New Look | Caillou | WildBrain Kids

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] come on Rosie excuse me my sister Rosie needs a haircut her hair is getting too long no your hair there is getting in the way Rosie don't you remember watch out for the [Music] wall Gilbert [Music] your hair keeps getting in my [Music] face oh oh no right this way please great thank you it'll be fun Rosie I promise plus they'll be able to get this [Music] out Rosie it's really [Music] stuck mommy it's really in there I think we're going to need to cut it out cut don't worry Rosie it won't [Music] hurt aha the Old Clay Clump in your hair problem we'll have this out in no time pink you like it a thank you we'll do something great with your hair too little [Music] one mommy oh Rosie don't be scared yeah Rosie haircuts are great here I'll show you [Music] you could get funny clown hair like me or how about [Music] t that looks great on you Caillou [Music] or [Music] oo guess my hair is too long too this one's super colorful butterfly oh you like that well then I know just what I'll do can can [Music] I there goes the clay you're doing great Rosie oh it's just a little water Rosie just getting your hair wet so I can keep cutting it see just water tickles can I have some [Music] just pretend you're on a [Music] boat and now for the Finishing Touch butterfly that looks beautiful Rosie yeah told you haircuts can be fun [Music] yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] pretty qu qu qu quack quack quack I'm so excited to bring home a new pet today what kind of pet do you kids want to get a [Laughter] horse a horse might be a little too big for our house a goat that might be a bad [Laughter] [Music] idea yay can we get a bunny I think a bunny is [Music] perfect H but which one I like that brown [Music] one oh what about you looks like someone made the choice for you let's call him nibbles yay nibbles come here [Music] nibbles nipples Love Rosie it's my turn to play with [Music] him wait come back nibbles cut you scare [Music] nibbles come on kids let's go build a hutch for [Music] nibbles nibbles is going to love his Hutch Caillou can you pass me the [Music] hammer I don't think nibbles likes me nibbles loves you Caillou but maybe you need to be a bit more gentle with him yeah let him come to you all done taada huh daddy need a hand let's try this again taada I'll go get [Music] nibbles it's time to see your Hutch Don't Run [Music] [Applause] Away gentle P you Gentle [Music] where are you going got you [Music] slow [Music] there you [Music] are nibbles come out and play Caillou try taking a step back H but I want to play with nibbles yes but you're really excited and being a bit loud you're scaring the little fella I'm scaring him imagine you were a bunny how would you like someone to come up to you try being slow and [Music] gentle give it a shot k you don't be scared nibbles I'm nice C you nice nipples yes I did it I mean yes I did [Music] it I wish it would stop storming what was [Music] that it looks like the wind made the tree fall during the storm tree go back up I don't think so Rosie my swing can we fix it I'm sorry Caillou we have to say bye to the tire swing too but I don't like saying bye where will Gilbert sit now the tree was always his favorite spot I remember the first time I brought Gilbert to the tree welcome to your new home Gilbert this is the [Music] garden oh Gilbert all this new stuff must be [Music] scary the tree won't hurt you Gilbert trees give a shade and you can sit under them when you're tired like this and from up in the branches you can see [Music] everything [Music] the tree wasn't only Gilbert's favorite it was Rosy's fa too Rosie love tree Rosie love tree Caillou someone wants to meet [Music] you say hello to your little sister Rosie wow why is she crying don't worry Caillou it's normal for babies to cry how do we make her stop we just need to figure out a way to make Rosie feel better I know maybe it's too [Music] bright maybe a hug from her big brother will help a hug from me but she's so little give it a try you're her Big Brother after all but I don't know how to be a big brother make sure to hold her head she stopped crying You've Got The Magic [Music] Touch see you're a great big brother already Caillou pH well my favorite memory of the tree is from way before then my favorite is the day we moved [Music] here and we planted the tree together wait we planted the tree I don't remember that where was I you weren't born yet you were in my belly a new house a new tree and soon a new baby that's a lot of new it's okay to worry when things feel so you but that doesn't mean they won't be great we just have to take it one day at a time waa that's it mommy daddy [Music] wait that should do mommy Caillou would you like to do the honors we'd love to [Music] now we can make new memories with a new tree while always thinking fondly of the old [Music] memories Rosie [Laughter] help [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] we're ready for the fair Mommy I want to ride the whirly chairs they make you so dizzy fair I don't think we'll be able to go today mommy's not feeling very well but no fair I'm sorry you two are you sure you can't take us Daddy I'm sorry I have to [Music] [Applause] work don't be sad Caillou Rosie make [Music] better Rosie you just gave me an idea if we help mommy feel better maybe we can go to the [Music] fair oh what's this Dr Caillou and nurse Rosie are here to make you better Mommy better I see lucky me patient mommy is ready now over huh that