*NEW LEAGUE* Drukhari vs Necrons 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

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welcome to tabletop tactics coming up in today's battle the blaster chunky armor very cheeky indeed wow look at that i can feel the power of the drukari i'm glad we got these guys trace lawrence [Music] [Music] folks welcome back to tabletop tactics with myself the spider and my opponents today the chef hello this is an all new show a series of shows are league reports replacing the old tactica series yes so we've already done a video on this letting you guys know how the show will work so if you haven't seen that will be the last video we've released go check that out but this is the first in our competitive in-house league it's an ongoing league we've all picked our factions we've got a statistics table you have a link for that in the description below and you will of course see our details come up on the screen but what am i using to debut my league well i am going to use the drugari so pretty much spin-off just a sweet variant of the list that i used recently here on youtube because that was a competitive list and this still is a competitive list i've just tried it a little bit i do have something wildly different i'm going to use that in the next league report i'm going to do that on demand because we won't always use the same list crazy talk no we'll do some experimentation as we can hone our competitive skills but as a caveat this is a competitive series so if you're watching a league report as opposed to a battle report they're going to be two savage lists the game may be over quicker sometimes they are going to be nail biters as well but you know you have to be in the competitive mindset if you want to see two tuned lists go the distance then this is the series for you yeah look no further and what are you running today i've got the necrons you see el clasico for me and because yeah that they they can make some pretty nasty lists and also this would be a good um tester for them um because yeah obviously there's that stigma that's associated with the early codexes in any edition where they start off really strong and then they become rubbish later as more codexes are released power creep the power creep the codex creep whatever you want to call it ah that's a debate for another time um so this would be an interesting match up um i've gone for some classic components with a little tweak myself um on some of those components i've used but it is pretty much a list that i've been using for some time now very successful um quite successfully just judged up a little bit to make it more of a league-worthy game is the theory we'll see i could be totally wrong and you guys are probably looking at the time now and you'll know more about it than we do because that's the magic of cinema you'll look at the time and go well i know how this is going to go or you'll be looking at the time going oh let me get myself i'm going to need a brew for this one like i'm going to get myself a little biscuit settle in afternoon's entertainment well look it's going to it's going to be brutal and you definitely do have the tools to absolutely demolish my list both with a combat and uh shooting ability as well as just board control because you've got an opsec army so why don't we actually go over those lists and since we've just spoken about yours talk about yours first coming up next all right then it is necron time so today we are running a battalion none of that nonsense anyway let alone in a league report it's a battalion and we are running them as a custom dynasty uh relentlessly expansionistic and uh eternal conquerors so for those of you that aren't aware this essentially as a custom dynasty gives everything in your army a six-inch pre-game move it also gives everything in your army objective secured if they were already objected secured they count as double models it's pretty crazy it doesn't affect katan it doesn't affect dynastic agents so it will not affect a portion of my list but what it does affect is all of my very fast combati orientated stuff and it makes my troops even better at holding objectives so it's a really strong overall trait in terms of board control it's not the most offensive one although that six inch pre-game move is very good both offensively and defensively i've got a lot of utility here's the point so we're led up by a catacomb command barge um he's just a really good all-round choice he has a gauze cannon he's my warlord with enduring will so he reduces damage by one and he has a staff of light which i've upgraded to the relic the voltaic staff so he's a good all-round unit he's good at range he's decent in combat he's pretty survivable he's pricey but he's a good all-round choice he also is carrying a resurrection orb which may or may not come up in this game i hope it does because when it does it is beautiful uh backing him up are two chronomancers so uh they both have entropic glances for a bit more anti-tank bite um and we've given one of them rarefied nobility so he has immortal pride so that gives him the six-inch aura of ignore combat attrition modifiers um because there's nothing worse than uh failing morale on a unit of necrons and then losing another four or five to ones and twos at least this way i can only lose them to one's right it also gives him a five-up shrug against multiple wounds which isn't as important but it's also useful to have in a pinch and then my second one um identically equipped with the introvert glance and also has the veil of darkness as his relic so i spent a couple of cp here um uh apologies the barge has the hand of the fair on so i've spent four cp pre-game um one for a relic one for the extraordinary and one for uh and two for the hand of the feron so i can do my will be done on two separate units which will be useful for um the initial stages to buff up my longer range shooting and then when i as i close the gap i can buff up my shorter range shooting as well as my combat ability so i've got utility there so we've got the veil of darkness we've got um combat support we've got uh range support there and we've got the chronomancers themselves just giving that lovely five-up involving re-roll charges and we've got the utility of the barge so the hqs are there to support and do a bit of range damage as well so they will provide general support for the plethora of anti-infantry that i have in my troops so i've got two units of 10 immortals both equipped with gauze blasters here because unfortunately tesla's just not great anymore if it was if it was the same points maybe but gauze is just better the ap2 is just beautiful strength 5 is so important because it gives you that it's that magic number of wounding a lot of stuff on freeze if not winning stop on fours um and yeah they're just a great workhorse unit and then we have a unit of 20 warriors with gauze reapers so again lots of strength five lots of ap2 a lot shorter range but these are a good mainstay unit because they can be buffed up to the nines and they can be incredibly annoying to shift while still holding objectives and even better as a result of my custom trait and because of that six inch move they're gonna get up in your grill faster so you can kind of see the synergies of this list at work here i hope uh we then go over to my elites we have ten lich guard with sword and board because again compared to the war size the the four up and the two up save is just better and the invulnerable save the damage two is really nice the strength seven and the minus four is really nice but it's strength six at minus three sure only damage one you're probably going to do the work anyway um and they're again there to kind of be a bully unit and now they're even better at doing that because of offset because if they don't quite shift the unit off of that objective they now go well we're going to hold it anyway so you know get lost um and then we have a void dragon i can't help myself he's a lot of fun to use he may not be the most competitive choice um because a lot of armies can deal with the katan quite easily however i think if you do come up against those lists that can't deal with them he can be a real nightmare and he does offer that anti-tank support which this army does fully need so he is certainly one of those ones which can be looked at and tweaked later um definitely not a necessity in the list but i wanted to see if i can make him work in a competitive environment so let's sort of see if that comes to fruition then we go over to my fast attack to round off the list we've got a unit of five rapes uh fast pretty survivable even better with the obsec now they're a great unit fall back in charge so you know they're never going to be tied down as well as being able to always pick their targets well and then we have two units of those annoying little blighters the scarabs unit of nine and unit eight um again the obsec makes these guys super obnoxious for board control purposes um incredibly efficient with the the points per wound and you just make that even more crazy by giving them the five upon the chronometric so overall the army is fast the army is really good at controlling the board controlling the objectives um as well as still having a fair bit of punch is the theory we'll have to see how it holds up this is the first sort of outing in a proper like sort of league setting for them but my fingers are crossed and it's 2000 points on the nose so clearly i am destined for victory but we'll find out let's see what lawrence has cooked up competitive fans look no further than have arrived and this is now 2 000 points on the nose because my first uh outing with them the debut which you would have seen recently here uh was a competitive list for sure but it was 1999 points and i just couldn't i just couldn't i just couldn't i just couldn't run that again so i tweaked it and now it is 2000 points on the nose so uh it's almost identical to what i've run before and then the next battle report with jocari i'm running something completely different polar opposites so uh you can tune into that and look forward to that if you want to see something completely different but for now i think this is probably my favorite list we'll see how it goes against the necrons today it's two patrols so i'm maximizing my efficiency here before i ran a battalion i basically get to i gain 2 cp with this because that's what happens so i start with 14 cp that's the rules okay so the first patrol is led by drazaar he's not the warlord today because only the spider can be the warlord uh but there we go he has uh got his thing i've paid for his points and he can't have anything else so there he is he's an absolute beat stick we then have in troops two units or rather three units of cabalite warriors and for those cabalite warriors i have three dedicated transport raiders with dark glance there was a comment saying why are you not taking disintegrators on on raiders or what you know why would you not do venoms or blah blah blah the raider with the dark lands is the best transport that's why if you're talking raw efficiency you know a boat carrying a d3 plus three damage weaponry and when you're running this is obsidian rose or black heart which is also very good uh with a re an inbuilt re-roll on it i mean it's a no-brainer right they're really good so i'm taking three raiders there we go the three units of couple black warriors do have a single blaster each as well so that also adds further to my anti-tank then in the elites slot i have a unit of 10 mandrakes uh they didn't do a tremendous amount against the death guard when i debuted them but actually they did because they were controlling the boards and getting out onto the objectives and applying pressure early on taking firepower away from my flotilla so actually while they didn't kill a lot they did for me exactly what i wanted them to do which is why i really like them now i know this controversial choice people will be like why aren't you taking witches why aren't you doing doing a real space raid what a couple of reasons one i don't have rax's troops i can't run a real space raid yet and two i am predominantly a cabalite player so if you're sticking to cable lights you're going to look at those mercenaries generally things like mandrakes and incubi as your combat units so a unit 10 of those and i've got a unit of five incubi whereas previously i had a unit of nine so i've reduced the unit to five in this particular list then in heavy support i have a ravager with triple dark plants really good they're they're really good you know and you want the you want the extra anti-tank what's not to love i like a ravager uh i know some people disagree with me but i like a ravager when you've got an inbuilt re-roll to here or a rotor wound with blackheart obsidian rose which is good then i go to my second patrol and we have the warlord the spider himself he's an archon i have given him splintered genius um so basically i've upgraded him to a master archon so he can fight twice i've given him the warlord trait hatred eternal rather than drazaar why because trisar generally doesn't need the re-roll to wound and he gets the re-roll to hit next to the archon the spider anyway because the reroll wants to hit effects incubi units as well that's not in a real space raid that's just all the time so i'm basically getting jizar hitting on two's rerunning ones anyway and on top of that he's getting plus one's wound in built so i would rather the re-roll wounds on the damage three gin blade that i've given the spider and he can fight twice and he gets seven attacks because with the gym blade so it makes him really nasty in combat so i've got two compact beat sticks rather than just one that works well for me we then have a blast pistol on him as well just for funsies and then on top of that i have another three units of troops so this time i've got six units of cab light warriors uh in exchange for the nine incubi that i had previously in my old list they've also got blasters and they've also got three dedicated transport raiders with dark plants so that brings me to six units of troops with six raiders with six dark lances and six blasters that's already pretty savage and i've still got more to come running through to the elite slot i've got not one but two more units of 10 mandrakes so i'm running 30 mandrakes here again i know that there are some of you that goes oh i don't think they're that good but that's fine i think they're really good and uh i've had great success great success with man tricks so i'm going to continue running them for a little while especially as a soul capitalite player right so 30 mandrakes then what we have in heavy support are two more ravages rounding us up to of course three ravages all with dark glands and to get it to 2 000 points on the nose i've put a phantasm grenade launcher on all three of the ravages because we're obsidian rose the range is increased and i really really really like the increase range i find it so useful and i really like the re-roll wounds again lots of questions why are you not running blackheart well i think if you're running blackheart you're probably going real space raid um solo blackheart for as a pure cabar cabal works really well as well just personally for me right now obsidian rose edges it as a soul caballite force controversial but there it is that's what the spider's thoughts are so that's my list two thousand points on the nose a bit of a longer one there but hopefully you understand how it all works let's see though can they defeat an all-opsec army helmed by the void dragon let's find out [Music] today's mission is vital intelligence a strike force mission from the warhammer 40 000 grand tournament mission pack six predetermined objective markers are placed onto the battlefield objectives you control at the end of your command phase remain in your control even when you move away from them until your