New Laser is *DESTROYING* the competition! These projects will show you why - Creality Falcon2 40w

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so it's apparent that this laser is destroying the competition now we're gonna find out why and I've got some projects that you'll guarantee you're going to enjoy so let's get on with it then this is the Falcon 2 40 watt laser from creality and before someone comments I'm going to mention this right now in a matter of moments someone will be commenting going these are extremely dangerous they shouldn't be allowed it's not in an enclosure you will be blinded there's no extraction you'll be gassed to death now whilst there is truth in that let me just tell you the reasons why an open system is actually beneficial so this is a class 4 laser its wavelength is 450 nanometers which is on the visual spectrum that means if you get a slight glare from that laser you will be blinded for life however if you set the height of the laser using the recommended height gauge there is very little chance for that laser beam to come within your vision not only that but at all times you should be wearing the correct safety glasses treat this like any power tool use the the correct personal protective equipment and strictly stick to safety protocol so creality does make a cover for this to sit in which is a front opening cover but the main benefit of an open system like this is I can put full-size boards underneath without a worry the build area is 400 by 450 millimeters if this is a fully boxed in enclosed system then I'd have to cut my pieces of wood to fit that exactly with an open Gantry I don't need to and I can hang it on the wall after just like my other ones so ventilation is incredibly important the glues within the plywood can be toxic so you want to try and mitigate that as much as you can my workshop has two double garage doors so I get good airflow through here the other alternative is to use a powered air respirator like this one that I made myself so the long-term followers know that the xtor d140 watts is currently my favorite laser however creality think that they're a good Contender against the extol so let's find out let's quickly look at features we've got on off switch an emergency stop I'm going to use this attachment laptop using light burn but you can also just plug the files into the USB slot here and operate the machine offline using the control panel there's no LCD display it's analog at this point the cable it comes with is an OTG connector so we'll see if we can operate it from my phone the power supplies a massive brick 24 volts 10 amps 240 Watts this machine comes with an aquarium style air pump and is Tethered to the machine here you've also got a power dial here so you can increase or decrease the airflow alright so one of the key features that sets this laser apart from the X tool is this button here we can now change between the full 40 watts and just 20 watts the reason is the 40 watt produces a much wider beam the 20 watt you get more Precision so you can choose between engraving and cutting I know this is something that my subscribers have been worried about in the past so that's an excellent feature the fact that we can change between the Precision and power also just here is an auxiliary OTG connector I haven't figured out what that is for but I'm wondering if we can use that to add another feature now if that is producing 5 volts and we can add a little Crosshair laser you saw my video on the comgrow Z1 Pro you'll know exactly why this is useful right so we're going to fully test this thing now I've got the boards that I tested all the other machines against using these we'll be able to figure out the cut value and stick around because I will be exploring what any potential flaws are with this system I see it is my official job to figure out anything that's wrong with this so you know exactly what you're purchasing now if you would like to support me with future reviews I actually raffle these machines off there'll be a link in the description so you can get one of these for just five pounds and sometimes depending on the costs involved I'll share that with Charities as well so check that out for your chance to win let's begin testing so on light burn I've clicked the material test generator here's the preview let's start the machine the noise up close is 68 decibels all right then let's take a look at that and nearly all squares fell out up to 450 millimeters per minute we turn it over we can see it's just holding on at 500 millimeters per minute so that there is a very similar result to the xtool D1 however the D1 was dropping squares all the way down to 70 power up to a maximum of 400 millimeters per minute there is one significant factor here though I'm using the standard pump that came with the machine let's try again but with compressed air so all I've done is taken my pneumatic line and pushed it into the rubber hose and see if that works better yeah all right let's take a look at that then so look we can see a few more have fallen out now if we look on the back we've got more of that will just pop out if we push them that's the 500 millimeters per minute or 50 and 90 power 480 power just just comes off so these squares are cut at 10 millimeters but interestingly they've got a preset for a 0.25 millimeter offset if we take the calipers I'm actually measuring nearly 10.25 so that's very interesting maybe if I take the offset off we'll get much more accurate parts now this is actually the third test because this one here I got even worse results what this highlights though is variability in the wood itself so this is a nine millimeter thick hardwood ply if we say use something like Birch ply that you'd get better results the Birch pliers got a much more uniform grain so you won't get as much variability right so at this point of filming the Falcon 240 watt is 1 300 pounds I'm going to ask reality for some food the discounts so check those out in the links so now if we do the 1 300 pounds by 500 millimeters per minute cut we get a cut value of 2.6 which is the best so far so there may be more discounts on the D1 but that was 1 650 which