NEW Lifetime Movies (2024) #LMN | BEST Lifetime Movies | Based on a true story (2024)

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so so and so in order for our company to Boom a social media presence is definitely necessary which can help us around 30% there's also TV marketing but that only works if you Market to a specific demo and although people think it's a dying machine radio is still by far the number one way to promote by 25% D you you don't got to raise your hand you just jump on in there sorry it's a habit it's all good what if we could somehow merge them all like a company that does radio promo along with TV and social media we're listening Cara and I came up with an idea for a company that buys ad shares in bulk sells them back to the companies for double the price it's kind of like the Groupon of ades you know what that's not a bad idea most people like to buy in bulk like Costco it's not like anything's cheaper there's just more of it yeah that's the little trick that they use to get you to spend more without even noticing so we'll be like the digital Costco ah digital Costco I like it okay that's what we're going to sell Derek Cara you guys have won the opportunity to pitch with us tomorrow if everything goes well I smell a promotion all right for the rest of y'all better luck next time work smarter not harder [Music] people [Music] all with my with my just infested how this supposed to be our life theme song and you don't know the words come on Trish you know I don't be having time to learn the words okay you know I be making up My Own lyrics that's my thing okay there's more important things in life than Learning lyrics to a song see there you go being all philosophical on me gosh I mean does everything have to Define importance yes everything has to Define importance that's what's wrong with the world today nobody defines what's important and what's not oh and you do of course I do oh example example say I take the time out of my busy schedule to learn lyrics to a song and that's taken away from something that I could be doing that's way more important like practice a far presentation today oh about that I forgot got to practice see probably cuz you was too busy learning the lyrics to the song shut up you shut up make me ah oh that was my titties ain't nobody thinking about your small titties okay don't be talking about my titties now I'm talking about cuz they small keep my titties out your mouth first of all your titties ain't never been in my mouth if you want them in my mouth I'm free after six shut up bro that's why your titties is too [Laughter] little congratulations you guys on that phenomenal idea today that we are going to pitch to Jason Maxwell wait a minute we're pitching to Jason Maxwell the Jason Maxwell the youngest self-made African-American billionaire Jason Maxwell that's him so that's why this pitch is so important so we got to practice we got to make sure we are on point because this could change our careers this can change our lives this could change everything we know we know and on Monday we're going to get back to the business talk so we should be turning up okay I'm with Trish let's get lit can't argue with pretty girls man [Applause] [Music] Trish on Monday I need you to be focused on this Trish because it's so big and it's good I'm going to be focused I promise all right Pinky Promise Pinky Promise prise pinky promise promise woo let's make a bet all right I bet you four more shots that you can't pull 10 numbers tonight okay well I bet you six more shots that you can't pull 20 damn that's double the number I gave you I mean well you the one that's all beautiful and sexy with the little skirt on and everything I'm just a guy that likes numbers you got the advantage true true it's a b all right in the meantime to Friendship partnership and everything in between so whatever she just said and me winning this B wo oh there we go get it up oh yeah that's how you do it yeah that's NY you you set me up I did I did I didn't know it was going to be this bad though boy what a night [Music] no no no no don't leave me can you cuddle with me tonight all right ma the room you big baby [Music] [Music] I know you go out every night you look so good there I want to take [Music] [Applause] a oh let me guess you want the bet uh I mean do you even have to ask the apartment is spinning right now I need to Al alaa shot boom right there see that's why we were here mhm I also prepared my special turmeric ginger drink a little bit of extra turmeric and ginger for the stomach ache voila and lastly black coffee no sugar no cream that's going to help with the headache oh my gosh thank you so much you're the best that's why I can always count on you Jamie one the best friends for right oh my gosh that new movie came out today what we belong together which I already ordered for tonight Saturday night streaming party I also ordered the snacks and I left you the food because I know if I don't let you at least do one thing you going to start cussing me out and it's going to be a whole big thing and I don't feel like dealing with the Wicked Witch of the West tonight I'll get you my little pretty and your little dog too Toto where Toto at don't do that Toto hey hey Dy what can I do for you I just wanted to say thanks again besides saving my life last week you recommending Sals was a good thing I got the job I started yesterday oh my God Trish this pizza is Bomb where you order this from again a woman never chose her Secrets but it could have been my boy Domino my big homie Papa John my little homie B okay mhm well you tell the homies that they can burn some pizza [Laughter] [Music] though Jamie I really do appreciate you like you always at my back and always supporting me always laughing at my horrible jokes cuz you know and you really have my back after Ryan left me you know I was a wreck mhm well look we known each other since we was eight I always had your back and that ain't going to change you already know what's up that's for life will you be my Made of Honor at my wedding can you do that you know I could be the man of Honor mhm yeah and then I could be like the best woman at chores I like that mhm Pinky shake shake with earthquake Pinky shake oh my [Laughter] [Music] God Jamie what's up do you think I'm smart I actually think that's a dumb question for a smart person to ask ah don't kick me okay yes yes I do think you're smart I actually think you're brilliant and beautiful and focused and determined sometimes a little irresponsible [Laughter] but you always show up you know that's what makes you such a bomb person thank you yeah ran would have never said any of that about me he used to always say better be lucky you cute cuz boy ain't nothing up there and then would laugh about it like it was funny and I actually used to always take that really personal anyways I heard that he is working at a new shoe factory in Texas so I mean I don't mean to sound funny but you know your boy Ryan's out in Texas at a shoe factory while you out in La living your best life the boss of your own successful marketing