opponent captures them the primary objective is domination a progressive mission where players score five victory points for each of the following conditions they achieve at the end of each of their command phases holding two or more objectives holding three or more objectives and holding more objectives than their opponent these are cumulative and cannot be scored in the first battle round each player also chooses three secondary objectives that can score up to 15 points each gentlemen may the dice gods be with you it is on we are here about to kick off with the first of our league reports it's official the necrons headed by the master chef of the dynasties himself he is ready to lay waste to this drunkardy army and uh drew carmi army he may well do so uh i've been bold with one of my units in mandrakes deploying on the objective just down there um but i'm sort of relying on look if i go first that puts him into a good position to do some killikilli stuff and if i don't go first yes i'll sacrifice that unit but he also has to deal with them and it will hopefully slow any movement that he wants to make towards my lines if he even wants to because i have some counters of my own mr chef yes sir with no further ado we've seen the deployments we know the mission it's time to see who goes first the dark flotilla or the forces of the dynasties yes the legion's innumerable okay mr chef yeah he's got to roll first right i'll go on then mr chef rolls off the ball are you stupid mr chef rolls a two stupid tracy mr mr chef says it's a stew i roll a six ominous uh there is no choice in the matter i have to go first it's true i'm not sure i'm happy about that because my mandrakes get to do something [Laughter] but i'm not sure that going second would have been a bad thing either just because of the nature the mid-range nature of the necrons meant that a lot of things wouldn't have been in range but with your extra move you could have pulled off some shenanigans shenanigans yeah i'm i admit i'm in two minds as well as to whether going first or second was good here yeah um so i mean so afraid what was your instinct my instinct was going first so that i could set up the board control um with basically with the double move yes um but going second isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on what happens in the game because going to if you get to sort of turn four and you've gone second and you've still got you know a good amount of board presence then you can go i'm gonna get 15 primary points yes basically yes um one thing as well that i will say guys the way that i've deployed i don't really care about not being shot at because he's too fast yeah um and i can't escape i can't it doesn't really matter you could literally have a wall like this down the middle and he would just fly over it this is the strength of the jakari they fly and they are fast so obscuring terrain doesn't really help all that and what's scary about obsidian roses my dark lance becomes 42 inch range and that's before i've moved and they're usually on a 14 inch move platform yeah so you cannot escape it doesn't really matter where you go with so that's why i've kind of gone out in the open um so it's just kind of like fine it is what it is um now i do have my six inch move pre-game yes as well at the beginning of the first battle round yes um and that is done before you move so that can still cause some headaches for you absolutely um but obviously i'm gonna need to account for the mandrakes i i'm okay with going second it just would have been nice to go first to establish the the board presence but it's not like i can't do that anyway exactly yeah so um or should we let you do you will do that anymore we all come back uh at the beginning of my command phase yes goodbye [Music] [Music] mandrakes have come out to play aggressively here and we've pushed hard on the opposite flank only the single raider and mandrakes over on this side but over here we have come full force leveraging our speed to hit the flanks hard so we've moved up with the forward aggressive unit of mandrakes uh come out to play with this second unit of mandrakes here and moved into the position with those mandrakes there the raider as you see in support broadside raider here another raider here scooting around to hold the objectives the ravagers are skirting around the backfield they're not wanting to get anywhere near danger because there's no need for them to really the incubi and the spider's personal raider in the center there flanked by another raider nothing happened in the command phase outside of gaining a command point not actually much that drakari can do in the command phase not really not with this sami at least there's a couple of things but for the most part no um and because we were holding the uh objective here and the objective here at the end of spider's command phase they are now tagged for the vital intelligence objective because he can now sort of move away he still counts as controlling them all that sort of good stuff it's nice it's nice it's real nice it's very nice indeed yeah so um as you would have seen i've done my pre-move um i decided you know what i'm just gonna go aggressive because realistically um i need to because i want to hold the mid board and that's what this army is designed to do yes so i have moved these uh immortals here in such a way as to um avoid charging they are just over 12 inches away absolutely no charges for you over here however i decided now lich guard are going to come out and barney because if you want to fight the lich guard you can have fun with that now if my plan fails and the lich guard screen crumples under dark light then i'm in a lot of trouble but we'll have to see what happens i have a little plan you do have a plan i have a plan whether that goes off or not is entirely up to uh the fates the dice i have a little plan um it's gonna be tough though you know this is a tough tough nut to crack and that's what makes it interesting so uh yeah we'll see how we go luckily there's no psychic phase so i can just get on with the uh party time the party get our dark light strobe technology out and yeah you can use your imagination for the rest we will begin with this flank the unit inside the raider everything into big daddy dragon yes now because we're obsidian rose we have 30 inch range splinter rifles which means we have a 15 inch range rapid fire which means that those four rifles are just in rapid fire range of the big guy so uh we're gonna rapid fire all right uh here we go rapido there we go okay a few hits this is poison you are not titanic nor are you a vehicle it's off the uh nice trough there two wins all right so two free up saves here uh i am fine lovely we then have a blaster it's a hit blaster that is a failed wound but you are obsidian rose exactly uh it is seven indeed a four or pin bun fails okay d6 damage v6 damage sir it is four four it becomes free three very good cool so he's uh that's all i'm aiming to do yeah take three words if possible uh so they've done their job uh i'm happy to move right on to this dark lance okay this star glance is going to do oh no i have to do some rapidos over there first no i'll have to come back to that raider dark glance in which case let me do some measuring over here i'll be back i can't believe you lied to these fine people no well i'm jokari you know what's up [Laughter] the unit inside this raider now all the poison into the rafes a single blaster into the litch car yeah yeah that's that's yeah i feel good about that okay right to hit uh we're on the poison first of all it's a nice little batch that's what we call a nice batch of poison yes bit of arsenic and uh old lace there right that is one two three four five wounds sir five runes out of eight shots the spider everyone uh we you kill one right kill a race okay okay that's then finished firing at them so reanimation protocols doesn't matter if i rear one with the undying legion you've killed a rafe with poison that is stupid a bit of a joke yeah uh and not a funny one either actually uh the blaster however we're now trying pop a lich guard he does miss okay that's good now if if i was black heart i could re-roll it but i know that's true but then if you were black heart you'd re-roll it and i wouldn't fail the wound so you need inside this radar now has finished firing so it's this unit uh correct yes yes the same split of fire power so the uh poison rapid fire split rifles into the race and a blaster into the lich guards yes let's see how i'm gonna address this now because it's a league and this is kind of what we're gonna do rifles you shall wait no yeah wait because it's i want you to address it because you know that you'll be addressing these in the comments anyway why are you rolling with your poison first when you know that you've got a re-roll because you might not need the re-roll to wound on your blaster but you're saving it quite unquote yeah you're absolutely right um i just this is this makes no right there's no rhyme or reason to this i have a feeling about things and i roll in the order of my feeling right so like sometimes like people will think i'm crazy but i know when i'm gonna roll the six sometimes i know it and that's when i call it and it comes up six and people are like oh my god i don't believe he did that but sometimes i just feel that i should do the poison first okay and frankly here's the thing honestly to re-roll a single poison roll i don't really care but you're right i should do that it's just it's more for those of you at home that are wondering why did aspire to do that because yeah the generally accepted order when you've got things like this or with expert crafters is to do your big stuff first because if your big staff's easier to wound with then and here's the thing why sometimes i will sometimes i will do it first sometimes i will i'll go blast the first i just i just i roll with feeling i see because you didn't kill anything with the blaster uh though that is true because you didn't get to that stage see look here we go look nice this is a nice it feels good you know i roll it i go yeah yeah i've got that mojo it's that it's that it's that dark light rave thing going on you know what i mean three wounds that's nice that's nice uh i'm fine this time great first losses so now we'll do our blaster blaster it's a hit blaster so you could have rerolled one of those wounds here's what i'm saying no you're absolutely right you're absolutely right for anyone that's triggered by the order i did it in you know i'm sorry but he's an atari so i've just fed off of your angst yes four open bomb fails cool damage sir it's a two one uh so what i'm going to do then because we should do this properly even though it's really awkward for me to do it whilst i've got a camera what happens if i do roll more than a two um you still kill me i roll the number of realities too nice yeah because you only roll per wounds not per wound taken yes because otherwise it would just be well that would be unfair for you it'd be crazy it would be a terrible rule um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to remove this boy here sure thing so we can do this properly this is a league game the reanimation protocols right so because i am in the the protocol of the undying legion i can reroll one of these you're going to say because you're in the league yeah i mean because i'm in the league i do get to reroll one but so now even though you killed him he stands back up he does however count for finn the ranks yep because he still died so i'm gonna have to start marking that down you are indeed cool well let me do that and we'll be back keeping it with the theme here the unit inside this raider the same split fire no rapid fire this time though and because we've got the dippy tip of our um vehicle over the edge uh we are ignoring dents yes indeed so this time i will start with the blaster sure i will start with the blaster it's a hit it's not a window that's fine right so obsidian bros knock them both into wounds well it's fine incredible a four open bun fails so they finished firing at them so anyway one of my damage okay only one damage i will that i will use acp for given the fact that you have 13 of them or whatever so i've used the cp i've got a five sorry all right very clear no that's fine okay there we go go if you'd like to make your re-animation i would indeed sir okay so undying legion because it's every time alas doesn't bring one back this time um but one lich guard is slain possibly a cp i'm down to 40. ludicrous i know d poison okay only four shots this time because i'm no longer in back with fire range uh two hits one wins so you can re-roll that one because you've not used your repeating right you see obsidian versus correct that is two wins two boots okay so two free up saves here uh one wound goes through so one rafe is down to two wins remaining okay the spider's personal raider which should clearly have true born inside it but he decided to leave them at the uh at the spire i didn't quite have enough points if i had that spare ten points you would just because it's cool absolutely yeah uh so they're again doing the exact same spitfire again a rapid fire the uh the 24 inch range blasters you can look i'm with you i think obsidian rose is very good it's that extra six inch range i think more than the rear wounds you know yeah it's very strong i'm in a competitive drakari chat with like skyri skycast and um hero and lots of like uh cool dracari players and um so no one then they say no yeah because they're no culture exactly that's true uh but i always said that obsidian rose are kind of like the people waiting they're the reactor waiting in the stages in the wings whilst everyone's staring at black heart which they think of the big star but they're waiting to come and steal the show they are very good they're very very good in ninth but anyway look what do i know nothing apparently so uh blaster uh it's a miss okay i can't reroll it because i've already used command points and then i'll do the pointers you can't because you're inside of transparency i'm in the transport on top of that exactly uh so three hits and then to wind you i'll use an obsidian and that's one which okay so one wound one free up save here on the race fails again wow okay um i'm happy if you want to just go to the last raider in this little section sure well that's all if you want to raiders done then isn't it one two three four five yeah you've done all you've done all of the embarked units then at that stage yes uh so in the same split let's do that yeah uh so blaster wetter it's a hit blaster planter it's a win all right can i pass four pin bonsai i can this time uh four poison rifles we have three hits so far we have four hits four poison rifles we have that uh two wounds and an obsidian rose sir two wounds okay so one race got one wing left he does indeed he is fine because there is no ap there very nice okay it is bail blaster time uh we're doing some split fire here so five of them are going to go into the rafes this is 10 shots there and five of them are going to try their luck at the scouts try and whittle them down hawaii i think i feel like i've addressed this a few times uh a lot of people ask why i have this american accent when i do my blaster it's because it's it's like an american cartoon gun name isn't it like a ray gun yeah you know and i grew up with american cartoons as i'm sure pretty much most of us did yeah so that that almost ties into the lieutenant doesn't it yeah that's right versus lieutenant right that's right that's right we are products of our uh there you go and also i'm just saying that just to trigger people now yeah well i'm gonna do i'm gonna blast your uh race faster the rapes you say great straights let's do that first okay okay we have a load of misses so we are looking for fives here but six is for those cheeky mortal wounds we've got three fives okay they are at minus one they are