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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Jones coming in with our newest featurette video this is a project profile that I said we'd be doing it's a brand new house that we sprayed it's been two years in the making uh 2020 uh two and now 23 to complete uh it's kind of an interesting story on this one um this is largely due to what you have all been viewing on the internet uh the homeowners came to me or the homeowner came to me because they had been watching the spray Jones content on the internet and discussed wanting to build this house and wanting to get it sprayed and they had some very uh distinct goals that they wanted to do with Energy Efficiency and how they wanted to build it and they didn't really feel comfortable with the choices that they had for spray foam insulation in and around their area so the question came about are you willing to take the project on and travel to our area and I said yes we would now in most situations uh you know we get people asking us if we can come to the United States which is just a little bit too far and there's problems crossing the border but when it comes to in Canada and particularly in our province of Saskatchewan yeah half truck will travel so we will go to the north and we will go to the South but we try to stick within three uh two and a half to three hours of our home base but I have done rural projects where again you don't like the options of the locals or maybe the locals aren't even an option maybe you don't have anybody in your area and you want to secure us uh and get us to come on out it's easier to do these things in the in the spring summer and fall than it is through the dead of winter but I have done a ranch house that was four and a half hours away um going through uh March so it can be done this particular project what we did was uh we were out last summer August of 2022 we had 4 000 square feet of under slab display so this is going to be a thickened Edge slab on grade there's no piles uh the soil conditions can allow this in their area and so we we showed up we sprayed uh two inches of closed cell foam on the rock it was an absolute perfect project because the enemy of spraying down uh onto the ground is wind and rain of course and you know if you're going to be traveling two or three hours even an hour you know to get to a project you want to be sure that you can work that week well no guarantees we got there we're in a field not a lot of overspray considerations so we were able to lay the foam down it's tough laying it down and laying it down super smooth I've seen some people that can lay it down fairly smooth but you got to have really calm perfect wind conditions uh and then the rock profile of what you're spraying to has got to be super smooth so if you're spraying to a gravel base or something like that and you've got a lot of room to work and know when you can make the Foam look fairly smooth otherwise it's going to take the profile of The Rock and the evenness or their unevenness of whatever they've laid down ahead so that's how it went with this one it's laid down the two inches of foam uh four thousand square feet sprayed in about three and a half days which includes traveling out setting up spraying and being done so I was pretty impressed with that left on a Monday and went back home on a Thursday morning kind of thing so uh then they they built the slab poured the concrete going into winter let it sit all through winter and then came back in the spring once the site dried up and started framing the house now the distinct uh build of this was that they wanted did a double wall now a lot of people guessed it in the comments when I did the little um short talking about you know we're going to be showing you this uh showcase like there's no crawl space so they've got a ceiling system and the attic system is sprayed non-vented direct to roof deck and that's going to allow all the duct work and the majority of electrical to run through to get through the attic space and the attic is warm so these catwalks and what have you have been built for Access for us but it's access for everybody and they're going to stay there the rest of their days where you can run duct work you can run the plumbing lines and then you can run of course your electrical and then down and out into the walls uh the way that the wall system is going to be is they just wanted everything over sprayed they wanted four inches closed cell in the walls and they said go ahead over spray the seams over spray the plates they wanted a maximum roll of foam over the top plates on the facing of everything so that they uh cut down on the thermal bridging but also primarily that's the air seal right they're dealing with an incredibly uh well-sealed building from the interior where they're not even going to be using caulk and the foam is going to be tying everything together so that's what they're doing and then they're going to build their wall no additional bad insulation is being put in that I'm aware of the spray foam is the primary insulation system and so the wall will allow them to bring ducting and electrical down and then they're just going to space their drywall of course ahead of the 2x6 framing a lot of square footage here wrench style home nice long beautiful layout so they've got lots of space on the property but I've done this before where ducting for Mechanicals is done through the attic and then it's a no-brainer the spray foam system should be applied directed roof deck to give you a cathedralized attic space so this attic space is going to stay within one to two degrees of what are the thermostat temperature is on the ceiling 10 foot walls on the main level of the house 12 foot walls in the garage and then what we do is we do a partition wall between the garage and the house and that gets spray foam with a lesser amount usually an inch and a half no more than two and that provides you with your environmental separation so that your garage space you can open the doors let it go down to sub freezing extreme cold pulling cars pulling snowmobiles pulling quads do your garage work whatever you want and it's sealed off from the rest of the house it's not going to affect the envelope with the house so those those Gables that Gable built inside the attic uh is there before we get there of course and then we just foam them into place now one of the most interesting things that you'll see on the structure is this this blue wrap that they put now this is uh the money Baker VP 100 self-adhering self uh healing membrane system no I had talked to them about making sure that they had a very good envelope uh for roof and for walls because when you're doing the spray foam system closed cell if you have a compromised envelope with roof or walls and water gets back and buying flashings or what have you it can rot out your plywood your OSB and you don't know that that's going on until it's too late so I I stressed the importance of this with them especially with the build and traveling as far as we were I didn't want to travel uh three hours out of our way in order to get there and find out that it's raining that week and water