company one of the most successful marketing companies in the west coast mad i' say uh things always kind of happen way they supposed to happen yeah think I can hook me up some shoes in new Jordans if he had not why I brought that up I was saying he at the factory he BS Jordans so make sure that the numbers are right okay Jamie said Maxwell is a numbers guy so I just want to be prepared for anything he may throw at us you got a bus he's a strategy guy and that's where I come in I'll lay out the Strategic outline you bring the numbers DK's going to come with the idea and Jamie is going to bring us home with the finishing touches look we cannot let him leave this office without cutting us a check I like the way you think now this guy has pockets deep as the blue sea and guess what we going swim okay you all right so he's 10 minutes away and he is super duper punctual so he will not be late let's get ready okay up up up oh everyone please sit down sit sit sit sit sit I'll make this quick I'm looking for the next big thing you guys have 5 minutes to impress me and tell me why I need your business that 5 minute starts now oh um yes okay so uh let's see here um so 2021 uh sales were a bit low stop giving me information that I already know this is going to work for you you have 4 minutes left I'd use them wisely if I were you okay so okay then then 20 22 we come around to Jesus stop stop stop stop is this a joke don't bother answering that um so at this point I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for completely wasting my time really appreciate it wait Mr Maxwell I don't know who you think you are but this is a business now we spent a lot of time on this pitch for you because we care about our business so you can take a seat and properly listen or you can take the next 3 minutes to leave feisty one I see may I ask what is your name Trisha Freeman co-founder of trimmy digital this is my partner Jamie Dawson Cara Gonzalez and Derek Carter we've prepared a beautiful presentation for you so if you'd like to listen we can start now okay Miss Freeman let's see what you got okay all right let's just get straight to the point we all know how much the world is changing and yeah we know how much radio is so important to promotion and we also know how much social media is taking over the promotion game but one can't live without the other so we want to integrate the two into one I'm listening so we want to buy radio and social media ad shares in bulk and sell them back to the companies for double the price think of it like the Costco of AD sales and with the a business like yours one that everyone already trusts we all feel like we can take this marketing game to the next level well I love it you do mhm have a full proposal s to my office by noon today okay thank thank you Mr Maxwell no don't thank me thank Miss Freeman here for being so amazing all right so we will have our attorney draft up something and get it right over to no no no no I already told you something in writing by noon I'll make my decision after dinner tonight dinner oh yeah we'd love to go to din sounds great just miss Freeman we can close then how's 8:00 sound sounds like a date what the heck just happened Trish just had a billionaire ask her to dinner tonight to close the deal Trish you are a freaking rock star so are you going to go tonight where to dinner with Mr Maxwell oh hell yeah and she's going to close the biggest deal of our careers wow it's time to get the champagne popping [Music] are you done yet yeah don't you see I'm out well finally you're out well I hope you're clean okay all the time you took all right now you got to be careful this dude guys like Jason they only want one thing you got to give me more credit than that Jamie I mean maybe he just like that I wasn't scared of him or maybe just maybe he saw something in me other than my looks a maybe or maybe he just want to hit it okay we just going to have to wait and see whatever can you just help me find something to wear please before I is there anything else you need me to do for you yes everything I got to be the stylist I got to be you know how this makes me stressed out I don't know what to wear actually got something in mind I like this one what you think yeah um not trying too hard right yeah I like that I like this yes perfect than hurry up don't take another hour please I'm not you got to go and press this guy we got to get this deal got to get this deal hurry up okay so good so tell me about yourself Miss Freeman what do you want to know everything starting with why a woman as intelligent as you does not have her own business by now well um it's just always been me and my best friend Jamie um he's the brains and I'm the beauty at least that's our little joke we have yeah I mean you are undeniably gorgeous but it seems to me that you're way more than just your beauty I mean if it wasn't for your brain we would not be here right now about to close the deal because you saved your boy's ass in that room H thanks Trish Trish where you going what's up how did everything go I want to know all the juicy details unless you had sex on the first night cuz if you did that that would make you nasty and I don't want to know nothing about that shut up all the girls you have sex with on the first day I know you ain't talking exactly my point they're nasty I don't even know why you would think I would do something like that anyways you know I have more respect for myself than that yes I do know that I also know you have a weakness for uh handsome guys with money whatever look it was cool but you know that like arrogant jery was in the office yeah how could I forget he was the exact opposite he's actually like really charming and sweet and loving still not my type like At All by far try likeo no but um wasn't as bad as I thought okay enough about his resume did you close a deal or not his team is going to call Monday to negotiate go go go go yeah H there's just one thing though what's that he wants to go out again well go out with him take him out pay for his dinner don't matter whatever you got to do to close this deal we got to close yeah you're right almost there this close forever forever forever yeah forever forever forever makeever cuz I'm you long as we together we can never lose it's me and you forever forever forever [Music] [Laughter] yeah so good thank you appreciate nature so how's your food oh amazing this in this place is it's really nice yeah thank you you know I'm not going to lie past few weeks have been amazing you know what getting to know you has been different than I expected as well okay um oh no no no you don't have to you don't have to just just hear me out I just want to let you know that I'm ready to take our relationship to another Direction um I um I don't know I don't know what to say I well just just relax I'm not asking you to marry me or anything wow [Applause] okay may I yeah just okay thank you yeah this as beautiful as you this is it's gorgeous thank you so much excuse me uh can I have another glass of wine please yes please give the lady how much she wants whatever