massive so this is on to my fourth up save here uh no so two go through so one is dead one goes down to two wounds do i reanimate no sadly even with a reroll i wouldn't be able to one is dead one is down to two wounds on the scarabs so on the scalps it's a little better okay so we're looking for freeze here toughness yeah which is nicer there we go two mortal wounds and then you get one two three four five saves at minus one in the shop so i will do these on uh so five saves yeah so i'll do these on the ones that are in the ruins so they get at least a six up safe because otherwise they won't get anything at all uh so not that it matters so that's one dead and two mortal wounds was it immortal so one's down to uh one wound remaining okay reanimation protocols uh even if i reroll doesn't matter very good one scarab base is down every little helps the dark light now opens fire this dark lance here into my raves a single shot sir dark lance it's a hitch dark lance it's a win mark for death it is not a save on a four up in vulnerable one is slain very good okay reanimation protocols you've been unlucky with those states yeah four up involved means nothing when you roll like me and no reanimation there another wraith dead that's not deserved jeff hopefully it will come back round will it we'll see the ravager at the end here doing some split fire so we've got two dark glances at the rafes here one dark lance at the lich guard indeed cheeky little splitter indeed okay so we'll start with the wraiths dark glances we have a hit the dark glance it is a wound sir a four up and vulnerable save oh chef i'm gonna re-roll it at this stage because this is getting ludicrous passes across many saves uh now on to the litch guard it is the witch guard okay that's a hit oh i'm glad we got this dice trace everyone that's a wait before i memorable save passes on the okay so that's one ravager down indeed only two more to go moving down the pain train the next ravager in the middle here same split of firepower one on the litch guard two on the rafes okay ravager two hits ravager uh one wound and i will obsidian rose uh the other it doesn't go through there okay so one four up inbound here on the race i passed lovely that's the lich guard is a miss there we go hey we've balanced out a little bit here yeah exactly uh so this ravager now which would need a minus one to hit them yeah so we're going through those fences there everyone yeah there's no way that uh laurence could have positioned him in such a way realistically no no no it's fine um i'm going to do some uh just i'm putting these little counters on to indicate what's fired just for my own memory so this time here we'll do a single dark glance at the wraith okay so this one here is one that we've established is not at minus one because he's sticking over the edge so into the reefs yeah dark plants that was a hit by the way and obsidian rose it's a wound for a pin bun because of the re-roll off the board technically saves the lock has come around huzzah and then we'll do the spiders one he hits off the board wounds wounds four up oh that's four sixes in a row now i don't want myself to be alarmed but that's probably all my sexes use and then we'll do this one he hits he wounds there we go okay so one rafe is dead because it's d3 plus three damage yep so reanimation protocols even wow okay the reanimation has not been so hot and how does this one radar left on this flank which is the incubi one also fire at that wraith hits wounds this is to finish the passes on a six right then we'll just come to the last one and the last one so it would be this one here that i would remove because i want to make sure that i'm still within six inches of the characters in case i can still see you yep that's fine okay so um yeah quite easily actually uh so we do a no it misses anyway okay very good sorry the camera's gone a little bit squiffy here guys let me just sort this out uh so all of the raider dark lancers are fired you've got one wraith left remaining okay the hero rafe here who has tanked all of the dark lights so far it was clearly his power that failed on the invert on the first time round is now being fired by all three shots from this ravager here because we are going through dents so triple dart glance two hits okay double dark glance with obsidian rose two runes sir the obsidian ruse you get him i destroyed it he is destroyed alas a lack the race are no more you need a man drake's in the center here one firing into the lich guard for the funsies everything else firing in to the scarabs because they can see the sky at the end yep that's the thing one two three four five six seven eight nine let's do this there is something satisfying about bail blasts i like a bowel blast i don't know what it is perhaps it's the thought of those yummy mortal wounds maybe i don't know i like look if it does more wounds i'm all about it yeah threes now no mortal wounds though funny but that is a heinous number of wounds but i've wounded you a lot so that's good so three six nine wounds minus one wings okay so i've got five in my hands here guys just because that's easier for me uh so i do save two so far so because obviously the light cover right okay so uh that is uh seven failed so that is one dead because one was on one wound so you are dead sir another one dead so that's five and then one is down to two wounds remaining yeah okay and now reanimation protocols so i've got six here so i've got to do two more i might be able to get two out of my pooch i can yay for me everyone it's all happening uh right so even wow the animation is shockingly bad uh even with a reroll it won't bring anyone back goody gumdrops the final bail blast into the lich guard can we get cheeky bail blast only one hits okay but we could still kill them we could still do it six now uh it is however uh which i do save on a six very nice right i'm now going to spend two cp bringing me down to 12 and i'm going to put do never stationary on them because i wish to move them and hem you in this is the competitive way not to be confused with the mandalorian the mandrake's here everything into the immortals intriguing i'm still con i'm still teetering on the edge about the uh the scarab you see i'm more likely to do more wounds to the scarabs because you're only toughness three um your objective secured the only advantage of going for the immortals is that anyone i kill will be less firepower to receive at this point you've got yes a unit 10 isn't it i do need to start whittling those scarabs because they are a problem i i'm going to go over the scarabs okay very good here we go two hits i went with the initial instincts there we go it's about the average there yeah and we've got all those sixes again that would be cheeky that would be that that would be unpleasant it would be for me yes as it is you do as it is i do isn't it so that's a dead base basically it's a dead base and that is in addition to that you've got uh you've got uh four five six seven eight there's nine wounds in total nine wounds in total four four more and four more wings on top so nine saves of six up here because we are in the crater okay so we do save two but that is a total of one two three four seven eleven in total so that is one base down to uh one won't and then one two dead bases so reanimation protocols why do i bother clearly wow wow and thus we come to the charge phase very successful shooting phase all told really i've got to mention that this is how the unit of mandrakes in the center have moved here with never stationary and this unit that is able to charge the aggressive unit is going to uh run away from my lich guard like the pansies that they are and fight scarabs instead correct because yeah because they give you more board control correct this is how you play compet competitively yeah right here we go okay um charging yeah yeah overwatch no i can't even really fail the charge i rolled a high number which is good because i'm going to absolutely use that yep so nine i'll move them in okay we'll be back all right and just for reference guys even though i'm in the ruins i cannot uh set to defend because i'm not infantry uh which would have been nice there hitting on freeze although realistically i mean you know what i do have you have got 18 wounds to chew through there yeah you can do it but it's not guaranteed it's no guarantee no it's definitely not guaranteed well let's let you move in and that's it for charges isn't it yeah i yeah i'm not gonna charge nothing else is in range to charge so uh yeah okay very good we'll be back in the flight phase okay so nine inch move has moved around here we've already done our pile in 31 attacks you've got 18 movies to chew through like a dracari cocktail is that like you've got bones instead of ice in there yeah probably nice something unpleasant delicious oh hello ravages are flying okay i'll pick up these misses of which there's about five uh well actually what's extraordinary about that is i haven't rolled a single two huh okay they do exist on the dice though i can see them we're looking for freeze to wound here i don't get a save there's no point rolling for uh looking for blade artists or anything like that because i've only got a six up save so 18 freeze will do the business and i believe that is it because i mean maybe not i don't know 3 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. 16 wounds 61 left alive with two wounds remaining yeah i'll just double check three six nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen it is sixteen okay locked out a little bit there let me remove some casualties and then we'll be back for reanimation protocols okay so we've removed the one here because he was wounded he had to be removed first and then we've removed around here so that the piling has to happen this way but we do have reanimation to do so 16 dice here i've got eight in my hand so i'll do this twice uh okay i'll use my reroll now right so i've got three in my pool so far and then wow i bring about one thing about one okay fine at least i bring back one which is more than i need really because now i can put him back there he cannot tag my warriors they are safe for reanimation reanimation for using veil and whatnot this turn so it's fine it's exactly what i needed no more no less which is fine um so i do have some attacks back um and you all might just want to hit applies in combat i am yeah very well this one all the time so five's to hit here yeah okay uh the six was an auto wound forgive me okay because my feeder mandibles and the other one is also a win because your toughness is free right yes okay so two inches safe i save one i fail one uh that would kill one very well i have so many cp i'm almost tempted to just uh save him anyway i know that sounds really obnoxious but literally you are so many cp so i'm just going to re-roll it that's what you get very well okay so uh we did take out a mandrake yes um there will be a morale check to do for these scarabs here because we have lost a big chunk um but so be it uh look i mean it's not a terrible position that i find myself in um a little bit on the back foot but that's kind of okay um we'll have to see what happens point twice um you do have uh all three quarters i believe i believe you guys try and consolidate now over this central line well i'm not sure if you'll be able to given how you're in base space but we'll measure it up and we'll be right back all right okay so uh after the piling um because technically slightly out sequence there guys but uh no lawrence is not quite wholly within in order to hold that quarter but we do have one quarter two-quarter three-quarter so we do have two points there got 16 on the tally for in the ranks so a point there um i do have a morale check to do for the scabs are in combat with the mandrakes uh they are fine because they have lost um one two three four five six from this unit this time they're leash at ten so they don't care very good um this unit down here doesn't need to take a morale check because they've lost two and the lich guard have only lost one so look i mean i am hemmed in but that's okay i'll get over it sort of thing it's not the end of the world uh i will need to have a ponder about some aspects but hey it's okay we've i'm curious to see where you move we've got some options and uh we do have some uh very reasonable um bits of firepower coming in we'll have to see what happens necrons turn one is coming right up we are in the command phase term one for the necrons we have a bunch of stuff stuff going on first of all chronometron from the chronomancer uh doing that five plus invulnerable on those uh necron warriors there do you i will be done because he is a fair on will be done twice on the warriors and the lich guard all the way over here we have a chronomancer he is going to put five-plus involvable save on those scarabs look at this little guy right next to uh to the void dragon of all but i mean i wouldn't stand next to him but dangerous placed him over uh so there we go uh that's it right and then we've done living metal on everything yeah yeah everything so scary got a couple of scarabs got wounds back um and of course the void dragon himself gained the wounds so with no further ado will be the movement phase critical really to see how chef decides to maneuver his forces we'll be back in a jiffy we are in the movement phase here for the necrons the scarabs have fallen back out of combat with the mandrakes uh because they have fly anyway um and they have stolen the objective from us because don't forget objective secured in this force yes uh over here the lich guard have started to um stroll around the mandrakes so the mandrakes moved forward there to chem them in which they have successfully done making them a little slower i like it over here we have the void dragon and co moving towards the raider and co none of the scarabs or the warriors were able to move within three inches of this objective so they do not hold it but we'll see what happens so that's it the force as a whole has pretty much moved forward albeit a little slowly uh or tentatively and that concludes the movement phase is there anything else you would like to add mr yes it's the katan phase now the captain phase go right into it yes because it's done at the end of the movement so uh we're going to start with a voltaic storm onto that radar voltaic storm it goes off you take a total of i'll take store two mortar wounds you count as half wounds remaining for the purposes of the damage i'm now going to spend a cp to do dimensional destabilization so i roll a d6 and it does a random power okay the power is number three which is sky of falling stars okay that's pretty good so um i pick up to three enemy units within 24 inches don't need line of sight okay great uh all of your mandrakes if i roll under the number of models in the unit you take d3 mortal woods okay if i roll a six it doesn't go off okay so on this unit here they do they take one more tool okay on this unit here they do they take one mortal wound okay on this unit here you're in 24 of that back mandrake as well okay they do and you take one more three twos in a row fine so each one takes a multi wound very well so that's that and now his second power to do because that was from a stratagem is the trans-dimensional thunderbolt which is going to go on to that raider understood the raider it does go off on a two plus and he takes two mortal wounds again and then on a four plus the mandrakes will take another mortal wound from the spawn yes the splash damage doesn't go off but whittling away okay i will remove those models and mark up that radiuser shooting face proper now this raider here is the subject of fire from the chronomancer uh just in the ranks um just in front of the command barge there in fact i'm going to put lightning fast reactions on this radar for one cp sure minus one to hit go for it makes a difference it makes a difference okay very