NEW Guardian Games 2024 REVAMP, Skimmer Sparrow & REWARDS (TWID) | Destiny 2

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another week boys and another twab this week in Destiny would you look at that it's February the 29th what a rare occasion let's celebrate with something nice like showing what's coming with Guardian Games All Stars on March 5th we won't skim through the details this week we have Guardian Games All Stars arrives in style Guardian Games cup is back update 7.3.5 coming on March 5th the witch Queen available with PlayStation Plus next week our weekly players support reports and the artist and movie of the week winners so let's do this starting with Guardian game games all stars which arrives on Tuesday it's a time of the year when Hunters warlocks and Titans compete against each other for Honor gear and the bragging rights that come with being winners of Guardian Games Allstars Eva lante will be back at the tower as your event manager and she has a very special surprise for you all fellas if you have seen this trailer feel free to skip to this Tim stamp that is on your screen here but if you have not watch this right [Music] now I want it [Applause] all [Music] [Music] I want it all yeah you like that dude we got a surfboard what the hell living that cloud Strider life introducing the skimmer Guardians we couldn't be more excited to introduce a totally brand new exotic vehicle category for Destiny 2 skimmers will live in the same slot as your sparrows and can be used to do tricks grind rails or just stylishly skim around looking incredibly cool the new scammer is called the allstar vector and will be available for everyone to earn during Guardian games Allstars just pick it up from Evil lante after completing the onboarding mission Quest and if you want to keep it permanently after the event finishes spoiler alerts you do complete the drop in quest and the allstar Vector will be yours to keep forever another skimmer this one inspired by a beloved Destiny weapon will be available in the in-game eververse as well whichever style of skimmer you prefer you'll be able to start grinding those space rails next week Bas I'm not going to lie man it looks cool the armor looks good the skimmer looks way cooler to ride around than a sparrow now would be a perfect opportunity Bungie to give a skimmer Racing League now to take part in the Guardian Games you'll start by greeting Grandma Eva lante at the tower she will gift you the class item needed to enter the competition as well as a simple starting Quest this is how you will earn your first Medallion and unlock the next Quest as well as the challenges from the event card mini medallions and mini glow now the goal of Guardian Games Allstars is simple your class must win the majority of days during the 3-we long event and that can only be done by depositing a ton of Med e lante will have a great variety of cont cords to choose from divided between gold platinum and Diamond which is the new tier implemented this year the diamond medallions awarded by these are worth a lot and can change the course of the day so they're limited to three a week two of them are focused on in-game activities one for PVE and one for PVP and the third is kind of unique it's a twitch drop from watching a Destiny 2 streamer for two hours during that week oh cue the Shameless plug fellas if you didn't know we actually stream on twich switch come by hang out and at the same time you can walk away with some diamonds now all Medallion Guardians banked in the tower will be counted daily in the crest of the daily winning class will be inserted into the tower Podium for everyone to keep track of their standing in past Guardian Games we measured class Performance Based on total Medallion score population imbalance has always been a hot issue with the scoring method and we've always weighed these in the spirit of fairness this year we're taking a different approach each day class scores will be measured by the average Medallion score of all players who've deposited a medallion that day separated by class of course our hope here is that this will make your contributions feel more meaningful and that the overall competition is less dependent on hard to understand population waiting or catchup mechanics interesting I will say I never really like the whole waiting thing a th% should just come down to those that are contributing in the games itself now depending on your contributions to Guardian Games Allstar you'll also earn glows in the braging r that come with them these are linked to your personal and group achievements and we have five in total one for being the best enti power Guardian another for being a member of the winning class of the day a shoulder glow linked to your weekly performance in the Nightfall playlist a second shoulder glow for your weekly performance in Supremacy and G and a bronze silver or gold glow with the shape of a Laural Crown depending on your class place in the Friday cor Nation ceremony at the end of the events the class that wins the most days will be crowned winner and their class item will be changed to Gold until the next event to remind everyone of their Victory not only that but for the whole year members of the winning class can also trigger some fancy fireworks in the tower if they interact with the Guardian Games All-Star statue the second and third place classes will see their class items Chang to silver and bronze respectively and can still enjoy the fireworks win the winning class triggers them this is a friendly competition after all friendly you say Titans you better be getting up I okay what the hell you doing democracy is important I get it go do your hell D and then get the hell back over here Quest activities and class matchmaking if banging medallions is one of the main Pursuits of Guardian game Allstar the other would be igniting the fires of Victory behind the podium in the Tower complete the two weekly quests by earning high scores in the Guardian Games Allstar special playlist the first Quest is called Shoot to score it involves zala who asks you to get medals and points by diving into the Nightfall playlist the recreation playlist is chill and good for practicing strategies while the competitive playlist is for serious business to earn high scores