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new emotions have Arisen in Riley's Consciousness now joy and her team have been sent away and they need to make their way back so that the girl can deal with the turbulent phase of adolescence today we're going to recap the story of the movie Inside Out 2 from 2024 on an ice hockey Court young Riley is preparing for a big game joining her are her loving parents and her primary emotions Joy sadness fear anger and disgust which control everything in the control room of her mind the match finally begins and Riley has already mastered the ice hockey puck with the help of anger the girl intensifies her will to win and dribbles past all the players on the opposing team thanks to this she goes free to the goalkeeper and manages to score the first point of the match shortly afterwards however she tries to mark one of the Rival players but commits a serious foul and has to sit out the game for a few minutes while she waits to return Joy looks back on Riley's growth now 13 the young girl has become a loving daughter a dedicated student and a faithful companion to her new friend Bri and Grace minutes later Riley returns to the game which is tied she approaches the opponent's goal only for one of the players to make a tight save nevertheless with great skill and the help of Joy she passes the puug to her teammate who scores the winning Point thanks to this great game Riley and her friends impress a professional ice hockey coach she invites them to a hockey camp where they will have the chance to play for professional teams later Riley and her parents celebrate the game but the girl is insecure because of the Fall she caused so Joy decides to activate her newest machine a sucker capable of sending uncomfortable memories to the farthest reaches of her mind with this new equipment Riley will be able to focus only on the game and the good memories while keeping intrusive thoughts out of her head afterwards Joy takes sadness to a new place the system of convictions there the two find a huge fountain made up of threads of light that make up what they call their sense of self in other words Riley's Essence finally the emotions go to rest after a long day work however everyone is woken up by a new alarm on the control panel called puberty the emotions are frightened by this and joy throws the alarm through the sucker only minutes later several operators appear and start destroying the entire control room they say they need to expand the place to house new emotions and even make changes to the command center however before they can finish the job lunchtime arrives and they leave the room a mess just then Riley's mother wakes her up so they can go camping however she notices that the girl is different more impatient and annoyed by everything the mother soon realizes that her daughter is going through a phase of change the dreaded puberty Riley's emotions try to get around this but they realize that the buttons on the control panel are more sensitive to touch which makes the girl react more intensely hours later when everyone is getting ready for the trip Riley talks to Bri and Grace about the chance to be trained by the professional coach however her friends confess that they are moving schools and that this will be their last weekend together the girl is saddened by this but before she can think any more about it everyone arrives at the camp while her friends are waiting for her Riley bumps into a high school girl called Valentina the captain of the ice hockey team she's excited to meet her and her emotions try to cope but everything they do leads the girl to act strangely at that moment the control panel turns all orange and a new emotion appears anxiety although hysterical and very paranoid anxiety is also there to help Riley in this new phase of Life along with her three more new emotions appear Envy in the form of a little girl embarrassment as a strong but very shy guy and on WE a rebellious teenager who controls everything with her cell phone although the new emotions are friendly joy and anxiety disagree on how to help Riley one thinks about the here and now while the new emotion worries about the future and sets up scenarios in which everything can go right or very wrong while the two try to come to an agreement riy goes to the women's locker room where she finds Bri and Grace seconds later the coach shows up to start some heavy training anxiety and embarrassment tried to make Riley act prudently but joy wants the girl to enjoy her last weekend with her friends unfortunately the coach doesn't approve of the girl's cheerful and immature attitude and forces her and the others to train hard during training on the court the older girls talk badly about Riley seeing this anxiety takes over and makes the girl apologize to Valentina who in return helps her get along with the team minutes later the coach starts another training session this time dividing the class in into two teams Bri and Grace go one way and Riley is in doubt whether to go with them or follow Valentina Joy wants the girl to be faithful to her friends and chooses to join their team however without a second thought anxiety removes Riley's sense of self and throws it down the drain because she wants the best