gave a 3.3 rating the common grow z110 watt was a three rating so this is even beaten that so that's what I've done to determine the value rating but there is obviously more factors to this so let's see what else it can handle all right to make life easy on the future tests I'm now going to install this Crosshair interestingly the Falcon came with an OTG it's a USB adapter so I found a USB lead and I've snipped it off so if I plug this into the top here then what I found is that the red wires are positive and the outside white wire is the negative and that seems to power the Crosshair nicely so let's laser cut a bracket and solder it together so I spent about 10 minutes designing this corner bracket this is even more simpler than the last one I made I'll put a file for this on thingiverse if you want to cut one yourself and I've got some three mil Birch pie to cut it out of that's how it is in light burn I'm going to do two parises at two thousand millimeters per minute all right man it took exactly one minute to cut now the first one got messed up because I had too much air blowing on it so it actually lifted the board off which uh made that mistake happen right so very simply I'm just going to put it together A little dab with super glue just adding it to the corners like that gets drawn in by capillary action the laser itself should just feed in through here perfect so next you want to add some double-sided tape or if you don't have anything like me just glue some tape on and now we're ready to attach it on the fit mine just under there like so so depending on what machine you have you want to install it in a way that isn't going to affect any of the fans or inlets or anything isn't going to hit against the Gantry and is generally out the way having it high up as well means you get a good spread with that laser so if you're clever you can buy one with a USB already attached you know why make life easy so I've slid on the shrink wrap first don't forget that all I'm going to do is Twist these together apply a little flux pre-load my soldering iron apply that to those bare wires one side and the other side now I can slip these over and then slip the big one over there we are I'll do after that all I've got to do is focus it so now all to do is to engrave a little box I'm going to move it to the middle here [Music] so now just align the Crosshair with that box on the device settings you want to enable fire laser button and then in the move menu click fire so that has now given us a dot just there and now we can measure the difference between there and there and then again in device settings enable pointer offset we're going to key in the difference and then that's all set so mine turned out to be 51 millimeters in the x-axis and minus 43 in the y-axis now wherever I put that across here I can accurately position the laser see so the X tool D1 already has that feature but obviously if you want to save a few hundred quid you could just build your own this is obviously Universal you could use it on any laser you want now let's say I want to mark this stainless steel multi-tool all I have to do is align my laser and click play that was fast there we go that came out really nice actually and I had it on precise settings because I wanted the detail to come out really well so that was 100 power it's 20 watts and at 3 000 millimeters per minute we probably could go faster but that is keyed in enough for me but apparently when marking stainless we can get colors to come out let's try and do a color test and see what happens so let's take a look at what I've done here so rather than doing an official test when that was going to take far too long of just an individual squares to see if I could guesstimate what the settings would be so interestingly these two squares here were done at the same speed at 5000 millimeters per minute they were also done at the same power at 10 power on the 40 watt setting so how is it that one color is so different to the other well what I changed is this setting here called interval this is the space between lines and to get that deep blue color I got 0.02 millimeters and for the straw color that you saw that was at 0.05 millimeters and as you can see with the circle here I managed to outline it by multi-layering so let's see if we can actually put that into a fairly interesting image so I've imported this image of a butterfly into light burn if you right click I've gone on Trace image when you do you get this menu and all you have to do is Click OK and now I've got an outline of that butterfly once selected I can choose one of these different colors and that will create a new layer and as you can see on these layers I've set one layer to fill and the other to outline so I've selected the internal parts of the butterfly to be filled and then I've asked it to create an outline around everything Also let's see how that turns out foreign so would you look at that that has come out fantastic actually I think the outline is a little bit too burny maybe that could have been done quicker but that blue has come up really good so I carry my multi-tool around with me pretty much everywhere the issue I have is the carry pouch I've just broken it obviously from a daily use so I've got some leather so let's make a decent pouch with it but thinking of weapons what I'm also going to do is incorporate this torch this is my very powerful Shadow Hawk if like me it's illegal to carry weapons in your country I highly recommend getting a powerful torch can night or day if you've got a powerful torch you can really stop someone from attacking you so this is the parish design I came up with to get the measurements I simply just wrap some power cord around my tools like that that's how I've got a good guesstimation but rather than waste good quality leather what I'll do is I'll cut it out of cardboard first all right it's a 2000 millimeters per minute 100 power let's see thank you foreign [Music] well that was satisfying and you know what I probably could have gone faster can you imagine how many hours this is going to save prototyping leather work all right so let's see if it's all going to fit that would be