she wants and I will have a pineapple Sprite when you get a chance thanks wow that looks so good on you I think I did really good here I'm not going to lie I think you did amazing I think I did so well this you did not have to no it's nothing it's nothing like I said just a token of my appreciation right just lights up your face I love it thank you gorgeous gorgeous [Music] fall oh wait oh kind of short okay all right thank you so much lot of water okay all right okay get your feet in there come on thank you thank you yeah make sure she gets home safely got you Jamie you're you're not going to believe the night I had oh my God I had to fake drunk just to get rid of that dude I think after we sign I'm definitely hooking him and Cara up oh they would be perfect for each other investigators are looking into a car crash early this morning involving billionaire Jason Maxwell sources say there was no go invol Trish Trish wake up possible intoxication what's up how much did you and Jason drink last night what do you mean you know Jason doesn't drink why he was in accident saying he might have been under the influence he died on impact gosh but he doesn't even drink so that can't be true oh my God oh my God this is all my fault wait wait Trish come on don't do that this is not your fault people die every day no no no no no I mean I mean he wanted me to come with him to this this little place that he knew of but I I didn't want to go because he gave me this necklace and it just made me feel all weird and I didn't want him to feel like I was wasting his money so I I just told him I had work in the morning if I just would have went with him maybe this would happen look Trish don't do that all right okay this is sad but I'm not going to let you blame yourself over somebody's Reckless act all right it's not your fault this guy had zero alcohol in his system cause of death was poison funny thing is is that he could have survived the accident wait wait poison yes boxsm toxin was found in his system H so you telling me this is a murder investigation and not a drunk Drive in accident so why do you think you're here and not someone from his family did you get her her what the woman that killed Jason Maxwell I Trisha Freeman she was last seen with with Jason last night oh yeah yeah no trust me she's number one on our suspect list we're going to get to her you had no idea Jaz you need to slow down all right everything don't move this fast these things take time okay it's only been a couple of hours and plus we found out that Jason Maxwell was poison so maybe I do need to check out this Trish girl that you're talking about wait a minute he he was poisoned Oh you mean that you had no idea the rookie that knows everything didn't know something okay right but no seriously he uh he had a toxin in his system that guy was dead before he even crashed into a tree and whoever poison him put an empty bottle of VOD in his car to make it seem like it was a drunk driving accident from the words of Jason Maxwell whoever set this up is pretty much an idiot why are they an idiot trying to say that Jason Maxwell was drunk driving is like trying to tell everyone that Michael Jordan played football the hell are you talking about JZ Jason Maxwell stopped drinking when his good friend was killed by a drunk driver really and where the hell did you get that from it's an interview an old interview that's all over the internet in IG basically saying he hasn't drank since College how does a man that does not drink die from drunk driving H and I'm the rookie all I'm trying to say here is that you need to check that Trish check out that's all I'm saying all right all right Jaz I'm on it all right right thank you okay jammie who's just miss Freeman detective Kyle Hayes LAPD I just want to ask you a few questions about your last night out with Mr um Jason Maxwell so it's brought to my knowledge that you two were together right um detective Hayes was it yeah H is Trish under arrest no she's not under arrest Mr oh Jamie's my name and uh she's been through so much already just finding out the news so if um you're not charging her with anything and she's not under arrest and clearly you don't have a search warrant I'd respectfully uh like to ask you to leave listen Miss Freeman we would just like to ask you a few questions okay so if you're up to it please feel free to give me a call um my cell number is on the back of the card thank you detective thank you both for your cooperation you have good evening oh my God you let him in it's the cops I I didn't know what to do God everything's going to be fine I think I did it you sell alcohol but don't drink it's a very interesting story behind that talk to us about why you don't drink yeah um I lost one of the closest people to me in a drunk driving accident and ever since then I vowed to never drink I saw how it took my friend and I just can't imagine being the one behind the wheel taking someone's life so you've never drank before not since the accident no I don't plan to hey so what happened happened with what did you get to talk to that Trisha chick yet yeah I want to speak with her but her boyfriend or whatever the dude was he must have some knowledge of the law cuz he asked me did I have a warrant and of course I didn't so yeah damn do you think she did it I highly doubt that a woman like her would poison Mr maxw well you know plus she has no motive and where would she be able to get a drug you know like that true but but hey you never really know nowadays right you all right about that just saying yeah just saying due to recent and unfortunate news about Mr Maxwell we will not be closing the deal what what but not to worry because I'm in contact with an iHeart Radio R so we went from closing a multi-million dollar deal with the billionaire to Jamie in contact with an iHeart Reb should I just start looking for a new job now man we were supposed to be the Costco of advertising now I just might end up working at Costco oh come on be don't don't do that look hey listen everybody this is not a time to panic okay because we are still one of the most successful companies on the west coast exactly so let's not start making jokes about new jobs just yet we'll be fine we good yeah we're [Music] good hey look for something oh hey um I was actually looking for that scarf I know that the the laundry was it mixed up in your stuff have you seen it no I actually haven't well anyways I'll save you some hot water I'm just going to make a run real quick and I'll jump from the shower and I get back oh okay well uh you need me to go with you no I'll be fine um you can take the car today if you want and I'll just Uber home oh okay cool all right cool see you later I see you later I have Trisha Freeman here to see you come on in Miss Freeman Miss Freeman it's I'm actually surprised to see you um yeah I didn't get an opportunity to speak to you when he showed up at my house yesterday my best friend Jamie is a little overprotective over protective I see but he was actually right we didn't have a warrant or a reason to arrest you so a phone call probably