's only i think if it's like heavy aoe or if there's any sort of like immune targets that nia spurs can proc on because proximitaries unfortunately so if there's any sort of immune targets or there's more than like three or four targets then you would want to go for a third potency if you're raiding most of the time you want to go for neons first basically and if you're playing a plus you want to go for that third potency slot usually so for the conduits you want to go for here you definitely want to go for the convoke conduit because that's just by far the best one so you definitely want to have to convoke a conduit then your second condor should be fury of disguise that's your best go-to conduit as your second choice and it's your third choice there's quite a few different ones you can go for you can go for umbral intensity which is pretty good for if there's like really heavy aoe going on because it increases your starfire cleave damage basically so you know like if you're doing really really heavy aoe or really big pulls and then plus then you can also go for precise alignment it's a pretty nice conduit as well it extends your cooldowns it's pretty similar damage gains your umbrella intensity depending on the situation but it's not too important what you go for as your third potency conduit because the third potency conduit is not that big of a damage gain anyway so just kind of go for whatever you think is best for you just don't go for stellar empowerment because it's really bad but going precise alignment or umbrella intensity is totally fine all right so let's talk about stats a little so for nightway there aren't any like super clear stat priorities that we have so you should sim your character to figure out which items gems or enchants you should be using there's also no stat caps anything like that okay there's no sets you should be aiming for there is no stat caps there's nothing like that i know that's not something you want to hear people want to have like a certain goal to reach when it comes to stats because it's just easier right people just when i hear listen just go for this amount of haste or this amount of mastery and then it just makes the gearing a little bit easier for people if they have a goal to reach but that's just not how it works unfortunately and you just have to sim your character to see what's best for you because stats are very very individual depending on how your set distribution looks like different items are going to be better for you than for another moonkin as night phase specifically first of all i would sum your character to see which items are best that you already have and then if you don't know which items to go for you can drop the meister and then you can specifically figure out which items you should be going for like in the dungeons uh which items you should be going for in a raid and so on right so you can also sim your vault as well when your vault pops you can just open up your vault once it's open you can type simc slash simsc and then copy paste it into your top gear rate bots profile whatever and then you get the vault options as like item options in your top gear and it's much much easier to figure out what you should be going for if you don't know how to sim i also made a whole guide on this on my youtube you can just check it out as well i will link it in the description below alright so moving on to items and legendaries so our best legendary in all situations for pve is primordial organic pulsar and you want to craft it on a ring you want to equip all five domination socket slots as well and the best set in is the chaos bane set so you want to have all three unholy shards additionally you want to go for a shard of back and chart of core which are the two dps shards of the non-unholy sets so this actually means that we have six locked-in slots basically we have head shoulders chest gloves and boots and one ring as well because of the legendary that you cannot replace like those are domination socket slots plus your legendary slots so you should be keeping this in mind when you're choosing items from your vault or when you're you know like just getting items or thinking about buying boes or whatever now for trinkets you want to equip one unused drink and a passive trinket since we play pulsar we will use convoke every two minutes instead of every three minutes like before and therefore we can or should use a two minute cd trinket there are good two minute trinkets that um i can think of is so letting ruby from theater of paint is really good and you can also go for a shadowed orb of torment from remnant of nursual in sanctum domination for passive trinkets you can go for titanic ocular gland keep in mind it has a bad side effect so don't want to use this if you're below 50 hp a lot then we have forbidden necromantic tome tome of monstrous constructions infinitely divisible ooze unbound changeling and soul cage fragment as always make sure you're assuming these options for you specifically if you have some of those trinkets just simm it to see what the best combination is for you and also sim drop demise to see what the best drinking would be for you to go for so for talents some things change but not too much so we're still going for nature's balance most of the time in a rating scenario we will still go for force of nature in mythic plus we sometimes go for warrior balloon in like heavy burst aoe scenarios or like really sustained aoe scenarios with like four or more targets for like a long time that's where you would want to go for warrior balloon otherwise you just always go for nature's balance in a raid then i'm not going to talk about the utility talents because those are just situational level 40 row we are now playing with incarnation actually as nightway we no longer go for star-lord so incarnation is going to be our go-to single target choice and for any sort of aoe scenarios we're going to go for soul of the forest because without soul of the forest our starfire basically does no damage well no cleave damage