for her future to make matters worse she says that the primary emotions can no longer fulfill the girl's wishes and tells embarrassment to take them all away with the way clear to do whatever she wants anxiety places one of her memories at the center of convictions so that from that day on it will be Riley's Primary Emotion meanwhile the primary emotions are put into a jar and taken to Riley's Vault of Secrets there they are trapped in a dark Vault where they meet two characters the girl secretly likes the dog Bluff and his magic fanny pack and the video game Warrior Lance in addition to them the girl's darkest secret is also hidden in the safe which is in the form of a huge hooded monster The Dark Secret manages to release the emotions from the pot and soon afterwards fluff summons Dynamite from his fanny pack and frees everyone from the Vault however the dark secret decides to stay because it can't be revealed yet at that moment the bank guards realize the escape attempt and set out to arrest everyone Warrior Lance decides to protect them in return for being freed he uses his special rolling technique but the guards easily Dodge him fortunately Lance hits a bucket with a squeegee which hits one of the guards and he accidentally opens one of the safes his colleagues try to help him but they get in even more trouble and the jumbo men accidentally get stuck in the safe after that joy and the primary emotions flee but Riley's mind police continue to pursue them the group then heads to The Far Side of Riley's mind as they need to recover the young woman's sense of self and put it back in the control room the next morning anxiety is in control of Riley's mind and makes her wake up very early to train Valentina arrives soon after and envy helps the girl socialize by asking her questions about her life minutes later the whole team arrives including Bri and Grace but Riley doesn't pay them much mind at the same time in the mind joy and her friends reach the river of Consciousness a course that can take them to their destination however sadness reminds everyone that they can only take Riley's sense of self if there is someone in charge to pull her through the sucker so Joy tells her to go there through a tube while the others go the other way later anxiety is in full control of Riley's life and creates various memories which are carried over to the belief system thanks to this a new sense of self taken over by the new emot ions is generated in the girl's mind despite this Riley does very well at sport and makes new friends with Valentina and her colleagues at the end of the day they all spend time together just then one of the girls asks what kind of music Riley likes but neither anxiety nor Envy know the answer as they've only been in her mind for a short time so the two trigger the tunnel to collect old memories just as sadness is climbing she ends up being sucked into the control room with the memories but fortunately they all cover sadness who goes unnoticed by the new emotions after a lot of searching through their memories anxiety and envy find a band that Riley has liked since childhood however the older girls find this band too childish and so for the first time in her life the girl gives a sarcastic response this new feeling wreaks havoc in the world of the mind just as joy and her friends were about to cross the lake a huge crater appears in front of them and the four of them have to jump back to dry land before they fall over a huge Cliff rescued from danger the primary emotions try to enlist the help of two operators on the other side of the crater to pull them out with their crane Unfortunately they both refused to offer their help if that wasn't bad enough in the outside world Bri and Grace overhear the conversation and say that Riley has always liked the band she's making fun of however in order not to tarnish her reputation with the girls on the team she continues to fake her sarcasm which opens up more craters in her mental World hurt her two friends leave back in Riley's mind the primary emotions continue to search for a way to cover the girl's sense of self they reach the long-term memories but the place is a real Labyrinth Joy then tries to use one of the elevators to locate herself and find the right path the problem is that she can't control the elevator and this causes disgust anger and fear to start complaining a lot about everything that has happened and blame joy for it on hearing her friend's accusations Joy loses her temper and lets out all the frustration she feels it not being able to help Riley at the moment soon afterwards Joy breaks down in tears as she realizes that she may have lost her important function to anxiety realizing that Riley's strongest emotion has vented her friends decide to support her anger then takes over the memory vacuum from two workers who were nearby and activates the reverse command thanks to this the emotions hold on to the vacuum cleaner which pushes them to the top of the great Labyrinth now with a better view of where the back of the mind is joy and her friends follow the path to recover Riley's sense of s meanwhile in the control room anxiety and envy are preparing for the big game the next day if if all goes well Riley will finally make the professional