would have been more professional on my part but please have have a seat so I just want to get into some questions about your relationship with Mr Jason Maxwell you were the last person to see him alive you understand that right and you two were dating to my knowledge is that correct not exactly my company and I had been trying to get a meeting with this man for months we finally got his attention and he agreed to meet with us turns out he would only agree to do the deal if I went out with them so we went on a few dates it wasn't anything serious on my end but he started to catch feelings and he um he gave me this diamond necklace diamond necklace so tell me exactly what happened on the night that he gave you diamond necklace so I had a few more drinks and he offered to take me to one more place but I I just pretended to be more drunk than I actually was so I didn't have to go okay understand that did you witness any unusual behavior from Mr Maxwell um or see any suspicious people that might have rubbed you the wrong way it's known that Jason's a very popular guy I'm sure he had lots of handlers not really no it was always just him and and his driver that that took me home but that's it what did actually happen to him was he really drinking not at all Miss Freeman Jason Maxwell was poisoned during your last date with him he ingested a nanotoxin so either you poisoned him on his date or someone else got into his car and jabbed him with the poison and drove him into a light bulb that's awful who would do such a thing that's what we're trying to find out so I'm investigating his family friends his loved ones his business associates anyone who would have wanted Mr Jason Maxwell dead or someone who would benefit from his passing so you think I had something to do with it not at all Miss Freeman I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this that is my job well please let me know if you have any leads on this and um may I call me if you need anything else um I really want to help find the person who did thisk thank you for your help Miss Freeman thanks I'll be in touch oh my God you alwaysed all right TR what's wrong I just can't stop feeling like Jason's death is my fault I mean I just like if I would have went with him maybe he would still be alive right now listen we already went over this a thousand times it's not your fault okay the news is saying it was an accident no no it wasn't Jason was poisoned wait who told you that I I read it somewhere so you're telling me the guy was murdered yes but that but that's not the point the point is if I would have just played my position went home with him maybe slept with them he would still be alive today and our company would be in a completely different position you know you could always sell that diamond necklace that he got me when our company would definitely serious okay I know I know you're serious I'm I'm going to keep it a buck with you sometimes it is a good idea to use what you got to get what you want but as long as you can sleep at night and you keep your integrity that's what's important could you have gone home and slept with Jason you know maybe maybe not but I mean if you telling me the guy was murdered then technically if you would have went home with him or not he would still be dead in some odd way what you just said makes a lot of sense I know that's cuz we besties we understand each other [Music] detective a yeah I can be there in 10 minutes [Music] okay so we got surveillance footage of Mr Jason Maxwell being attacked in the parking garage that you two were eating that are there any suspects yet I'm starting to think that it may be a professional hit he wore black hoodies so we didn't get facial recognition and gloves so he didn't leave figur prints or DNA at the crime scene so what does that mean it means that we're in the dark this person may get away with murder this so crazy I just feel really bad for his family well my team is working around the clock we're going to find this person but that's not the real reason I called you here miss Freeman you being the last person that was with Mr Maxwell alive and now that we thinking that this was a hit you may be in danger yourself so what should I do lay low watch your back if you see anything strange you need to give me a call okay thank you for coming by hey if you're ever hungry or um just want to talk about the case I know this really good pizza spot up town just a thought I love pizza have you ever had to kill someone actually you know with me being a detective we don't really do that as much as the police officers would but you know anything can happen and all to do it really wow that must Beed really hard you have no idea how hard it is [ __ ] hey hey you missed the meeting oh shoot I'm I'm so sorry I just been running errands all day yeah I see you oh [Music] sh there one more hey morning right on time voila M I'm okay today oh oh you good now cuz you dating your little mystery boyfriend huh your little boot thing you know what I'm saying so tell me when do I get to meet him when do I get to meet the man that you're replacing me with oh shut up Jamie I have not replaced anybody and plus nobody can replace my Jamie weie my jie whatever you was out with him all night last night all right seemed like it's getting a little serious so you got your makeup done your hair done probably brought out the new curling iron that you bought 2 years ago never used actually I did um I don't know I do like them though I do but you know me and I'm just going to take it slow plus I'm the date killer now so I don't want them to die once we go out look well I don't want you to die before you get the snacks and the pizza for tonight Saturday night streaming okay I did my part now you got to do yours good I got you all right and no phones this time cuz last week you didn't even watch the movie you was just okay okay you're right but you know how it is when you first start talking to somebody don't act like you was the same way with Rachel don't cuz cuz Rachel was different cuz Rachel was the night guard at the penthouse so I I could only talk to her at night that's what that was about for me and Rachel whatever look look I got some things to do with Dereck today so I'll be back around like 6 mhm MH sure you don't want the Dr yeah I'm good why don't you give it to your little boyfriend maybe he'll appreciate the the work the hard work that I put into making your drink that you ain't even going drink that's not Scot and I'm not Eddie I'm Dr Morris and that's James the security guard you were in Gardner Rose Hospital you were sted a couple of weeks ago do you know who you are I'm now I Tau you this amazing did no I'm I'm the cop I'm going to save you all right right I'll do it for che the cow heads LAPD I just want to ask you a few questions about your last night out with Mr um Jason [Music] Maxwell wo I oh hey oh hey where you been oh my gosh oh my gosh Jamie I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'll make it up to you next Saturday okay it totally just it just escaped me this week I don't know what's going