"NEW" Masculinity? GQ & Hannah Gadsby ROAST Men | Ep 95

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I truly think most feminists suffer from internalized misogyny.

As much as they trash men, masculinity and everything about men they spend an awful lot of time trying to emulate men while trashing anything feminine.

They love to talk about how men look down on certain behaviors deemed feminine while they do the very same thing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/drpepper02 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey guys welcome back to the show today we're gonna be talking about masculinity and now I fully recognize that I am NOT the most masculine person nor am i any type of expert on masculinity whatsoever but I figure hey neither is anyone else who's talking about this issue right now and that's certainly not stopping them so that's fine I guess recently GQ which is a men's magazine if they're even allowed to call themselves that nowadays did an entire issue focusing on masculinity or should I say criticizing masculinity and in this video gentle viewer you have the pleasure of hearing some of those articles but before we get into that fun stuff I do have a quick message from our terrific sponsors over at simply safe did you know that there are over two million burglaries reported every year that's one every 13 seconds and according to the FBI the average loss in a burglary is over $2,000 but despite that only one in five homes have home security maybe that's because most companies 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polarizing to say the least currently on Rotten Tomatoes the special has a 100% rating among critics but only a 22% audience score the special is pretty much a perfect example of something that critics absolutely loved but that almost everyone else hated and before I had ever seen on that I already knew that it was considered divisive because of its very very strong social justice themes but still I'm someone who doesn't need to agree with a movie or TV show to still be able to enjoy it and be entertained by it so I went into watching the special with what I thought was a pretty open mind ready to like it and to be clear I have no problem laughing at jokes at the expense of straight white men I think we should be able to make jokes about any and every group no one's off-limits however what I find less funny are hour-long rants aimed at putting down straight white men and that was more the impression the takeaway that I got from the net a don't Heitmann but there's a problem you don't have a monopoly on the human condition arrogance but the story is as you have told it power belongs to you and if you can't handle criticism take a joke or deal with your own tension without violence you have to wonder if you are up to the task of being in charge the reason why I bring Gadsby up in relation to this GQ story is because of course who better to write an article about masculinity than an angry woman who clearly hates men which is why the latest edition of GQ includes the piece Hannah Gatsby on why men should be more ladylike already from this title we can see that GQ steak on masculinity is pretty much know just just don't as Gatsby begins quote hello the men my advice on modern masculinity would be to look at all those traits you believe are feminine and interrogate why you're so obsessed with being the opposite because this idea that to be a man you have to be the furthest away from being a woman that you possibly can is really okay so a couple things there number one nobody has asked for Hana Gadsby's advice on modern masculinity that is just not a thing that has occurred in this timeline and number two I can already tell that Gatsby's interpretation of masculinity is so painfully one-sided that it actually hurts to talk about she defines masculinity as being far away from women so she assumes that men must see it that way as well she also assumes that in order to be masculine men have to make the conscious effort to be different from women which is not how that works it's almost like she sees being a woman as just like the natural state of all humans and that men for some reason are rebelling against their inner womanly nature because because patriarchy ladies if the only way you can define masculinity is in how it relates to yourself as a woman you might be a bit of a narcissist ask any man and I'm not talking about male feminists here I'm talking about real men what masculinity means to them and I guarantee you 90% of them at least will not describe it to you in relation to women masculinity is not something that men do in order to make themselves different from women masculinity is something that men naturally embody because it's inherent to them as men who yeah as it turns out are different from women Gadsby continues though why is everyone so scared of not being masculine if you consider many of those in power those who claim to be leading the world at the moment you've got a lot of hyper masculine man babies with terrible hair and no ability to compromise these are the cool guys who are taking us all to hell in a handbasket they didn't pay for so I think it's pretty fair to say here at this point that Hannah Gadsby does not see masculinity as a positive thing that's just my interpretation to me at least masculinity means strength protection confidence leadership and I think a lot of guys see it the same way so I don't really think it's fair to say that men are scared of not being masculine I think it's just that a lot of guys aspire to be masculine because their positive traits and who wouldn't want to aspire toward positive characters I mean you wouldn't ask someone why are you scared of not getting an education not trying hard at work not eating right because some things are just good for you and you strive for them because you want to improve yourself I think Hannah has a really hard time wrapping her head around the idea that maybe just maybe men like masculinity because they see it as a good thing she continues quote so here's a thought experiment what if you the men looked to traditional feminine traits and tried incorporating them into your masculinity now at face value I actually don't have a problem with this thought experiment at all I do believe that both men and women can exhibit feminine and masculine traits respectively I mean calm down though it's not like I believe a woman who displays leadership skills is some sort of gender non-binary thing or whatever but because masculinity and femininity are complementary characteristics not opposites there's nothing that says that a man can't for example embrace his nurturing side maybe with his children or pets while still embodying the masculine archetype I don't see anything wrong with that in fact I would even go so far as to say I encourage it but that's not what Gadsby's talking about instead Gadsby writes quote women are always being encouraged to stir masculine traits into their feminine recipe we are told to be bolder speak up in meetings exaggerate your skills all that lean in sort of crap so perhaps it's time for you the men to be more ladylike how about you scale back on your confidence how about you try not to act in every situation what if you try to refrain from sharing your opinions or co-opting other people's ideas how about yielding to people walking in the opposite direction or even just attempting to see them here we can see that interestingly enough Hannah Gatsby has very negative opinions of both men and women she lists being overly opinionated and bumping into people on the street as being masculine traits but just because men do something more often than women that doesn't make it a masculine trait I mean is something a feminine trait just because women do it more so than men is initiating divorce a feminine trait is over spending yourself into debt a feminine trait is statistically more likely to