team the two work on the control panel while embarrassment notices a strange presence in the room after some searching he finds sadness who is looking through the girl's mind manuals to find out what to do when she realizes she has been discovered she asks embarrassment not to reveal her presence to her surprise the big man not only keeps it a secret but brings in more manuals to help sadness and keep her hidden far away Joy finds imaginal land the place where all of Riley's creative thoughts are created however everything is very different including the pillow fort which has turned more orange than usual upon investigating the place further the group realizes that anxiety is using the place of imagination to create pessimistic scenarios in Riley's mind their aim is to make the girl increasingly worried about what might happen so that she can give her all in the game however this makes Riley more nervous and she can't sleep to stop this Joy takes advantage of the fact that one of the workers has left his desk and draws several pictures with with positive mental images disgust anger and fear do the same and because of this the girl has more optimistic views of tomorrow's game however anxiety soon realizes that something is wrong and deduces that Joy is behind it the emotion orders the Mind police to capture the Invaders but joy is undeterred and convinces everyone that negative thoughts only affect Riley she also says that the girl needs to be optimistic so that she can achieve her dreams without having to feel bad about it convinced by Joy's words the designers decide to create various optimistic projections of the future and turn the place into a mess anxiety is furious but Riley finally manages to sleep peacefully however the mental police finally arrive and joy has to flee with her friends when they arrive at the future careers parade the group sees several balloons showing the professions Riley wants to follow they cling to the Supreme Court judge and manag to escape through the air meanwhile anxiety dispares because she believes that without the negative projections the girl won't make the effort to win the game then she and envy remember the team coach's notebook which is locked in her office even though she knows that doing so is a serious offense her emotions Force Riley to go there so that she knows what needs to be done to please the coach unable to believe what is happening sadness tries to stop the new emotions from going ahead with their plan while she's thinking about what to do she realizes that an Wei has fallen asleep and dropped her phone sadness catches it and uses an app to control the panel and make the girl regret what she's doing however anxiety soon realizes what has happened and finds sadness hiding under the bed sheet she takes the cell phone back leaves sadness hanging from a bucket and makes the girl go along with her plan Riley then looks in the notebook and discovers that the coach still doesn't consider her ready to play professionally desperate anxiety orders ideas to be sent to her so that she can come up with a plan to change this suddenly a shower of ideas pours into Riley's mind just as joy and her friends take flight in the balloon the situation only gets worse when the rain turns into a huge hurricane of ideas and the primary emotions are sucked into it Joy sees that the ideas are very bad and tries to destroy them but there is no way to stop them all and they have to flee the hurricane seconds later a big idea the color of anxiety forms but joy holds it back to prevent it from reaching the girl's mind however if she doesn't let go everyone will be sucked into the eye of the hurricane with no other choice Joy lets the great idea go to the control room while she and her friends fall to the ground at the last minute fear reveals that he has a parachute in his clothes and manages to save everyone after that the great idea comes to anxiety who immediately puts it on the control panel as a result the next morning Riley wakes up determined to get a place on the team by any means she takes a stimulant dyes her hair red to look like Valentina and tries to impress the girls on the team while being ignored by Bri and Grace meanwhile joy and the others finally get to the bottom of the young woman's mind and find her sense of self however this Essence is gradually being erased because anxiety has has just created a new sense of self unfortunately for her the new sense of self created by anxiety is that Riley doesn't think she's good enough this wasn't the result anxiety was hoping for so she tries to fiddle with the controls to resolve the situation just then sadness who had been left stranded asks embarrassment for help he realizes that anxiety has made a mistake and distracts her while sadness approaches the panel she then activates the sucker to absorb back the sense of self that Joy had recovered but anxiety realizes everything and destroys the sucker completely now with no chance of getting her sense of self back Joy loses hope realizes that she is no longer Riley's main emotion and gives up on everything shortly afterwards the big ice hockey match is about to start an anxiety wants the girl to score three goals in the match anyway that way she'll beat valentina's record