NEW JiberishUI Profile! WoW Addon ElvUI Setup (outdated - new wago with instructions in description)

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hey what's up everybody gibberish here super excited to make this video and to show you how to make and upload the new profile um the last few videos on YouTube that I've shared has driven some some curiosity some interest in the new profile um so I'm going to show you how to upload it right now it's not included in the gibberish installer in the future it will be but for right now it's going to be outside of it for this profile you will need gibberish UI you'll need altruism you'll need a media tag and tools and then you also need obviously lvi to make all this work so in the video description there will be several links to the add-ons that you need there's also going to be a link to the Wago which will host this profile and that will have the very detailed instructions on it but this video is here to be more instructional as well um just so you know you can pull up this video and follow along um so anyways I want to make this as easy as possible I recommend starting on a new WTF folder just so you have a clean profile um if you don't I think it's fine too uh you may run into a couple errors I'm I'm honestly not sure I've just been testing this on clean WTF folders so make it back up start fresh and let's get into this when you first log in the gibberish UI installer will come up you're going to click skip process altruism is going to pop up you're going to skip the install [Music] and lvi is going to pop up now just go through here you could probably exit out but I like to just make sure especially on a new WTF folder just continue the lvi all the way to the end and hit finished don't apply any of the settings now with the Wago link that you'll have and pull this up on the screen so you can see this too on the Wago link I'll share this out there's going to be very detailed instructions here of copy and pasting the import string then the global account string then the private private string I also have the details profile here in Omni CD and I will walk through how to set up Big Wigs super quick so you can mimic my profile almost to a T things that aren't going to be included or like the weak ores I use the now dungeon week or a packs which you have to be a sub to I use my Prime sub on him I recommend using your Prime sub on me moving forward just kidding there's not a lot that comes with the prime sub to me it now has a ton of uh amazing weak auras that I recommend to be honest there's a lot of free ones out there too but if you have a prime sub that's the easy way to get it um and then the meow Cactus recourse the class we cores that you see in the middle of this screen the profile those are those are not free this is a pro version of the meow Cactus I think he does have some free we cores as well um and then let's see the only other thing that would actually be showing here is the lvy ratio mini map auras which allow you to adjust the size of the Buffs and debuffs it's not needed um but it's a nice way to customize this as you can see like you can crop the icons a little bit I'll make sure to link that in the description below as well getting into this so I'm gonna I'm gonna show you what to do let's open up lvi go to profiles go to import profile on the Wago link you'll hit this top button up here copy import string for some reason it says lvi no longer supports old format strings um disregard that for right now I think it's just because of the update recently I'll make sure to update this again but I haven't had any issues with doing this as I've been testing in preparation for this video but copy the import string there to paste it import now close this and I always like to do just a quick reload there's going to be a lot of reload screens here when it's come back up I hope your eyes gonna pop up this is gonna pop up too exit out don't don't click anything quite yet open up lvi go back into that same place in profiles [Music] if we read the instructions copy paste the import string above next to the title which we just did the next is copy and paste the global account [Music] clicks grab the global into the same place and you'll it should say importing Global account settings import it's going to have you reload [Music] while it's reloading you come back in the instructions the next thing is copy paste the private string a couple clicks copy exit this for now come back into lvi profiles import import now it's going to reload again now my installer is going to pop up we're going to skip process altruism is going to pop up we skip the install there and voila you have the profile a couple things um for some reason the uh the settings here for the UI scale adjusted to six four I use five nine so that's the first thing you'll need to do is just come into General scale to 0.59 that will have everything set correctly you can adjust the scaling to your monitor you just may have to adjust some of the frames manually super easy to do but that's something that you'll have to consider you now have the profile and let me show you really quick party frames it's awesome Now with uh an update from M media the portraits aren't going to be automatically set up so you actually have to come in to cosmetic them in a media go into portraits enable and reload [Music] all of the portraits will be positioned correctly I've already I've already done it you just have to go in and enable it now so if I come into unit frames party it's all set up The Raid frames look like this no portraits three as well