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[Music] hey everyone and welcome back to my channel and for those of you who are new here my name is tiffany beaston from beauty and the beasts and i upload every single tuesday and sunday today i'm doing my morning routine all of this stuff happens every morning it's not always like in this order because i am a mom of four i have a five-year-old a four-year-old a two-year-old and a almost four-month-old so you know we kind of roll with the punches in this house but this is little ella and everly kind of just wake up the kids come into our room one by one as they wake up they usually play like on their fire or their ipad in the morning just to give us a little time to have some coffee and just get out of bed i am not a morning person at all um so it takes me quite a bit to wake up i'm still nursing pretty frequently at night as well also does anyone else's like toddler ask them to download 5 000 apps every single morning this is my morning routine truly it's carter especially asked me to download him new apps every single morning if they're free i say okay and he has to delete something but if they're paid i usually make him like do a tour or something if i agree to purchasing it but yeah i just thought i'd ask because literally he asked me a million times every single morning for different apps since i am not a morning person luckily chris is not really an evening person so he picks up the slack in the morning i pick up the slack in the evening and it just works for us so he has always brought me coffee in bed since we've lived together since i was 21 years old and it just works for us you know i've been loving oat milk in my coffee this brand is really good not only like for their actual oat milk itself but the barista blend is one of my favorites also it just has such a good like creamy consistency and it also froths really good as you'll see right here oatsum is plant-based organic gluten-free dairy-free nut-free and non-gmo and it's made with whole grain oats it has a better taste compared to other dairy-free milks and creamers like i said it's really the consistency of this that i like the most plus it has an amazing flavor um look how nicely it froth i love that and the oats are one of the most sustainable grains on the planet and they require 80 percent less water to grow than almonds so also my tanner can't have almond milk and ella shouldn't really be having almond milk either so that is what made us start exploring oat milk back when they got allergy tested a while ago so you can find oatsum at the shelf stable aisle of your local grocery store or you can click the link below to see where you can purchase it online and of course we have to top the coffee with um whipped cream and i've also been doing like a little bit of coconut sugar in my coffee as well so i have my coffee i changed evie's diaper and i'm continuing to nurse her and i'm also going to pump right now so that's what i'm doing upstairs while chris is getting the kids some breakfast my kids love the chocolate oat milk that is definitely hands down their favorite oat milk so yeah they're just gonna enjoy their breakfast while i'm upstairs pumping um and feeding everly and also when i'm pumping i try to be productive of course so whether that's like responding to emails or talking to business partners or anything like that i kind of just do that as well as plan out my day and i try to put evie down for another nap the latest by 9 a.m so this is a weekend when we're filming i would love to film like a routine on a school day but our mornings are literally so hectic i also like to do brain dumps so i just wanted to show you right here how i do that i kind of categorize them and then you just write down whatever is on your mind and it kind of just helps get everything out of your head onto paper so that you can plan accordingly and i don't know it's just really really helpful to me and it's easy so once that's done i'm going to come downstairs eat my breakfast some mornings i've been juicing and making smoothies um but this time the first thing i'm eating is like an egg sandwich and just catching up with the kids and i'm gonna go ahead and put my milk away and get started on like cleaning the kitchen and all that so i always get questions about pumping um i pump in the morning and at night and i donate my milk to a local baby who is just a little bit older than everly so i continue to pump for her and i you know my plan is just keep pumping as long as i can to also be able to feed that baby but i'm pretty lucky i just recently had a drop off to her and i still have plenty of milk so i don't really give any bottles um not for any reason besides the fact that i'm with her all the time so i just breastfeed she will take a bottle if i have like a hair appointment that's pretty much the only time i really leave her but she will take the bottle just fine she does not discriminate but anyway that is my pumping situation i'm also making a smoothie right now you guys know i've been working with jessica spires i actually plan on collabing with her sometime in april but she's another youtuber who is also an amazing nutritionist and she specializes in women's health and she's basically had me trying to replace the nutrients that you lose when you have a baby so this smoothie is one that you're probably like what in the world but you know i usually put collagen in my coffee as well but the reason i didn't today is because this smoothie has two scoops of collagen in it has frozen raspberries collard greens i think it has a little bit of coconut yogurt in it and then i just use oat milk like half oat milk half water i like using oatmeal to get like that creamy consistency but it also has like flax seeds and all kinds of stuff if we want to see jessica's smoothies she actually just made a video i'll try to link that in the description box below and if i forget for some reason comment and let me know i'm just trying to like clear off the island and everything right now i'm not going to wipe anything down because i am making muffins that is not a part of every morning routine but you know i do like to keep our little cake stand full of some kind of muffin or treat so this i noticed that the bananas were starting to go because i need to smoothie prep so that's why i got so many because then you can just freeze them in your smoothie bags and you know just go ahead and throw them in the blender in the morning so for our favorite chocolate chip banana muffin recipe if you're new here i'll have it in the description box below but if you've been here before you probably already tried my muffin recipe because we make it all the time it's just like no fuss throw everything into the bowl and they come out great so it's chocolate chip banana muffins and it calls for six bananas for the amount that i make so it was a perfect opportunity to be able to make them and like i said it's the weekend so we try to like you know do a home breakfast and then on sundays we usually get bagels i recorded this on saturday but yeah it's just like our little routine that we have to bake stuff on the weekends i also just wanted to mention that even though this is a weekend morning