something like that all right so I might have added a bit too much length on that I think I also got on the inside actually oh that looks like we're there it just folds over so Moment of Truth does everything fit no that's not bad foreign well I would say that was pretty good I might just add a few millimeters to this part here it's a bit tight add an extra five millimeters to this just so it comes down a bit further so basically this cardboard is the same thickness as the leather so I'm hoping that'll work out just nicely all right so after doing a few tests I think we can do this in two passes at ten thousand millimeters per minute let's see halfway through cutting I've realized that I made another mistake let's see how well it's done regardless right so unfortunately it didn't go all the way through I was thinking 10 000 millimeters per minute was a bit fast but here's the thing to think about when you're designing see that it's gone through the corner just fine but the problem is acceleration between points it may have cut these small bits absolutely fine but as you can imagine it's got no time to accelerate to get up to full speed so these simply weren't cutting at 10 000 millimeters per minute even though the settings were set that way what I should have done is cut a line and then seen how much was needed so whilst looking at the Prototype I realized I didn't need all of these holes there so I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and try and find another piece of leather that's a real shame because that was a really nice piece as well so after making a pig's ear the first attempt I've changed the design again but instead of this being mismatched I found some nice leather again one benefit of being a hoarder You'll Always Find what you want eventually all right all right while this is looking good oh it's slightly thicker this one is yep tiny bit slower I wouldn't get that furiness on the edge my mind easy fix now that smell does anyone else remember the foot and mouth epidemic all right so let's put it together so with two needles we're gonna go in and out so far so good [Music] nice so I've got this little stud to put on now so just pop the screw in behind there and then stud your screws on let's just see how everything fits quick oh oh yes look at that oh oh yeah I'm Wrecking this what's that you need something fixed do not worry I have a multi-tool all is done Fair Maiden I shall now slip this back in this nice and tidy knee belt pouch what's that do I sense an altercation be blinded I didn't see where I went did you on another note though this blade has gone dull now how could I use a laser to sharpen this hmm so I think we should finish by pushing the machine to the absolute limit I have here a nice thick piece of pallet wood that's nearly 22 millimeters and we've got some ndf at 18 millimeters so what should we make well I bought this recently at a car boot sale this is a hand crank grinder but what I want to do is put some new wheels on this for sharpening knives let's see what we can cut and I'll show you how it works okay so I'm going to quickly Design This on light burn so I'm going to go over here and select the circle tool just click and drag anywhere in the middle so to adjust its size I go to this corner here I'm going to put 9.5 millimeters with 9.5 height and now I'm going to set the position here so X position and Y position that's going to be the shaft hole now let's do another Circle I'm going to make that 125 millimeters because that's the size of my wood there we go so the same X and Y position and it's going to be one key detail with this to make it work and add another little circle now I want a little Channel cut just here so I'm just going to take the rectangle tool make this little rectangle what's nice is where I positioned it it's a snap to Center which is good by holding Ctrl I've selected the Outer Circle and the rectangle selecting the nodes tool I'm going to press Ctrl B that gives me this option here and now I'm going to click on subtract now I'm going to do the same press Ctrl and select this Inner Circle and on nodes mode Ctrl B subtract A to B on selection tool we've now created this shape here so now I've selected the whole thing and I want it down the bottom corner so I've put selected corner there and I'm going to put position zero on both X and y I'm going to set the speed at 2 000 millimeters per minute and what I've done is I've put a large amount of passes and we're going to see how many passes it takes to cut the shape out FYI in the UK we use heat treated wood we're not allowed to use chemically treated wood in this country but say you're in the United States some of the chemicals that you guys use are deadly so you want to be careful so I'll turn the compressed air on and we'll begin all right we're done so I stopped it on the 20th pass that is not bad at all that is very clean the middle Is Still Holding On by just a sliver but I'm very pleased with that that was just four minutes and 39 seconds to complete that is a dead straight smooth cut now it's probably one of the best cuts we've seen so far actually now I know you bandsaw Leathers will be like oh wait you can do it on a bandsaw yeah but not that precise can you yeah the question is how is it with MDF though that's another kettle of fish so this Design's even more simple there's no little funny cut out it's just slightly bigger now the smoke from this one isn't good at all so I'm going to be doing this at a distance you've also got to be very very careful ndf it's the number one material that always catches on fire for me all right air on let's begin ah so I didn't mention it but this thing's got limit switches on every axis so that's actually really good because what it's done is it stopped straining the motors and it carry on and bashing into the side of the Gantry I've seen that happen with most of the other tools including the X tool so there you go a good example of the safety feature right let's move it along right so let's see how this is done so believe it or not this was actually poking through at just 17 passes however it seemed that it didn't want to do much more after that even