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hello everybody it's your boy it smells like honor here welcome back to some more Gary's mod and today we're going to actually Spotlight on a pack that I missed out on uh just about well it's I think it's been updated like a few months ago maybe uh shout out to Jody and Geo they both worked on this giant Gmod FNAF it's like a it's like a rag doll slpr bundle pack so it's pretty cool I'm probably going to do a multi-part series on spotlighting them and my big thing on Gary's mod is it's like having them into NPCs or nextbots so I'm going to try to fuse them with any nextbots or NPCs that I currently have and uh yeah let's get it started I had the plushies right here and they're they're all ready to go now I'm a little I'm a little sad because I was like going through my mods for like hours and hours today and I'm just like oh dude I just want to record a video it's been it's it's literally been 153 days since I played Garry's Mod for a video that's a long time you guys that's a long long time but for today let's just have a typical uh FNAF 1 Freddy Fazbear and we'll see what we can do here okay we'll see what we can do chica okay we'll see what we can do all right let's just do this you guys uh let's stop those sounds really quick and we're going to go ahead and I we'll try a bone merge we'll see what happens here all right I I have a feeling nothing will happen but I actually think something is actually happening wait something is happening oh God okay these guys are going to be cursed they're going to be cursed okay this is my specialty you guys I mean I'm a big Dragon Ball Z guys so fusions Fusion's a big deal all right here we go and then now we just go to sub material tool oh dude Everything Has Changed like crazy oh oh it's cursed wait what the heck the cupcake is actually like perfectly fine it's like in his hand perfectly fine okay I I I have a feeling that uh oh my God who looks The Worst by the way I think I need to get rid of this mod right here with the NPC health bar it's kind of trash well it's not trash but it's like not scaled properly sorry I don't mean to sound disrespectful okay let's see um you know Fox is looking pretty cursed uh I was talking to Gio about how uh Whatchamacallit bone merging is like that's my go-to so a lot of the times if there is a uh AI Ed bone on a nextbot or an NPC and if they have the same name then it will it will do this right it's not going to scale correctly and it won't uh it won't be like correctly aligned because some bones are rotated uh eerily weird like Twisted but I got to say chica is probably my favorite no Bonnie's is Bonnie's is my favorite that is uh that looks like a absolute hilarious character okay Freddy looks looks uh pretty wonky too it just it you know what it is it's it's it's how the bone structure of the Fazbear ultimate pill pack remastered pills are all right well I guess we'll just keep going here let's go back here the main the the main focus is this right now okay all right another cool thing is that the animated props tool is brand new so check this out boom now of course it doesn't have any animations oh God why the heck is that way over here oh you got rest position but hold on I want to see something here wait wait wait let's go ah and just spawn in a um dude I need to I need to find a way how I can rig this properly this is going to be a little busted but bear with me Freddy Faz bear with me all right here we go bone merge and oh I forgot that won't work but this will that should work all right and then now we just got to do one of these wait he actually it's not too bad it's not actually too bad with this guy all right Mr Endo um oh wait no I'm an actual idiot sandwich okay well um I can't play oh God okay that's not what I wanted to do oh this is not what I wanted to do oh God the advanced bone tool has some weird Shadow issues holy moly wait uh whoa whoa whoa what the heck is happening I don't know what's happening okay we're going to try this one more time all right uh let's just have a Freddy Fazbear uh with a Freddy Fazbear all right here we go uh bone merge boom boom Oh God he looks creepy already okay all right let's see if this is actually going to work okay it's going to work but you see what I'm saying you guys like stuff is is twisted uh Advanced bone tool is there a new bone tool oh my God wait a minute oh dude this is so cool wait can I oh this is so cool do you guys remember the old animated props tool oh my God this is so good this is actually so freaking good okay this is going to be fun this is going to be a lot of fun oh my God wait is his feet his feet are upside down entirely okay that's just the way the bones are rigged but yeah okay okay I I have a better understanding on how this is all working out now if I could figure out if there's a mod on uh making uh like changing the I mean I I could rotate the bones like this but like if I could just permanently dude is my gy mod broken like I I think I need to change my tool gun back to like default uh but yeah if if I could if I could fix this like big time uh like and like permanently have that that'd be huge what the heck am I making a do look like he's doing some exercise and one and two and three and four and now I'm going to have absord days all right not going to lie but Freddy fazber could probably bench press like 10 times more than what a human can um like a like a like a the max strength of of the strongest man on the planet they could probably bench press like maybe like 20 to 50 times more all right let's go ahead and have um we'll just have everybody in here respectively whoa whoa what is wrong with Bonnie's face is this a twisted ones this is a twisted ones why is it like that okay well that's that's just the way it's going to be I guess whoa okay I got some crazy reskins ooh dude Shadow Freddy looks dope okay let's go ahead and just we're just going to fuse everybody okay here we go this is going to look whoa did he just get weird or is that just me he got really weird oh God this is going to get even weirder okay we have Bonnie there chica foxy we'll have golden Freddy with the uh the shadow Freddy okay very cool oh God I feel like an absolute Boomer Noob whoa wait a minute what is this going to look like oh I okay I probably don't want to do that I'm probably going to end up crashing my game here all right sub material tool all right boom boom boom boom I also need to Spotlight Gio's uh latest wait how come chica's is like absolutely fine wait is chica like the outlier I think oh my God look at Bonnie look at his eye yo where's your other eyeball oh there it is nice to meet you all right well uh this is going to be quite insane yeah chica is looking the best but I think she's seen better days she's definitely seen better days all right um let's see what else here I actually want to try this one more time but we'll have to do uh this all right now before I used to have the FNAF 4 NPC pack um oh wait