New Legendary = New OTK | Colifero the Artist

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califo the artist is the promotional legendary from the upcoming whizbangs Workshop expansion it's an eight Mana minion with a battlecry that draws a Minion from our deck then transforms all other friendly minions into copies of the minion we drew and today we're going to be drawing idari Inquisitor an 8 Mana 88 that attacks anything our hero attacks so basically we're going to be turning the entire board into eight power charge minions and I do have a strategy to always draw idari Inquisitor so first I'm playing Soul Leader Scythe which at the start of the game consumes three random minions from our deck and turns them into bound Souls that can discover from those minions so our deck's not going to have any minions then we're going to use the bound to discover idar Inquisitor and then we play dispose of evidence to shuffle The Inquisitor back into our deck and then bam califo always draw Inquisitor 88 Chargers and I'm actually seven and four with this deck so maybe it's actually kind of sick Omen verus your soul shall be mine These Chains cannot hold me what the heck my deck tracker got some crazy new overlay I just made this deck how does it have stats on it uh okay I don't think I'm keeping any of these cards right and now my deck list is in the normal order I don't know if I like this eternity quick pick all right we got a 3 four five and a six even wow we got excavate warlock play this unless I hit a vault so this can give me a Fel barrage a chaos strike or a chaos Nova if this isn't good next turn might just take a chaos strike feel that healing be I think chaos strike is okay uh I'm not worried about getting like dirty r or anything right so I'll just go a and take this the F spoils all that's very annoying I guess this is fine though I thought about playing relic of Extinction here to juice up the relic of dimmensions a bit but I don't think I need to seemed like the war band was quite strong into that board califer that has Rush probably just going to make more three threes here spoils all you know at this rate I might just play idari Inquisitor on turn eight along with dispose of evidence it is 11 damage okay that's not very good for the opponent all right there's califo I guess we'll go ahead and see what this draws into need to get some of these minions to stick to the board if they're just trying to snake me then it seems likely they wouldn't be too worried about a bunch of one ons [Music] [Music] or that I guess I'll make some 1 ones here so many securities not again I don't know if I love that I put this many things in play but I do have two more Securities in hand so maybe it's fine defile overdraw is good drown yours [Music] okay now I'm dead to double snake snake only does seven right so if I can find three healing this is three healing giv of the Arcane search Within Me Flames Eternal all right I think this is good I also got to dump a bunch of cards so it makes my dispos of evidence a lot more likely to [Music] hit this is fine so far and actually I think Abyssal curses no no sometimes when you play a discover type effect you can't hit uh multiple of the same card but I think these probably count as different boom everyone could use a fresh ET there we go you've been cifer you will know endless torment These Chains cannot hold me wow a lot of good cards here I'll just keep uh I have played against plague death knight and it was extremely annoying hopefully it's not plague very well could be rainbow I did lose once to Rainbow but it uh it was kind of my fault so I'll just simply play better this game I'll coin this cuz it might be hard to Outcast it if I don't oh boy another Relic should I play relic of Extinction this turn never mind uh playing it would have buffed the relic of fantasms for next turn but I can just play it on turn four with the other relic of fantasms should be fine the more you the wow why can't I find a Vault to go with all these [Music] relics maybe I just kill them with Relic stuff before I have to draw a million plagues but I guess the plagues are in the way of my next Relic thing we only need one oh get that plag out of my decks all Mark of scorn is pretty good into that but I think I simply need to play relic of Dimensions oh baby drawing up to nine next turn you if I burn the unleash fell I can Vault plus relic of dimensions and then I just have to hope something is playable from Dimensions but that should be pretty easy flames etal hey that's playable hey that's playable maybe I save one of these big flashy cards to go with my combo how close am I I just need to find another bound Soul right and maybe another dispos of evidence I don't know they're both so good I think I just want to play him here spoils all I might regret this but I mean I can always play Security on the combo turn and I'm not really like I currently don't even have the second boun soul I have to spend at least a turn actually playing the bound