New Horizons is Dead And It’s All Nintendo’s Fault

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[Music] when New Horizons was officially released it was promised a couple years of updates very vague but we did get updates for about a year and a half You could argue they lasted longer with the addition of the Tomato shirt in August 2022 but I don't really know if people count this as an update weird last item to include though not gonna lie New Horizons players get the opportunity to sit back and watch the pocket Camp Twitter account announce update after update after update but New Horizons is dead and it's all Nintendo's fault the only way to revive a game nowadays is to offer updates for forever should Nintendo update New Horizons until the end of time or until a new game comes out would it benefit from the pocket Camp treatment or should New Horizons die the slow painful death that we've all been experiencing if you're not familiar with the history of updates to New Horizons we got about a year and a half of updates ending with a 2.0 patch that added a ton of new mechanics that were data mined over a year prior but we don't talk about the amount of time that passed before we finally got access to them but since November 20 21 nothing well not absolutely nothing we did get that tomato shirt and some other small holiday items but nothing groundbreaking that made people want to return to the game today it seems like every game is always updated companies would rather update their existing game than spend a ton of money making a completely new version why update Graphics quality and processing when you can just add an Ariana Grande skin into a game and make a boatload of money if you've been hiding from Twitter like a sane person does you've probably missed the sheer number of mods at the Animal Crossing community has been creating and God they're all beautiful every single one everything from smaller decorations to huge buildings the 3D artists are really going all out and it's brought new life into a game that's been considered dead since the final update dropped almost a year ago everyone's trying to give life to this game that we all love so much Nintendo has never been one to follow the indefinite update model they've always stuck to the tradition of creating sequels and improving each game in the next installment in the past Miyamoto himself has said that he hates the free to play play model and isn't interested in styling games like MMORPGs he's one to finish a game and move on to the next project granted Miyamoto doesn't have a public can in the Animal Crossing series but looking at all of Nintendo's games this seems to be a common theme Nintendo tends to stay away from the here by everything in a game you already bought model with the exception of mobile games of course but these will always be cash grabs because that's just how the mobile game Space started they've recently started to head towards prolonging games lives by providing these content updates for a limited amount of time after the game releases titles like Splatoon Animal Crossing and Mario Kart are some that have gotten this treatment Nintendo has even taking the updates a step further by releasing a DLC for the games as well but this is the only evidence of updates requiring extra cash to experience and I wouldn't even consider them updates more like a complete expansion I mean happy home Paradise was literally its own game at one point Nintendo only lets us pay for the good stuff as awesome as a bunch of new furniture is it's not really part of the developer's usual business practices if that was the case we would have been paying for the 2.0 update along with the happy home Paradise DLC but they gave us all that awesome furniture for free so should Nintendo keep updating New Horizons I want to say yes I want new furniture I would love for Nintendo to support this game until the next installment is ready to be released but they can't not without forcing us to spend money every time they release new stuff game development isn't cheap 3D art isn't cheap there would be no Revenue stream for these developers if they kept working their butts off to release new items for us for free as much as I would love content forever I love the way Nintendo doesn't put everything behind a paywall they know the audience of their games their maybe the intended audience of their games is children who usually can't afford to drop a ton of money on a game they release enough updates to satisfy us most of us and then move on to the next project pocket Camp gets updates all the time but the mobile game has always had a steady supply of income from locking items behind leaf tickets the currency in the game which you can absolutely get naturally but only a few just enough to get one or two items from that new furniture drop rather than the whole set there's also the pocket Camp club which is a subscription-based monthly payment feature that gives the player a boatload of items and currency to throw around the game if New Horizons received a similar update schedules pocket Camp you bet your butt there would be a paid subscription model which I think would kind of Ruin New Horizons for me our lives are consumed by monthly payments I don't really want to add New Horizons to this list personally I think the best thing for the game is a slow and painful death until the next iteration in the series is finally announced which you know maybe could be soonish before the gap between New Leaf and New Horizons thank you Wii U each animal crossing game came out in three to four years not counting spin-offs with new leaf and New Horizons both being initially announced two years before the game finally released so I mean if we're following patterns and we should be hearing about Animal Crossing new space any day now but realistically there isn't a pattern I'm sure we'll all have to wait patiently for a new console to release and then we'll get a new Animal Crossing game in the meantime I'll be doing the dumbest speedrun known to man and enjoying my time looking at all the crazy mods our lovely Community has been so nice to create for us do you want New Horizons to still be updated or would you rather anticipate the next game let me know in the comments below and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: koramora
Views: 438,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing New Horizons, New Horizons, ACNH, Animal Crossing Gameplay, Nintendo Switch, Animal Crossing Switch, どうぶつの森, Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing, For Dummies, koramora, korakora, korra, Cafe, ACNH Direct, ANCH Direct, 2.0 Update, kora, acnh, achn, mods, switch mods, acnh mods, new horizons dead
Id: dlBg0VtAFdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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