He trained a BABY KAIJU to use ATOMIC BREATH and eliminate the powerful TITAN GIGANTRON

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a young man with the powers of Ultraman must train a baby Kaiju to save Humanity from the destruction of the Mighty gigantona the story of the movie Ultram Man rising from 2024 as a child Kenji a Japanese young boy with a passion for baseball dreamed of becoming Ultram man to protect his country from the attack of the kaijus the young boy was living happily with his family when one day a Titan attacked Japan and his parents received a call from Dr Ona in which he warned them that gigon was approaching according to the scientist all the government's defenses have been destroyed which means that every family living in Tokyo is in danger determined to protect his wife and son hayo decides to join Dr on in this battle and becomes Ultraman 20 years later Kenji is living in Los Angeles and has become a great baseball player as this was his late mother's favorite sport after becoming the greatest in his League Kenji returns to Japan because he needs to replace his father as Ultraman since hayo is an old man and can no longer continue fighting despite being the Giant's best hitter the youngster leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to being a superhero as he loves to show off during battles because of this Kenji can't concentrate on the fight and often ends up being defeated luckily government agents show up to capture the monster before Kenji is eliminated and Order Ultram man to leave as he has no authorization to act in that area when he is threatened Kenji starts to get stressed and his colored timer starts flashing knowing that he will soon lose his powers he decides to leave and gets on his motorcycle to go to his next appointment as a baseball star Kenji has to give an interview to Amy Waka a prestigious Japanese reporter during dinner Amy asks about amiko kenji's mother who Moved with the young man to Los Angeles when he was still young suddenly chiho amus daughter appears and interrupts the interview to put the Ultram man mask on Kenji meanwhile that evening Dr on who has now become the superintendent of the fdk is at the HQ of the Kaiju Defense Force to announce a new strategy for attacking the Titans hours later when he gets home Kenji watches the last video his mother recorded for him years ago before she disappeared since then the young man has never stopped looking for her even after Amo was presumed perished deep down he still hopes to see his mother again and until that day comes Kenji strives to do his best to make her proud after the last battle the player picked up an injury to his left shoulder but that didn't stop him from taking the field for the next game due to the injury Kenji ends up suffering two strikes and decides to change his position during the match this way he can compensate for his injured shoulder and hit the ball masterfully despite not being at the stadium to watch the game hayo follows his son on TV and cheers every one of his victories just then a Kaiju alert goes off and one of the fdk ships is destroyed during the chase when he sees the explosion and realizes that gigon is back Kenji leaves the field and transforms into Ultram man to strike the monster immediately afterwards the creature gets up and attacks the enemy with its Flames but Ultram man manages to protect himself when he realizes he won't be able to defeat him ganton takes the metal sphere he stole from the fdk agents and tries to escape seeing the Titan being pursued Kenji decides to go after it to stop the government agents from trying to eliminate it as numerous fdk aircraft are firing at the creature to save the Kaiju Ultram man tries to convince her to hand over the orb but the monster refuses and continues to try to escape on Dr On's orders the agent fired dozens of missiles at ganton and the superhero ends up being hit too immediately they both fall into the ocean and luckily Ultraman manages to survive without suffering any serious injuries even after the attack the Kaiju continues to try to protect the sphere but ends up dying and Kenji discovers that inside that capsule was gigon egg just then the eggshell begins to crack and the young man sees the baby hatching in his hands seeing that the Titan has sacrificed herself to save her baby Ultram man decides to run away with it in order to keep it safe from the fdk when he arrives at his Hideout Kenji realizes that the baby is very attached to him in Mina his robot-like virtual assistant says that the baby Kaiju thinks Ultram man is her mother terrified by this news the young man's heartbeat accelerates and he reverts to his original form when she realizes that her mother has disappeared the baby Kaiju starts crying and her screams destroy everything around her while fleeing the attack Kenji activates one of the containment units and manages to trap the creature not knowing what to do in this situation the young man has no choice but to ask his father for help however they still have unfinished business as they have hardly seen each other in the last 20 years since hayo preferred to stay in Japan to study the kaijus instead of going to Los Angelus with his family after arguing with his son the old man decides to leave and Kenji spends the whole night trying to make his daughter understand that he and Ultram man are the same person the young man then has to figure out how to feed her in after realizing that the baby likes fish he decides to go fishing in the morning Kenji is informed about the next baseball game and goes to the stadium while Mina takes care of the baby when he returns home the young man discovers that he will have to look after the baby until Mina can find the location of Kaiju Island as no one knows exactly where this place is over the next few days Kenji begins to feel exhausted by his role as a solo father and his performance in the field goes from bad to worse within weeks his own fans began to hate him because now he can't win any more games after a long run of consecutive defeats Kenji has to answer to his coach who threatens to expel him from the team frustrated and with no friend to share his feelings with the player decides to call Amy and ask for advice on