at 45 passes we can see it's just Holding On by a Slither but actually think I made a mistake here where I didn't set the height properly let's see if I can just release this and see how well it's done I think this is a job for the multi-tool dinner so there you go it's 90 there I think the Gap from the laser is at least like eight millimeters I should have had it basically just just touching the surface for anything thick something that's definitely worth noting though is if you're doing small Cuts Like This one in the center this pretty much wanted to catch on fire it's because the lasers there in a concentrated amount it's got more chance of catching an ember what's on these longer Cuts it's cooling down as it goes so you don't get a chance to remember to form I mean this is a pretty awesome Tesla laser but if you're going to cut MDF you're better off getting a CNC router really you'll be quicker and neater so let me show you how to install this so let's do I'm going to take the old wheel off flip my new wooden one on that'll do so one very key detail is this bolt you can see I cut it with the grinder with a one mil cutting disc the next component is emery cloth this set goes from 150 all the way to 600 grit so I'm going to start with 400 because it's not that bad if it was particularly blunt I'd start with 150 grit so I'm going to make that 20 millimeters roughly bigger than I need it to be two ends like this put that in the slot now we can slide in our split bolt so now if I turn that bolt it should start tightening up there we are now the wood could have been a little bit wider but never mind so very quick sharpness test not sharp at all so let's see how we go with this then [Music] all right first grit a bit rough because I am freehanding it but I'll be able to get that out don't you worry all right then Steady As She Goes [Music] foreign to get that little wire Edge coming through now I just want to clean up those scratch marks now for that I'm just using a polycarbide disc there you go that was just to tidy up the faces so now let's put on the ndf Wheel so I'm quickly going to just use this fatherless file and just tidy up the surface all right that should do and so basically I'm now going to use directly some Polishing Compound let's see how well that does okay so it's looking good to me what do you think here we are but how well does she cut foreign so I thought this is really gross when other people did it but apparently the way to test if the knives really sharp is if it can cut hair there you go still gross if he asked me so finally let's go over what I haven't shown you and what I don't like about this machine but before we get into it I'd love to know if this is the kind of content you like I would also love to know which of my videos that you prefer let me know your favorite one and why I'm asking you that because the videos that I love to make the most don't get any views but regardless of my preferences I actually enjoy helping people so let me know the content that you prefer and I'll be sure to make it for you so haven't shown you that it came with extra standoffs not only that but we've got more than one position that you can screw the feet into this is to allow more space for weird sizes of wood like I mentioned earlier and I've gone to town on the safety features there are sensors on every point so no more will the laser head crash into the side of the Gantry you may have noticed as well on the laser head you've got these light indicators here it can actually sense if the lens is too dirty and needs cleaning or replacing it'll sense if there's air or not to warn you that you should have some and there's a fire alarm as well now we actually didn't trigger it today which is the first I know only hate the fire sensor because Normal sunlight sets it off also the machine came pretty much pre-assembled all I had to do is attach the laser head and that was it it was slightly loose though which is common so all you need to do is tighten up the Campbell underneath so let's go what don't I like about this this little height gauge is gonna get lost I hate these I much prefer the drop down versions for what is essentially a really good quality machine I even love the bearing system that they've got I'm so disappointed that they throw in these Naf pumps yes it's called that the machine can turn it on and off automatically but those connections aren't standard off the shelf either are they and that connection's the same on the brick as well which means if this breaks you have to go to creality to get a new one but I can honestly say I'm very impressed for the money I love the way the cables are managed that's very neat and tidy and it's worked flawlessly so now would I choose this or the X tool well for less money probably going to choose this one so I'm going to pack this away nice and neatly now for the raffle also I got in touch with shadowhawk they're giving me a few more so I'll include a few of these in the runner-ups I've left a link for the multi-tool and other stuff that you've seen in this video and I'll make sure that creality gives the best discounts if you're interested in buying one of these machines so I do hope you appreciate the honest reviews the results can't be faked and may I encourage you to stop watching YouTube and to get out there in the real world and to forge for yourself a life worth living and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Joshua De Lisle
Views: 349,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joshua De Lisle, laser, laser engraving, CNC, laser engraving machine, laser engraver, DIY, stainless steel engraving, metal engraving, metalwork, 3D printer, stainless, 10w, 20w, plasma, amazing, industrial, manufacture, wow, how to, set up, machine, how do you, tutorial, design, designer, cad, cam, 5w, 30w, 33w, cut, wood, metal, acrylic, desktop, cheap, affordable, best, top, 40w, 50w, co2, etching, inlay, home, diy, homemade, workshop, make, maker, craft, leather, AI, creality, falcon2, falcon, business, mdf, pallet wood, carve
Id: x_5P8BppG6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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