sure looks [Music] warm oh it's a orange juice vitamin C Dr Caillou's orders very interesting we need bandages nurse Rosie Teddy Teddy will [Music] do we need 50 no 100 Teddy hugs Rosie of course tickle hug one tickle hug two tickle hug three tile hug 4 97 98 99 100 I'm up great work Rosie and Teddy now Mommy you rest and I'll talk with nurse Rosie in the hall that sounds like a great idea mommy not better no we need to call in a a a BC we need some help who can we get to help Daddy nurse Daddy come in nurse daddy Co bright yellow Co bright yellow over hm sorry Caillou Daddy is working but me and nurse Rosie need you and mommy and mommy [Music] over nurse daddy will be right there huh what uh-oh uhhuh mhm uhhuh just as I thought what is it nurse daddy mommy has a serious case of the sniffle [Music] diff we're going to need tissues lots and lots of [Music] tissues okay okay thank you that's [Music] enough thank you for all your help today I'm sorry we couldn't go to the fair but you two oh the fair we were having so much fun we forgot all about it oh well maybe we should let Mommy rest just one more bit of medicine one love you squeeze looks like we have another patient Rosie [Music] uhoh [Music] huh hello is someone [Music] there are you what are you doing Caillou you should be in bed I'm and you definitely should not be watching scary movies like this you're too young but it's not too scary it's no butts Caillou off to bed we'll talk about this in the [Music] morning [Music] huh where am I what [Music] oh um hello is anyone there I think I'm [Music] [Music] lost maybe up [Music] here paintings don't move that's [Music] silly and armor doesn't move [Music] either does [Music] it w [Music] oh no I'm not scared I'm big and I'm not scared I'm [Music] not leave me [Music] alone [Music] I just want to go home I need Teddy what are you doing here did you come to protect me thanks Teddy you're the best no stay away from me and [Music] Teddy we're not scared of you [Music] anymore I said go away huh [Music] [Music] [Music] Teddy Daddy I'm up I'm up Caillou why aren't you in bed there was a scary house and a knight was chasing me and I couldn't get away and you were right I shouldn't have watched that scary movie I'm really [Music] sorry get in here kiddo me and Teddy will make you feel better [Music] a once upon a time there is a little boy named Caillou Mommy Mommy huh what Caillou did you sell the cow yep I traded her for some beans oh beans mhm these are magic beans mommy oh Caillou his mommy didn't believe him but Caillou knew the beans were magic so he planted them in the garden the next day a huge beant stock grew reaching up into the clouds so Caillou climbed it all the way to the very top to see what what was [Music] there wao but all he found at the top of the beam stock was a big scary giant 3 five caou caou Caillou what's all the noise you're supposed to be helping Rosie go to sleep Caillou being stuck being stuck sorry Daddy I'll tell a different story all right good night you two good [Music] night okay this is the story of Little Red Rosie little red Rosy Hood was taking a basket of food to her grandma's [Music] house but on the way she ran into the big bad [Music] woof scary wolf go [Applause] away oh no Rosie I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you uh let me find another story [Music] um rosil loocks found a house in the woods she was tired and hungry so she knocked on the door the door was open and there was no one [Music] around hello huh rosil loocks found a table with bowls of yummy spaghetti on [Music] it the first Bowl was too [Music] hot and the second bowl was too [Music] cold but the third Bowl was just right [Music] rosil locks was tired so she looked for somewhere to sleep she found three beds the first was way too big and Squishy the second was too hard but the third bed was just right but just then the three bears that lived in the housee came home who's been sleeping in our beds being stuck the Bears were really mad at rosil loocks for sleeping in their [Music] beds but they decided to let her sleep the [Music] end night [Music] Rosie well what happened [Music] [Laughter] [Music] next okay everyone I know we're all excited for today because it's dress up [Music] day remember the Only Rule on dress up day is to wear something that makes you feel happy that's right well what are you waiting for [Laughter] [Music] go come on Jeffrey pick something so we can start playing H I'm not sure yet you guys start playing and I'll catch [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Laughter] what a perfect day for a treasure hunt the treasure is that [Music] [Laughter] way but there's no treasure yeah there is it's uh the treasure is uh it's the Lost Treasure of recess watch out [Music] ninjas what do we do I say we battle them maybe we can fly away we need some help hey leave my friends [Music] alone what are you dressed as Jeffrey I am a fairy [Music] Warrior wow awesome were all the other costumes taken no I just like this one magic is the coolest but a fairy is a girl's costume no it isn't yeah it is is it why uh it's just what I wanted to wear uh maybe you can be a viking or a pirate or um [Music] no Jeffrey dropped his wand that wasn't very nice we only told him it was was a girl's costume so we could help him pick out the right one remember what Mrs Martin said the Only Rule on dress up day is to wear something that makes you [Music] happy he did seem really happy Hey Jeffrey you dropped your wand M don't want it but you need it to beat the ninjas and you need