on Trish 5 years we've done our Saturday streaming parties five years no no no and now that you dating this cop you want to miss how' you know I was seeing a cop what are you doing following me now yeah I followed you okay that's really creepy since when does it become creepy to follow someone when your best friend goes missing for a few hours with no call right now when you just told me you followed me you know what TR you are so inconsiderate just selfish after everything that I've done for you it's like I've had your back since we was kids always given never expecting anything return this is how you treat me I mean I mean you only got a job because of me what's that supposed to me exactly what I said I'm the one that got you your job always hustling making sure you good would nobody hired you if for one for me doing that for you you're the beauty I'm the brains remember you said it yourself the other night the only thing you good for is laying on your back you couldn't even do that right that was slow I'm I'm sorry get out of my house Trish I'm sorry I get out or did you forget that my name is on the lease because Jim's credit wasn't good enough you're not the only one helping a friend out right or should I ex-friend Trish get out before I call my cck boyfriend to come put you out you know the one that's not complaining about me laying on my [Music] back [Music] I know what you been through you been on my M things a't been the same since since you been gone and I know that you care even though you're not there it's like we running in a race baby Finish Line moving at the same PA baby it seems like I could only lose somay I hope I can't get back to you if I could just see you last time if I could just see you last time I tell you that I miss [Music] you you I if I could to see you one time one time you're the best friend I could ever find I want to tell you that I miss you you miss you miss you I know what you been through you been on my ment things been the same you been and I know that you care even though you're not there it's like we running in a race baby Finish Line moving at the same PA baby it seems like I could only lose I hope I can get back to you you need to stop the beefing I mean it's affecting the business what was the problem now now um Trish accused me of being creepy I flipped out said a few things I shouldn't have and she kicked me out creepy man what you do remember after the whole Jason Maxwell thing happened you know a detector shows up at our door asking Patricia naturally me being overprotective I followed her following you isn't so bad if he was just trying to look out for you I mean what if that guy Tred to hurt you he was there to stop it you ever try to look at it from that angle it turns out she was meeting with the detective can I be honest bro yeah you following her is a little sketchy yeah I know it looks sketchy but mri's too vulnerable she trusts guys too easy you know and I've always you know been there to protect her I've literally had to protect her in the past from it what do you mean protected that's not even important the important thing is look at out for Trish has just always been my thing just I always wonder what's best for her you know but the things he said they are forgivable Trish what people say things all the time that they don't mean doesn't mean that Jamie doesn't love you bro if I didn't know you I think we were talking about your 14-year-old rebellious daughter do you hear yourself right now yeah when I say it out loud it does sound a little ridiculous I don't know man I just think I really screwed up look man I mean at this time maybe it's best for you to give her her space and let her figure out all this on her own come on you guys been best friends since you were two come on give the guy a chance I don't even know if he wants to fix things after the way I treated him there's this cool invention called a phone oh you can call someone without actually having to see them you should try it whatever what about our company I can't just roll up in the work like you know like nothing ever happened H what you going to do I don't even know you're crazy no I'm right yes you are you should call him and apologize tell him how sorry you are for overreacting and fix it so we can be all happy again it's weird when Mom and Dad are fighting okay I I mean I'll call them but just not right now I'm not ready and plus I have you to keep me company yeah but don't get used to this okay I have a man and I'm sacrificing my sex life right now to be your substitute BS hey how's that uh iHeart Channel looking actually that's looking good I got one of my guys that's going to hook me up with Doc winner so might be good that's what's up the doc just got to figure this TR thing out first so figure it out ASAP whatever you the guy just be here is that the cop boyfriend okay he is not my boyfriend I'm just helping him with Jason's case yeah okay Trish I wasn't born yesterday I know what that smile means okay you're right he's just so charming and like just like really sweet and nice and like every other guy who's just trying to get in them panties trash just be careful look I'm not saying what Jamie did was right and how he went about it but I do believe he was just trying to look out for you I'm team Jamie E I know you're so team [Music] Jamie [Music] oh what up hey um I was I was just I was just uh I I left something and then I was coming to get it then I was then I was going to get it and then leave okay yeah know it's fine take your time hey Jamie hey care you guys need some time together because I can go girl no it's fine no you you tripping you I I was just about to leave anyways so and I found it this what I was what I was looking for that's the can opener your mom gave you yeah yeah it is I thought you gave it to me I did but then [Music] yeah I'm I'm really sorry about how everything turned out I really wish I could take back everything I said yeah me too I haven't seen you in the office lately oh yeah I just been busy you know just doing my thing yeah me too just busy doing my thing too stuff yeah all well I I I'll probably see you later anyway or or or not or if you if you all right [Music] bye I don't do that drama [ __ ] yeah same with M it's good so how long would you two been friends since grade school yeah there was this kid his name was Garen Harris yeah Garen Harris and he tried to kiss me in the third grade I didn't want him to So Jamie beat him up got suspended from schol for 3 Days ever since then he's always looked out for me always had my back sounds like this Jamie dude is a real good friend was a good friend until recently yeah what happened it's just been acting really weird following me and getting jealous followed me the other night I was out with you said he was trying to protect me Trish I mean I'm not trying to sound crazy anything but following somebody like that in my profession it's called stalking no no no that's not that's not him I know Jamie he's just super over protective protective do you think he followed you that night that you were out with Jason Maxwell h back