and will surely be called up to the professional team finally the contest begins and Riley gets the puck right away however instead of passing it to her teammate who was free from The Mark she made a one-on one move and scored the first point back in the girl's mind Joy is still sad but her friends help her understand that even if they are no longer important they still need to keep Riley's Essence intact then anger comes up with the idea of summoning Pluff the dog's magic fanny pack luckily she soon appears and everyone asks for something inside her to help them get to the command room however the fanny pack only has dynamite in it but joy has an idea destroy the base that keeps the memories in the back of the mind and send them back with no time to lose the primary emotions explode the dynamites destroy the stone base and are carried away along with the bad memories by Riley's mental World meanwhile the girl becomes more and more obsessed with winning because of her anxiety not satisfied she tries to score another point to get the record but she doesn't hit any this makes her so angry that she sets off towards the opponent's goal without realizing that her friend Grace was in the way the two Collide hard and Grace is injured because of this foul Riley is sent off for 2 minutes faced with this failure anxiety loses control of the situation at the same time Joy is carried away with the bad memories by the Crater of sarcasm and falls into the sea at the bottom of it fortunately she and her friends manage to submerge and the water leads them to the conviction system they quickly try to climb up to the control room while anxiety starts fiddling with the controls non-stop the Tantrum emotion is out of control and creates a hurricane in the middle of the control panel which frightens the other emotions embarrassment realizes that they have to stop St this and with the help of the others tries to remove the sense of self created by anxiety however the sense of self cannot be removed while the panel is in use meanwhile Riley begins to feel increasingly nervous with palpitations in her chest and Rapid breathing just then joy and the primary emotions finally arrive in the control room disgust fear and anger help the others to remove the sense of self while Joy goes to anxiety and asks it to stop sad at having failed in her Mission anxiety lets go of the command Center and joy pulls her out of the hurricane thanks to this everyone manages to remove the sense of self and put Riley's original in place however this still isn't enough to make the girl feel better at this point anxiety apologizes for her actions and realizes that none of her emotions can change who Riley really is Joy then realizes that from the beginning she was doing the same thing as anxiety trying to change Riley by leaving the good memories and separating the bad ones to the more hidden side of her mind fortunately they all ended up in inside the system of convictions and began to create new threads which make up a new sense of self however for this to be completed Joy needs to remove the previous one she does this in a new sense of self made up of all the emotions Riley has ever felt good or bad is formed eventually all the emotions understand that the girl's true Essence is that she with her faults and virtues needs help then all her emotions accept this new sense of self and come together in a strong Embrace around it thanks to this the girl finally calms down just as Bri and Grace realize that their friend is not well and approach her at this point Riley apologizes to both of them for the way she treated them and the three of them finally resume their friendship Grace and Bri then invite their friend back to the game and Riley accepts willing to be a better person Joy then has its Essence called into the control panel this means that of all the emotions at that moment it is the most important to command Riley's mind happy with this Joy goes to the panel and helps the girl play not just to win but mainly because she is happy to enjoy the moment doing what she loves with the people she loves so much the next day Riley Valentina and our classmates await the coach's decision on the girl's future although this makes anyone's emotions run high in Riley's case her emotions have learned to work as a team because the most important thing is to look after the girl finally after a warm message from Bri and Grace and a lot of waiting Riley finally receives the coach reply on her cell phone which leaves her with a smile on her face later in the mind Joy goes to the of secrets to discover the mystery that the dark secret held he then reveals that Riley burned the living room carpet and made a huge hole in it Joy is relieved by this as she thought the big secret was an embarrassing situation that happened one day at the pool this only makes the dark secret even more ashamed and he hides in the safe again so as not to reveal anything more so what did you think of this movie leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more movie Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 65,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: W-s6GVcS7-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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