your wings to fly your fairy Warrior was really cool and Magic is the best sorry for what we said about your costume Jeffrey you can wear anything you want and if it makes you happy then it's perfect for drink of [Music] day leave my friends alone oh you're in trouble [Music] now [Music] that was amazing Jeffrey thanks Caillou I couldn't have done it without you or your magic [Music] [Applause] wand oh no I'm missing the fireworks we've got a great view from over here those must be part of the Lunar New Year celebration that sure is a nice sweater you got on Caillou thank you Sarah said to wear red for good [Music] luck hi Sarah happy Lunar New Year hi CYO thank you for inviting Kyo over for dinner we'll pick him up in a few hours it's our pleasure we're so excited to have you here Caillou bye here are some slippers to [Music] wear shinen how huh it means happy New Year oh [Music] shuh wow want one yeah I love oranges my parents make sure we put out oranges on Lunar New Year for good [Music] luck yum this good luck orange is delicious is that a dragon yeah that's the Dragon Dance the dragon scares away bad luck and brings us good luck go away bad luck [Music] huh that Dragon does doesn't have wings Chinese dragons don't have big wings they swoop and dance like this [Music] Caillou Sarah Caillou time for yashu yay what's that it's this Red Envelope [Music] oh kids get these red envelopes filled with money wow thank you to a safe and peaceful year for Sarah and Caillou what are you going to do with your money we shouldn't waste this you're right we should buy something important like [Music] candy would you like some fish Caillou uh yes please we eat fish on Lunar New Year because it brings us [Music] success I like this [Music] Caillou Chopsticks can be hard to learn try these special ones instead [Music] oh yum after dinner it's time for more fireworks more fireworks I was worried I missed them 3 2 [Music] 1 your parents are here to pick you up a does he have to go it's time for both of you to get to bed so you can be fresh for your first day of the [Music] year did you know that Dr dance to scare away bad luck is that so and did you know I can use chopsticks now it's so easy you sure learned a lot tonight yeah and did you know it's time for bed uh Happy Lunar New Year Mommy and Daddy happy Lunar New Year [Music] caou my mom taught me how to make [Music] it oh quite a plane Leo do you want to go first for show and tell this morning M I'll go first wonderful remember to use the how am I feeling board when you tell us all about your [Music] weekend this weekend was my Grandma's birthday and I [Music] felt well I felt a lot of feelings Mrs Martin why don't we take them one by one first I felt confused because I had to pick a cake but there were so many to choose [Music] from how you which one would grandma like uh uh that one red is Grandma's favorite [Music] color how did that make you feel Caillou proud I was in charge yeah I love being the [Music] boss all right thank you Jason what was next Caillou um we had to pick a gift for Grandma I was a bit nervous because I had to really think about what grandma would like we went to a store but it only had grownup things no toys anywhere what about these daddy those are special Caillou but do you think Grandma would like them ew bugs are scary oh it made me feel sad but I tried to look for something better [Applause] H uh look it looks like the flowers in in Grandma's Garden perfect Grandma will love it oh no that was for my grandma oh well hang on Caillou this lady got it first but roses are Grandma's favorite [Music] flower I felt disappointed when I couldn't get Grandma the sweater but then extra happy when the lady let me buy it she sounds like a kind lady she was but later I felt really not happy because Mommy made me wear an itchy sweater that grandma made for my birthday itchy sweaters are worse than bugs yep I felt a bit grumpy but grandma was really really happy I wore it oh Caillou the sweater I made [Music] you that must have made you feel very worried I'm sorry Grandma I ruined your birthday cake and I ruined your birthday and I ruined you did no such thing Caillou in fact you brought me the most thoughtful gift but what is it [Music] Caillou I don't like the sweater you gave me I like it because you gave it to me but it's so itchy I'm sorry oh Caillou I'm so glad you're telling me really why yes it was so kind of you to wear it even though you didn't like it because you knew it would make me happy but it's okay to wear something you like better instead and as for the cake my favorite gift is spending time with you Caillou so maybe we can bake another together I felt a lot of things on Grandma's birthday but I learned that when others were kind it made me feel happy and even when I was confused about feelings I could choose to be kind and that made everything okay
Channel: WildBrain Kids
Views: 283,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #caillou, #cartoon, caillou, caillou Christmas, caillou and rosie, caillou cartoon, caillou english, caillou full episodes, caillou gets grounded, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou holiday movie, caillou pizza, caillou remix, caillou song, caillou theme song, caillou theme song remix, caillou wildbrain, cailou, cajou, calliou, cartoon cartoon, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, cartoon video, childrens cartoon, classic caillou, kayo, slime, 까이유
Id: dU7aNOuv5U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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