good we'll go straight over to that chronomancer that radar there okay he misses anyway okay good wonderful let's go straight over to the void dragon dragon uh he is going to fire into your radar yeah obviously he's got a spear which he hits range obviously it's the only thing so it will hit everything under the line yep it's a light a big sort of thing yeah on the radar specifically yep it's a wound okay a five-up pin bump five plus in vulnerable save no no to re-roll it yes the damage is four okay uh i'm going to use the cp roll okay let's be down to six i'm down to nine myself mr chef doesn't destroy one moment left fine okay and then on the mandrakes that were under the line takes away okay cool um i will have to make a save and calculate that in a second uh to save no man is slain all right it's now warrior player time fifteen of them firing at which blob of mandrake sir the blob in the ruins yes uh five at the this unit there okay so i gotta roll this twice this is the 15 because they're two shots pop uh hitting on freeze because you've got minus one but i've got a plus one the first bat is not bad so that's about right yeah just dropped six there so freeze to win okay it's pretty good uh one two three four seven five open bond saves there five six seven okay i'll just uh make them now why not uh yeah one two three four five are dead okay it says three more left so another 15 at them uh i did have the dice ready and now i've not oh good work me uh okay again pretty good about the average there with that minus one but the plus one did make a big difference actually yeah there's a lot of freezing there uh okay a bit worse than last time but still six weeks for two guys so five are dead and yes the unit is just about killed okay very good and then on the blob in the center okay so ten shots this time one two three four five six seven eight nine ten uh okay uh yeah the minus one made a big difference there was a lot of stews uh three swings here uh only the two wins all right very well two wounds on that mandrake units and no two mandrakes are slain i will remove them it's now a mortal time over here on this flank firing everything they got into these mandrakes yeah so 20 shots hitting on fours wow that was atrocious are clearly clinging to the shadows that was really atrocious wow look at that yeah horrific uh free spring and only three four wounds okay fine four wounds here i save one and three are slain okay very well it's command barge time now firing through the center fields into the raider and into the mandrakes they're both minus one to hit serrated popped lightning fast in a previous bit of shooting here we go let's start with him all right so the gauss cannon cannon any difference on one one miss uh forced wind fours one hits or one wound even one wound okay uh i hit you all the times and with tesla in string six that is five whoo uh minus and damage are meaningless okay five wounds let me get some dice five wounds uh past two and three are killed cool all right we now have the immortals here just inside this ruin are they all firing into this squad seven of them are because three of them are outside of the ruins they're dead this side so they can't see him so they're going to fire those mandarins okay so on to the mandrakes over by the voice sure said uh multiple shots first indians uh they are always horrific the immortals have whipped horribly yes uh i've realized that they're firing at minus one but that's that's ludicrous yeah that's absolutely loose horrific uh you wins once you wound one once wow i say cool on the ones that are out in the open okay looking for a freeze here let me actually roll you uh three wounds on the ones in the center wounds in the center fields i can do kill three of those so that is something we're in the charge phase and at the feet of the void dragon are the scarabs they are declaring a charge against the mandrakes and the raider i'm actually going to overwatch with the mandrakes i've seen cp i'm down to eight um i just want to see if i can get lucky i've got two hits so far i've got two hits now got two rooms five up invents for the chronometron they both go through reanimation protocols uh even if we've won't matter that is good very well that's that's that's always hoping for it's killer base the charge okay we'll see you in a sec we now have the scarabs charging in mainly using the move of course to come in to range of this objective so that he can hold that uh in a subsequent turn if possible now the void dragon needs a four to uh move into combat with both the raider and the mandrakes yes let's see if we go because of your hull so because it's pointing over i can get within an engagement range provided i get the four sure as it is a nine i may have enough movement to fly over just because that looks cool i do i'm gonna do that okay he does and also because i want him away from my lines and closer to your sort of danger zone okay so all right well there he is next charge is this lich guard squad into the lone mandrake yes okay yeah they make it okay we'll move them in are there gonna be any other charges uh no they fell back uh the immortals are fine there for now because they're going to continue the pressure and also because i want to make sure that he doesn't get shot by a dark glance um and yeah that's that it's okay then we'll be back in the fight phase we are starting with the scarabs they've just piled in uh they are doing all of their attacks on the mandrakes they are a minus one to hit in combat and five of them will be in engagement range correct so um i'll just give you a little bit of again because this is the lead guys the reason why i've started with them is because if i didn't start with them lawrence would have i would i was anticipating lawrence to interrupt so then that way these guys would then pile in in such a way as to um stop me from moving onto it because only the scarabs are obsessed the void dragon himself is not now realistically i'm gonna kill the the raider he says um so i need to make sure that i've got models there to ensure that his models can't jump out with his own object and thus turn off my object yep so that's why i'm starting with this gap here we go on to the mandrakes 20 attacks that's xeon hitting on fires that's four auto wounds because of my feeder mandibles and four hits uh that is two more wounds so that is one two three four five six saves spiders do you have an inbound four five six uh make two i found four so four mandrakes are slain the consolidation has happened and um i've removed the mandrakes in such a way as to ensure that the closest one to him meant that he couldn't push his scarabs too far this way because you do need to consolidate into the closest model you can still move around him but you can't move further away from him so chef has done the absolute best that he can as i would expect but it does still mean that only two scarab bases are within three of that objective so whilst they're upset he is holding it correct but i've placed the raider there earlier knowing that he's very likely going to destroy that radar and knowing that there's an obsec unit inside it is so that means that if i could just sustain the damage long enough and keep it alive hence why i did a reroll on one of the safes uh that if he destroyed it then in combat i can get the unit out if with an emergency disembark if i have to and which he'll have to because of my void dragon's pilot yes so here we go yeah because he's gonna pile in there like this now yep which means you would have to emergency disembark which means that actually you could lose more models than i could i would have okay so we'll have to see what happens it's just kind of it's up to the dice so here we go uh the spear of the boy dragon hit you all the times i'm very glad that you didn't do lightning fast reactions there yes well i want you i know i know you want i know uh that is one two that's all of the wounds uh five six up in vulnerable seasons i do technically have to make these because the new power from pain uh yes i am destroyed really uh i hope i blow up sure no i do not okay okay um i will now do the uh probably the emergency disembark i'm going to do a little measure though and see just what that situation is here it is thanks to the tip of the radar i can place these models holy within three inches and still an inch away from uh said enemies for now however one could not get out um unless i did the emergency disembark frankly i'd rather go no i'll kill one automatically save the cp and then i have to roll for the guys which got out and they all survived is huge because that's the objective i'm objective secured two i've got four objective security models within three chef's only got two and that means i've stolen it back yeah i only needed one to die there because then we would both have upset models we both have free at least that would deny you the the primary exactly i mean as it is it's not the end of the world because i'm holding free you're holding free it means that you're you are going to get the 10 points but it would have denied you five primary points which would have been a huge start um but ho-hum uh so the raid is dead um i will roll for his um thing at the end of the phase because that's the rules and he will consolidate into those warriors because they are the closest sure lovely not that he can attack again or anything like that um he does have his whip tail attack but i obviously haven't charged him so i don't get to do that that would be cheating um do you just want to quickly go on to this fight which is uh yes i mean you know i've i've got six dice in my hand here i'm hitting on threes and i'm winning on twos yep okay i'll make some saves it's five wins four wounds even he's dead very good okay excellent now in terms of consolidation and piling yep would i have done it no i don't and the reason why is because i still want to be within six inches of various characters here so i'm already i've already got that objective in terms of the object i already had it with the scarabs anyway but now i've got more models there i will do a little bit of a piling just to ensure that i you can't jump out and go ha ha i've got five models to your four again yeah um but in terms of like incubine drazara and the and the thing because of advancing charge i can't avoid them anyway yes so i'm just gonna have to hope that four open buns are actually gonna turn on for once yes uh that would be that would be nice it would be helpful it would be uh okay all right well fair enough uh we'll let you do that um i will actually then get to attack with the mandrakes and then actually funny enough to come like warriors and we'll be back it's now the mandrake now incidentally this is the night fiend so uh conveniently he was the closest and he is the knight fiend he's now going to use his sickle blade to cut down some scarabs die no no two hits die two wounds two five up in vulnerable saves thanks to the chronometron we take two wounds now i've got the kabbalite warriors they will do all of their attacks on the void tracker well yes because that's what you want and actually they've got two attacks base now they do so two four six eight plus one because of uh cybrites uh nine so two four six seven eight nine here we go to hit the card okay we've got a few hits i'll take that uh it is successful it will be successful uh but sixes with blade artists also have an ap because we're called jakari like that oh no wings okay was worth a punch so that brings us to the end of the fight phase i believe uh i don't have any fight against stratagems you don't have any fight against stratagems i just roll for his matter absorption because he killed a it vehicle go off shane okay it's annoying though because the regeneration of wounds are critical okay so um there is a morale check to do for that single mandrake the warriors are leadership eight so they can't fail um and that's it really yeah um not the turn that i needed let's put it that way no it's not do i care if that man drake fails his morale um i mean it'd be useful just having him there causing a pain but having said that now i'm not going to spend cp to auto pass him does he pass does the wills still wills fate it uh no they do not mandrake runs okay okay so slight error of judgment on my part here i forgot that advance and charge was a thing now for everyone and when you're five double fives to come on both incubated i mean realistically i don't know if it would have changed too much i probably would have just sort of had them swung back around a bit more here but hey they are where we are so what we've done is we've moved up with drazaar we've moved up with the incubator and we've moved forward with the raider we've moved over here after disembarking with everything pretty much which units still have models inside well conveniently i've placed the models in the back the ones with nothing in have nothing very good so we've disembarked and moved over here we've disembarked moved over here the spider has come out to play and we've sort of come sneaky sneaky around here now i was anticipating uh a lot of combat in turn two hence why i chose a protocol of the conquering tyrant as my second uh turn trait so i'm hoping that i'm going to survive long enough to be able to use it what does that do for the people at home uh i get to fall back and shoot with a minus one penalty very much so we'll have to see what happens uh we've done cruel deception over here to move out of combat with the void dragon we've made sure that we're not within a heroic intervention range even um because i need to be with him free to declare it so even though i could touch the barricade i'm not with him free to declare it vice versa um with the scarabs they have stratagem to allow them to heroically intervene so we've avoided that and i did the one cp variant of cruel deception not the two cpu yeah don't want to charge no real need charging mortals might tie them up but you might also die um don't worry about the giant uh man sized blade on their front they have no ap yeah i i'll like all i want to do is make sure that you are not holding that objective yes which is fair enough um we've kind of shimmied a little bit with the ravages again continuing our flotilla of death down here and that's kind of it look this is basically how dracario operate if their turn two term three is significant um i'm going to be in for a bad time if he bounces or he doesn't get the kind of the kills that he needs then i'll be in for back then he's going to be in for a bad time so it's kind of this is kind of the crunch time this turn um for both of these armies really because if i can survive this turn i should be able to hit back relatively hard and start really dominating on board presence but if the kill uh is achieved then i mean yeah then obviously i'm going to be you know dead yes so you know yeah you'll be dead there we go nothing happened in the command phase outside of scoring the 10 victory points for holding two holding free um and the cp regen that's it we'll be back in the shooting phase wish who your your flavor of zenos luck basically but preferably me the unit inside this raider here is going to kick things off rapid fire poison in to the warriors a blaster into the lich guards yes we will start with the blaster blaster we will then start with the poison okay and poison and we reroll that one obsidian that is uh five wounds four up saves uh i do say three of them uh so that's that unit finished firing i will do my reanimation now uh okay two are dead forever very good this unit here between the barricades and the ruins the same split of targets one blaster into the lich guard rapid fire poison into the warriors yes uh first of all the blaster it's a hit blaster it's a wound a four-up invulnerable save faster damn it okay oh sorry the four-pin vulnerable save passes okay the poison two four six eight this extra range is very nice very nice and deep we can re-roll ones