New Import AK: Polish FB Radom Beryl in 7.62x39!

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hi guys so welcome to the exciting uh episode i hope uh what i got in hands is a fabrica brony random battle in a 7.62 by 39 millimeters of version this is a brand new import and the rifle is imported by arms of america it was a deal between the atlantic firearms and arms america and they managed to get those barrels in both 7.62 by 39 and 556 by 4d5 so i wanted to see what a 1400 dollars about me okay uh it's almost like fifteen hundred dollars uh as of right now that's actually not the better price uh on the u.s market for the case i know how it's absolutely crazy but the rifle is made by a fb radam watching fabrica brony watching and i will tell you right away uh those who remember from the socialistic paradise at times the wood sneak was actually also producing a sewing machine my mom used to have the watching sewing machine and there you go this is a different type of the sewing machine of course it was done i'm guessing you know to keep the spice away from the uh the weapons factory because the fb means weapons factory so that's a cool history for you right there i'll try to dig out the picture of the of the sewing machine so you guys could see what they were doing but uh this is uh the 7.62 version and this model is only available for the export the people from the members are aka ak operators union members from poland told me that this rifle is not available uh for sale in poland only 556 by 45 aversion is so that's kind of how interesting too i i don't know why fb random is not offering that uh rifle for sale there uh and i i think it would be a good product for them anyway this how it looks that straight out of the box i only put the puss pad this is the us furniture and as you know how those metal and and butt plates they slide on the cloth so i i like to use those push pads and they they provide some friction so the stock welds to the uh clothes a little bit better but enough of the [ __ ] talker let's shoot i did not check even if a dot rifle is or on zero or is it was it zeroed or not we'll see how this is going to go if not i'll grab the tool and we'll do some zeroing and go from there i'm using the standard uh tula ammo that's right the cheapest one possible you can get right now and that one is interesting i'm this is going to be a double test because this is from my friend actually and those rounds were in kept in the flooded basement so there is some rust uh on the hounds we'll see if they will go up all right uh wow living on the wild side look by then what you make me to do i have to use the flooded basement rounds to make a videos now all right i'm putting the rifle in the rest so we have some nice support i got the spawning scope set for 100 and we'll see what's going to happen if we going to have a contact on the target or not all right safety down good support position the rear sight is set for one let's see what we got okay that's the impact on the target that's a good sign so it means we are on the target let me see where the hit was it was on the left arm hit was on the left arm so i have to push that front post uh to the left because i'm on the left arm so that has to be corrected one more shot just uh just to see if this was not the plug that was the first shot from that rifle so maybe maybe it wasn't you know very good yeah now i overshot let me aim underneath and more more to the right right yeah definitely yeah there you go see i'm on the left side of the target uh so i have to make uh some adjustments to the front uh post i'll grab a tool and we'll go from there okay so i got the awesome magnematic tool and uh when you are the shooter and you're looking at the target i was hitting on this uh left side so that one more time in the chamber okay so the rifle was like that i want to make it this for you guys and we are hitting here so we're going to push that front post towards this side and hopefully this is going to correct the problem so let me set up a tool and this is i love magnematic they are freaking awesome guys it works on almost most a case without any issues just make sure you got that hole here in you got clearance in the hole for that front post drum and i'm going to use my [ __ ] strand to push that front post just the touch because we are on the edge we'll see if that's enough the tool is off i'm going to put my flooded basement around with magazine and around in the chamber weapon goes back on the rest and let's see if my correction was so good or she what's going to happen [Music] all right that's the impact on the target let me see almost dead in the center i will leave it for now i'll play with it a little bit later fine tune it but we are almost in the center of the target so now i'm going to talk a little bit about what we got on that rifle it was cool to see that the rifle was more or less zeroed and uh i'm looking at that front post it's a little bit to the left it's not bad i can live with all that so that's nice to see uh speaking about the futures on the rifle i talked already about the stock but stock is us-made that's because of our import regulations but as you can see you got that little nipple here on the back that's if you are familiar with the belu then you know that this is for the rail which hooks up here and goes all the way to the front and then you can