and whistle of the forest our starifier all of us understand quite a lot of damage and we can start cleaving on aoe so definitely go for seoul in any aoe or raiding scenario or in placenry on incarn on singletary then for the 45 row we're gonna go for stellar flare still for single target while we go for stellar drift as our go-to like aoe talent in a raid and twin moons would be our more consistent aoe talent that we go for because stellardrift of course now has a storefront cooldown which means that if there's adds up all the time then you would rather probably want to go for um twin moons so you can starve more often but the thing is in a rating scenario almost all the time the aoe that you need is not like consistent area almost always it's more of a like situational aoe and then stellar drift is just better and it also makes you cast while moving which is also very valuable in rating scenarios while twin moves does not give you that casting well-moving bonus so therefore stellar drift should be your go-to choice of talents if it's a non-single target scenario and you don't want to replace the light flare now for the last row as i talked about earlier is new moon is our new single target talon that we go for i will talk about how to play with this later on and then solstice will be our spread aoe choice and fury of long will be our stacked aoe choice okay quickly talking about the opener here keep in mind i recorded this opener on a dummy and not on a raid encounter if you're getting in combat with a raid encounter then your astral power will reset to 50 as soon as you enter combat this will not happen in this video because i'm not actually in a raid and therefore you will have a little bit less astral power than i have in this video i think i actually star searched one additional time in a video and that's not something you can actually do realistically in-game so how the opener would look like you go on max range this is important because otherwise you're gonna be pre-pulling the bus so at between three and four seconds you will start casting wrath twice then you go into starfire and then you cast all of your dots so wrath rough starifier dots then you use your incarnation then you start search twice i actually searched three times i think in a video because i have this additional astro power that you wouldn't have so you can start search two times after your cooldowns then you cast convoke and then you star search as many times as you can until you can't start searching anymore then you cast new moon half moon star search and then full moon alright so let's go over this again wrath wrath starfire dots incarnation star search times two convoke star search until you can't anymore then new moon half moon star surge full moon so since we don't play balance of all things anymore we don't actually need to use convoke as soon as we enter our cooldowns that's why we actually start search first and then we can book so we don't have like this crit buff and it's not as important to convoke at the start also if you're using your cooldowns a second or third time within a rate encounter then you actually want to use your cooldowns with high astral power then star search first and then convoke right because how we used to use our cooldowns before was we used incarnation or we select alignment with convoke at the same time so we wanted to use our cooldowns at like 40 astral power otherwise it would be over capping but since we are not using convoke immediately anymore you don't have to worry about overcapping and therefore you can just go higher astral power before you use your cooldowns and it's actually preferred so you would want to use your cooldowns at like 90 astral power then start search like two or three times and then convoke afterwards to get like the most star surges into your cooldown window all right so now we're going about over the single target priority list outside of our cooldown window so you want to keep up moonfire sunflower and stellar flare and refresh them in the pandemic window so it's actually a really small dps gain to refresh your dots outside of your eclipse window now if you don't have cells this talented so if you have new moon or if you're a balloon you do want to refresh your dots outside of eclipse which is not something we did before because we always play with solstice so with solstice it was always better to refresh your dots at the end of the eclipse within the pandemic window and now it's actually better to exit the eclipse and then refresh your dots if it's in pandemic of course you don't want to refresh them if they still have a lot of duration left then you just refresh them whenever inside an eclipse but if you can exit the eclipse without letting the dot fall off then you should exit eclipse and then refresh you should always enter solar clips if you have the choice of course then you should cast moons if you are in lunar eclipse or if you are over capping charges then you should cast them in solar eclipse if possible you also want to save some of the charges for celestial alignment or incarnation as well you want to cast star surge when you would overcap astral power before entering the next eclipse so this results in a similar play style than we did before with both you kind of just enter eclipse and you dump your star surges and then you pull again for the next eclipse but because we don't play with both anymore it's actually not as important to star search at the start of the eclipse as it used to be we still have the star search bonus to our fillers to our wrath and our starfire but those are pretty weak those bonuses and you don't really have to play around them it's not a big damage loss to not play around them so you can now actually pull astral power for movement if you want to so you don't need to like dump your star surges at the start if you feel like you have to move soon then you can just like start search once cast some fillers do you have to move if yes then move and cast star switches while moving if you don't have to move