because the spider is there yes because this is a unit that is outside now i'm glad we got these guys traced lawrence yeah i know it's pathetic isn't it uh right it's a wound uh and obsidian rose because i'm new to that yet three wounds fought up saves uh okay one dies uh reanimation protocol fails another one okay goody moving down the line the middle unit now same split same split blaster can we won because the spider it's uh fails the wound but obsidian rose goes off four of hitman obsidian rose okay poison two four six seven eight can revolve the ones because they're outside um okay and then fours uh 40 decent obsidian so three wounds fought up saves okay two more die reanimation one comes back to life nice we're getting here the third and final unit on foot split exactly exact same blaster it's a win can we get the exact same up in vulnerable save we can again the dark light is bouncing off the dispersion shield but realistically i really need it too so yeah you've been happy with that so i have been so far uh revolving once okay and two wins but you are rolling well with the poison i am so that's another five wounds i wouldn't okay uh oh there we go i do say four that time oh that is lucky that is very lucky uh the reanimation protocol doesn't pay off but i can re-roll ones because their number is legion damn it no he's dead forever but still okay i'm happy to keep rolling then and just do this inventory unit inside here because then i've done that sure so i'll just remove the casualty here for what it's worth guys i did bring back the warrior over here to protect my chronomancer from charges okay because he was open and drizzle's there and that would be a bad time blaster uh this is no re-rolls now no okay uh the rifles two four six eight uh huh okay we roll obsidian rose that is another five five wounds the poison is very they've obviously packed it with like acidic rounds rather than you know thousands of poison tunnels clearly oh it's okay free arse lane there reanimation protocols has been rubbish this turn i've only brought back uh two in total uh so another two slain uh so i'll be removing the three at the back here and i'll shimmy them around bear with the spider himself a blast pistol into the litch guard the spider the spider two a hit and a wound of course he is the spider is the spider i save again they just they've locked shields this is good yeah this is good because yeah i really really need this yeah because otherwise um although ironically if i'd rolled averagely for these guys and averagely for the warriors it would have worked out worse for me because i'd be losing more lich guard which i don't want to do do you know what you're doing next we need a moment to ponder um no i i do know what i'm doing this unit is now going to fire um everything at the void dragon okay two four six poison rounds uh first up they all hit very nice yeah they're doing the poison's really doing the business uh that was a wound it was yes uh four wins four wins four free up saves uh i do save them all okay blaster and that might be an instance where i do you've not used your obsidian rosary right so i'll take it and then to wound you obsidian rose obsidian rose because i get and it wounds you wings just to see if i get one save it no okay all right cool i'll mark that down all right now i'll uh have a think all right we'll be back in just a jiffy it's raider time the dark lance into the lich guard yes star glance hits dark lance wounds wins a four pin bomb star clan passes surely not okay okay uh this start glance into that misses uh this radar over here dark glance hits passes my goodness okay this star glance will just fire at him uh the dark lance here into the void dragon okay it's obsidian okay this ravager will do all three dark glances into the litch guard to the litch guard okay yeah we are spawn wound peeking over one wound okay there we go fine okay can i do damage oh no yeah no it's just d3 um so uh reanimation protocols no one is dead forever okay this one we'll do one dark glance because i can just see him and two into the lit guard uh we'll start with him he hits we'll start with him he wins he wins i save he takes three plus am i going to use a cp reroll here yes i am good good damn it okay so he takes the three very good he's down to four yeah and then two into your litch guard here we go now it is happening the power is happening two wounds i can feel it i can feel the power of the drukari okay and then the next ravager three uh final one into those litch guard two hits obsidian rose on that one and two wins with the one that was rolling around still going i knew one of the files so i was gonna re-roll it uh there we go two go through very good so two reanimation lots to do uh no sorry i killed three in total three are dead that will do that is fine yeah i mean even how well i was wrong it should have been should i kill more seven three is all i needed that will work all right okay that's it let's mark everything up and be back in the charge phase re-re-re-rewind we forgot that there's phantasm yes uh which were all always intended to go into the litch guard so now let's roll them now quick uh so this ravager uh phantasm grenade launcher maximum shot so far because you're over five two hits so i've gotta roll 2d6 on your leadership yes over my leadership right exactly i think it's over so no no and then yeah and next one so still three shots yep they are in range because obsidian rose everyone that's why yeah um yeah they actually didn't really have any other targets yeah all right the first one no the second one no it doesn't matter and then final one two hits and the second one yeah worth a punt because if you'd have gotten lucky you could have killed a couple there yeah but alas um okay so charge phase then uh we're going to do a couple of things we're going to have the spider charge the litch guard okay um so i'll just quickly do that now um he is are there scouts four attacks each four attacks pop okay just thinking whether i would charge both in this instance uh hmm that is a tough call i'm gonna have a think about that okay i need to work out what the other two units are doing first okay so we're actually going to kick off the uh the charge phase with this raider here into my warriors i'm not going to overwatch because in case you fail that's it but you don't own a 10. okay we'll let you move him in yes charging both the warriors and the litch guard into this little gap here yes sir and he rolls a 10. of course he does um so that's quite nice of course he does it only took you literally half an hour to decide that though like i just want everyone to be aware that i'm working overtime here and it's turn two yes damn it laurence well that's because you were talking to me half the day before we started uh how dare you oh it's the truth how dare you do you know what you're doing next or do you need like another 20 minutes to think no the uh the archon will charge the lich guards and the uh scatters the archon the spider himself yes he goes okay very good um that's him then the incubi will charge the uh warriors and the uh lich guard as well all right all right here we go that's how we're doing it yep yep plenty of movement so we're uh not hedging our bets here we're actually making sure that we've got plenty of options hedging our bets would have been sending one into one into one and then hoping for the best which statistically actually wouldn't have wiped any of these units um because of the various inbounds that i've got even with like the re-rolls and things that um that the incubator have access to but we'll have to see what happens is there any more charges to do yes i'm going to charge this raider here yes into those immortals yeah so you won't be able to shut them down completely but uh hey making me hit on falls rather than freeze is nice nice thing uh and it works they go okay i'm gonna use that to maximize my movement over here okay very good there's always a method to the madness uh okay then um do i wish to charge warriors into scadabs because i actually have quite a few attacks these days uh it's actually quite cool um you've got four attacks each four attacks each uh the the these scarabs have a six-up save so they don't have the chronometer so i'm gonna charge uh the scarabs with my warriors okay very good all right so warrior squad one in they go worry squad two in there oh he's just doing it okay i see very good he's doing both of them yes all right anything else to do um i don't think so i'm just gonna move these first and then i'll let you know all right okay with all the charges complete we're going to kick off the fight phase with tormentors yes we are going to make the litch guard fight last okay so this is coming from the incubate here yes a little bit like this yes oh wow that is absolutely that's crucial that's absolutely crucial that single role guys i'm not joking might have just won me the game yep i agree because i cannot interrupt now ability to not interrupt even if i whiff on the incubator or i don't kill quite enough he still can't yeah can't interrupt keep hitting now because i'm ineligible to fight until the end of the phase i cannot use the counter-offensive structure i i agree i feel that that may have won you the game yeah which is actually rubbish annoying but hey that's a lead game we did warn you guys that this is how these kinds of things can go i mean what i did have two chances i was then going to try it again with drazaar yeah but that's bad in the fields now there are ways of manipulating that with dark creed and if you want to get like hyper competitive cheating stuff but that's not what this this was but anyway there we go wait so okay on the warriors why not i will do it on the warriors exactly right because there is literally no reason not to his fails okay fine so i cannot interrupt with the lich guard in any way shape or form very well do you know what you're starting with sir now that you know based on the fact that i know that you cannot fight first you cannot interrupt i will now open with drazaar on the warriors okay because realistically you would have started with the incubator on the lich guard otherwise yes i mean to be because the thing is you could basically now you could interrupt with the warriors that's your next threat that would be the next fret i mean try and pop off some of the incubators first yeah um so there is an argument that actually i open with the incubi well given that i can interrupt in between you choosing drazata fight second yes might be the ques the real question is now now that i know that you're fighting last do i just whack the majority of incubate attacks into those warriors and slash them up well you've got drazaar and the archon in there into into the litch guard yeah um i'm going to do uh an even split here and what i'm going to do is uh the swinging attacks from my clavex into the warriors because he'd have to anyway there he is uh and these two also into the warriors uh and then i'll do these two into the incubi i think you want to kill yourself be my guest okay very good uh okay so let's do the six on the lich guard first okay um i have no defensive stratagems to do here guys because otherwise i absolutely would alas there's nothing that they can do defensively no unfortunately uh right so we're hitting on twos and then we'll be wounding on threes because of gizar's plus one indeed uh okay here we go twos uh they all hit threes on the litch guard that is great four weeks yeah that's about average that is what i wanted uh i do say three of them though not insignificant i'll just do my reanimation now no sadly not so that'll be a good start i'll then do the normal attacks against your uh warriors yes um this is the demi claves so then these are now wounding you on twitter and you won't get any saves uh get my other chronometron thank you very much of course six saves yep okay uh i don't get any saves barring one fine and so i can't do the reanimation until your demi-claves have finished so i've got six here and he can reroll once because of the spider okay and then he's wounding on threes and this is the freezer and he gets four more wins four wounds of five ups there and i kill another three seven five six seven eight three animations to do very nice so let me remove the models and then i'll reanimate them so we can do this properly great okay so i've removed the eight in the middle here uh reason being is as follows because drazaar cannot consolidate that way or pile in that way because there is a lich guard there um so yeah i'm gonna do what i can to minimize the damage i don't expect that i respect that i still might get them but we shall see you still might so i do have reanimations to do the first four i do bring back two the remaining four i bring back another two so i bring back four there which is not in irrespect irrespectible i think you don't want to do that because you don't want to bring well the thing is i can bring them back in coherency of anywhere that's left so i'll just bring them back over this way towards the raider which is i'm already in combat with anyway okay so i'll bring back four of them in a moment the spider himself seven attacks with the gin blade so it's so good it's so good uh into the litch guard he hits with everything doesn't need to use hatred eternal he is the spider but he is winning on fives here and this is where hatred eternal really shines the spider really shines nice five wounds they're very cheeky indeed five four savage one for uh not quite two of them um i am going to leave that so we do have uh reanimations to do here uh i bring back one so two are dead very well drazaar now using the executioner's blades as the twin version so the the extra attacks basically yes you must what's the saves you must die you'll re-roll all of those ones because he's allowed to for reasons unknown okay interesting okay then freeze to win though uh okay that's pretty interesting i will use acp to reroll one yeah because i can that's false so four four invulnerable saves here uh i do say three of them irritated that's unlikely um i am gonna hold off on any cp rerolls here um so reanimation protocols doesn't bring one back but one is slain okay we're going to come over to the warrior squad now into the scarabs yes what is into the scat up stay must die rerunning once with mr spider yes yes yes die right blade artists okay so one glass three uh and then four wounds on top of that okay so four saves of six up here [Music] no so one is dead and one uh was already on three wounds so two wounds three wounds so once down to two wins remaining right the next squad oh i'll just do my reanimation oh yeah it's a different squad no meaningless okay and then so you've got one with two wins remaining you say uh well there we go there's oh you're obsidian rose as well yeah for what it's worth although i would both say so i'm dead you would have raider time into the immortals three attacks here yes sir fours we hit twice okay threes we ruined twice this is at minus one it is the blade rains i save both okay add uh the raider into your warriors over here that is one hits yes that is one one wind at minus two so five five up and down anyway fails reanimation projects yes you must die scum uh come on let's get some wounds here shall we yes that's better five five wounds all right five wins here five pour up in vulnerable saves that's better even reroll would keep me around uh now is the time to burn it the four up re-roll the four up re-rolled on the four-up re-roll pays off finally okay so we've got two reanimations to do yeah uh so yeah one how does that happen oh well it was cocked oh okay thank you uh right i mean like if we're gonna call it flat that is not flat sure okay uh head still failed yeah it was meant to be yes uh all right so two dead and one's alive indeed um but the spider gets to strike again at the end of the phase yes uh okay token attacks now five attacks from the warriors onto