how to reconcile work with the task of looking after a young daughter after listening attentively to what the journalist has to say Kenji invites her to dinner at the weekend and realizes that the paternal routine can be much more rewarding than he imagined with Mina's help the young man creates a simulation of a baseball field and teaches his daughter how to hit just as his mother taught him when he was little on Saturday night Kenji leaves Mina to look after the baby Kaiju while he goes out to meet Amy at a restaurant during dinner while the couple are talking the baby wakes up and Mina does everything she can to entertain her however after eating the little one discovers a new ability and for the first time releases a powerful laser beam from her mouth in a short period of time the Titan accidentally destroys the whole house and Mina tries to calm him down with an inflatable doll at the sight of kenji's replica the baby calms down but then releases a new Atomic breath and explodes the doll believing that he has attacked his father the baby starts crying and becomes desperate at this point he tries to escape and destroys the main entrance Gates when the situation has spiraled out of control Kenji receives a call from Mina and learns that the Kaiju has managed to escape after apologizing to Amy the young man gets on his motorcycle and rides towards the city center where the pink creature has been spotted when he discovers the baby's whereabouts Dr Ona sends his men after him and Amy finds her mother and daughter wandering the streets of Tokyo having been abandoned during dinner the woman decides to go out for ice cream with her family but the trio end up being chased by the baby after finding the creature Kenji transforms into Ultraman to take it back but ends up being attacked by accident because the baby is suffering from reflux after attacking her own father the little monster escapes once again and destroys every town she passes through while looking for the baby Ultram man sees her climbing a tower and decides to go after her however before the superhero can reach her Dr wave sends his drones to capture the Titan and throws tranquilizer darts to put her out when he sees the baby falling Ultram man reaches out to pick it up and ends up surrounded by the fdk despite being in danger Kenji refuses to hand the baby over to the government and decides to run away with it when he realizes that the little one is hurt the young man contacts his father and asks for his help to take care of her seeing a Kaiju baby for the first time in his life hayo is impressed and promises that he will do everything in his power to help it while Ultram man tries to calm the baby down hayo does the consultation and gives the diagnosis seeing that the Titan is frightened The Old Man shows him a stuffed bunny that belonged to Kenji and manages to calm him down while Professor s puts the little Monster's broken arm back in place Dr Ono watches the video of the day his family was wiped out by the Titans despite not being able to capture the baby the man is satisfied with the information his agent have collected as expected the baby has the ability to echolocate and sooner or later will try to go home when this happens the fdk agents must follow her to find Kaiju Island and destroy all the monsters once and for all after relaying the updates to the captain of his team Dr on walks to his secret room to check on the progress of his new project contrary to what everyone believed ganton did not perish during the fdk attack despite being unconscious the Titan is still alive and could wake up at any moment while the baby rests hayo turns on the TV and shows his son that Ultram man is being SED by the Japanese authorities Dr Ona has managed to make everyone believe that the superhero is actually a villain for protecting a Kaiju instead of helping the country get rid of this threat now father and son will have to work together to return the baby home but the problem is that the location of Kaiju Island remains a mystery according to hayo even if the island is found the baby could perish of hunger cold or even be devoured by another Titan as it doesn't yet know how to defend itself therefore the only effective solution to preserve the little Monster's life is to raise it and teach it to fight anyone who tries to harm it from that day on hayo decided to name the creature Emmy after his late wife Amo when the baby recovers father and daughter start training and over time Emmy even learns to fish on her own meanwhile kenji's career takes off again and he becomes a positive highlight in every match regaining The public's approval thanks to the hitter the Giants qualify for the playoffs and nobody understands what has happened to Kenji because as well as shining on the field he has abandoned his showboating attitude and started to bring Harmony to his team after several weeks trapped inside The Hideout hayo decides to take Emmy for a walk and invites Kenji to visit his old house when he was little the young man in his family used to go to a country house in the middle of nowhere when he gets there he discovers that his father has also dedicated years of his life to searching for Amo and has suffered just as much as Kenji from The Disappearance of his beloved while rummaging through the house the young man finds an autographed baseball that his father picked up during one of the games they attended together and remembers how happy he was during his childhood in an attempt to get closer to his old man Kenji invites him to play a game and for the first time in 20 years they have fun together that night while Emmy is playing with Mina the young man asks for some tips on how to become a better superhero as he hasn't yet learned how to get the most out of Ultram man during the conversation the pair noticed that the stars are moving and Mina announces the arrival of the fdk agents immediately Kenji rushes to protect Emmy but the baby proves capable of Defending herself and eliminates all the drones with her Atomic breath after the attack a shell begins to form around the baby Kaiju body and hayo reveals that it has entered the pupa stage soon Emmy will transform into a new version of herself but until that happens she is completely vulnerable