and to be ranked among the best of the best the second Quest is called vying for Supremacy and it will pick Guardians against Guardians in The Crucible and or Gambit to earn high scores look out another that's going to sound crazy we played Gambit the other day for a build battle and I actually had fun no lie literally one of the best play sessions I've had in Destiny in a very long time now getting high scores in both playlists will unlock up to four chests for each of the quests these chests will reward you with gear and materials depending on the tier you reach from bronze to platinum and buff your guardian so you could shatter your own high scores with ease and no matter what activity you choose to focus on you'll be able to matchmake nightfalls can be played with standard or class-based matchmaking or without matchmaking at all Supremacy we'll have mix or same class matchmaking and for gamut the only choice is to go class versus class Drifter demands it dude I am down with this four Titans on the field let's get it now keep an eye on Focus activities but that's not all you can get more out of the events if you jump into a focus activity every few hours one of the Guardian Games All-Star playlists remember Nightfall Supremacy or gamuts will be the focus activity they will be live for 2 hours from Monday to Thursday and for 3 hours from Friday to Sunday and they are a new great way to get Mall ience and other rewards playing of focus activity unlocks up to three tiers of reward packages that go from bronze to silver to gold with better prizes for each tier there's one more package the Champions package that as you can imagine will go to a class that dominates the focus activity by earning the highest scores the champion package will fill The Medallion case not including Diamond medallions because those are unique to their Contender cards don't worry if your class doesn't win one Focus activity there are several chances to do so and the director will show exactly when these activities start so no no one misses it guys I'm liking this man like everything here think about where Guardian Games used to be last year was the first time we got class versus class that being Supremacy and now we're breaking it off in these other activities for the first time ever I feel like this is a true Guardian Games you've got gamut you've got nightfalls you've got Crucible now we're about to see once and for all who is the better class which is tits everybody play TI next week I need another gold butt tow now a new weapon and a new momento Guardian Games All Star brings a new weapon to the table hulula hula hulao yeah that one's right this Arc compressed wave frame heavy grenade launcher couldn't have arrived at a better moment this archetype will get an increase in damage the moment Guardian Games Allstar drops and it also has some unique perks like volt shot in the dirt column with chain reaction in the fourth what now for those that don't know guys we're getting a buff to wave frame heavy grenade launchers next week they're increasing the damage by 20% and the girth by 40% more girth equals more Chain Reaction Kies and you're giving me volt shots do bunge's not holding back what did I say yesterday in that video F the balance and here we are now the two previous guardan game weapons will also have new perks this year tropus the Strand lightweight Scout rifle will drop with new perks like slice or Precision Instruments while the tidle void aggressive SMG has new perks but also allows for a very exciting combo if you enjoyed void bills repulser brace now in the third column and surrounded in the fourth dude I'm telling you guys ter roxus slice and Precision Instruments and next week's sandbox is going to pop especially considering 200 round for Scout rifles are getting above fellas as they're now only going to require three crits and one body on top of these rewards there's also the Guardian Games All Star momento you have a chance to earn this special customization item when banking gold and platinum medallions but if you really want one you better focus on getting those Diamond medallions which guarantees the momento once you have a Guardian Games Allstar momento in your inventory Eva will store your extra ones until the end of the event just don't forget to use them before she leaves oh my God sexy look look at that by the way this is a reminder to get scalar potential we did a review on it it is a fantastic weapon and now it's sexy now champ Tio and event card the champ title will be available again this year for those looking to go all in with Guardian Games Allstar to do so you'll have to complete the event card challenges these are event specific and Grant unique rewards like event weapons a legendary Shader a legendary emblem an exotic Sparrow materials and event tickets event tickets can be used with the upgraded event card available in the in-game ere store to unlock additional rewards now who will win the Guardian Games cup for the third year in a row we are celebrating Guardian Games cup across the globe from March 5th until March 26 players can compete for Glory in game while also supporting direct relief and the International Rescue committee through the Bungie Foundation you will need a fire team of up to six members to participate in one or both of the available categories the technical category tracks the total number of medallions dunked by each official registered team during the Guardian Games Allstar the ch compitable category tracks the total donation amount raised by each team throughout the events the top four winning teams in each category that being eight teams in total will win these amazing prizes the first place team in each category will win a life-size physical All-Star Vector skimmer replica what with the team's name engraved one per team per category the top two teams in each category will win a guardian game medal for each team member maximum six per team and the top three teams in each category will win binary Cascade emblem codes for each team member thep four teams in each category will win bungee store $50 discount codes for each member now as an extra incentive all the players that donate $10 or more to their favorite teams will earn the amazing and brand new together in contribution emblem and every $10 