your radar i hit you three times uh wound you no times we'll then go over to the attacks from the immortals over here i've already done my parlins like i planned it for filming purposes uh so we've got 16 attacks here because there's eight in range we're just gonna do this twice the immortals have done very little this game yes hitting three times out of eight attacks there the second batch wow a total of six hits a total of six hits houses uh it is three wounds however at minus zero it is two weeks and to go through on that radar okay okay uh can't attack with a lich guard so no uh spider will consolidate in yes we'll pile in rather because i'm going to use my splinter genius attack again yes so the reason for this guys is because i'm ineligible to fight until the end of the fight phase and the splinter genius also occurs at the end of the fight phase because they both have the same wording it's the controlling player's choice so lawrence would obviously choose to attack before the lich guard have a chance to maybe kill something i'm gonna roll to see if i take a wound because of the gym blade i don't fight do you want to roll for that again now then yes good points yes you're fine one two three four five six seven uh so here we go the spider he hits you all the time i mean this makes sense to me this makes sense to me this pleases me greatly that role didn't please me no that pleased me greatly you could do that again that'd be grand no thank you that's better it's not actually that good it's not double four five and six here though no he's dead i've already used a reroll the lich cards have been brutalized well there was litchgard there yes but you know incubi are some of the baddest men in the galaxy so you know i'm kind of okay with it i'm you know there's those those litch card did their job man it's just very unfortunate that i couldn't interrupt because i absolutely would have done but ho-hum we are where we are um so with that uh lawrence has racked up a huge amount of points within the ranks yes uh something like 50 kills there in that turn just because of the various animation it stacks up yeah it does stack up but i mean that's kind of par for the course you kind of you know you take the good with the bad yes you take the good with the bat so uh we do have a morale check to do for these warriors here um so let's do that i fail very good that's to be expected so that is one that can never reanimate even with the orb um i believe oh yeah right okay seven uh attrition checks to do i lose another one two three because i the one with the attrition modifier is over there that's the one veil so four of them will never be allowed to come back well that's nice fine you know that's that's kind of nice isn't it what do you think uh not really in fact what i will do then as a result of that morale is i will remove the ones out of combat so i don't have to take the minus one falling back with my protocol so swings and roundabouts i suppose swings and roundabouts so that is another four for your tally uh i don't know if that affects your it'll make me one off of another point okay very good i'm nine i need one more sure so we're not in and we're not in a great position but it's not over yet because i actually do still have a fair bit of firepower because i'm in the protocol of the conquering time if i wasn't i would probably concede because i wouldn't be able to shoot with half my army the best thing i've done this turn is mean you're only going to get five points to the primary you're not going to get 10 or 15 because you're only holding the two yes or will you actually you are holding sorry yes i'm holding two i've stolen this one but you stole that one you're only holding the two so yeah uh yeah i mean it could be kind of interesting let's see what you're doing this next time it could get really interesting again i think if you don't do enough this next time then that's it just because the the i'm gonna have a lot of firepower still probably back on you um and it's gonna go into stuff that isn't designed to take that level of firepower they cannot resist firepower of that magnitude you see i mean you know let's let's see you've got the animation to do it's not over yet yep i've got an orb i've got living metal i do have the katan still rocking around he can hopefully power up and do some business and like the way it works is it sort of takes me another two turns to kill it potentially because you just keep regenerating your wounds so it's well remember it's per phase so you know if if you've got combat elements left alive which i'm hoping that you won't um then the katana could be in trouble again we just kind of have to see at this point this is kind of what makes it spicy but also again we did say that turn two could also be crunch time um so now it's down to the necrons to get crunching it's ten two four the necrons we're in the command phase we're about to do some reanimations a few things have been done i will be done on the warriors yep might well be done on these immortals um and chronometron on the warriors warriors on these immortals those are models there i don't need line of sight i believe i'm going to double check that is it only a six inch range it's nine inch range yeah it is a nine inch range yeah basically anything that targets stuff in the necron army is nine inches okay uh if it's an or it's your normal six inches sure uh but i'm just double checking that it doesn't need to be yes one friendly dynasty unit within nine inches doesn't need to be visible great great so both those inventory blocks have a five plus invulnerable okay uh we're running for reanimation the orb yes so you can't roll for the ones that ran away but you are rolling for the remaining i've still got 12. so i can see one two three four have come back five have come back roll those ones uh six have come back i'm not an error not a get irrespectable come on now that's the word is it a word someone will correct me in the comments and tell me how incapable i am of speaking the english language which is understandable because it's true uh so six come back you're not an insignificant amount of firepower okay okay um any other reanimation no other reanimation because that was your order that's the orb so i've cracked the orb um i am going to so i gained a cp i'm also going to spend a cp on strange echoes i'm going to swap out a trans-dimensional thunderbolt for cosmic fire excellent okay we'll be back at the end of the movement turn two movement phase now complete the void dragon stalks towards the center of the battlefields he is looking to disrupt this drakari's force hungry uh we do have the immortals and the quantum answer around here sort of sweeping towards the objective we have the scarabs supporting the void dragon we have the immortals just in the ruin there which have fallen back from the raider we have the warriors the newly reanimated ones which have also fallen back from the raider surrounding their chronomancer there and then we have of course the command barge looking at helping support take out that radar because these are worth points to mr chef and he's in the ruin they're very nice so that's it that's it you know got some firepower coming folks hopefully it will be enough it's interesting i don't know we'll we'll find out but we do have the powers first we do we go right into the powers now yes we're gonna start with cosmic fire so uh this will hit everything within nine inches so this is the one that i swapped out dimensional fundamentals this is those warriors it's the raider the incubi it will not hit the spider nor will it hit that unit there because of his pesky eight inch move yes indeed um but if he was any faster he'd be nuts yeah so uh on the warriors here okay no on the radar yes the raider takes two mortal wings okay on the incubi yes the incubi take three mortal wounds that is significant very nice uh i will remove those models and we'll be back we have now the uh trans-dimensional uh dimensional destabilization yes uh basically it means you can roll for another power uh just for a bit of tactics i took two runes off of the incubus or the clavex rather and then i removed the incubi that was within nine inches of him so i effectively only removed two models but then also just in case he rolls up this power again means he can't hit me again correct okay so uh the power is number two that is times arrow okay how many wounds does your spider have i think it's five so time's out right select one enemy unit within 18 inches and visible uh roller d6 if it equals or exceeds their wounds characteristic they are destroyed wow okay how many wins does he have how many wins does drazaar have gizar's got like something at seven wounds so i don't know how that works then it wouldn't work on him if he has seven which i'm not sure if he has seven he might have six because he's a beefy boy why because he's like he's basically a phoenix lord don't tell anyone don't tell anybody he's definitely have a feeling but whatever yeah i mean i can check now well the thing is yes have a check for me please because that may determine who i do on okay so no i was wrong i i'm sorry uh josiah does not have seven wounds i don't know why i thought he did he does have six though which is six yeah yes i knew it was better than normal yeah uh so yeah and of course the spider has five so you can just select a character and yes what anyone you want anyone i want so i could i could do it on like your incubi to do one more to wound but just just destroy one because i can't roll less than a one okay um would that be worthwhile i mean it would incidentally open up both of those characters to shooting it it would that is that is true that is interesting three models but i also have i do have another power to go as well um which i could always do on them if i wanted to okay i might not um we're gonna do it on the spider okay on a five or six he is destroyed wow i certainly hope that it's a one very good okay um so i'm going to do uh the voltaic storm that is going to go on to so he's healthy you've already marked up the two wounds that he took from the cosmic fire so he is down to eight yes eight yes we can have we have the marker right there for you and that is so i cannot kill him the cosmic with the thingy but that's okay um i'm going to do the voltaic storm on the incubator because it does d3 motor wounds that is actually very significant that's so that is so frustrating we're in the shooting phase proper folks we have the chronomancer the chronomancer is now using his entropic lance firing through at this radar yeah which does have eight wounds remaining he does get a hit does get a wound uh your five upping button okay very nice straight on to that chronomancer same target okay so target from the quantum mensa that is a hit say uh we're off the board chrono mensa it is a wound we save again raider is alive we'll be right back it's time for the immortals he is determined to go for these incubators trying to open up mr spider and mr drazaar i'm actually going to put lightning fast reactions on the incubator he's splitting the fire here six of them are going for the incubator and uh the remaining three mainly three on the uh one of the catalytic squads on the objective uh so because of the minus one and you fell back it's a minus one but you've got a plus one because the fair as well you're back to hitting on fours fours on the incubator yay three silent warriors yeah uh so which one are we doing we'll start with the warriors so freeze to hit here please no sixes it's good yes oh you've just spent this yes disintegration capacity so sixes do an additional hit sorry forgive me yeah uh it is two inches two okay two wins at minus two so i've got a six up in vulnerable safe here okay no uh that is two that are slain actually in a moment sir on the incubator so he's got one six there for an extra hit but he does miss with a fair few so one extra hit i'm glad i used a cp for that yeah uh freeze to wounds uh not bad okay one two three four five minus two three they've got three up don't they five they've got five chunky armor they do yeah so i'd have five up safes here yes um i'm not near any barricade or anything like that so uh what i will do is charlie if i look here yeah no i think that's too dubious i'm gonna call that battlefield debris yeah that's not barricade yeah yeah exactly barricades are you know these and these i mean these technically those have been barricades yeah we count those three we've just got a lot going on in those spaces no so i'm gonna make these saves right so so it's five uh five same uh okay five apps i wouldn't have made it wouldn't have made a difference anyway um so the unit is indeed white okay well done with the incubator removed drizar and the spider are in the open yes that means that the void dragon looks across with his spear beam weapon he tries to throw the spear through the spider and into drazaar what would happen let's find out uh but can he do i hit i do so ah i need to roll a separate wound draw for each so on the spider it is a wound because it's strength nine and on drazaar it is also a wound okay uh it's ap four so it's just onto your rim buns basically uh got you all right so mr spider he makes it and mr uh jazar makes it it was worth a punt because realistically guys i'm going to charge this guy so you want he wants to charge yeah killing him would be overkill as it were sure he was basically just seeing if i could try my luck okay um so these guys are pretty obvious they're going to fire into your warriors because they don't have any other targets okay let's keep it going uh so this is a denman squad i'm just going to roll the first batch den those incidentally are in a barricade they are um and so they'll have a five-up save against it yes but i'll i'll probably do a hunt from the shadows oh to give them the extra yeah yeah uh well that's five wings just to be annoying you know sure that's mine five runes is it right let me check that strategy i'll be back yup so tom from the shadows one cp give me an effective two up save with the minus two then four ups uh you know this might make a difference i don't know it does kill three of them uh would leave one alive funnily enough that's okay that's okay yeah all right it's time for the command barge we've got split fire things are getting very stressful here the dynasty are aware that they must bring down the heart of this drakari force lest they strike back well if i don't kill them i'm in trouble if i don't kill him he's just going to go and steal objectives so either way i mean i'm between a rock and a very hard place right now and pressure on his primary not getting a wound through with either of those lances is a real pain it's a real real pain but it's a big deal we are where we are so the voltaic staff the gauze cannon i realize that drazaar reduces damage by one but if i can soften him enough i've got the 20 shots and i could maybe you're hoping for a potential highlight reel uh finisher or perhaps i don't know anymore the voltaic star the voltaic staff uh he hits twice three times he is bs3 sorry bs2 even um and i've got tesla yes fine strength six so falls to win yep forced to win okay three weeks three wins at minus two so onto your five open [Music] okay that is uh four damage four wounds remaining the radar fine right okay that opens up a little bit uh the gauze cannon on drizar the gauze that is huge yeah that's a problem now that could be a big problem the last volley of fire from the warriors now he's spinning fire he's doing uh he's uh doing how many into the raiders so i'm gonna do four of them into the raider i need to get him down to two wounds basically because i'm damaged two in combat yep because lightning fast is still a thing um and then i'm gonna do uh the remaining six into drazaar absolutely and basically i'm hoping for the best here everyone okay um i'm gonna do disintegration capacitors i know i've said that i did that over