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chelyn we are back with some more 49x what Jenny Josh are you thinking not true guys so many people near us of course we would never lie yeah course dude get back ladies and gentlemen we're back with some more 40s good let's get I mean why do you always go to my building Josh you're such an ass how about you guys learn gosh you're the one following me I'm just saying what do you mean me josh is the one who sucks good all right Josh doesn't know what a chug chug is it's a it's a potion Josh you drink it hey sounds like a drug J oh no it's definitely not one of those you chug it Josh it's really good Oh Josh oh really you know there's people in here right well now no already messing around we're definitely okay we're dead yep that's it that's the end guys it's okay I'm gonna use this job if you guys are still alive in these 12 seconds and I faked it good luck let me pick up the jet pack that comes out of it is the worst spot to jump ever guy because it really isn't that long here is that no it's not least no one else is here so there's some more low there everybody there is where what I think I saw so in south oh no there's no one here what didn't work for me that's so sad God guys go there it's legit nothing here we need to know in a chest with a jetpack in it we need to find all the jetpacks yes so apparently you can get them out of chests only which we haven't said yes it's only guys see someone really thought let's keep on going well I don't think so people will definitely looting fatal so in his shorts let's not go fatal I know we need two kills I've seen on the roof I don't know I feel like we're better than one hit on the roof what roof one down one down so many roofs there our house okay Josh two down on grandma's house let's go okay just keep or anything go check out the chest in the forest guys you could look all right Josh I have a sniper and c4 wow that's really good I'm gonna check out the CHED's just in the woods where are they he's on the left down there down there she's right next yeah see fall it's 9:00 cleaners well you could have told me that's my gosh it's definitely a guy in this house give it where I just blew up half of the house they're not in the house where are they you get the kills one kill it's not that we're two down y'all we suck so much here you go now we just need to jet back and then you can jet back rocket yeah you can choose well jetpacking just not a me gun that definitely is you guys are still chests around or no generic pickaxe and I don't think so but ah well we're at least in the zone so we're good yeah now Oh minigun guys how about this area here we have to lose like a step oh I've got Launchpad just in case I'm going to the right side you definitely need to loot like ASAP because yes please no I've been looted here at the chest here Asgard does anybody need a scar we need ya you I do I do he's going medially chance that's too far I can't go there what's going on okay I'll carry they'll carry it for you Jimmy okay scars all right well the jetpack runs not really going that great so far well it is going great we're still alive your head up that's what matters remember that song goes that's a challenge everything guys they see tons of loot here nor a 300 for you guys let's go yo yo let's go salty loot means nothing dude but it could mean the jet back honestly if there is a jet pack in this match it's probably on someone and we have to kill them to make sure their jet pack T spawn all the time they do spun from chest silly multiple chests per game yes yes it's random there could be no jet packs in the game there could be a few jet packs in the grey it could be a Koopa Gillian it could be a billion exactly guys can we say together I don't know what you guys are doing do we have time you don't have your - die and then what yo you're the one who sucks okay chess let's go let's go I'll beat you people on jelly Billy I'm distracting I'm distracting do you hear them built right in your garden right there going upstairs got it nice please please please have it with you we're gonna jump out Chucky's he's got a lot of nice things take the shotgun yes please where is he where is he got him finishes dude come on guys not much but enough for a she's a try can I see it that is also people here okay guys we got the jetpack yes okay ready oh okay I don't want to use it too much because I want you guys to check it out too all right let's run to the zone and just tap it guys okay okay okay take it take it take it all right don't break it it's got nothing okay okay that's enough jelly that's enough that's all you get fit we wanna kill it oh it's nothing dude that last let me carry it okay rock paper scissors no jelly I found it alright ready ready okay jet pack super opie guys all we need to do now is win this game with a freaking jet pack