then just dump your star stitches anyway and keep casting and ramp for your next eclipse then if you're in solar eclipse you cast wrath and you cast starfire if you're in lunar eclipse you cast dots if you have nothing to do and you don't have any astral power while moving one thing to note is that you actually start casting starfire in solar eclipse on single target if you have more than 110 percent haste so that's something you can track you can track your haze percentage and if you're above that it's actually a little bit of a gain to start casting starfire and solar eclipse instead of casting wrath but this should only happen with like you know bloodlust or any sort of like really big haste buffs that you get then if you have alken frenzy procs if you're in lunar types you should use them as soon as you can if you're in seoul eclipse you should only use them when there's three or more targets or you have to move and otherwise you just let them expire okay let's quickly talk about our cooldown usage since we now use pulsar the legendary as knight face we can use our convoke every two minutes now instead of having to wait for our incarnation every three minutes so we're not holding our convoke anymore we are basically using our cn convoke on pull then use convoke with a pulse proc two minutes into the fight then we use incurrent plus convoke again at four minutes and of course this depends on kill time though if the boss dies at four minutes then you can only use in current twice and also convoke only twice so at that point you should be lining them up obviously right but if you can get more convokes then you can get in cons then you should be just lining up your convoke with pulsar in between so here's actually an example of how to use your convo with a pulsar proc you do want to make sure that your high astral power when you proc your pulsar and then you want to make sure you're dumping it into star surges then you cast convoke and then you do whatever time you have like there usually it's not that much time left after damping your sausages and convoking so at that point you can just you know i maybe you have a full moon that still fits in or maybe you can cast a half moon into a star surge a few wraps into a star search whatever fits into your last few seconds there one more thing to note about pulsar is that you should try to have a high stacked pulsar before you use your cooldowns your incarnation not on pull but on all the other situations because your pools are proc of incorn actually extends your incarnation that is already up like you're normal in carn but keep in mind that if you already have a pulsar proc up and then you press incorn afterwards then your incarnation will override your pulsar proc and not extend it so incarnation into pulsar proc yes pulsar proc into incarnation no if you have a pulsar proc app you want to just get through it and then use incon afterwards but it's not ideal to do that because as i said it preferred to actually have a high sex and pulsar before using your cooldowns to get a really really long incarnation just keep extending it with your pulsar proc now let's talk about full moon and convoke real quick because some people don't know exactly how it works and we have figured something out with the addition of this new covenant legendary we actually have figured out that our convoke even without the covenant legendary works with a stacked deck system so there's a five deck of cards basically and if you enter combat you have a chance of getting one of those five decks when you cast convoke and only one of those five decks actually includes full moon that means that unicast can vote for the first time in inside like a raid combat you will get one of those five convokes then you will get one out of the four convokes that are still left then on your third convoke you will get one of the three convokes that is the left and so on so only one of those five actually has full moon and therefore you only have a 20 chance of casting a full moon on your first convoke a 25 chance on getting a full moon on your second convoke and so on so it's actually impossible for you to get two full moons on a raid fight because there's no raid fight that actually lasts six times two minutes and even if you have a fight like that then the sixth convoke that he cast actually only said 20 chance again on getting a full moon because the dex has been reset and it's again a 20 chance this is just how moonkin works and this is why you haven't gotten multiple full moons on a fight unless you die if you actually die then you leave combat and once you get rest your deck has been reset basically and you're starting again with the 20 chance so the only way to actually get multiple full moons it's just you know get a full moon on your first convoke then die get rest get lucky again get a full moon die get rest right so that is a strategy you can go for but i don't recommend it during progression now i'm also gonna list two more macros that i think is useful for night fade i will be listing them below i will recommend for you to use two bindings now we got away with using only one bindings for our cooldowns before when we played with balance of all things because we almost always use convoke with incarnation slash celestial alignment and we never really use convoke outside of that so we just macro it all into one big like one shot macro basically and we just pressed it but since we don't really want to use convoke anymore as soon as we enter our cooldowns because we don't have that crit chance anymore that we have to play around so therefore we don't actually want to use convoke as soon as we press our cooldowns because we want to pull high astral power before we press it and then we don't want to convoke because otherwise we would be overcapping so it's much more beneficial to make two macros now one macro i have for the in current slice less alignment macro the way a macro is written is basically that it it has a show tooltip so you just see the cooldown of it then it has