there i actually did relentless onslaught that's the sixes to hit yeah um auto wounds yep uh disintegration capacitors is the sixes to auto wound gotcha so okay confusing i know but you know uh so on to the radar onto the radar onto the razor that's two wounds off the bat very nice and we've got a good spread of hits there yep looking for fives and sixes and on threes no wins not a single two wounds at minus two so your five up in vulnerable save good make one and [Applause] okay not bad five wings off the bat there that's very good and if i could get another few here that would be good uh okay okay nine wounds there not bad uh that's very good actually six seven okay i'm just rolling my dice so he will live yes and i make both of those as well so i lose three wounds they are individual damaged ones yes so uh i'm not reducing them any further he's still very healthy yeah um that is the the saves that you've made for drazaar and for that raider have probably in it throughout this turn have cost me the game i'm gonna throw that out there now yes they've cost me the game pretty significant unless something beyond wacky happens okay um well they know me yet so uh let's mark this up and we'll be right back folks we're in the charge face this is how it's going down the command barge yes is charging that raider it must be brought down okay uh i'm not overwatching off you go sir double six very nice uh so given the fact that your combat characters are still alive he's gonna go whoop you know do a little scooty scoot yeah a little scooty scooty because i also fight from hull to hull i can respond so our little tips are just like yeah yeah yeah yeah um we're going to charge the scarabs into the raider yep go for it uh i don't know what i need i think it's a five or six but a six should do it six would almost certainly do because i have fly yes it will so let me move them in it was important that i did that first because i'm going to charge the void dragon into the raider and i didn't want to risk the overwatch um even though i'm like i could have been possible it was so so sorely tempted to try and charge into the archon yeah um because i've got the two cp to do in tropic strike and just go no inbound because i need to deal with these combat characters however if i didn't make the charge then that's yeah it's already very difficult yeah it's already going to be very very tough for me to sort of bring this back but it's not impossible because it's still only turned two so you just want to roll for him now yeah because he needs like the raider because then we just move everything because he needs like a four yeah yeah yeah so he would have failed to charge against the icon anyway better immortals into the warrior yeah and the chronomats are into the warriors we'll do the chronomancer first yep and the immortals yeah so everything's made the charges these guys cannot charge because they fell back this time they're only allowed to shoot that's it but let's see what happens okay we'll be back in the fight face the void dragon is where we're kicking off in the fight phase here we go okay he hits you four times free swing team he wins you all the times all of your sticks up in vulnerable faith he wounds all of the times i mean he's so dead do i below i don't okay cool so then heal uh three inch consolidation uh so he would need to end closer to him but i don't want to go into base to base contact with him at this stage so what i will do is i'm just going to go to here i'm still finishing the move closer but it's getting the him away from my lines for when he inevitably goes exploding sure so that's him done is he a six inch radius oh he's a six inch radius of d3 on our four plus beautiful which is nice i love it okay uh yeah okay so what next uh so that's already dead we'll do this i'll remove that radar yeah yeah um we'll do the overlords i'll put lightning fast reactions on for one cp uh i hear you all the times yeah don't make a difference okay uh forced wound here two weeks two wounds it's minus two so it'll be a six up save you need to fail both ah damn it and i live i probably would have rerolled but never mind frustrating the chronomancer into the single warrior now a single attack it's a hit uh he is strength four yes they are strength i'm gonna try and save anyway he's dead he's dead i slap him with my stick he's gone um okay cool so now with him dead the scarabs can consolidate this way because otherwise they'd have to go backwards that's true so it's kind of important that i did that first let me do that all right it's raider time i'm going to attack you sir running speeding speeds i hit ramming speeds oh no ramming speeds i wound uh i failed because it's minus one huzzah fine okay good uh okay that's it that's it that's your turn uh very unlucky in some places like yeah points in the ranks i think in the end um destroyed a raider well i destroyed a raider i destroyed it destroyed five inch you buy five inky buy and two worries two worries there plus the warriors oh yeah plus the warriors here yeah all right well we'll tell you that up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes i i i will have scored you didn't get engaged in all fronts though no because i've got stuff too near the center of the center so that's a blow uh as we go into my turn um i am in fact holding three of the objectives here yes uh mr chef is also holding three so i'm not holding uh more no but i do get another whopping ten primary and that is a blow so let's see what happens my turn three coming up next drazaar has come to play but will it be his doom i don't know i don't know i did forget to roll for my master absorption at the end of the fight phase i do heal a wound this time so i am actually up to six not five we'll mark that up in a moment uh so we are in my favorite place summary town which as i've mentioned to beard and bone and now you guys as well will know it's like flavor town just not as tasty depending on how you know like you know you're feeling um i'm feeling a little bit concerned it's what's happening here what has happened is the following we've gained our victory points we've gained our command points and we've started spending a bunch so we've disembarked with a unit of warriors from one of the raiders that was here as well yep they've moved to here the raider itself has then used enhanced e for sales to move to here shutting down my objective fine yep it's only term three i can live with it uh this radar here has fallen back and has done cruel deception to be able to shoot for the one cp we've swung around the corner here the flotilla of death continues to trundle along slowly unleashing dark light everywhere and we've moved forward with warriors here this raider also coming around to charge and tie up stuff and the spider coming to carve his way through my line so this is probably gonna be the decider we'll know at the end of this turn realistically how it's gonna go but um you never know i guess stranger things and all that so mr spider do we know what we're starting with sure uh this unit um the unit so you don't know what we're starting i thought i did but no i don't know the unit inside this raider yes i've got one yeah because i'm just working out one i lost two people from that yeah okay so i'm going to shoot uh these two rapid fire rifles and the blaster into your void dragon proceed sir okay so rapid fire rapid fire rerunning ones because of no uh spider is all the way over here he's in range of this the larger squad but not that three months yes because the three-man squad is like so okay so two hits uh one wound i've got obsidian rose but i'll probably save that on a blaster because why not i save it so blaster blaster uh i've got obsidian rose yes that's the thing the obsidian rose it's a thing no it's a fail okay uh cool then we're going to do the unit which is right next to him into him so this unit does have rear once to which it is okay everybody wants to hit rather correct okay very good eight poison re-running once always the way that when you get the re-roll you just hit anyway oh yeah do you know what i mean yeah i wouldn't no i don't get re-rolls in this army and i wasn't hitting very well anyway three wounds okay three free ups here uh i take him blaster five the blaster blaster blaster wins the blaster does indeed wound your damage sir wow it's six damage so it's two down it's two damage so you've got three wins left okay they have done their job the first of the units inside this ruined something here don't know what it is no one i will ever know anymore uh is going to fire all of the poison into the warriors and the blaster into my scat ups so every running ones as well so ah eight rifle shots uh all right i'll do this the right way the blaster no cool eight rifle shots see everyone this is what happens when lawrence does it the quote unquote right way he misses yeah exactly uh right to win you yes hey not bad uh and an obsidian rose not bad at all that is six weeks poison doing the work today six wounds okay four up saves here tears six wounds four go through so four reanimations four dropsy drops four dropsy okay so three dead i'm happy to move on to the second unit we should do the exact same thing uh yes i will remove casualties in an advantageous way in a moment but it won't make any difference for shooting around exactly so i'll just open with the blaster again no i will not one two three four five six seven eight um okay we running the ones thank goodness okay and then so i've killed three so far three so far and then i'll do an obsidian rose here that's another four wings the four wings okay three so far okay that's another three potentially uh that is another two we roll the one because they're warriors there's another two i killed five that's good that's that's ludicrously bad for me i'm rolling so poorly yes the unit inside this raider we were going to start with them and now we're back with them the blaster into the scarabs and the it hits the plaster oh no it doesn't kill one it's not proper dark light because one's on three weeks i don't get saved against this no yeah yeah all right yeah you don't have your invulnerability very good um and then the splinter rifles into the warriors four five six seven okay one scarab bass destroyed your knees off the board here okay and then very nice uh that is two wounds odd obsidian rose three wounds okay three four up saves here i'm owed some there we go okay that's nice good the first of the ravages is firing everything including his fertile grenade launcher into these warriors we are looking to clear them away so that we can shoot at my juicy juicy characters actually yes because i would still be able to see the other guy yeah okay uh here we go uh triple dark lance two hits um this might be one of those weird times where i actually use the cp so i kill three i've opened up the characters uh you need to kill two to open up the characters oh it's only two yeah there's four there's four in there yes that's a good point um so in which case cheers to wind i'll keep that that's what it is uh two star wounds uh both wounds okay so say that phenomenon of course my friends nope fails through the phantasm the phantasm grenade launcher is um no longer says d3 shots yep because you're not it's two shots the first one two hits does uh oh sorry yeah you've seen it right yeah so two hits and not quite and not quite okay so two died reanimation protocols i need at least one back here can we roll that one no the characters are able to be shot because i can't re-rock i can't roll reanimation very well at all today assassinate guys so that's why it's even bigger news a blast pistol into the freshly opened chronomancer and the spider he hits yes he wins he wounds a four up inbound from my time split into mantle that it has been the game in a nutshell that's the game in a nutshell oh the spider yeah this dark glance into my barge the lance that is dark okay the lance that is dark okay it's the lance yes it is a wound a five up involved will save he cocked sucks okay he is off the okay very good okay the next one which hits on fives incidentally does miss yes because he is on one one win okay this one can't see enhanced ether sailed this one okay he hits to hit this one he wins uh he doesn't win because he's permanent trans human sorry forgive me but you obsidian rose he wounds the quantum shielding there guys fails your damage sir d3 plus three plus two because it's enduring of course yeah oh wow we are terrible human beings okay so it is the maximum six damage minus one five five okay that's three weeks real neat okay uh we've got uh ravager over here uh this one can still see him which is why i was looking over there because of his lance into the side there so he will fire all three dark glances into your command but sure uh this seems like a a good idea to me i've not okay okay do you really want to extend this game out of power i do yeah that's irritating because i nearly have this now okay well then i'm gonna have to i could use a re-roll uh yes you've not used one this um please just get the hit because then i've got a re-roll on you do have the re-roll on the obsidian and if you wound it will kill me even with my mouth yeah i think i'm actually better off using a i sorry i get the hit flashlight um i think that was actually the right thing to do with the wounds five up in barn fails uh at this point i will use a cp because i know someone will yell at me if i don't okay passes okay so i cannot interrupt it now that's that was a key thing but then to be honest you would just start with drazaar like it's not really uh true well then i've got three dark glances um which almost definitely have to go into him yes um because i do need him to die they all do hits which is really neat they all wound as well so you need a triple five doesn't matter about that reroll because even with the minus one it's minimum of three damage he only has three runes remaining he is dead does he explode does he explode he does hilarious he will kill that one kill that but it will also kill your warriors kills a warrior um i think it's only a three inch radius so let me just double check all right yeah it's only three inch range it's one more to win so i've already removed the warrior i don't i do not blow up doesn't blow up radar yeah but fine i mean it's kind of moot at this stage that's probably game at this point or see i think it was i think it was game at the end of your turn two or rather at the end of my turn midway through my turn two and i couldn't kill anything enough oh well um that's your shooting john though i believe all the ravages of shark all the way through fights the phantasm grenade launchers but they would have fired at him anyways it doesn't matter yeah sure uh yeah that's that's it would be like charge face next so it is the charge phase what are we starting with let me try to start with mr um spider actually okay i would actually start with giza first because i'll just get him out of the way sure mr drizar oh look he's in in here i oh and by the way i'm charging the the scarabs and him sure that just makes sense okay um then mr spider will charge because you're not why not uh sick yeah put him in the distance between the two let me come here twix oh yeah i'm six inches away anyway yep easy cool cool very good so he's going to go in because that's cool uh then actually these cable light warriors are going to charge as well just just in case for extra redundancy yeah um so yes and i still need to keep i'll still be within three anyway with the back rank yeah i'll just charge the one squad into this game okay very good uh any other charges to do i'll keep those within three uh yeah the um so you've got one guy left here there is one guy left if he passes his morale he does count as two models for offset purposes so he'll just go over go off and be annoying somewhere well this unit here will charge why not because it just seems silly not and that one yeah that's