this ya played slow fell down oh I'm at a different PC and I can't play on it I did it's so annoying guys can we play this slow now we just in the DOS house can we go south I don't want to race me I don't want to lose a game one no no let's not do that yo let's go south just need a lot of trees okay gosh oh my god did you use that oh I thought what I thought we were used it no no Josh come come come come to us come to us you're not Josh's she's a jump pad hey guys not concentrating this is the whole I'm doing fine attention you're still alive but how many kills you have one no we've only seen like what three people yes that's good we don't want to see too many people get some get some majestic chests uh nice let's go get it I'm just showing you guys ready guys actually it might be a legendary there's people right over there okay just to err where Kali I didn't know you package can you fight can you find it in a loot package and me on me guys on me come on come please or D Nixon people yo-yo I'm pushing in let's go but there's people shooting you Jordi where I'm gonna use a jump at journey okay this is where the jump at would have been great Oh actually use the jet pack and it saved my life oh that was actually pretty dope Jordi I just use a jump out for that's fine jelly that's fine Oh more people jelly Billy Pete yep thank you where are they hey Sal Josh listen you're super far away oh I'm right next to you okay we stop okay let's let's go for these people self it seems that everybody has snipers nobody has a shotgun of course right there yeah I see it Oh them pet shop oh yes they're tudo Josh that different guy you just run around the back I think it's a different guy he's building a lot more but obviously he's another sniper Anees god I got him and no jetpacks dirty my RPG kill them just saying I I got sniped up yeah from North Bay okay keep on moving keep on moving top guns are very rare I'm the only one in this game okay wherever Josh jetpack 3.5 for me but yeah going to Joshua freakin jump bad yes come towards us jelly where is he you're gonna tree 337 okay let's push him let's push him jelly me you three thirty selling away he's out of the zone he's out of the zone get up on this hill right here on me let's push these guys no no they're out of the zone he's okay jelly sure ii get stressed enough to run in oh they're on the hill you mean oh oh wait wait yo what the hell why is this guy just out the zone so crazy I'm just waiting for him to pub but I not a mapping out I need help Billy we're here on you someone's pushing me all the people imma jump as I bill it's so much fun okay okay guys I don't want Mike I don't know what my wall key bind is so I screwed up just shoot him you've been here a lot Jordy I'm pushing around the right-hand side he's down I'm playing so bad right now I know he's don't worry Chuck I got shot from North snipe got Josh on me come to me Oh what you guys are stuck in this one bill just bill just bill fine open lock build a lot Kelly do you have a Chuck I know but I haven't met Kenneth two four pots okay okay guys keep on distracting them make sure they don't push me and really are healing up alright boys there's only six more alive yeah okay but we got to win this we have to we have to win this where is he Josh where did he go well I would have found out Georgie doesn't stop screaming at me oh there he is you got him jelly stuck like C [ __ ] let me help you help you help me how about it for another one okay okay nice name check back get back get he gonna get it judge here just like for you don't use it um I have touchy gouge in UK yeah a lot North North quick yeah I'm healing one-eighth help yo can we push this guy just the last guy no Josh you got our healing about three help okay Julie after him please wait till you guys got back up Julie's jump adding alright let's go it's all good he's low rockets don't worry guys I'm chilly yeah I think okay one guy here won't get more East first he's here he's here right on me yo he's good he's got a jetpack got him your daddy's I'm gonna take that I'm gonna take that oh you take this [ __ ] back ok ok it's about the same fine fine oh ok last guy I got jet pack boys does anybody hating bullets for me mo mo mo yeah I got a lot meat medium ok yo ho rocket jet pack is insane no I shot an RPG on him thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly store.com
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,632,117
Rating: 4.8682837 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, family friendly, kid friendly, jetpack in fortnite, jetpack, new jetpack, child friendly, fortnite, jetpack gameplay, *NEW* FORTNITE JETPACK FLYING KILLS, victory, jelly, kwebbelkop, battle royale, update, fortnite update, how to, new
Id: BO293LbceVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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