domestically abuse your same-sex partner a feminine trait some people would say yes they are Hannah but I don't think you want to put yourself in the same boat as those people but Lauren why are you acting as if masculinity and femininity only involved positive traits not negative ones because that's the way things have always been masculinity used to be the pinnacle of what men should be striving for feminity what all women were supposed to be working toward it's not until recently that we've been introduced to the idea that masculinity is toxic and feminine me is the result of the patriarchy and frankly our societies have kind of gone to hell since we started incorporating those ideas so I'm gonna give them a Miss for example being overly aggressive is not a masculine trait in fact it represents a lack of masculinity people are often overly aggressive because they're insecure about themselves ie they lack confidence Gadsby continues quote how about you try pretending that you're the least powerful person in any room and that no matter how hard you work you'll never be the most powerful walk around like that for a couple weeks and then call your mother well I do believe that people should call their mothers mothers are important you know what fathers - just parents in general call your parents people but seriously women or at least well-adjusted women do not walk around all the time thinking how they're the least powerful person in any room and they'll never be the most powerful I feel like it would just be so exhausting to be thinking about power dynamics all the time but strangely enough I think that may actually be how people like Hannah Gadsby exist and maybe that's why they're so mad all the time Gadsby finishes quote this is the first time that straight white sis men have been forced to think of themselves as anything other than human neutral that is objectively not true but go on quote and this must be a difficult thing and I don't say that to be sarcastic I can see how it's a tough spot what I'm saying is I have empathy for you and empathy by the way is one of the traits that women are most famous for you might know it by its other name weakness but don't be fooled empathy is a superpower and it's the only one that any human has to offer really your gonna finish your article on masculinity by saying that women have this empathy superpower which is really the only trait that humans have to offer okay for someone bragging about empathy it just doesn't seem like Hannah Gatsby has much empathy for men honestly in her whole piece she didn't say a single positive thing about modern-day men or masculinity life protip if you believe that this one group out there which shares an immutable characteristic which you yourself do not have is responsible for everything bad in the world and just nothing comes from them you you might be a bit of a bigot moving on though aside from Gadsby's piece GQ also featured several other articles in this edition talking about masculinity and spoiler alert they all have pretty much the same take now the cover of this edition featured musician Pharrell who also gave an entire interview about masculinity but we're not gonna spend too much time on that because even just to make fun of it it's just not very insightful at one point Pharrell says quote if you ask me when we talk about masculinity it's also very racial this conversation because the dominant force on this planet right now is the older straight white male and there's a particular portion of them that senses a tanning effect they sense a feminizing effect they sense a non-binary effect when it comes to gender a lot of social justice buzzwords thrown in there and he doesn't really take the time to clarify exactly what he means later in the interview so I don't really know what to do with that but in any case I don't really blame Pharrell for this addition because according to his interview what happened was GQ had the idea to do an entire Edition on masculinity and then asked for Al if he would want to be involved as the cover story if I were celebrity and GQ was like hey want to be on our cover and talked about redefining masculinity I'd say sure I would talk about whatever they wanted me to talk about I mean celebrities have done way worse things for attention so I don't really blame Pharrell for not being the most coherent on masculinity because why would he be he doesn't need to be but what's also interesting about this special is that in addition to Rell and hana Godspeed GQ also spoke with a bunch of other seemingly random people about what their thoughts on masculinity were and would it surprise you to find out that essentially none of the people they interviewed about masculinity were actually masculine there's this one gay comedian djibouti young white who when discussing growing up in a homophobic environment says quote I always find it weird especially in the queer community when people fetishize mask ness or masculinity because for so many people those are actually scars you know they're battle scars on your personality which is tragic in a certain way next there's Thomas Paige McBee a transgender man who while acknowledging his newfound male privilege says quote the first time I quieted an entire rowdy newsroom just by speaking I'd been on testosterone for only a few months I'd felt gangly and Q besan despite being 30 at the time but my new baritone seemed to create an unconscious response in my colleagues whenever I spoke they swiveled toward me and he continues that quote I think about that day when I first opened my mouth and realized how disturbingly powerful I suddenly was simply for existing in this white man's body I hope I never forget it then we have actress aja Kay Dillon who identifies as gender non-binary and uses they pronouns she talks about how acting Awards shouldn't be segregated by gender and also black lives matter because why not really the only person featured in GQ z-- masculinity Edition who actually talks about masculinity in a way that most people would recognize as masculinity is athlete Kevin Love he talked about masculinity in relation to men's mental health and the public discourse surrounding men's mental health which honestly is an important topic and I'm glad he brought it up basically every other person they talked to though is a not masculine themselves and be either criticizes masculinity or tries to redefine it to mean something completely different than actual masculinity just to top everything off this edition also features an article titled the glorious now of men in makeup look obviously not every guy out there is going to conform to masculine ideals and that's fine I don't have a problem with that what I find really strange the apparent need to attack an undermine masculinity as a concept essentially what GQ and an unfortunately large part of pop culture are telling us is that to be the best type of man you can't act like a man but anyway I don't think I can read anything else from these people at this point so as always I would love to know what you guys think how do you personally view masculinity and why do you think masculinity is under such attack right now let me know but that's it for now thank you guys so much for tuning in and I'll see you next time
Channel: Lauren Chen
Views: 160,594
Rating: 4.9225345 out of 5
Keywords: Roaming millennial, commentary channels, current events, conservative commentary, lauren chen, blaze tv, crtv, gq new masculinity, new masculinity, hannah gadsby not funny, hannah gadsby men, gq masculinity, political news, politics news, masculinity in crisis, masculinity feminism, hannah gadsby, hannah gadsby man hater, hannah gadsby gq, hannah gadsby nanette, hannah gadsby feminist, hannah gadsby men should be more ladylike, toxic masculinity, toxic masculinity debate
Id: Pb1VqL-tflQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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