him up hey watch out KY Jamie Dawson you under arrest for the murder of Jason Maxwell that's crazy I ain't kill nobody y'all get up out my house man anything you say and do will be used against you in the court of law cuff his ass better watch out hey man get off me bro you in my house without no warrant hey man what's up actually this time I do have a warrant better play nice or I had resisting arrest and assault an officer to your charges so what is going to be we going to do this the easy way or the hard way Trisha put you up to this tell her she's dead to me get his ass out of here my uncle's a judge I'll be out of here in 2 hours yeah good luck with that [Music] Jamie please tell me you didn't do this they are going to put you away for the murder of Jason Maxwell if you don't start talking I know you didn't do this why are you letting them think that you did I wouldn't even be in here if it wasn't for you what think your little boyfriend wasn't going to jump at the opportunity to tell me you turn me in [Music] I don't know what you're talking about I would never do that yeah you know what I'm talking about Kyle told me that you told him I followed you tonight Jason died which made me the prime suspect wasn't like that Jamie oh what was it like you two was just pillow talking he assumed Jamie you know that I would never hurt you but I will tell you this I like Kyle he's good to me and yes we're dating but that has nothing to do with you being innocent so why don't you just tell them that you didn't follow me so you can get out of here I miss you I miss you too Trish I got to tell you something you're not going to like it what I did follow you tonight you went out with Jason what but I I didn't hurt Jason I I promis I didn't do that how am I supposed to believe that CU you know me Trish do I yes you know I would never hurt anybody come on if this is me I'm sorry I have to go TR TR Trish don't come on you know I'm innocent I didn't do [Music] this what are you doing here Jamie it's a long story y they are trying to charge you with murdering Jason Maxwell Jamie what the hell have you gotting yourself into boy it was Trish I felt like she could have been in a little bit of trouble so I kind of followed her to her date in trouble what was the guy going to shoot her with a money gun you see how ridiculous you sound that's stalking I know I know so Maxwell is murdered and um they they have you at the crime scene not the crime scene at the restaurant but I promise I didn't have nothing to do with Jason Maxwell was murder the only reason why I was there is to protect Trish try explain that to a jury so they think you killed this guy but what would have been your motive that's the thing I don't have one cuz I didn't do do it only reason why I follow her is because Trisha gets real vulnerable when she gets drunk and I didn't want anything to happen to her so cuz I'm the one that told her to go on a date so if something would have happened to her I would have never forgave myself I know it was stupid dumb with this calm down I got you man understand okay but listen the main thing is I believe you all right so I should be able to make a few phone calls and get you cleared of all this madness Okay thank you you're welcome now go home get some rest and lay low for a couple of days until I call you yes sir one more thing stay away from Trish it could be trouble if you don't all right got it Dawson got off what judge Telson said that there isn't enough evidence to link Dawson to the crime but we got solid evidence placing him at the crime scene he was at the right place at the wrong time what is that what does that mean Street camera show Maxwell putting Trisha in a car at 11:40 at the same time there's a camera showing Dawson's car across the street Trish pulls out it's 11:41 Dawson follows almost tailgating okay so that means he was there so what does that mean Maxwell was seen in a parking garage at 11:45 at the time he was drugged so Dawson couldn't have been the one that slipped Maxwell the poison and we don't know who that person was we have one eyewitness but they could not identify the Perle so you telling me that we back to square one I guess so get forensis on the line see if they can find any print it's a DNA in Maxwell's car that's going to link Dawson to that crime scene we already checked that check it again okay it's Dawson all right we just have to prove it now get me a search warrant so I can get inside of his house right now got it [Music] [Music] I bought this table 10 years ago from garage sale the little old lady sold it to us for half off because she she said she liked your smile what are you doing in my apartment our apartment okay this used to be our apartment well it's not anymore she scared of me now you you think I'm murderer answer me stop it you're scaring me oh I'm sorry I'm scaring you you sent me to jail should not be scared of you Trish you ever think about how that made me feel do you ever think about how I felt when I found out you were following me why did you just ask me why I was following you why remember when we were in college and it was your first sorority party you was so nervous you never been the one before so she called me crying I ran over as fast as I could you asked me could I go with you but I was like you know it's all girl party so of course I can't go with you you remember what I said he said that you'd walk with me and wait for me outside until I was ready to go exactly I'll walk with you wait for you outside and do you remember what happened that night Brian Chambers and his friends were outside waiting and you know what happened okay I get it no you don't get the point okay Brian Chambers was a guy that you trusted he was your boyfriend and because you wouldn't sleep with him he was going to take him and his three friends and they were going to treat you like a piece of meat you would have never ever recovered from that night Trish if I wouldn't have been there to protect you ever since then I just I promise to always protect you from the Brian chambers of the world cuz unlike me every guy is a Brian Chambers always wondered what happened to Brian Chambers I take care of Brian look I'm sorry I don't want your apology just want you to know how I feel I'm in love with you I've been in love with you since we were 10 I mean haven't I been obvious enough sorry I just I don't I don't I just don't feel the same I know that's why I was just cool with being your best friend that's really why I'm here right now to warn you Kyle he's another Brian Chambers okay it it's just that's a he's a bad guy I I just feel something in my gut about stop I am smart enough to make my own decision I understand that and yes you are smart enough but when it comes to men you've never been able to see guys for who they really are you are right about that cuz you're not who I thought you were either Trish I'm sorry I just wanted to protect you it's okay okay okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay stop CH come on come on it's not that serious TR come on Trish Trish J you must be out your damn mind