Professor s decides to call the ship to transport her to safety but ends up being shot at by fdk drones seeing his father seriously injured Ken awakens his rage and transforms into Ultram man to attack his enemies although all his ships have been defeated Dr on is pleased to discover that the tracker has been successfully inserted into the Kaiju Pupa after the battle Kenji managed to take Emmy back to The Hideout and ask Mina to help him monitor his father's vital signs as a result of the attack hayo suffered serious internal injuries and it is impossible to know whether he will survive suddenly Kenji hears a strange noise and just then the Cocoon formed around emy's body breaks at the end of The Metamorphosis the baby acquires a pair of wings and crawls out of hiding as he looks towards the east Kenji spots the silhouette of gigon and Emmy doesn't think twice before answering her mother's call at this point the young man tries to stop the baby as he suspects it's an ambush but before he can act his Hideout is hit by an air raid luckily the young man survived the bombing but Mina's systems were seriously damaged in the chamber where hyo's body was resting fell into the ocean in a single day Kenji lost Emmy and his father and even Mina the virtual assistant who had accompanied him since he was a child after saying goodbye to his old friend the young man checks his watch to see that the tracker he implanted in the baby Kaiju is still working and decides to go after it when Ultram man approaches Dr Ona orders the zombie gigon to attack him but the hero strikes back with his punches and throws the creature away however even after being hit the monster gets up and attacks Ultram man again throwing him to the bottom of the ocean determined to prevent Emy from being taken Kenji makes another attempt but on Fires dozens of missiles at his opponent the young man immediately creates a shield to protect himself but one of the shots hits Emmy and the little one falls into the sea seeing his baby unconscious Ultram man goes into a rage and attacks ganton however seconds before he can eliminate the Titan he notices emy's desperation and stops the attack at that moment Dr on takes the opportunity to act and orders the Kaiju to eliminate his opponent after being hit by the atomic breath Kenji falls into the water and is sinking when hayo appears to save him surprised the young man celebrates the fact that his father is still alive and Emmy tries to protect them from ganton's attack with the baby's help the Titan manages to get rid of the armor that allowed Dr on to control her so the scientist decides to Start Plan B after transferring his entire crew to the Escape ships on Fires a laser beam at Ultram man and Kenji and then transforms his ship into a giant robot at the sight of the enemy the young man trans forms to help his father fight him and the scientist uses his costume to attack them in an attempt to immobilize him the pair try to grab the robot's arms but on manages to throw them away the man then uses his shield to attack them and protects himself from the atomic breath released by gigon and her Offspring determined to use his entire Arsenal to destroy his opponents Dr on sends missiles to blow them up but Kenji and his father managed to create a force field to protect themselves with the support of the kaijus father and son go after the robot and team up to try to bring it down however just as he was about to be defeated the scientist pulls a card out of his sleeve and starts spinning the top of his suit this way as well as getting rid of ganton's attack he manages to send Kenji to the coast and Emmy goes after him when he sees his son being hit hayo is furious and musters all his energy into a single Counterattack meanwhile Kenji tries to recover and ends up being spotted by the humans who were crossing the bridge among them are Amy and her family and when she sees Ultram man she Cho is excited to meet him in person at that moment Professor s manages to knock on down and the man is about to be defeated by the atomic breath but he manages to activate his suits turbines and get rid of ganton's attack seeing Ultram man right in front of him the scientist takes the opportunity to vent all his anger and frustration as he trusted the superhero to protect his family but this didn't happen while blaming Hyo for the perishment of his wife and daughter on kicks his opponent in the knee and prepares to cut him in half with his sword however before the scientist had a chance to complete his revenge Kenji appeared and grabbed the Giant's right hand to protect his father ganton then grabs the enemy's left arm so that Emmy can put her hitting skills to use and tear off one of the robot's limbs realizing he's losing the battle Dr on tries to strike Ultram man again but ends up losing his sword and his four opponents join forces to defeat him together they finally manage to destroy the suit and on is trapped inside the armor he then activates the self-destruct mode and uses his last second to watch an old video of his family at that moment Kenji realizes that the suit is about to self-destruct and if it ises all of Tokyo's millions of inhabitants will be wiped out so he decides to use his powers to save the citizens and creates a shield around the suit that way the explosion will be contained but Kenji knows that he probably won't be able to survive despite this the superhero decides to sacrifice himself for the nation but in the end he manages to come out of the battle alive due to his injuries Kenji is unable to play in the champ Championship final but his team still wins now that the fdk is no longer after the Titans the young man and his father have the chance to accompany Emmy and ganton to the island of the kaijus to continue the search for his missing mother so what did you think of this movie leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more movie Recaps see you next time
Channel: Prime Recap
Views: 75,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, recap, film summary, film summarizing, movie summary, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, mr recap
Id: wQOjU-8Cg9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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