put the optic on it i do not honestly like those rails they put the optics really really high on the top so what i'm going to probably do i gotta figure it out i'm hoping that i can stick the ak master mount siderow here and then just use the regular mounts for the optic but yes that future is included if you want to go that way and create uh your clone of the balloon that would work also i'm not sure what i'm going to do on the rear end for sure that polymer stock will be gone i'm going to come up with something but uh this nipple will be challenging for uh some of the m4 stock adapters uh you can i think arms of america is selling uh the berlin stock uh so if you wanna go that route you can completely pimp it out and have that better stock and then of course now i'm going to upgrade the pistol grip to something better than this safety is already with the tabs that that's how it came in from the factory so that's cool to see it and then you got this unique house style furniture uh from uh basically for the polish uh beryl or even tantal tanta was going to the same system so this retainer is a one piece it's not split like uh so basically the it captures holds the gas tube as well in that loop so that's a little bit different than uh standard akm ak-74 setups uh up front and there was no cleaning rod and there is no opening here in the in in in this bracket here so there's no way to put the cleaning rod also this muzzle device was already on it this is what the fb radam is using uh brickel was very mild this works uh kind of okay battle is threaded 14-1 left-handed thread from my understanding i did not untwist that a little sucker yet but uh you can see it's holding up but i ca i think i see the threads and the threads should be 14 uh 14-1 left-handed threads so that's like a basic overview of what you got what you got for fourteen hundred dollars uh in a box the of course the quality of the fb radham is legendary this this is outstanding uh factory they made their very good rifles and they uh supplied the uh military polish army with the newer groud rifles which by the way tons of controversy about those rifles too but that's subject for a totally different video we're not going to uh the step side from that one more thing i forgot to say as you can see you got this enlarge of magazine release tab that was also included on the rifle the trigger let me get that feeling on the trigger again trigger is kind of typical aka trigger i don't know who mates looks there is no u.s markings on it i think that maybe original trigger yeah it's not bad but nothing special on the trigger side and then of course in the rear you have this uh nice button which like you gotta push that tab first down and this will unlock the dust cover and you can pull it out the dust cover so overall looking at the rivets and looking at the outside of the rifle i would say the initial quality is looking really really good i have seen the one rifle uh on ak files and i will try to get the picture so you guys can see it where the owner posted the rivets pictures and one rivet was squished not really nicely so i i was kind of surprised to see that i would expect a little bit or more especially for the price paid from the fb random but i understand that the yannick had a bad day and uh maybe drunk a little bit too much polish vodka and that rivet escaped from him so but overall on this rifle everything looks really cool the paints the rivets everything is holding up beautifully it's looking really really great uh what i'm going to do i'm going to move my ass now to the barricade try to shoot a little bit more on the steel ring some steel and we'll go from there oola do you think you can manage to unhook the camera from the tripod she will try she will try it will be a little bit shaky there you go boom but she's got it she's doing fantastic job uh in meantime i'm placing the magazine through the rifle and let's go to the barricade and we'll see how we can we'll see if we can put some rounds on that uh target there from the standing position again charging the handle round in the chamber rifle is on the stand barricade is a little bit shaky but uh we should be able to do it i think well i have to come here so they can hear me because i do not wear the microphone i contact nice yep yeah beautiful so even with my very quick zeroing uh we are we are doing great job um pushing the rounds uh into the middle of the target you know what we should be okay if i will go maybe lower maybe lower you wanna shoot out my spotting scope stay away from the spotting scope let me see i always struggle recently with the kneeling so that's a good moment to test this out hey that's a hit maybe this rifle will jelly with me better yeah very good very good awesome uh it should be there is some record now when i move out from the prone position there is some that push from that muzzle device oh and i think it's doing a fairly decent job for what it is uh but uh you may want to think about upgrading it if you don't care about the beryl look uh you may want to think about how what to do with it let me push few more rounds to see how it feels really [Music] [Applause] now it's actually not bad it's actually not bad i think it shoots her very well well i want to capture some footage from this side when i'm sure all right shakes head yes and i'm happy to go back to shooting all i could do