about right okay well i'll come around and move them in properly in a second uh then i will also charge this raider into the warriors shop the immortals make six is right next to them uh that is pretty much it uh yeah ouch okay this is more of a courtesy than anything because frankly i can concede now i've got one unit that's able to do something next turn because i've got no way to get these guys out of combat so my shooting's neutered my scarabs are neutered if not dead um these guys around here i've got a single warrior who's not gonna live so realistically unless the void dragon survives i can concede so this is kind of a courtesy but let's see what happens the spider launches himself on these mecha tendrils a terrible terrible foe he rolls to hit he re-rolls the misses okay he then only wins on five he does he re-rolls with the warlord hatred eternal uh and these are flat damage three so you have to save every single one correct uh the spider has done what the spider does it's five wounds he's dead i mean even if you use the re-rocks he failed too but does he explode he does blow up he needs a five or a six no just consolidate also into the immortals it's it's a moot point at this stage um even an average turn i think in turn two and three yeah um it would have helped me a lot and if he even i'd have had like you know a somewhat decent turn yeah you me i mean you nearly pulled it back when you made all of these all those guards says i was like right okay that was massive because while this could this could this could happen now the tormentors won you the game which is what we both said yeah because otherwise i would have interrupted and they might not have killed drazar but if they had though but but that's i'd be hitting drazara on twos and i'd be ruining him on freeze and it's possible it's possible with that many attacks i mean we look they might not have we don't no it's all here so right but of course it is at the end of the day i would have done i would have a couple of significant moments the tormentors going off was a very significant moment uh i think me going first and having the mandrakes there whilst it didn't look like i did too much it actually did do a lot in terms of setting the pace for the game because if chef had gone first if you'd gone first and then come out into that mid board and hold held all of those objectives right away i would be on the back foot yeah i think you would be in the lead with the primary so we would still in fact probably be playing yeah and the thing is you would have the speed to kind of deal with stuff the the issue i think with my army is i did not have and this is just necrons in general their anti-tank firepower is so rubbish realistically and that's kind of why i've got the void dragon but even then he's only really killing one vehicle a turn well the thing is he is exceptionally good especially against slower armies oh yeah the way you've got the issue with drakari is we've got a lot of boats but we're also real fast so you know you went this way and that enabled me to go cool well i'm going to go this way with the majority of my stuff or i'll slow you and do some speed bumps and unfortunately you've got that sort of speed it it makes the void dragon a lot less effective i don't think it's so much that because i mean he was he was you know when he got to something he was doing some serious damage but i mean like his his powers i was not rolling well on you well i was rolling two more to wounds on a d6 you won't but i feel like it was always on the jakari terms though because he sort of he he absolutely nuked whatever he faced yeah but it was he only faced what i put in front of him if that makes sense i would i mean he never got to the ravages normally okay but here's the thing i i knew that i was never going to get to the ravages but that's it so if it was a normal slow army like plague-based crawlers you would get there eventually eventually so i don't know i think i think you're underestimating the the the potency of what he can do because if i had gone for he would have gone smack into the middle of the board which yeah and again that would be really significant right so i mean yeah perhaps you're right i mean if he had gone center boards again like because i went first i i the thing is i i took those objectives this is where i get mandrakes and in my own i love the mandrakes i think they're really good i think they're really really good force your opponent to make decisions otherwise they lose the problem and the thing is they they did die term one like they were all absolutely slaughtered yeah but it was all shots were with what they weren't firing my boats yeah and so it's kind of like yeah no no no i i agree like the mandrakes are so i think they bring so much to the drakari um sort of game as it were no i'm trying to convince the drakari community because you get there's a lot of hilarious comments on the jakari facebook group oh what you think i'm not on it of course i am i see what you say i see everything okay i am the spider i was leading the spies of comrade before you even came up through its sewers oh sorry you're still going cool um yeah long story short i look i don't know everything at all by any far means but i do think in my opinion having played trokari for a long time that the mandrakes are the best they've ever been uh and that in a game of ninth where you have the ability to start on objectives like i've been tentative in the two games that i've played against my opponents because they've had really good combat units but if i'm facing someone that doesn't really have combat an answer to combat yeah i can be even more aggressive with them and it becomes even more of a problem they're a real toolbox unit yeah i love them i think they're really really strong um let's say they they provide a lot to the drakari sort of game um because they put that early pressure on i think there's been a few things i've seen online where people are like okay well when we hit really hard and that's really good but how do we get there you get there by you know flooding the board with mandrakes clearly um you know would this list have done better against another kind of army i think so would this list have done better if it went first i don't know to be honest i think the the the weakness of this list is the anti-tank now i had the entropic lances and i've got the void dragon and the voltaic staff and the gauze cannon can be useful in a pinch the main kind of idea with the army with it being so fast and with like the canoptic units is to use them as my quote-unquote anti-tank because i just go and shut stuff down you can't shut drakara down one you can't catch them they're faster than me two you just fall back and shoot for once called um you know so which is yeah so you need to get multiple charges off at that stage which isn't easy to do given your speed um which is fine because when they get hit outside of the double five up in buns on the one that was here against the introduction which did make a big difference again um because yeah realistically if that had gone through he'd have been down to four wins remaining yeah if even one of them he would have been between between four and two wounds remaining i could have safely gone into combat with the with the barge and shot other stuff as it was i had to split the fire and it just did it just didn't help didn't help but you know again it kind of it is what it is because i would have had tesla like uh units over here on objectives yeah it would absolutely have helped it's a tricky one this army is by no means a you know like a properly competitive necron list um but it certainly i think got the solid foundations it's just it's a very tough matchup because of the speed and the firepower i mean is it one two three four five fif 15 dark lances and six blasters plus a blast pistol the incubator as well like nearly ripped apart a unit of lich guard by themselves yeah they are five man you know yeah they are savage they should be yeah because if you buy i mean at the end of the day i shot them with some anti-infantry firepower and they went snap you know they they died pretty quickly right i've got this where i just i only take incubation i don't have the mandrakes i've also got coming to on demand soon alice which is the polar opposite of this no mandrakes no incubi maybe three roy raven bombers i don't know if but here's the thing i'm gonna throw that out there now i think that's a bit of a meme list it is a meme i think the free void raven bombers is a bit off it's not my favorite it's not my favorite to be honest i'm running it for spectacles a lot there's a lot of people that want me to run it so i'm gonna run it in a league report and if i lose with it i lose with it but you've got any melee in that list there's no melee in this there is a way that i can put the melee in there is a way i can put it in but it becomes at the sacrifice i don't want to tell you this now because i want to reveal it no spoilers because it's a re it is a really cool list it looks really cool it's actually really themes it is very spammy but i mean if you're playing solo cabinet fluffy yeah the funny thing is though if you play if you're playing solo cabinets actually he's really fluffy uh you know i mean it's the dark he said oh oh yeah i saw that battle report it's just like it's ridiculous it's just the spam list i'm like dude do you play dark eldar we've been we we came up with spam from the beginning because we had like four units from third edition that they graced us with to make kits with it's actually very fluffy to have multiple um boats in the drakari oh yeah it is gorgeous to see a real space raid with all three flavors but hey there's enough don't knock the people that want to play coven only or witchcock like i like a pure witchcult as well actually yeah i think which got really cool you know so i mean there are lots of ways to play them and it's a very good book i i would go so far as to say the dark alliance is probably a little too much um it's at it's current like for example and i'll say this you know the disintegrator shouldn't be five points more compared to the guidelines for me there is no comparison not with the stats that the dark light has if the dark lance was still d6 damage yes i think five points for a disintegrator would be probably about right yes because yes because d6 is very swinging because you've got d3 plus d3 plus three i'm just gonna i'm just gonna zoom in over there for everyone yeah the the doomsday arcs up there with their d6 damage i tried yeah the doomsday cannon well you and me both tried on that one you know as play testers you don't always get what you ask for um and sometimes you don't even get what you need which is incidentally i didn't i didn't ask for d3 plus three that's all and we play tested it yeah we yeah we didn't we didn't um i wouldn't have recommended the disintegrator be more expensive yeah this sort of thing you know sometimes look i mean we can talk and do a play testing video with we should we're allowed at some point but it's yeah i mean you know it's still an amazing book i'm not gonna call jakari broken yet because i also know things that are coming and i also know that the necrons do have the tools perhaps not this list but i'm sure that we can put our heads together and come up with something to beat this drakari list well i don't think it's even the case about beating the dracario list i think because i think i would still have a similar issue against other vehicle-heavy armies which is an interesting one to say because i'm sure there's a lot of you guys out there that are watching this and going but there are no vehicle-heavy armies because eradicators exist and you kind of go it's not true and it's not going to be true for a while now here's an interesting tidbit for you because um in regards to the dracaria broken statement i agree i don't think it's broken i think they're very strong i think they are incredibly potent this they're one of the stronger codexes that has been released however one we know what's coming two it's been a week guys yeah yeah at time of filming with this it's been out for a week it's shock and awe it's always a bit it always feels a bit like oh well you remember when death guard came out and they were the most broken army in the game and they were winning a bunch of tournaments and they were and they still do very well but are they coming free out of the top settle let it settle broken is a word that's uh flung around way too often uh and sometimes it's very true it is you know but it's not you get when something's been out a week or two you know yeah you can't patience young man yeah uh unless you know there was some gross underpointed thing i don't know yeah yeah you know obvious obvious mistake or so but look look thank you for the game chef i did think it was a very interesting game actually um i do think that you uh there are some scenarios in that game where you could win with this list absolutely but i do agree there seems to be a justice there's a lack of anti-tank yeah there's something really yeah which is a struggle i have found with necrons um in sort of in general and because our anti-tank is either very short-range i mean you know everything here was 12 or 18-inch range for the anti-tank stuff or it's d6 damage or it's one shot and it's just i mean d6 damage is just dumb it's it's it's i've never liked it i don't think it's i don't think it's great game design it's not i've i've fed it back multiple times i think it's real i think it's really poor to be honest um if you're trying to get a balance in a game uh the the answer we got back is well that's what command point's for i'm like no that's that's not how that economy should work uh you know like i think laz cannon should be 2d three for example but you know it like we could talk about this a lot and and we have many times you know look interesting game we'll probably do a list analysis on your next um version of the necron list for your league assuming that you're going to update this now yeah i think i'm on i think i'm on to something in terms of the core units as it were it's it's that that i i the army does struggle against your elite stuff and your anti-tank stuff uh or your your your sort of your big stuff yes so it's kind of that is a weakness i thought i had an idea of the counter for it which is you know my fast-moving stuff pin stuff and sort of let the inexorable you know advance of the void dragon just slowly come in and throw more more towards if someone's running like three or four vehicles yep that will work so well beautifully yeah against like nine yeah and nine that have five up in van and can outrange me yeah not so much um but hey that's the beauty of these league reports guys is we can one have these nice conversations at the end two you can see a refinement in the lists as we go along all right well chef thank you very much for the game thank you uh thank you for watching everyone uh thank you for the support oh we just got cut off there uh but as i was saying thank you very much for the game chef uh if you've enjoyed this give us a subscribe and like here on youtube and if you really enjoyed this and you want to get one of the league reports extra every week you go check out our website on demand www dot tabletop tactics dot tv and uh you can support us by signing up there really looking forward to bringing you more games uh this is just the start of an infinite league of power so until next time i've been the spider you've been the chef we've been tabletop tactics [Music] goodbye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow i mean y'all
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 90,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, Tactica
Id: 4ZBT7u9237E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 7sec (8347 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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