showing up at my place like this don't you know I'm an officer of the law I don't care who you think you are I'm here to let you know you would need to stop seeing Trish if you knew what was good for you bro so you threatening me now oh that threats I speak facts and the fact is I know who you are Kyle yeah you just like the rest of them I want to let you know that I die first before I let another man hurt Trish so you think I'm scared of you huh please like I said I'm the law you might want to know I got your little friend Trisha wrapped around my little finger so you might want to leave us the hell alone so you end up in a situation that your uncle won't even be able to dig you up out of now that's a threat now get your ass up off my property [Music] hey Trish it's Jamie again for like the 20th time got I just want to talk to you I'm sorry okay just please pick up or or call me back Trish please okay I'm sorry just just call me back stop stop stop stop stop a hey baby hey what's up nothing it's bored just got out the shower what are you doing you know work as usual but I'm getting closer to cracking these case though yeah that's good I really hope you get this guy yeah me too so I took the liberty of washing the towels last night because I knew you weren't going [Music] to I said that I'll do the laundry okay you do everything else the L I can do is that yeah but if I wouldn't have stepped in and saved you like I always do then you wouldn't have this nice fresh clean tow to dry that's why I have one down here that to Pink towel that the the pink one that I just used to drive with this morning what see that's why I'm have to get another roommate cuz you're always taking my stuff you ain't think about getting no other roommate I'm just I just watch this one he my favorite towel and you know that I know it's your favorite tow it's my favorite towel now too hurry up and get dressed you going to make us late so you want me to come over I wish you could but I I have a super early morning so why don't you come over tomorrow and we can order pizza and just make it like a sleepover I would love that okay I'll see you tomorrow then okay tomorrow it is all right [Music] [Music] bye [Music] I just I felt something I try I try to ignore it but I heard the person's phone go off right and you sure you didn't get a look at this person his face right I know by the time I came out of the room they were gone I don't know I feel like it was Jamie Jamie wait what makes you think that it was Jamie because he just keeps calling me and calling me and then earlier I came home he was just here just sitting [Music] there I don't know I don't know maybe I'm overreaching no no no you you're not overreaching no trust me Jamie is a he's a very interesting guy you know you know what I can get somebody from the Department they'll put a tail on him yeah no that way we'll be able to track his movement no no no no I don't want to do that you sure positive all right thank you for coming over I really don't want to be alone tonight you shouldn't be alone T night you know what matter of fact why don't you come back with me to my place stay with me I don't think it's safe for you to be [Music] here come on in L resurfacing make yourself at home w [Music] yeah your place is fire yeah you like it yes I designed it myself you know I'm kind of into interior design so but no seriously um I was thinking that you should probably stay with me for a while you know I don't think it's safe for you especially with this dude still out there you know with all that happen at your apartment at night no I just think you going to be in danger if you're alone yeah I'm um I'm okay with that yeah then it's settled so have you um talk to your boy Jamie no I have nothing to say to him you know I can't help but think that he's the one behind all this right look there wasn't any proof okay he was released just let him be he's not hurting anyone I understand all that but when my team goes over to his house and if they find anything linking him to this murder I'm just letting you know he's going away for a long time all right can we just not talk about Jamie right now you're right we shouldn't be talking about Jamie we should be talking about you and me yes now that's something I can talk about let's talk about it [Music] okay [Music] [Music] last night was amazing had to work early so you when I get [Music] home girl you look refreshed this morning I feel good you gave the cop boyfriend some didn't you let's just say he gave me some over speaking of our team right now hey Trisha hey Cara how you guys doing like for you to meet a good friend of mine doc winter hey Trisha nice to meet you Jam's told me all about about you good things I hope uh great things actually oh doc is actually here to meet with us about our digital Costco idea I told him we were the exact team he needed yeah it's actually perfect because we're thinking about expanding at iHeart wow I this is amazing um yes we are the exact team that you need well I can't wait to hear the pitch I'm going to have my office reach out and set up a meeting next week okay yes so nice to meet you mret you nice to meeting you just call me doc doc right take care my guy see you soon all right doc take care man doc winners wow listen Jam no no let me like I'm really really sorry about everything that I put you through I mean you know I was just being overprotected I shouldn't have I know that you were just looking out for me yeah yep I've always just wanted to keep you safe you know I know I know and I'm safe look Kyle's a good guy and I really think I think he might be the one finally what I'm happy for you so what's this mean for you ah me probably going to get out of town for a bit you know I think y'all got it handled here T will take care of you guys a friend of mine in the bay they want me to come out there and turn up so you know me turn up King you do not have anys and you don't turn up that's true nah just you know probably just going to take a little vacation got some money saved up always looking out for other people I think it's time I start looking out for myself I'm really happy for you Jamie and please keep it touch we built this company together and I can't run it without you oh I know you can't that's why I'm going to be back soon to make you know make sure we figure out our next moves I love you I love you [Music] [Music] too [Music] yeah you know how long I've been waiting for this wake up jerie you know I almost thought I lost you there for a second K yeah it's me where where am I at where is TR at TR you see her look over there you see her but don't worry about about that right now we'll get to all that in a moment right first I got to ask you a very important question do you remember a guy named [Music] [Music] Brian all right what I I don't know what you're talking about come on Jamie Jamie you're a smart guy I know you remember Brian look at me Brian jamers Brian Chambers the same guy that tried to rap Trish in college what what does he have to do with he need is Jamie will allow me to reintroduce myself my name is