New Innovative Forestry Technique, Denial Forestry

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lately a lot of my videos have been about salvaging dead and dying Douglas fur trees putting them on my Mill making Lumber out of them I've had some people say in the comments they'd like to see more Forest management videos I hear you on that and I agree I would like to be doing more Forest management videos but in this part of the world a lot of forest management now is dealing with the dying Douglas fur trees it's actually not that bad on this property compared to a lot of places if you go 15 20 miles that way there are places where the Douglas fur die off is massive I'm actually kind of lucky here over the winter I've been continuing what feels like a big game of whack-a-mole I find a dead tree over here I go get it find a dead tree over there go get that one five more over here go get those ones so I can Mill them up dispose of the bark with the bugs that are still in them before they emerge in the spring and spread to the other trees I've been so busy lately trying to keep up with those dying trees I haven't had had much time to do much else in the forest but now I'm down to my last one that I know of if you go up the hill this is it the last freshly dead doug fur tree on the place that I know of the small one that's been dead for a long time is too small to be worth anything I'm sure I do have more of them out there but lately I haven't been wandering around looking for them I figure if I don't go go out looking for them I won't find them if I don't find them I don't know they're there and if I don't know they're there I won't have to deal with them it's a forestry technique that I call denial forestry where you just deny the problems even there then you don't have to deal with the problem it's a common technique used by certain agencies who manage our never mind we're not going to go there instead we're going to make this tree go over there so far this video has just been a bunch of talk now we get to watch a tree fall down and go boom I originally thought I was going to make it go down there but I think the top of it would mess up these nice madone trees since the Doug furs are dying we need to save the other trees so there'll be something here I think it'll be better to make it go that way hopefully it won't clip off the top of this little Cedar I don't think it will but that will do the less damage if I move the tractor if I leave the tractor I think it'll damage the tractor maybe I better go move the tractor [Music] a I [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] the [Music] C [Music] my strategy with salvaging these dead trees is to get them in the fall or winter when the bugs are still in them these flae headed fur borers that killed the trees lay their eggs in the summer when the trees are stressed their grubs go in under the bark eat up the tree underneath the bark kills the tree then they move out into the bark where they pupate there's a fancy word pupate I didn't even have to make that one up it's a real word when they become adults they fly off around this time of the year then go attack other trees it's the middle of April now they may be already gone they may have already flown off flow flew off they they flyed away salvaging this tree may not be accomplishing anything as far as the bugs go if they've already flown away flued away flyed away they done buggered off all it's really accomplishing is giving me some wood to have to Mill up on the mill which I don't really need I have plenty of it already what made a strange noise sound like you gagged yourself or something got to be careful when you're chewing on Twigs probably are some more dead trees on other parts of the property I could go look and confirm that and go Salvage them but if it's not helping with the bug situation do I really want to do that there's always the thing of don't want them to go to waste it's kind of sad to see good Timber going to waste but the reality is I have more Timber than I know what to do with I have more green trees that I need to be thinning out for the the health of the forest but I'm not doing that because I'm so busy dealing with these dead trees I'm thinking I might be just as well off to leave the other dead trees that might be out there for the Wildlife they do have Wildlife value and if I don't know they're there I'll be less compelled to want to salvage them so they don't go to waste that way I can spend my time doing better things I made a little pop shot at the agencies earlier on in the video about denial forestry after the last few few years trying to figure out what to do with my dead Timber I have a little more understanding of why these agencies aren't harvesting their dead Timber that could probably be a video in itself let's get these loaded up and move on I don't know how well it shows up on video how steep this slope is that we just pulled that tree off of that worked out well because the one test I had left to do on my new americanmade Camel City Mill Marino wool socks was to test them out working in steep terrain one of the things I don't like about a lot of socks a lot of them are slick espec especially some of the synthetic ones which does not work well for me on steep terrain with Marino wool they have to add some synthetic to it to get it to be durable and to perform the way they're supposed to I had some concerns about that for that reason that they might be slick but they passed the test they worked well so far they passed all of my tests except for one I do have one complaint about these socks if you get a chunk of sawdust a wood chip or something Pokey down in your boot somehow or embedded in your sock that thing's going to be just as Pokey and uncomfortable in these socks as any other joeo sock what's up with that if the people at Camel City Mill could come up with some anti- Pookey annoying thing in your sock feature maybe something that would just vaporize them or use molecular transport to just transport them out of your boot so you don't have to take your boot off and take out the Pokey thing manually that would be just great if you could come up with that feature then you would have the perfect sock but until then you've got work to do if you don't mind having socks that don't just automatically make debris and Pokey things that get in them disappear vaporize but are otherwise ideal socks I'll put a link down below check them out all the cool kids are doing it they'll make you feel good
Channel: Wilson Forest Lands
Views: 8,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ubxr4PaZ1b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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