Souls I think holding at this point is just a bit premature another security I don't think there's going to be much point in holding two Securities so I'll just go ahead and play this one card draw two bounel [Music] the lift and [Music] quiz let's just go ahead and burn this because uh it is in the way of dispose of [Music] evidence well that's scary but if dispose hits it is lethal so I can play this and then dispose not great odds probably makes sense to go for it though because sometimes we hit everyone could use a nice taunts strength so many priests and they all play dirty rat eternity tempo I can't just play Bound Soul willy-nilly against priest cuz they'll play dirty rat oh they got some nonsense over there or maybe that's just a Reno card whatever I'll just grab this if I get ratted I guess I lose have to spin the Mana on it eventually all right well this de definitely doesn't play dirty rat right so that's good for me wow those automatons are really hard for me to kill the spoils all all right this war band is super good nice no more robots for you let me examine this card minion you played this game that did not start in your deck so I believe that's only one automaton at this point ET I was correct my you created a temp Aly okay so the opponent's showing I think 25 since the automaton in hand does three damage basically that's pretty bad for me all right check this play out heal for five etal this goes freaking face and now my pun at 12 I can burst for 14 15 with hero power dispose and Inquisitor we should be able to play three automatons here which only bursts for six and is not enough to kill me created a temporal anomaly is nice didn't think I could win this game without cifo give me strength These Chains cannot hold me so priest is kind of a bummer of a matchup I think I do keep my relics the last priest was a control priest that just played steam cleaner and killed all my freaking Soul Leader Scythe cards and turns out my deck just can't beat steam cleaner so that was a bummer ET I do have a pretty good hand here [Music] though Tempo excuse over here this is for sure going to be a Reno [Music] deck that is a an excellent draw looking like maybe even a turn five relic of Dimensions why' they get rid of rro Viper my deck is built around Soul Leader Scythe don't they know that maybe I should have just coined deal with the devil here and delayed relic of Dimensions by a turn but I really want to start drawing through the deck wow Mana pretty awful discounts I will say next turn can maybe be deal with the devil and War band I guess that could be okay [Music] us 1 million aelor I think I just want some card draw the F spoils all okay that's a pretty underwhelming card seems a bit silly to go face when I life steal up almost all the damage let's draw a card with this ET maybe I can bait a dirty rat here very annoying I guess I'll play this even though it only summons one our of us our gift of the arcan enlightens US relic of Extinction is pretty nice here might just be double [Music] Relic this can draw a card relic of Dimensions I've only got six cards left in deck it would be nice to hit double bound Soul so uh I don't ever have to worry about getting dirty ratted but I don't think that's like a super big deal it would also be nice for this idari study need to hit like a Sigil Runner or the little rush guy that's one Mana that way I can just have an extra minion on my security combo [Music] turn final bound Soul does cost Mana Theo all my combo only does a guaranteed 30 so I really would like some random minion to stick to the board our of USS twindle Wayward Sage oh I can discount the bounel and a security so I definitely do this if I hold this for next turn I have to play unleash fell Wayward I can't hold this right ET yeah unfortunately it is pretty natural for them to play this take you know the I think I'm one damage off lethal [Music] here everyone could use a frh only fire so I've got 32 yeah this puts me one off advances put that in deck so it doesn't get dirty ratted I guess okay well I mean next turn I've got an idari Inquisitor that can deal a ton of damage I also have arist unleash fell which does a little bit I mean I can't play both but they beat different things it's a pretty annoying card for the opponent to have but I guess I should have known they had it since it was from plagiarizer okay this definitely doesn't kill me oh cool I win nice nice nice nice I'm not sure how tough that matchup is it feels like there's a lot that can go wrong with like dirty rat or Etc into steam cleaner but maybe on average they just don't hit those cards
Channel: Chump
Views: 39,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Ranked, Standard, Legend, New Deck, New Cards, ShowdownInTheBadlands, Mini Set, Delve Into Deepholm, Colifero the Artist, Illidari Inquisitor, Spell, Souleater's Scythe, Illidan's Gift, Quick Pick, Whizbang's Workshop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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