is shoot nice nice i think i'm seeing a nice group we'll walk to the target and see i shot from the different positions so that's kind of cool this is not the precision shooting this is the shooting to get it on target and we'll see how this is looking right there so let's go to the 100 and we'll see how we are placing on it uh in meantime in the meantime yeah let's walk let's walk have some exercise so i'm happy guys i'm honestly happy that uh taking into the account all the political situation and what's happening we are able to get the new imports to the country right uh in this i i honestly think that this is a miracle as you know uh i think four three years ago there was a lot of talk uh there was a lot of hope that the f b radha fabrica will open the u.s manufacturing plant but that went down in the flames fairly quickly didn't happen and then the whole project kind of disappeared uh moved away so i'm actually happy to see that the arms of america uh and atlantic firearms grab the ball and uh keep plowing forward and run with the ball and the torch down is the new models of burial rifles available in the united states and they started with the pistol but uh 556 by 45 pistol but now we got the full size uh 7.62 by 39 rifle and of course uh 556 by 45 rifle so that's really cool all right let me explain it to you what's happening so these were these two first shots on the left side when i was zeroing a rifle and then the correct zero was hit here and this is just shooting what i did from uh the platform and uh from the barricade so not bad even without the trying you know uh i'm suspecting that they're rifle and this is with the basement flooded ammo to to show you guys how i'll take the pictures of those rounds how they're looking like you will be shocked i'm shocked they went off but i wanted to try uh and this just tells you that even the cheap ammo under the water can survive and go bang uh but even with that poor ammo you can see that there is a hope that the rifle will shoot really really nicely i'm going to make uh at least one more episode for this belittle i'm try i will try to pimp it out my way and uh make it usable uh better you know i spent all that money i wanna have something made with it so it suits me uh very well and then we'll focus really on accuracy and see what we can squeeze out i'm hoping will be at least below to moa uh it would be nice to be below to moa with uh that kind of money paid and uh the we'll see if the ffb or adam lives up to the to the legend right but overall uh the first contact i think this is uh really really cool so i hope you enjoyed this short video uh maybe not so short anymore but i hope you enjoyed this video a little bit different uh but uh you see what's happening with the ammo prices and everything i mean we are in the 45 50 cents sometimes uh territory for the round so it will be rather difficult to keep continuing to go with the 5k tests guys but i will manage i'll manage to get you a really good feedback on the hardware which i will be testing and like useful information for the trigger pullers and you can walk away with something and see what is happening all right enough with the [ __ ] talk thank you for watching we will be back to the battle rifle at some point i promise bye guys no no no no no let's try 300. 300 but for the 300 we're not going to walk to the 300 then to see it so let's go back to the platform and see we'll see how we're doing at the 300 so let's go [Applause] that's a pink let me see where the hit was because we got some wind well i'm on the left side [Music] that's because of the wind [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] so yeah as you can see you can keep ringing that target yeah all all hits are on the left side on the target not bad at all uh we just walked to the platform back and shooting at 300 so not bad at all oh this is with the shitty ammo so this is looking really cool maybe we should fly to all the ammo yeah from now on i'm flooding all the ammo this is making making them shoot well ah let me see few more hits yep i i hope you guys can hear the ringing in the in the camera uh we'll drive later on now i'll take a picture at least from 300. hop in well do the bullet fly in kawasaki there we go let's go uh so how's that for the redneck drone bullet flight bullet flight effects so as you can see multiple hits on the target i wasn't really i would not worry about the grouping as of right now i just wanted to see how we're doing on the target and you can ring that plate and uh we'll see if else we know will set up the iphone run the better ammo but uh with some wind happening and i was pushing a little bit to the right we landed on the left side it's not bad i'm not proud of this shot this was on purpose i wanted to see if i can wag the head so that was done uh here i don't know that uh that's not me so more or less the group should be here not bad uh but this is just the taste uh what what we can get and it will be really cool to see what we can suck out from the drive for alright bye guys
Channel: AK Operators Union, Local 47-74
Views: 78,536
Rating: 4.9577317 out of 5
Keywords: rob ski, polish beryl, polish ak47, beryl rifle, polish beryl pistol, polish beryl 7.62, beryl m762 rifle, akou, akoul4774
Id: EU86B20itz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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