Kyle officer Kyle Chambers yeah Ryan was my little brother Jamie years ago on this day that you killed my little brother can you imagine the pain that I felt when I found him laying on the floor huh look at me look at me damn it s he took his last breath in my [Music] arms not a day or a moment goes by that I don't think about my little brother or wish that it was me in that bed instead of him or what I would have done if that person would have tried to kill me Brian was a bad dude him and his friends that was going to take advantage of Trish I I couldn't let that happen to him man I had to protect him like I I didn't mean to kill him I went over there and I I just tried to scare him he pulled the gun out on me I had to protect myself man I didn't mean to do it I didn't mean to do that I had to protect myself shut the hell up Jamie don't nobody believe that [ __ ] man I'm but you know what it's okay now cuz I'm in control calm down Cal you got this remember the big picture Okay F I spent the last five years of my life hunting you down the only reason I became a detective is so that I can make this [ __ ] that much easier and then when I found out that you and miss little Trish were living together oh boy do you understand the joy that I felt I literally get to kill two birds with one stone if you going to kill me just do it already I ain't got time to play games man maybe I deserve to die after what I did yeah uh you definitely deserve to die and I'm glad that you realized that but I'm not going to kill you jie no that'll be too easy it's only fitting that I had to watch my little brother take his last breath that I make you watch your little Trish take hers just like in this picture look at her I drew it myself is this is she beautiful I I feel like I caught her Essence what do you think H boy talk about a full circle moment you touch Trisha and I promise you I'll make sure you buried right next to your brother look at you with all that tough talk what you going to do you tied to a chair it's over all right calm down and just enjoy the ride cuz this is how it's going to go down I'm sorry but I got to kill Trisha okay that's just our it goes but no here's the good part I'm going to frame you for the murder just like I did with old boy Jason Maxwell [Music] [Music] you killed Jason you should see your face yeah I killed Jason you are going to go down for his murder too once they find the vile of poison that I left in your apartment I think we got something yes some type of liquid or something yeah now you see it's the same identical poison match that was found in Jason's system being the jealous overlooked best friend that you are you killed Jason when he started getting too close to treasure oh and then when she started dating me oh yeah that just really sent your crazy ass over the edge and you tried to kill us both but after you attempted to kill her I stopped you overpowered you and arrested you you see how this plan is perfectly coming into play you are going to spend the rest of your life in jail Trish will spend the rest of her life 6 ft into the ground and me I'm going to get a promotion a raise Awards and all the praise you can't make a perfect Revenge than this that is what you call letting a plan come together my boy and just like that Trish's hit right on time the funny thing is Jamie last night I finally got to taste what my brother was trying to get all along and let me tell you it was to die [Music] for hi look at you look at you wait wait wait wait we'll get into that later okay okay I got a surprise for you a surprise yes ma'am after you what just make yourself at home surprise you know Kyle you should really know what you're doing before you try to tie up an eagle scout bro what the hell are you doing here Jamie and what is he talking about oh oh oh your cop boyfriend didn't tell you I guess why don't you feel Trisha in on everything you told me upstairs in your little creepy black room when you have me tied up Kyle I don't even know why here you you know he's crazy oh I'm crazy well allow me to reintroduce you Kyle Chambers Kyle Chambers yeah Brian Chambers older brother yeah KY so why don't you tell her how you killed Jason Maxwell and you going to frame me for it and how you were going to kill her and Fram me for that because she's the reason why your brother's dead what is he talking about I don't even know work Kyle you need to tell me what he's talking about right now before I call the police Trish now Trish you just need to shut the hell up all right yes yes yes yes oh Jamie boy is Right Brian was my little brother and yes it's your fault that this [ __ ] killed him and yes I killed Jason Maxwell okay and yes I am going to frame him for the murder why because he deserves it he killed my brother brother what you killed Brian tell me you didn't kill Brian I'm sorry Trish my fault it was an accident I went over there to scare him and he he pulled a gun on me and we wrestled and the gun went off it was an accident I promise it was not my fault it was an accident it was a accident with this gun right this G right here right stop stop J Kyle stop [Music] fre Jasmine it's Jamie he's the murderer please do not make me do this I will shoot you drop your weapon put your hands behind your back what are you doing you know exactly what I'm doing get up you are under arrest for the murder of Jason Maxwell Jamie is the murderer yes I killed Jason Maxwell okay and yes I am going to frame him yeah I know everything Kyle Chambers thanks Jamie let's go let's go right to Mar silent anything you okay yeah I'm good not anywhere you okay I'm good you okay A B better Brian chambers's brother what are the odds huh it's crazy BR I can't believe you killed Brian I told you it was an accident I was just trying to protect you I'm always going to protect you Trish no matter what nephew you know you're going to have to do some time for this right I know you you got to turn yourself in come on let's [Music] go oh no that's not no come on welcome home what's up missed I miss y'all too a hey I heard you been holding it down well what can I say congratulations on the promotion thank you I'm friends with the bosses hey man you are the only man I know that can close a deal from jail how do you do it man I got the best team ever that's good seeing yall you too man welcome back all right hey bestie hey bestie welcome home oh yeah feels good to be back it's good to see you after all this time you too you know what I've been wanting to tell you it was kind of nice having a stalker it was like having my own personal bodyguard I mean you can call me winning houon you crazy know I wasn't that bad uh you had pictures of me at your house I was a little obsessed yeah off for a good reason though keep a promise to a friend I always protect you I can live with that hey so good to see you let's celebrate Cate drink I like [Music] drink fore for 5 action
Channel: Monisha Films
Views: 1,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 19sec (6079 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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