so a couple things here now to adjust because it doesn't come over when you do these profile switches the Bottom bar you come into lvi and go to data text panels you're going to see a lot of panels here just I tried to delete them in my other profile and it's still carried over somehow um but the by middle you can actually just like scroll down delete this you can actually delete the altruism data text as well altruism time the nav Center so this is the the bar down here in the bottom middle you can adjust this with whatever data you want so I'm gonna put this in your hands because it actually didn't come over from mine but you can choose all these different things you can actually pull up my profile in the Wago and like check out my screenshot there and mimic it like for instance in the middle I have let's see durability [Music] I have dragonflight factions fragment things just because I like the look of that because all the different colors there's no no reason to show that I don't think unless I don't know if you're into that um each show item level how I have it and then the last one is teleports I believe um let's see where's the teleports one that hates at the bottom actually teleports so just to show you and then like over here mad left is going to be this left bar map right over here the mab dock Center is what I have showing when not in combat and it's over here on the left hand side over the chat and I use the custom M media tag by Blinky dock icons so I don't know if you've seen like the Cookie Monster the Cookie Monster icon that I have um like over here on the left now you have a little collections menu bar with the Cookie Monster and to have like all these specialized icons up here you kind of you scroll down and find these that say Doc in green and you can pick and choose which ones you want like you put the collections the shop you can put your bags Quest log you name it so recommend checking this out if you don't want any of these data panels you just disable them like if you even if you don't want this Bottom bar just come in and disable it the combat time is disabled right now currency all these other docs you can you can come in and just delete these if you don't want them apologies that they've been pulled over but right now since this isn't in the installer and we're doing like the profile Wago approach it's just just how it goes um so the next next thing is details let's get details set up so on the Wago the bottom profile a few clicks open up details options go to profiles Imports hit OK name it whatever you want details now down here on the bottom right with gradients names really nice gradient bars text if you want to adjust this and if you're not familiar with details like you come into the title bar and change the the font for instance you can change the size you can change the menu text doesn't look like I actually did that you can change the bar text as well if you don't like the fonts you can change the size the general bar settings you can change the appearance of the bars so if you don't like the seven pixel you have all of these to choose from because it comes with altruism it comes with details it comes with lvy and media tag it has tons of options for you and then also in altruism you come into skins add-ons details if you don't want the gradient name you can just disable it here if you don't want altruism to skin details you can disable it here he has some other options where you can actually replace the texture and have his texture applied it looks very similar to this it's just a gradient bar you can embed it you can hide it out of combat if it is embedded a lot of options and other things to show while I'm in here in skins you may have noticed on the bars on the unit frames and then also on the lvi bar here and on the background of my action bars there's this skin is located in altruism skins add-ons lvi and add texture to lvi backgrounds buttons name plates uniframes and right now I'm using the ultrium tile one this is my favorite I think it looks really good you can choose there's tons of different ones to choose from but you can you can choose one or just disable it if you like the flat look while I'm also in here some of the things I changed in altruism that you can change yourself is these are all custom class colors that I made so if you come in and go into gradient colors you can make changes that you want here on all of the classes I've made a nice darker like for instance darker red darker purple orange whatever the voker dragon class is I've made all these on the left a little bit darker and then everything on the rights much lighter almost to like white if I were to extend the bar a little bit more it'd look a lot more white you can make changes right here you can even make changes to the power colors if you want it to be different and you want the gradient to be different so many options within altruism it's absolutely insane uh it's awesome I'll make another video soon on like all the altruism settings and also all the M media tag settings um next thing to get set up we'll do this quick too is the Omni CD if you open Albany CD profile sharing Imports and then on the Wago clicks decode it accept close you're in it'll just be this import that you made import one default um I'm on a low level character but yeah it won't show like my interrupts or silences but this will fit perfectly with these unit frames they'll just be over here on the left hand side and then it interrupts bar in a nice gradient will be right below it to get big wigs set up in altruism skins digwigs everything will