we could use is a cupcake okay this is what I want to do I think I spawned in too many of them oh dude this is perfect they're adorable they're absolutely adorable oops I skipped foxy there we go and am I missing one other plush no that's all of them well let's just just for fun we'll have no eyebrows ready right there and uh yeah this should be pretty interesting okay I want to see the move oh God get out of here you chicken nugget all right uh let me make sure they're not going to like kill me ignore me let's see them walk around all righty it's uh dude just seen like Freddy with no eyebrows is scary man it really is dude what is going on yo I like I said I haven't played gym mod in such a long time what happened with the grass it looks so different I wonder if my settings like broke or anything oh God chica looks insane holy moly all right pretty cool these Rags are really cool like really really cool by the way I want to do a lot more videos bringing back the classics I I was just looking at the comments like over the last 6 months just recently oh wait are you going are you going to kick oh oh he's playing soccer with his oh he's playing soccer with the rag doll wait can I move him around hold on let's see what he does here you see oh oh dang okay this is getting serious this is getting quite serious but yeah I was looking at the comment section and it just like oh man it was crazy a lot of people were just like dude this is like classic like the good old days or like this is just like the good old memories you know what I'm saying and I was even looking back at my old old videos I'm like dude I was like a whole different person it's kind of insane how like time changes you and oh wait wait these have sounds okay chica sounds like she's made out of like cardboard Foxy's made out of like steel like super steel and I'm sorry I'm just like breaking his face into the wall here what about Bonnie what is Bonnie Bonnie also sounds like made out of cardboard a little bit yeah all right very cool dude whoa what is happening here wo wao did you guys see that wao what is happening with the Shadows right there okay that got creepy real quick but yeah I I really um i' I've seen X-Men's videos um just recently and I think he's been doing some save Spotlight so I might check those out too I haven't seen any of the videos I just seen like his thumbnail and stuff dude Bonnie looks scary yo what what the heck yo this map's looking kind of crazy a lot of the textures are actually um they look really good on this map Maybe Maybe This Grass isn't so bad it looks crazy all right uh but yeah I I I can see a lot of good um FNAF saves come out of this and I know that uh Gio is making a lot of good models and I would love to see them ported over into into Gmod if anybody wants to make any Dr gbas stuff with those I mean that would be really really cool really really cool okay let's see oh we got FNAF 2 up in here holy moly man this is going to get exciting okay I don't want my um I don't want my game to crash here but we're going to goad and spawn them in oh what the heck okay I thought this was the NPC version it is not uh if you guys have any requests for some video ideas let me know in the comments section down below I am down to uh try out a lot of a lot of cool ideas on Gary's mod yet again back you know bring back some old ideas dude this is going to be so fun I'm so excited hold on I want to Yo these models are looking really cool these ragd dolls I mean sorry does he have like a spring on his neck hold on oh God I keep going too fast that kind of it looks like a little bit of a spring okay I am not the best poser but uh yeah you guys some of you guys are really good at posing like insanely good hold on I want to see something what mod am I thinking of where you could change it's like the sub it's like it's like the submaterial tool but you could colorize each submaterial a different a different color you know what I'm saying oh dude I want to see this really quick subm material tool okay oh dude these are broken down very nicely is it just the color tool no it's not the color tool it's like a it's like an advanced color tool I'm going to see if it was one of these no it's not one of these oh god there there's the legendary oh he just jumped down the legendary eyebrowless Freddy dude he I don't know why that Freddy head just looks like a chicken nugget to me it's not that either it's not that which is it I I don't know which mod it is you guys you guys probably know more than me is it rag doll color no it's not that either oh I found it I found it okay it's the advanced color Tool Holy Moly okay I remember now okay oh my God wait am I uh am I stupid yes I am stupid let's make oh dude this is going to be fun okay this is going to be fun I have a lot of video ideas now with that holy moly okay that's going to be super super fun oh my god dude what is happening here with these Shadows I think this it who what is happening here look at this look at this what the heck is happening there oh God there's some rendering stuff going on here some buggy issues whoa is it just me or is Foxy going kind of fast there yo you better chill out yo you better chill out okay hold on I I just got to see um I just got to see how this plush is going to attack me really quick hold up okay I should be worried I should be worried oh I'm dead I am dead I am wait I could replay my death hold on oh God please uh oh I want to see my death replayed hold on let's see let's see what happens here ow that hurt oh I can see my death dude no way I could save my own replay too um um oh my God wait this replay is actually kind of long and nope okay that's it I thought I went flying dude like crazy well that's pretty cool okay oh God this is getting out of hand this is getting out of hand quick oh oh okay dude I'm so excited I'm actually really excited I'm excited to be back on GMA dude I'm going to bring I'm going to bring it back I'm going to bring it back to the good old days okay I'm going to go ahead and call it here here for part one though we're going to do a multi-part series just spotlighting all these ragd dolls um I do want to bring back some FNAF save spotlights but we we'll see how that goes a lot of a lot of my OG subscribers will'll see if they come back and watch but uh yeah let me know what you guys would like to see let me know in the comment section down below smash like subscribe click on the video the left to the right and I'll see you guys in the next one okay have a wonderful day wherever you may be and bye-bye
Channel: Itsmellslikehonor
Views: 1,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmod, garry's mod sandbox, gmod sandbox, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, gmod fnaf, fnaf gmod, gmod fnaf bundle, gmod fnaf bundle pack, gmod fnaf bundle pack spotlight, gmod fnaf bundle part 1, itsmellslikehonor
Id: 53nrwA5ReY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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