donated will net you an additional emblem oh look at that fellas I need a team we need the squad right now I need five other Titans I live in Florida I can use the skimmer not effectively but we could try now how to sign up for Guardian Games cup if you want to take part this year in Guardian Games cup all you need need is a fire team of up to six Guardians one of whom must be an acting team captain and sign up through the official Guardian Games Cup website all information about the signup process including FAQ the requirements and the rules of this year's Guardian Games cup can be found in this Guardian Games cup 2024 blog good luck Guardians Now update 7.3.5 arrives next week Guardian Games Allstars won't be the only new thing arriving with update 7.3.5 on March the 5th we've already shared the details on what's coming with it but here's a reminder of what we've covered in the past few twists first we have more weapon rewards weapons we are adding and when you'll be able to farm them new weapons and some fan favorites coming into rotation for tri of Osiris iron banner and nightfalls next Tuesday weapons ability sandbox updates fixed Restorations timer some abilities are getting brought into line thread Lings and threaded Spectre other abilities are getting some extra flare Consecration and gunpowder Gamble and buffing some rocket launchers and all Heavy grenade launchers and nerfing Bows as well as snipers ease of use we're also going back to prophecy where new weapons are coming some old weapons are getting Elemental changes and new parks console rticle and dead zone settings are being adjusted console players will be able to adjust the retical position just like PC players and all controller players will be able to adjust the dead zone to their likings even lowering it to zero now somebody asked last week what is dead zone guys it's essentially when you move your joystick depending on your value is what actually plays a role and how long it takes for your reticle to start moving where you want it to go or your character to start moving with this being set all the way down to zero you're going to have the same mouse and keyboard like movement essentially guys it'll be easier for you to click and you'll have more control in your micro movements now improvements to PVP we continue to work hard to make PVP as fun and as Fair as possible for every Destiny player many changes are in already and a lot more are coming with update 7.3.5 we'll also keep refining The Crucible with update 7.3.6 in the near future next week we are encouraging primary ammo fights altering the weapon sbox and helping players better understand why they win or fail with the changes yeah guys we'll have a breakdown even further MK was actually on the fire podcast last night night giving a ton of details of what's to come and things not only for next week but also changes coming in the final shape most notably the Nerf to chain reaction this is not to deviate from the new grenade launcher we're getting next week believe me I'm excited for it but a breakdown on that will be out later this evening now the witch Queen arrives on PlayStation Plus no matter whether you're essential extra or premium all PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to acquire and play all the contents of Destiny 2 The Witch Queen expansion starting March the 5th just be sure to claim it as part of the March p plus offerings and you'll be ready to play this content in game as long as you download it by April the 2nd you'll own all the content to play at your leisure fellas that is a fantastic deal if you got a friend that has not picked up Destiny and you want to get him into it now's a great time call them up be like yo it's free now the expansion focuses on savathun hive goddess of lies and one of Humanity's most complex enemies her Lucien brood has somehow gained access to the light and discover the truth you'll have to explore her throne world and complete the campaign completed on legendary difficulty for a challenge alling and unique experience that earns you more rewards this expansion comes with the B disciple rate also correct me if I'm wrong I'm pretty sure it comes with all the 3.0 subclasses right I will say it's one of my favorite campaigns and Miles better than lifefall now Riven wish weapon crafting since Riven wishes were introduced we've been investigating an issue where only forsaken pack owners can craft weapons from Mar's inventory if they've unlocked a weapon pattern this issue is scheduled to be fixed next week with update 7.3.5 oh all right that's fantastic we thought that this was actually intentional so fellas hold on to those wishes let them fix this first and then you can use it to buy those weapons now as a final note here from Bungie and that's it for this week this is the last twid before a new wave of content arrives in Destiny 2 take your time to prepair more weapons are coming more activities will be available and that skimmer is too good to skip and this is only for March Desy 2 into the light arrives in April and we will share more details about what's coming soon until then let's focus on Guardian Games Allstars May the best class win all right guys that's it it if you come by our stream next week so that you can get those Diamond medallions don't worry even if you're a hunter warlock we won't ban you but I do want to urge you try the power of a time it truly is a beautiful thing so come join us over on ascr fellas and ladies thank you all for coming and watching and as always slap that like button like your mama told you [Music] right [Music] oh
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 174,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny, Destiny 2, Destiny bungie, Bungie, Destiny Aztecross, Aztecross, destiny 2 season 23, destiny 2 season of the wish, season of the wish, destiny 2 guardian games, destiny 2 guardian games 2024, destiny 2 eva levante, destiny 2 new wave frame grenade launcher, destiny 2 wave frame grenade launcher, destiny 2 new memento, destiny 2 hullabaloo, hullabaloo grenade launcher, scalar potential memento, destiny 2 scalar potential, destiny 2 skimmer, destiny 2 skimmer sparrow
Id: NztrZ8pgGU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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