already be toggled on so you'll have my settings here you'll just need to go into bigwigs and if you go and increase and create some test bars it's obviously not going to look right you have to do a couple things here first we'll change the font included with gibberish UI is this Poppins black this is what I've been using um with with uh gibberish UI you also will have kmt Gotham X and Ultra this is the all caps mod it's also super popular and I typically use this across all my profiles but choose either one of those you can you can outline the fonts if you want the style we're looking for is going to be altruism so right away you can already see we're going to make some changes in the texture this is where it's kind of up to you what you want to do here I use lvi Blink for this profile but M media tag n38 is also really cool it really makes the colors pop super nice so I recommend n38 or just use the Ultram blink it's up to you so now we'll move these anchors for this main bar we're going to grow it upwards I'm gonna bring it over here to the left adjust the size place this over here on the left um if you want in general you can toggle off the icon in my most recent profile I shared it doesn't have icon showing I don't think so that's it's super easy you can just toggle this on or off um so that's where I have the bars set up here the emphasized bars we're going to grow upwards as well I'm gonna put it over this target frame create some more test bars just kind of eyeball this to be honest move the proximity over here and finds emphasized messages I typically will put up a little bit the messages I'll bring right over the frames [Music] um you'll see there's a ton of bars going up let's limit [Music] let's limit the amount of bars that can actually show because like you do not want this to overlap so um let's change this the bars guys said to like four five yeah five you can you can adjust it here if you don't want as many invisible bar lens sorry so let's do two that's what I typically do thank you and then we can adjust the spacing here a little bit as well [Music] I saw that the messages the fonts is incorrect so again you just come in choose the font you want to change the outline lady would would kill me but I usually don't do an outline on on fonts this profile you will have outlines uh I'll show you really quick how to adjust some of the custom text but super easy to set up Big Wigs super easy to set up details we have Omni CD the profiles there the other things I wanted to show quick is by doing slash altruism color and hitting enter that didn't work I don't know why that didn't work maybe I typed it wrong you can come into altruism if you want to turn this into dark mode you typically can just do altruism color hit enter okay I did misspell it so my bad so backslash altruism color hit accept and everything is now in dark mode so your unit frames will now be in dark mode but with the nice class gradient names I'll show the party frames too really quick just so you can see this super easy way to like just change the entire look of this profile you can also do that by coming into unit frames and toggling right here dark mode or light mode to do by light mode it'll have you reload [Music] and we're off if you don't like the gradient names with the class color because it's sometimes hard to see kind of clashes if you go into unit frames in lvy individual units custom text [Music] you can disable this m name and turn on the white name and I've also positioned these in the middle of the frame so then you can move this up if you want [Music] or keep it centered and you can just move the health text as well in here just on the Y up to you up to you on how you want to position this but I wanted to provide an easy way to you know toggle between these gradient names or if you want the white text it's also there set up for you you just have to enable it you do have to go into each Target then or each unit frame sorry go into custom text you'll disable the grading name and you'll turn on the white name you'll do that for Target of targets you'll have to do that for all the party frames raid frames so a little manual but super easy if you decide to do that um that is it quick and dirty installation process to get this set up um please join the Discord if you have any questions or concerns or errors that come up put in a support ticket hit us up in the general chat we have an awesome community at the gibberish UI Discord shout out to everybody there shout out to all the patrons and twitch Subs I appreciate you guys so much you're making it more possible for me to spend more time doing this kind of stuff too so just thankful for everybody please like And subscribe YouTube we are growing this channel I'm trying to push videos out almost every day sometimes we have a couple videos every day um and I'm gonna continue to make new ah inspiring uis for all of you all thanks to ultrium Blinky with them media tags trenchy the lvi community you know everyone out there like everyone's so inspiring all these profiles have been inspired by someone or another installer like bennick or miraculous Wonder UI I mean this is this is a direct inspiration from Wonder and from several other people but appreciate everyone super excited to grow this community and to keep sharing UI so please share yours see you on the next one
Views: 18,693
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Id: N5I0vS9lQL4
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Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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