is is coming in through the cracks and stopping us from doing the spray foam so they opted for the vp100 which is a really good product when you research it it's a vapor open membrane so any moisture trapped inside the wood assembly the studs and the sheeting itself will be able to diffuse outward so they're rolling this membrane on putting it on as you're seeing and then the spray foam is going on interior wise um four inches on on the walls five inches on the roof that's what we agreed upon garage has done to a lesser spec they have an in-floor heat uh piping system dual zone controller multi-zone control between the garage and the house and then they're going to be putting installing their ductwork and their Air Handlers and all of that sort of stuff for modern convenience in AC but this VP system allows them to be putting on metal roofing uh choice of any just about any type of siding product that they're going to want to do and it grabs onto and and adheres to the nails into the screws and doesn't allow the water to come in so it's self-healing you can see it on their website and I think it's just a really really good product uh put on exterior wise so that the home is already like Matt Reisinger I said before the home should be waterproof before the exterior products are on and I couldn't agree more with the spray foam like you should be absolutely waterproof to the exterior side and then go ahead and finish it knowing that you're not going to have a leak if it gets past your your shingles past your flash past your metal roofing past your siding you basically have to account that at some point it is going to get past that it's not going to get them back in behind your building wrap and damage your siding because your siding and your roof deck are not meant to be taking weather on a constant basis especially getting wet and holding it in there up against the spray foam and that is not the spray foam's fault like people have said well I wouldn't go ahead spray foam because uh then I won't know that I've got a leak people that's that's backwards thinking like you want to do what these people are doing you want to have the best tightest envelope that you can they've sprayed over all of the seams they've sprayed over all of the studs they've really encapsulated the back side of the wood with a skim coat and what have you and built up the thickness where it was relevant but then they've got a really good membrane on the outside it's a leading diffusion out so I think this is one of the most advanced homes as far as just using modern products modern ways of sealing things up they got really good plywood here really good construction Father and Son Duo overseeing this there are journaling the whole thing themselves deciding what products but these are smart people that have researched put the time in they're not willing to write a blank check for anything but they are saying this is what I want and let's plot it out and see exactly why we want to do what we want to do and spray foam incorporated into that so we went in there and got the the under slab stuff done and then a year later we come back and we do the walls we do the roof pretty standard procedure for us we took two trucks uh two trailers and then we're able to each guy just sort of take a side of the building and get a get it cranked off we've got redundancy when we're out of town they can oversee what they're doing check each other's work over top over everything and it's not hard when what you're doing is just encapsulating everything right you're just needing to get your foam into the corners and into the cracks and crevices and then build up the requisite thickness for walls and roof and realistic when you're done there just shouldn't be any gaps or cracks that you're going to see and that's how this turned out so worked really really well now they can build inside of the envelope the foam shell that they've been given and have a home that is going to last multiple Generations so this is the way to build I really like how it is you're using local framing local installers as far as trades to get the building up erected roofed you know whatever you want you're not having to go with expensive panels or products or or one-off materials that are taking weeks upon weeks of lead time to order that would be months and then we can come into whatever the design of the structure is and foam the thing up we're a custom liquid installed fit into whatever they want to build and that's the way it goes so if you've got a project you're thinking about you're in Saskatchewan you're saying hey this is really neat I like what you're doing uh I didn't think you'd come into my yeah we'll come into your area generally speaking we'll come to your area Hub Truck will travel I mean there's there's limits to certain things I've been asked to go 20 hours up north one time that was a little bit difficult we just weren't set up for that but if you're working on a project and you have something unique you want to talk to us about a barn dominium or a shop or you're putting your house on your farm or on your acreage or at the lake or whatever you're wanting to do we want to sit down we want to consult this project we started Consulting with them in uh early spring of 2022 so they have plenty of time to to map out what they wanted to do and how they wanted to do it they weren't in a rush to change over anything and um gave them the pros and cons of each gave them the ability to understand what stages and steps would have to be taken and what it would cost to get to those stages and it was it was basically yeah here we go the numbers work uh let's bring this out and we got it done so you got a project give us a call give us an email we want to see your plans we want to talk with you give us lots of lead time on Consulting with you because we may give you some ideas on how to deal with things that you haven't thought of and this is a perfect example once they knew that spray and foam to the underside of the roof deck would be in they had their answer as to how to run all of their ductwork and what to deal with their Attic So here's another project profile for you and share like And subscribe leave me a comment ask some questions if you have a lot of questions that I haven't covered here lay the comments out and maybe I'll do a follow-up video with all of you that delay questions out and we can answer them uh direct so thanks for checking in we'll see on the next video foreign
Channel: Spray Jones
Views: 1,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Regina, 306, Walltite, Saskatchewan, SprayFoam, Homeinsulation, warmhome, homefoam, commercialfoam, betterinsulation, rightway, BASF, newsolutions, foamyourhome, nomorebatt, foammaster, sask, YQR, reginasprayfoam, sprayjones, bestinsulation, betterway, newway, foamit, newconstruction, atticventilation, nonventedroof, spfroof, sprayfoamroofing, hotattic, hotroofing, fiberglasssucks, wetbatts, wetglass, airleakage, badvapourbarrier, wetwalls, frostinwalls, sprayfoaminsulation, construction, passivehouse, Russell, manitoba
Id: e3BCCeYAmmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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