a stop macro no form that just means that it will not cast this if you're not in moonkin form then it will cast celestial alignment this will also cast incarnation if you have specked into it you don't have to change this you can just keep it as celestial alignment then it will clear your target and use 13 13 means that's your first trinket slot this is only useful for inscrutable quantum device so it doesn't actually use the execute effect of quantum device and if you don't use quantum device you can just keep this in the macro it doesn't actually matter you just keep it in and then it has the target last target so we'll you will have your target again you won't even notice that you're clearing your target here because it's happened so quickly again if you don't use quantum device you can just leave this in then it has a used portion of spectral intellect in here you can remove this if you don't constantly want to use potions in like open world combat or whatever and you can just edit back in for rating optionally i put a cast star search in there because russell alignment and potion and trinket is not in a global cooldown it's actually a little bit of a benefit to put one ability into your macro here so it casts immediately right because sometimes you use your macro and then like half a second or a second later you press another ability and then you lost like half a second of your uptime of your cooldowns so i personally like macroing something like star search or star fall into this macro but that's the problem here if you're macroing star search into this macro but you would actually want to start fall instead then that's a problem right so you can change up star search or star fall depending on the situation or you just remove this completely or you just remove this last line just press your cooldowns and then press start search manually or start from manually depending on the situation you're in then also that convoke macro listed below that basically just has a stop macro channeling convoluted spirits in there it just prevents you from using this macro if you're already channeling convoke and that's kind of like a double clicking prevention so if you're like accidentally double clicking it or if you're already using convoke for whatever other reason then it's not like canceling it and then there's also cqs which is clearing your cute spells because sometimes the way the cue system works is that sometimes if you already have queued up a spell and then you press convoke it might immediately interrupt your convoke because it's trying to cast that spell to the queued up so that's why this cqs is in there just to prevent you from cancelling your own convoke which of course we don't want to happen one more thing i just remembered to note about convoke which a lot of people have this question and a lot of people ask me about it should you convoke in melee range or at range now it is a very slight dps gain to actually convoke in melee range because the rakes and thrash that is being casted by convoke does slightly more damage than the cast that you would be getting from ranged the way convoke worse is a bit funky as i talked about with the deck system but the way the off spec spells work so like the feral spells and the healing spells is it kind of casts some of those spells no matter what it will never cast 16 moonkin spells yeah it will always be a certain amount of moonkin spells and then the rest will be filled with offspec spells and it will depend on the situation if you're in ranged it cannot cast rake or thrash because there's nothing in your range and therefore will cast heals for sure right but if you're in melee range then it can cast thrash and rake and those other abilities and therefore it will go for those and that's why it's a very small dps gain to actually convoke in male range but it's very very minor and you shouldn't like go for it if it's any risk of you getting aggro if it's causing you movement downtime like if you're in a rate encounter and you have to like manually move all the way into melee range after precasting at range that's not worth it because then all of a sudden you probably lose more damage from moving than what you have gained from the convoke all right so convoking melee if you can if it's no downtime no downside whatever but otherwise don't force it okay and yeah that's it i do hope this guide helped you out a bit with your new rotation with your new knight fa priorities with your pools are legendary and all that kind of stuff if you have any more questions ask in the description below or come over to my stream at agura for any questions and you can also of course always join the dream growth discord i will link in the description below they have lots and lots of answers for you there most of the information in this video i got from the dream growth discord from the theory crafters as every other information i get to you because the moonkeeping area crafters are great and they figure out everything perfectly for us god bless the moonkin theory crafters and i'm just here to relay their information to you so definitely go over to the dreamgrove discord and check what they have to say look at the faqs look at the resources they have and the pinned messages there's lots and lots of information there all right thank you so much for watching i hope you have a nice rest of your day and i hope you enjoy 9.1 and i'll see you in the next video make sure you subscribe if you haven't yet uh just give the video a like if you liked it and i'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Naguura
Views: 97,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, naguura, shadowlands guide, shadowlands tips, shadowlands launch, moonkin, balance druid, shadowlands druid, legendary, legendaries, simulationcraft, mythic+, race to world first, castle nathria, balance druid guide, moonkin guide, burning crusade, tbc, classic, arena, pvp
Id: 03wnqQf2LAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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