routine we literally do all of the same stuff on the weekdays except you know we wake up earlier we don't get to like snuggle as long we kind of like jump out of bed when i'm done pumping and run around like crazy people trying to get the kids out of the door [Music] so the first thing we do is just peel the bananas it's best if they are nice and ripe but if they're not you can just put your bananas in the microwave and that'll help soften them so we're doing six bananas i'm gonna go ahead and use my handy dandy masher which is like probably my favorite kitchen tool and we're just gonna go ahead and mash that up and i'll show you that the consistency that i like the most [Music] now i'm just going to go ahead and melt a half a stick of butter again so grateful you guys told me about kerrygold i literally had never heard about it until you guys so i've been using all the time now and my new microwave does have like a special like butter option so while that's melting i'm just cracking four eggs adding the eggs and the butter to my bananas mixing that all up and then i'm gonna add three cups of flour and i'm using the king arthur's gluten-free flour and i'm using one cup of coconut sugar again you can use like brown sugar that's what i used to use but i'm just trying to like make them a little bit healthier [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you saw i added my baking soda i never measure cinnamon we all love like a lot of cinnamon in this house so yeah and you can add whatever toppings so it doesn't have to be chocolate chips but i like adding dark chocolate chips so you can do nuts or raisins whatever you want to add to them you know spraying my pan here and then i'm going to go ahead and put these in the oven on 350 degrees and i'm going to start chucking them around 18 minutes [Music] [Music] so while those are baking i'm just going to unload the dishwasher we run our dishwasher every night and then we unload it in the morning that has just like always been what i've done but i have seen people in their routines like somehow unloading it at night but for us i guess we usually just like run it right before bed because we always wind up having dishes up until we go to sleep but i think it would be better if we were able to come down to a clean dishwasher so i don't know i gotta figure that out but you know forever we've been doing this run it at night unload it in the [Music] morning [Music] [Music] and now it's time to reload it and then wash whatever dishes need hand washing [Music] [Applause] [Music] next chris is just getting the kids liquid vitamins together you know that i really don't like enjoy recommending what vitamins to take or to give because i feel like you should really work with the nutritionist too you know if you're going to do like liquid supplements and stuff so jessica spires when i talk about the smoothies put me on the regimen that i'm on right now but one thing i will say that i recommend is i love mary boots organic so i use them for the kids and for ourselves it's just a brand that i really trust so i often talk about them because we love them and then the kids also that little like sugar packet that we call it that's what we call their sugar packet is actually a probiotic another thing that i like to do in the morning is just to put something in the diffuser and in the mornings i really really love lemon it just like wakes me up and it's just like a nice fresh scent and i'm gonna go ahead and vacuum up the one million crumbs we literally do vacuum all the time because we have no choice with all these kids um but i did just want to say most of the time the cleaning gets done after drop off when it's on a school day [Music] [Music] [Music] okay muffins are done kitchen is clean i'm just putting the place fats back out i love these placements they're so cute they're from a little place called tuesday morning and have little bunnies on them um but yeah i'm so grateful that you know i have this beautiful kitchen to cook in i spend 90 of my time in here either cooking or cleaning but i'm more grateful to have a family to cook and clean for that's what i always tell myself when i'm like oh my gosh i never leave this kitchen but yeah everyone's just lounging and watching tv enjoying their muffins chris got the boys ready and i get the girls ready that's just our routine usually i like to shower at night but postpartum anything goes so today i'm showering in the morning but it would be ideal for me to shower at night and be able to do my hair and stuff at night but the previous night i literally just like pumped and passed out sometimes i'm so tired that like i just pass out at night and i can't do anything extra like showering or blow drying my hair so ella also thinks that she always has to help me blow dry my hair when i do it and i do think it's like the cutest thing in the world so i'm going to blow dry my hair with ella and then i'm going to go ahead and get her ready also for any other moms out there that are also incredibly sleep deprived i feel you i just don't like to start sleep training until like around six months or so so we're almost at four months and i feel like she's kind of been in the form on sleep regression already but yeah i feel you i get no sleep but i still manage to survive and sleep is everything like i feel like when i sleep it's so much better that little shot you just saw was all my postpartum hair falling out [Music] okay guys this is my mommy doing my hair dog my outfit look at my outfit it's so beautiful what does ella think about herself um before i'm tired beautiful kind smart and what else what out mommy what else do you think about yourself um are you so nice i feel nice you're caring healing you help other people that makes you thoughtful does that make me fall do you have ponies or buns um one button down good other one [Music] you ready to go downstairs yeah okay love you hello okay okay goodness ella is such a little ham and it's just so fun having kids but for me you know i had two boys first so girls are like a whole new um animal for me i guess you could say but it's been so fun she just cracks me up i always make the bed and do the laundry in the morning at least like switch wherever we're at so i put the clothes in the dryer or in the washer and that is my morning routine let me know what other videos you want to see down in the comments below thank you so much for watching don't forget to subscribe and please give this video a thumbs up [Music] baby you can count on me [Music] [Applause] in your is [Music]
Channel: Beauty & The Beastons
Views: 322,837
Rating: 4.9263396 out of 5
Keywords: BEAUTY AND THE BEASTONS, DAY IN THE LIFE OF A MOM, HOMEMAKER, HOMEMAKING, LARGE FAMILY MORNING ROUTINE, MORNING ROUTINE, PRODUCTIVE MORNING ROUTINE, SPRING 2021, SPRING MORNING ROUTINE, STAY AT HOME MOM, TIFFANI BEASTON, homemaking motivation, stay at home mom motivation, t beaston, gluten free recipes, chris beaston, ditl, stay at home mom routine, sahm vlog, morning routines, large family, clean with me 2021, stay at home mom schedule, get it all done, GLUTEN FREE MUFFINS
Id: 2p3-BlUrp0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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